Sunday 11 October 2020

[COM] Wedding Night of Fur and Magic

After travelling together for eight year, Tevros finally confesses his love to the imp witch Xylena after saving her from a dragon. They marry shortly after and the wedding night is something to remember!

Commissioned by Obliator

Contains: M/F, shortstack, size difference, ball expansion, werewolf, huge cock, huge breasts, huge ass, vaginal sex, excessive cum, cumflation, impregnation, lactation, pregnant sex.


Wedding Night of Fur and Magic

‘Tevros, you’ve been adventuring and fighting for eight years. You can do this!’ A handsome human man in his early 30’s told his reflection. He was a little over 6 feet tall and had a lean, muscular build. Currently, Tevros had exchanged his longbow and leather armour for a suit befitting a nobleman and had tied his straight black hair into a ponytail that rested in the nape of his neck.

‘I take it that means you are ready to go?’ A deep, rumbling voice called out to him. Standing in the doorway was Bulgur, a Half-Orc druid, and one of Tevros’ travelling companions. Seeing him all cleaned up and wearing a suit instead of clad in furs was such a strange sight that Tevros almost forgot his nervousness and wanted to burst out laughing. Almost.

‘As ready as I’ll ever be.’ Tevros replied nervously as he followed the big Half-Orc.

As the two of them wandered through the keep their group had called home for nearly eight years now, Tevros couldn’t help but reminisce. About how he had met Bulgur and his rhinoceros together with their sorcerer, Shanara, to investigate the origin of the flashing lights coming from the top of a tower thought long abandoned. That was how they ended up meeting the final member of their party, Xylena.

Xylena was an imp, a woman perhaps an inch or two over 3 feet but with curves that belonged to a woman nearly twice her size. Breasts the size of watermelons that seemed to defy gravity as if by magic, yet still succeeded in partially obscuring her stomach. A pair of asscheeks that were nearly as large and ballooned outwards enticingly. It was fair to say that Tevros was instantly smitten.

Bulgur and Shanara were more cautious, paying closer attention to the small woman’s bat-like wings, her long tail ending in a spaded tip and the twisting black horns that emerged from her forehead to part her long, long inky black hair. But Tevros convinced them to give her a chance. After all they were only here to investigate the source of the lights, not eliminate it. Besides if Xylena travelled with them it wasn’t as if she would be causing any trouble here now, would she?

Fortunately, the two of them ended up agreeing with him and Xylena’s magic, although not as destructive as Shanara’s, ended up being a great boon to Tevros as it strengthened both his body and his arrows. Many great deeds were done by the four of them over the years, enough to earn them this keep. But their greatest feat had to be the slaying of the blue dragon Kazavon, which had only been committed a few weeks ago.

Tevros could still remember it clearly, seeing the streaks of lightning blast from the great wyrm’s mouth, Xylena in the line of fire too shocked to move. He had pushed her out of the way, taking the brunt of the damage for her. Then while lying on top of her, which had certainly made the pain worth it, he had blurted out how he really felt about the imp and asked her to marry him. To his surprise, and delight, she eagerly said yes.

And now that he had recovered from his wounds, it was time for the wedding…

* * * *

Tevros was shaken from his thoughts as Bulgur led him a little ways outside the keep, towards a cliffside overlooking the town of Redvale. The fields outside of the town were blooming with red poppies, for which it had gotten its namesake, and the normally barren cliffside was green and filled with white roses and young trees grown into archways across the aisle that Tevros was about to walk down.

‘You have been busy, thank you.’ Tevros mused as he looked to Bulgur.

‘It was nothing. Now come, the bride will arrive soon.’ The Half-Orc replied stoically, though Tevros did not miss the proud, happy smile on his face when the big druid thought he wasn’t looking.

Next to the aisles were seats filled with several people they had befriended, saved or aided in some other way during their adventures. There was Count Lautier who oversaw Redvale and the lands around it; he had given the party the keep after they had saved his daughter from cultists. She was currently seated next to him and smiled and waved awkwardly at Tevros and Bulgur as they passed. There was also Reginald Goldleaf, a Halfling priest who had requested they aid him in purifying a deconsecrated holy spring. Thanks to Bulgur’s powers, he had succeeded. He was seated with the Knights of the Sapphire Star, a small order of knights that had fallen under the sway of a succubus. They looked much better now than when Tevros saw them last.

