Wednesday 30 September 2020

[COM] A Lucky Find

After being abandoned by Ilovara, her partner in treasure hunting, Brandine Goldminer seeks to discover the origin of a golden tablet left behind by her. First, though, she has to find a way to pay her bodyguard...

Commissioned by The Raj

Previous Brandine Goldminer stories:

A Great Find
A Divine Find
The Crown of Zahr

Contains: M/F, shortstack, huge ass, big cock, size difference, blowjob, throatfuck, spanking, buttjob, doggystyle, excessive cum.


A Lucky Find

It had been months since Brandine Goldminer, greatest (self-proclaimed) Goblin Treasure Hunter of this generation had left the Solkiss Jungle. Together with Ilovara Brightstar, an Elven Bard, she had found the lost temple of Suhmer, the God of the Sun, Fertility and Debauchery of the Solkiss region. The Goblin had also found the God himself, but less people were willing to believe that part of the tales.

Aside from finding the God, his temple and his riches, Brandie and Ilovara had also found the Tomb of Zahr. A king of old that had slighted Suhmer in the past and had been cursed not only with the form of a Minotaur, but also a madness that made him slaughter his own people. From him, Brandie had retrieved a crown and, sadly, not much else. Ilovara seemed rather interested in it, though, and once they returned to their campsite she had traded a golden tablet encrusted with gems for it.

Brandine wasn’t sure why the Elf was so interested in a crown that seemed to bear a serious curse but she knew she had to have the tablet as soon as she saw it. Why was that? Because at the top of the tablet was a familiar symbol, inlaid with jet and pearls. A black and white gauntlet, better known as The Hand of Twilight. It was an artifact she had encountered long, long before her excursion into the Solkiss Jungle. So was this a hint about where the Hand had come from? How to acquire it? Brandie didn’t know, she certainly didn’t recognize the language as Oran which likely meant that Ilovara hadn’t gotten this tablet anywhere in the jungle.

Unfortunately, the stingy Elf didn’t answer any of her questions about it, and the next morning…she was gone. Along with her went the Crown of Zahr, the crew they had brought to the digsite and whatever treasure they hadn’t divided yet. Leaving the poor Goblin stranded alone in a hot, muggy and monster infested jungle with more questions than answers…  

* * * *

‘That knife-eared cunt!’ Brandine Goldminer swore back in the present as she recalled Ilovara’s betrayal. ‘When I get my hands on her, why I’ll-.’

‘You will feed her the most potent of Goblin aphrodisiacs and tie up her hands and feet to keep her from pleasuring herself.’ A deep, rough voice rumbled. ‘You will sell her to the cheapest brothel you can find. Or, and this is my personal favourite, you will give her to the Chieftain of the Longspear Orcs.’

Glancing over her shoulder Brandie saw her bodyguard, and current travelling companion, Hogar of Hafden. A young man who obviously had Orcish blood flowing through his veins from the cold, mountainous Hafden region. How she had found him in lands so close to the Solkiss Jungle she did not know, but she was glad she did. The young Half-Orc took what meagre funds she had left of her expedition as payment and would protect her without complaint, until recently anyway.

Brandine’s funds had been drying up as what little she had translated of the golden tablet led her to the ruins of the Shiran Mageocracy, a small, but rich, territory that bordered the Southern Sands several centuries ago. Most of what remained of the country was now buried underneath tonnes and tonnes of sand. Brandie and Hogar had found the occasional tower sticking up from the sand, but mostly found nothing but dust within those ruins and Hogar was clearly getting tired of this gig.

‘I have heard it all before,’ Hogar rumbled with a flat expresion. ‘Before you continue thinking about elaborate revenge plans, I need my money.’

‘Come on Hogar, just a few more days? I feel like we’re almost there! Before you know it we’ll have enough gold to swim in! I promise!’ The Goblin pouted as she looked up at him with those big, blue puppy dog eyes.

‘I can’t fill my stomach with promises, ma’am.’ Hogar grumbled as he extended a large, grey hand towards her. ‘So…my money, please.’ He said, baring his tusks as he emphasized the word “please”.