Both of them passed many more people like them, until they finally arrived at the altar; a collection of vines and roots grown into the shape of a gazebo glowing with a soft white light. Waiting next to it was Shanara, their Half-Elven sorceress, dressed in a form-fitting red dress that both hid her curves and accentuated them. In her hand was a small, silver flask from which she took a sip before quickly hiding it when she saw Tevros and Bulgur coming.

‘Heya groom, do you like it? Bulgur and I worked hard on it!’ Shanara said proudly as she slapped the gazebo with a glove-clad hand.

‘I love it.’ Tevros replied with a bright smile. ‘Where, uh, where’s the bride?’

‘Here.’ A voice, even deeper and far darker than Bulgur’s, stated as the ground seemed to rumble.

Everyone in attendance reached for their weapons as a massive, 12 foot form with blood red skin who appeared to be wrapped in shadows and cinders approached. A Balor, one of the strongest demons that resided in the Abyss! ...although the fear everyone felt was somewhat diminished by the fact that this particular demon was clad in a rather ill-fitting tuxedo and hunched down carefully to avoid damaging the arches.

‘Calm yourselves, I am not here on business this day!’ The demon snorted, and that was when everyone noticed the tiny purple figure next to him.

Tevros instantly forgot about the gigantic demon as he saw his bride. Xylena’s gorgeous face was hidden behind a veil and she was dressed in a beautiful white dress. It didn’t show as much skin or was quite as tight as what she would usually wear, but with her body the garment couldn’t quite hide her very impressive assets. Tevros grinned like an idiot as she slowly started to walk down the aisle. Noticing this, Bulgur cleared his throat and in response Shanara quietly swore in Elven as she drew some shapes into the air and appropriate music appeared as if by magic.

‘Thank you, father.’ Xylena said quietly as the Balor demon left her at the altar next to Shanara, her maid of honour.

‘Father?!’ The entire party exclaimed in shock, and the music abruptly stopped.

‘No thanks needed, pumpkin! I am so happy you got strong enough to invite me to your wedding! This is all a father could ever hope for.’ The Balor demon replied sweetly, but his proper demonic visage returned as he turned to Tevros. ‘And you! You better make her happy or I will…’ He stopped as Xylena slapped at his leg and shook her head while angrily pointed towards a particular large chair in the front row.

‘I was wondering for whom that was…’ Shanara muttered, before the music resumed.

That is your dad?’ Tevros whispered to Xylena.

‘Yes,’ Xylena replied. ‘I had to use Kazavon’s remains to summon him to this plain. I hope you aren’t upset?’

‘Of course not!’ Tevros whispered back.

Before the two of them could continue their whispered conversation, someone inside the gazebo cleared their throat. Glancing at the altar inside it, Tevros could only see the top of someone’s head and the tip of a golden staff which displayed a statuette of a voluptuous goblin woman. Whoever was behind the altar realized that this clearly wasn’t working, and moved to stand before it instead. It turned out to be a goblin woman with long, wavy black hair dressed in flowing purple robes that couldn’t quite succeed in covering a pair of breasts that rivalled those of his bride.

‘Well then, now that everyone has arrived let us begin.’ The goblin spoke. ‘We have all come here out of the darkness and underneath this golden light to watch these two souls be joined together in Lady Hyasint’s warm, loving embrace…’

‘You would let a goblin officiate this wedding?’ Bulgur hissed quietly as the goblin woman continued her speech.

‘Hey, she was cheap!’ Shanara whispered back with a shrug and a smug smile on her face.

‘Priest Goldleaf would have done it for free!’ Bulgur replied as he gestured at the Halfling in the audience, and Shanara’s smile disappeared.

‘ will you, Tevros, take Xylena to be your lawfully wedded wife?’ The goblin suddenly asked, which caused Bulgur and Shanara to cease their arguing.

‘I do.’ The human answered firmly.

‘Will you, Xylena, take Tevros to be your lawfully wedded husband?’

‘I do!’ Xylena answered excitedly.

No other words were spoken and aside from the soft music everything was quiet, as if the goblin priestess was waiting for something. Then, she let out an annoyed sigh: ‘Rings, please!’ She snapped.

Bulgur and Shanara cursed in their respective languages as they struggled to retrieve the rings they had prepared for their companions, the two of them had been so caught up in the wedding and their arguing that they completely missed their cue. Fortunately everyone in attendance simply laughed, while Tevros and Xylena seemed so caught up in staring at each other that they barely seemed to know what was going on.

Shanara and Bulgur each produced a dark blue ring, made from the only scale they managed to harvest from Kazavon before Xylena needed it for her “project”. Bulgur wordlessly handed the ring off to Tevros, while Shanara did the same with Xylena. The two of them slid the ring they had received onto the other’s finger, and cheers broke out in the crowd.

The priestess managed to yell out the words: ‘You may now kiss the bride!’ just in time as Tevros lifted Xylena’s veil and kissed her roughly.

* * * *

‘Alone at last.’ Tevros groaned as he carried Xylena over the threshold of her room. With how small the imp was one would assume she wasn’t that heavy, but the very impressive size of her assets balance things out...and the staircase Tevros had to ascend with his very curvy wife in his arms certainly didn’t make things easy either.

‘Could you help me out of my dress?’ Xylena asked sweetly after Tevros put her down.

Any fatigue Tevros felt immediately disappeared in response to a request like that as he quickly helped his wife in taking off her wedding dress. To his surprise, he found that Xylena was wearing a strapless bra made of deep blue scales that accentuated her massive chest more than it actually covered it or offered support. A thong made of similar material disappeared between the huge halves of her ass and left the plump lips of her labia completely on display.

‘Do you like it?’ Xylena asked as she stepped out of her dress, now piled up around her ankles. ‘Oh, you do!’ She purred happily as she glanced at the bulging crotch of Tevros’ trousers.

While placing a loving kiss on the bulge in her husband’s trousers, Xylena began to tug the garment down roughly. Barely giving Tevros the time to unbuckle his trousers. A happy little gasp passed the imp’s full lips as Tevros’ huge erection came swinging out into the open. Xylena squealed happily at the sight of it, releasing a lustful moan as she wrapped both her hands around it only to find that about half of her husband’s monstercock was still visible. Xylena gave the fat, purple head a kiss before lifting up the heavy pole to instead get a good look at his balls.

‘This will not do, father mentioned he wanted a lot of grandchildren.’ Xylena mused, more to herself than to Tevros.

‘I’m sorry, what was that?’ Tevros asked, confused.

‘Nothing, dear. Just remove your suit, I do not want it to be ruined while we have our fun!’

Tevros did as his new wife requested, exposing long, strong limbs corded with lean muscles. A body that was slender like a blade, but by no means weak after all his years of adventuring. His skin was tanned due to all the time he spent outside in the woods, which made the old, pale scars on his right shoulder stand out even more. Fang marks, belonging to a particularly large, vicious wolf he had slain on one of his adventures.

While Tevros was undressing, Xylena drew symbols in the air while muttering arcane words in a language Tevros could not understand. Once the spell was completed, Tevros felt a strange energy wash over him. Similar to whenever Xylena would use her spells to strengthen him in combat, yet somehow different. Then, he felt his crotch growing hot and he stumbled backwards only to land in a nearby chair.

‘Good, it appears to be working!’ Xylena exclaimed excitedly as she looked at Tevros’ testicles.

Glancing down Tevros saw his balls expanding rapidly. They grew from their initial size to be about as large as a pair of chicken eggs, then quickly they became as large as lemons and once they were each the size of an apple; copious amounts of precum were leaking from his distended cumslit. By the time his nuts stopped growing, they were the size of a pair of cantaloupes and a particularly large puddle had formed before his chair.

‘Excellent, you should be as virile as any demon now. More so, perhaps!’ Xylena mused, clearly pleased with her work, as she turned her back on her husband and approached a nearby shuttered window.

‘Xylena, wait! There’s a full moon out!’ Tevros shouted, pressing a hand against his old scars.

‘I am aware!’ Xylena said with a, well, impish smile as she started to beat her small, bat-like wings to reach the shutters.

She threw them open and pale moonlight came pouring into the room. The effect was immediate as Tevros’ nails grew and turned into long, sharp black claws that immediately tore the armrests apart as his hands became larger and his muscles heavier. Fur the same shade of inky black as the hair on his head spread across his body while he grew nearly a foot taller. As his body grew and muscles swelled Tevros pulled his lips back to reveal a row of sharp fangs that seemed to multiply as his mouth protruded and turned into a wolf’s muzzle.