Brandine briefly cursed the billowing white robes she was wearing. They certainly stopped her from getting a sunstroke or dying from dehydration, but it wasn’t exactly seductive. Brandie grumbled and pulled the golden tablet from her robes as she looked it over for the umpteenth time, hoping that the words she didn’t know would somehow start making sense. But Hogar cleared his throat, loudly.

‘Look, I’ll pay you once we get back to town!’ Brandie whined. ‘I left my coin purse in my room, all I brought was this!’ She added as she raised up the tablet.

‘That’ll do.’ Hogar answered calmly as he moved to lunge for the tablet.

Brandie saw it coming and tried to get it away from the Half-Orc, but she was too slow. Hogar’s thick fingers clawed at the tablet and brushed over the jet and pearl inlaid Hand of Twilight, but he paused when he heard a soft *click*. Brandie took this chance to pull the tablet out of his hands, just in time to see the gem encrusted hand turn into a black and white lily. But that wasn’t all, the other gemstones that decorated the tablet seemed to slide off like droplets of water and Goblin and Half-Orc both cried out in surprise as they began to move like a swarm of insects.

‘They’re heading towards that tower!’ Brandine called out as she ran after the swarm of living gemstones.

‘Didn’t we already investigate that one?’ Hogar asked as he followed her, their previous conflict seemingly forgotten.

They had, Brandine was certain of that. But she didn’t want to say anything just in case Hogar would try to take the tablet again. Besides, if this was a country founded by magic users then there was likely something they had missed. So without another word the Goblin treasure hunter climbed into the tower sticking out of the sand, careful not to let the gemstones out of her sight as she and Hogar were hot on their heels. Only to see them crawl into the cracks of the wall as soon as they arrived at the bottom of the staircase.

‘Behind that wall!’ Brandine shrieked, pointing at the wall opposite the staircase.

Hogar got the hint and rammed a broad shoulder against it. Once, twice, three times until it finally collapsed, fortunately without burying him and Brandie underneath any rubble and the Gods only knew how much sand. They raced through a hallway made of black and white tiles, across from them was a set of heavy stone doors with a gold plate in the centre with hundreds of tiny little divots. The gemstones they had followed here had suddenly slowed down as they placed themselves in the divots one by one.

‘So,’ Hogar began as he turned to face Brandie. ‘About my pay?’

‘What?!’ The Goblin treasure hunter squawked incredulously. ‘Your payment is likely behind that door! Can’t you wait a little longer?!’

‘We don’t know if that’s true,’ Hogar replied with a shrug of his broad shoulders, and continued speaking before Brandie could cut in. ‘And if there is treasure, there is likely something guarding it and I’m not risking my ass for free. So what’s it going to be?’

‘I already told you I left my money in my room…’ Brandie pouted. ‘What else do you want for me?’

‘I believe I can think of something.’ Hogar answered with a knowing smile, as he began to take off his robes and unbuckled his trousers.

Brandie simply glanced up at him with a flat expression, then glanced from all those gemstones inserting themselves into the little divots back to him and shrugged her shoulders as she pulled her own robes over her head.

‘Sure, it looks like we got time.’

Hogar’s breath caught in his throat, not because of the Goblin’s response but because it appeared that she was completely nude underneath those billowy white robes aside from a pair of sturdy boots. Curly, golden blonde locks reached the Goblin’s slender shoulders, the green tips of her large, bat-like ears peeking out past the blonde mane of hair that framed a cute face with softly rounded features, full lips and big, sapphire blue eyes. Hogar dark eyes were already running over the blonde’s shapely, albeit modest, chest and her tiny waist. They remained locked on the puffy lips of her sex, her thick thighs and, most importantly, her hips as they seemed to explode forth past her waist.

Brandie could not complain, she had been looking at Hogar in much the same way as he had looked at her. Taking in his broad face with its strong jawline and the small tusks that peeked out past his lips, making him look handsome in a dangerous, rugged way. His broad shoulders and wide chest along with his thick, muscular arms all stood out, despite still being dressed in his armour. But like the Half-Orc, her eyes were mostly glued to his crotch. Although he wasn’t as hung as all the divine or semi-divine men she had fucked over her career as a professional Treasure Hunter these last few months, his member was still very impressive.