Lastly, his member, already large in human form, had turned red and tapered at the end. It was now nearly as long as one of Xylena’s arms and probably just as thick with a fat, fist-sized knot at the base. His magically enhanced nuts had grown from being already huge due to being comparable to a pair of grapefruits to nearly being as large as a pair of watermelons!

‘Much better.’ Xylena purred as she flew towards the king-sized, four-poster bed placed not too far from the window. ‘Then now, I believe, is the perfect time to consummate our marriage.’ The imp teased as she raised her huge, meaty behind in the air and wiggled it back and forth.

Unbothered by his enlarged testicles Tevros lept out of the destroyed chair and pounced on Xylena, a deep dark growl emanating from his throat as he hunched over the small woman. His massive member was laid between the huge, soft halves of the imp’s meaty rear, dripping hot precum onto her back. Another growl left Tevros’ throat, this one right in Xylena’s ear, as he gently bit her neck. Not enough to draw blood, but enough to show her who was boss.

Xylena released a pleased sigh in response to which Tevros lined his monstrous member up with his wife’s dripping cunt. In a single, rough thrust the Werewolf’s massive prick disappeared into the imp’s small, curvy body with a loud, obscene sucking sound. Xylena squealed into the mattress, whether in pain, pleasure or surprise Tevros did not know. Nor did he care as he pulled his hips back, the claws on his hindlegs clawing the bed to pieces in the process.

Just as quickly as Tevros pulled his member out of Xylena’s soaked, clenching twat, he rammed it back in. The Werewolf’s tongue lolled out of his toothy maw as he continued to take his new wife like an animal, his drool splattering on her slender back and joining the mess of precum that was already there. Xylena just let it all happen, grunting heavily as her stomach was pushed out several inches whenever Tevros bottomed out inside of her.

The meaty slapping sounds of Xylena’s meaty behind hitting Tevros powerful, if hairy, stomach resounded through the tower accompanied by the imp’s muffled moans and the tearing of cloth. Beneath Xylena, the sheets had grown damp with girlcum and the excessive amounts of precum that were still dribbling from the tip of Tevros’ member. One moment her womb would be positively sloshing with the pearly liquid, and Tevros’ fat knot kept any juices from escaping, and the next it would all be forced out by the Werewolf’s monstercock and ended up spraying from her sensitive twat.

‘Come now…dear…’ Xylena grunted between her husband’s thrusts. ‘Surely…you will not withhold your seed…from your wife…for much longer?’ Xylena asked all this while looking over her shoulder at Tevros.

Hearing his wife utter those words while she looked at him so lovingly over her shoulder, black hair clinging to her sweaty forehead, made Tevros’ massive balls start to clench. The already heavy outpouring of precum started to increase as the Werewolf pumped his hips with all his might, filling his wife’s cunt all the way once, twice, three times before he howled triumphantly as he brought his heavy, furry form down on the small curvy imp with all his might.

Tevros’ huge balls clenched and thick viscous ropes of hot, sticky jizz sprayed from the tapered tip of his monstercock. As the first jets of semen hit the back of Xylena’s womb, the Werewolf’s knot swelled up to make sure that none of it would escape from the imp’s snatch. Xylena cried out in pleasure as her sensitive muff was stretched even further, sparks of pleasure dancing before her eyes as rope after rope of cum was fired into her womb.

With Tevros’ magically enlarged testicles, and his transformation into a Werewolf that followed, he was even more virile than usual. As a result, several minutes passed and he was still producing semen and his knot remained inflated. Because of this, his seed had nowhere to go and Xylena’s womb began to swell and her growing stomach was starting to push her off of the mattress. Unfortunately for her, however, Tevros had no intention of moving and remained on top of her.

High pressured jets of semen eventually sprayed past the thick seal of Tevros’ knot, staining both his fur as well as the sheets, the floor near the foot of the bed and even the wall behind him. Yet Tevros still was not done. By this point, his own body was being pushed up from Xylena’s as her gravid belly had grown to be even larger than her breasts. The poor imp’s eyes had lost focus and had rolled up into her skull to show only the whites as the sensation of her womb being so absolutely stuffed caused a particularly powerful orgasm to tear through her small body.

When Tevros’ knot finally deflated, and the Werewolf dragged his hips back, what could only be described as a geyser of cum blasted from Xylena’s stretched, twitching cunt. Completely painting what little of the bed wasn’t already stained with orgasmic juices white. Regaining her senses Xylena blinked her eyes and opened and closed her mouth in an attempt to say something, but her husband wasn’t done with her yet.

With one thrust of Tevros’ powerful hips his entire length disappeared up Xylena’s twat once again. A sound like a raspberry being blown accompanied the thrust as the Werewolf’s huge cock forced a large amount of semen from the imp’s muff, though her belly barely seemed to shrink. With each pump of Tevros’ hips, semen sprayed out of Xylena’s pussy. Eventually due to the great amount of it it seemed to soak through the mattress itself to dribble onto the floor below.

Slowly but surely, Xylena’s stomach began to shrink further and further...but she still had a very impressive cumgut. It wouldn’t stay “small” for long, however, as Tevros’ balls clenched once again. All his wife could do was release an exhausted grunt as his knot sealed the entrance to her twat once more, causing her stomach to rapidly swell.

This cycle went on and on until, eventually, the moon disappeared below the horizon. When it did, Tevros found himself in a familiar, ruined chair. His muscles were sore, his joints ached and his throat was sore. Adding to that, it felt like he hadn’t slept in a week. Yet, he was wide awake as the pleasant sensation of his wife’s wet, nimble tongue brushing over his testicles assailed his senses.

Something far less pleasant also assailed his senses, mainly the pungent scent of semen and sweat accompanied by a soft, incessant dripping sound. Opening heavy eyelids he noticed patches of dried cum on the walls, on the floor and several pieces of furniture. As well as less dry patches. It looked as if one of the largest orgies in history had taken place in this room! Yet, he was the only one here. He, and his wife.

Sitting on her haunches between Tevros legs was Xylena. Her legs trembled as they had to support the no doubt immense weight of her gut as it laid, partially suspended, on her knees. The incessant dripping sound Tevros had been hearing were the fat ropes of his cum that slipped from the imp’s cunt, no matter how hard she tried to keep any of his jizz from escaping. Despite everything, Xylena still seemed to want more as she left her husband’s huge, semi-erect shaft draped over her face as she inhaled his scent and worked her tongue over his big, heavy balls.

‘Hey, glad to have you back.’ Xylena croaked. ‘You are going to be a dad…’ She added with a dopey little grin as she rubbed her swollen stomach, causing another wad of cum to splatter onto the floor behind her.

It was obvious to anyone that saw the state of both the room and the newlyweds that there was indeed a very slim chance that Xylena wouldn’t be impregnated at this point, so Tevros did not feel surprised at the statement. He did feel a small pang of happiness, but felt too exhausted to show it. All he did was reach out towards Xylena with a trembling hand to pat her on the head, before grabbing one of her horns and slowly dragging her face between his nuts again.

The imp immediately went to work, kissing and licking his balls while using both of her hands to rub the huge orbs in a slow milking motion. As she felt his monstrous dick swell with blood again to rise slowly upwards and away from her face, she sucked his leathery sack into her mouth. Pulling the skin taut over Tevros’ nuts. Although Tevros was certain that he had no more to give, precum slowly began to flow from his distended cumslit and ended up in Xylena’s hair.

Noticing this, the imp reluctantly pulled her mouth away from her husband’s sack and rose to her feet, causing more jizz to spill from her pussy and run down the insides of her thighs. Pointing Tevros’ erection at her gut she began to jerk him off with both hands, slowly at first but his pole was lubricated enough for her to go faster and faster. Xylena watched hungrily as Tevros’ balls rose up and tightened before he shot one last load all over her stomach…and passed out.

‘Yes, rest while you can, my husband.’ Xylena purred as she rubbed the slimy white goop into her skin. ‘You’re going to need it!’ She added with a giggle as she waddled out of the room, leaving a snail-like trail of jizz in her wake…

* * * *

It had been nearly eight months since the wedding of Tevros and Xylena and neither they or their companions had gone on adventure since. With priest Goldleaf and the knights of the Order of the Sapphire Star revealing that Xylena was the daughter of a powerful Balor several religious factions were keeping an eye on them, seemingly waiting for them to slip up. But honestly? Due to all the attention the several clerics and paladins were paying to them Redvale and the surrounding area couldn’t be safer.

So Tevros and Xylena did what they enjoyed the most. Every day and several times a day. Even now Xylena’s feminine moans and screams of ecstasy could be heard all the way from the tower, accompanied by Tevros’ heavy grunts of pleasure.