A turgid grey length nearly as thick as one of her wrists and probably around a foot long was pointed straight at her and dripping long strands of silvery precum. As soon as the first strand snapped and splattered onto the dusty, sandy floor Hogar snapped out of whatever spell he was under as he stared at Brandie and instead kicked off his boots and pulled down his trousers the rest of the way, revealing not only his strong legs but also a pair of nuts that were each nearly the size of Brandie’s fist.

‘Well, let’s get started on that payment, shall we?’ Hogar grunted brusquely as he wrapped one meaty, calloused hand around the back of Brandie’s head and pulled her towards him.

Hogar grunted happily as he mashed his sensitive cockhead against the Goblin’s plump, soft lips, immediately coating them with his salty, clear precum. Brandie wasted no time in licking her lips clean and opening her mouth wide, allowing the Half-Orc to push his cock down her throat. Hogar did just that, pulling the shorter Goblin towards him until her nose was buried amidst his dark pubes and his balls were resting on her chin. Brandie, for her part, didn’t show a lot of resistance. After the God Suhmer had her way with her throat, deepthroating Hogar’s meaty prick was almost easy.

‘Gods be praised, I heard rumours that the Goblin Treasure Hunter knew her way around a cock!’ Hogar sighed happily. ‘But experiencing it yourself is something else entirely!’

Brandie’s brow furrowed cutely as she heard that. After all the artifacts and history she had uncovered she was still only known for how many dicks she had ridden? She had half a mind to stop servicing the Half-Orc right then and there, but then she noticed how all of the gemstones were all nearly in place and decided that pleasing her well-armed bodyguard was probably wise in case something nasty popped up. Also, there was the fact thatHogar was still holding the back of her head.

With a muffled grunt Brandie dug her nails into the Half-Orc’s muscular legs and attempted to pull her head back. Hogar allowed her to extract a few inches of his meaty member, curious about what the Goblin was planning, and Brandie immediately slammed her head forwards again. Saliva that had accumulated in her mouth sprayed past her plush lips while her actions milked another burst of precum from Hogar’s balls. Now that he realized what Brandie had in mind, the Half-Orc relaxed his grip on the small woman’s head.

Brandie immediately repaid the Half-Orc by bobbing her head up and down his shaft wildly, pulling nearly half of his fuckmast out of her throat before swallowing it back down again with each stroke. Excess saliva and precum connected Brandine’s plump lips to Hogar’s fat cock and would often snap to splatter loudly on the floor below. It did not take long before Hogar let go of Brandie’’s head altogether as he instead groaned languidly and leaned heavily against the door behind him.

Just then, a loud *CLICK* resounded through the hallway followed by a loud rumbling as the doors started to slide open. Hogar’s eyes widened as he fell backwards, his member sliding out of Brandie’s throat with a soft popping sound in the process. With Hogar’s body no longer blocking the doorway, a room whose closest descriptions were “library”, or perhaps “laboratory”, was revealed to Brandie’s eyes. 

Golden tablets, much like the one she had been carrying, were attached to the walls while a variety of strange items could be seen atop tables and desks. All were made of precious materials, several of which could be found in chests underneath said desks. Not enough to swim in, but still enough to make one a wealthy man or woman if they were sold. Brandie rushed in to collect this vast trove of wealth and knowledge, only to almost fall flat on her face due to Hogar grabbing one of her ankles.

‘Hold on there, boss lady.’ He grumbled as he climbed to his feet, briefly pausing to admire Brandie’s huge rear as it was stuck up in the air due to her current position. ‘You didn’t finish paying your bodyguard yet…’ He grumbled as he pointed at his painfully hard cock.

‘You’re payment…is right there!’ Brandie grunted, nodding towards the chests of precious metals and gems as she tried to push herself up.

‘You can have ‘em,’ The Half-Orc grunted as he placed his big hands on Brandine’s meaty, bulging behind and grinned when he found he couldn’t encompass the entirety of the huge, green assglobes. ‘I got my eyes on a different prize…’

‘You mean it?’ Brandie asked excitedly, immediately perking up about the fact that she did not have to share what she had found with anybody else.

‘Yep!’ Hogar replied simply as he slid his pole into Brandie’s buttcrack and watched in amazement as it practically disappeared between the Goblin’s asscheeks.

‘Excellent,’ Brandie mused as she began to move her body back and forth, giving her bodyguard quite the buttjob. ‘Just don’t come crying to me about your share later.’