The human man was lying on his back atop a relatively new bed, the old one had been torn apart during his wedding night after all. His legs were spread wide to make room for his testicles, which were still the size of a pair of grapefruits, while his large hands were supporting Xylena’s broad hips. His thick fingers digging into a pair of buttcheeks that seemed to have grown even larger over the course of eight months. And they were hardly the only thing that had grown.

Xylena cradled her huge, swollen stomach as she slowly worked her broad hips up and down. Her small hands were barely up to the task of keeping her gut in a comfortable position, it was almost as large as it had been during her wedding night. After her husband, in his Werewolf form, had finished stuffing her cunt absolutely full of his seed. Only now, something completely different inhabited the imp’s womb.

‘Ah!’ Xylena squeaked as her stomach suddenly bulged outwards, her stiff, thick nipples spraying milk all over Tevros below her in response. ‘They are kicking again!’

‘Are you sure this is safe?’ Tevros asked as he did his best to lick his mouth clean of milk.

‘Of course,’ Xylena purred as she stroked her belly. ‘Imp children are tougher than you think.’

She then brought her hips down roughly, as if to prove a point. Completely caught off guard, Tevros let it happen. He winced slightly, but was quick to help Xylena in raising her hips up again. He couldn’t help but worry about his future sons and daughters, and from the look of Xylena’s bulging belly there would be quite a lot of them, but that didn’t stop him from pleasing his wife. Clearly she knew this as she brought her hips down again, with just as much force.

‘Alright then,’ Tevros growled as he sat up and gripped Xylena’s hips a little more forcefully. ‘Then let’s hurry up, I promised Bulgur I’d help him with setting up the nursery’

Xylena pouted at that statement, but did not protest when Tevros’ arms bulged and he lifted her up higher…before dropping her down on his huge pole again. He repeated this several times, fat ropes of precum spraying from his cumslit and splattering against the sensitive walls of the imp’s twat to further lubricate her moist, twitching passage. More milk started spraying from Xylena’s stiff nipples, splattering against her husband’s face and chest whenever he pushed her down onto his cock. At least until he wrapped his lips around one of her nipples and started to suck.

‘Ngh…That is for the children!’ Xylena protested, though it didn’t carry a lot of weight due to the way in which her cunt clenched around Tevros’ cock whenever he took a particularly powerful pull from one of her nipples.

Tevros grinned around the fleshy nub and quickly, but somewhat awkwardly, managed to force Xylena’s other nipple into his mouth as well. He sucked forcefully on both as he bounced his wife’s small, curvy body up and down on his cock. The imp’s moans and screams of pleasure grew even louder and her breast milk sprayed forcefully from her nipples, causing streams of white to spray from the corners of her husband’s mouth. Eventually Xylena had trouble holding onto her stomach as orgasm after orgasm tore through her body while she coated Tevros’ stomach with her orgasmic juices.

Tevros himself wasn’t far behind, he had felt his balls throb violently between his spread legs for several moments now until they eventually began to clench. A wave of semen poured from his distended cumslit, painting the walls of Xylena’s snatch white while the rest poured past the thick seal of Tevros’ cock to spill over the sheets below. As his orgasm died down, Tevros gently lifted his wife off of his prick and she released a content, if somewhat disappointed, moan as excess semen began to flow down the insides of her thighs.

‘Are you sure you have to go?’ Xylena pouted as Tevros laid her down on the bed.

‘I’m afraid so, I won’t let our kids sleep in that room the way it is now.’ He said with a determined expression as he climbed out of bed.

But before he could step away and get dressed, Xylana crawled towards him with her eyes set on his semi-erect cumslick member. The imp gave it a wet, sloppy kiss to show Tevros exactly what she had in mind before she rolled over onto her back and opened her mouth wide. Seeing his wife lying there like that, wiggling her tongue enticingly at him, made it rather difficult for Tevros to leave…

‘Well…we still have a month, right?’ Tevros asked both Xylena and himself as he scratched the back of his head. ‘We should still have more than enough time to build that nursery, shouldn’t we?’

Before Xylena could answer, Tevros shoved his erection down the imp’s throat with enough force to make both her huge stomach and massive, milk-dribbling mammaries shake. Apparently today would be another day spent in bed…


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