‘Wouldn’t dream of it,’ Hogar grunted as he pulled one hand away from Brandie’s jiggling buttcheeks. ‘But first, I believe some punishment is in order.’

‘What?’ Brandy squawked over her shoulder, just in time to see Hogar bringing his hand down.

A loud *SMACK!* echoed through the chamber, followed by a yelp of surprise and pain that came from Brandie’s lips. Hogar massaged the Goblin’s now stinging buttock while he raised his other hand, before quickly bringing that one down as well. Another smacking sound and another cry of pain followed.

‘After all, you did delay in paying me until now.’ Hogar stated matter-of-factly.

Brandie couldn’t get a word in as Hogar continued to rain down blows on her behind, making her huge asscheeks jiggle with each smack as the Half-Orc’s monstercock moved between them. The sensation of the meaty halves of the Goblin’s assmeat wrapped around his prick while she cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure brought Hogar closer and closer to orgasm, as a result his sticky, silvery precum was gathering in Brandie’s asscrack. It quickly started to spread out over the Goblin’s back or dribbled over the back of her legs, if it wasn’t making her darkening green buttocks shine at least.

Although the Half-Orc quite enjoyed himself, playing with Brandie’s impressive rear, he quickly wanted more as he felt his testicles starting to tense up. Reluctantly he pulled away from Brandie, resulting in more of his precum spilling out from her asscrack in the process, and took a deep breath. Said breath was exhaled with a hungry growl as he noticed the Goblin’s plump, shining labia hiding between her thick green thighs.

‘Are you almost done back there?’ Brandie whined, eager to explore.

‘Almost.’ Hogar answered confidently as he wrapped his arms around Brandie’s tiny waist and lifted her partially off the ground.

Brandie squeaked in surprise but it quickly turned into a low, pleased moan as Hogar impaled her on his cock. The obscene, wet sucking sound was loud enough to bounce off the walls and was repeated several times as the Half-Orc wasted no time and began to roughly pump his hips. His armoured stomach bounced off of Brandie’s still-stinging rear with each thrust, sending sparks of both pain and pleasure up the Goblin’s spine and causing long, clear strands of girlcum to escape from her twitching cunt.

Brandie’s natural Goblin instincts briefly overpowered her desire for treasure as she squealed in delight as Hogar took her as roughly as only someone with Orcish blood could. After several minutes of taking her roughly from behind while she was suspended in the air, the Half-Orc lowered her to the floor and crawled on top of her like an animal. He brought his muscular body down with all his strength, working his monstercock in and out of Brandie’s soaked, clenching twat with long, powerful strokes. When the Goblin’s limbs finally went limp, and Brandie collapsed in a pile underneath Hogar he slowly pushed his entire length back inside of her as he brought his lips close to one of her bat-like ears.

‘It’s a pleasure working for you, ma’am.’ He growled before he nipped at her ear, not hard enough to draw blood. But certainly hard enough to show who was in charge.

Because of that, Brandie experienced her most powerful orgasm since this all started. Her juices soaked the floor beneath her while inarticulate moans and screams exploded from her mouth as she wiggled beneath the Half-Orc. Hogar’s climax followed soon after, and with Brandie stuck between him and the floor much of his seed had nowhere to go once the Goblin’s womb was packed full. As a result, Brandie’s outpouring of girlcum was quickly washed away by ropes and ropes of jizz that had the consistency of oatmeal as it sprayed from her packed pussy.

All Brandie could do was moan as she felt Hogar’s hot seed coat the insides of her legs while their orgasmic juices mixed to form a puddle below her. When he was done, she felt as if she would be leaking his spunk all over the floor for several minutes while she recovered. Meanwhile, the Half-Orc was no worse for wear as he collected his trousers and wandered into the room they had opened not too long ago.

‘I will scout ahead for any dangers, it’s what you paid me for after all!’ He said smugly as he wandered inside.

Brandie could only groan in response. Eager to go exploring herself, but too exhausted to move at the moment.

‘Beaten by a Half-Orc after taking on a God and who knows what else…’ Brandie finally managed to croak as she felt the strength in her limbs finally return. ‘I’ll get him back for this one of these days…him and Ilovara both.’


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