Thursday 28 November 2019

[COM] The Crown of Zahr

Commissioned by The Raj as a sequel to "A Divine Find"

After her encounter with Suhmer, Brandie and Ilovara search for the Tomb of Zahr. A King that was buried with treasure according to legend.

Contains: M/F, Goblin, monster boy, shortstack, size difference, huge cock, excessive cum, throatfuck, deepthroat, huge ass.


The Crown of Zahr

It had been about a week since Brandine Goldminer found the lost temple of Suhmer, as well as the God himself. Surely a find like that would go down into the history books, no? Unfortunately, after Suhmer had his fun with the Goblin he disappeared into the Solkiss Jungle, proudly declaring that he had to spread his seed after his thousand year slumber. Brandie was certain she’d hear more about that in the coming weeks or months and couldn’t help but worry about just what she had unleashed upon the world. That was perhaps why it was fortunate that nobody would believe her when she claimed she had found a real-life God.

Her current partner in crime, Ilovara Brightstar, was less than pleased, however. Brandine had promised the Elven Bard some one-on-one time with the Oran deity so that he might tell her of his long dead culture. Unfortunately, she had never gotten the chance. And then there was the fact that Brandie had kept a slab of granite that could be used to translate the Oran tongue, now dubbed the Solkiss Stone, a secret from her. To make it up to her, Brandine had ordered the crew they had hired for the dig to strip the gold that lined Suhmer’s burial chamber and she had given her share to Ilovara. Clearly it hadn’t helped, seeing as the Elf was still upset with her.

‘So, how much further do we have to go?’ Brandie asked, cautiously, as the Elven woman before her cleared a path with a machete.

They had left the Temple of Suhmer behind after Ilovara got into contact with some old friends of hers who would secure the location. But the Solkiss Jungle was an old place, a very large place and during their time in the Grand Library of Xandria the two of them had encountered many a legend. Ilovara mentioned that she wanted to find the Tomb of Zahr, an ancient Oran King that had supposedly been sealed away with all of his riches “in the shadow of Suhmer”. 

The phrasing had been vague, as Suhmer was often depicted as the sun itself, but Ilovara deduced that it might mean that the Tomb of Zahr was close to the Temple of Suhmer. Not wanting to anger her business partner any further, Brandine figured it was best to just go along with her wishes.

‘I don’t know,’ Ilovara answered brusquely. ‘The ziggurat’s shadow grows quite long when the sun is at his highest point and with how overgrown everything around it has gotten we might be stuck combing the same patch of jungle for another day…’ The Elf grumbled as she squinted at the setting sun.

‘...great!’ Brandine said sarcastically. ‘Looks like we’re roughing it for another night in this creepy jungle!’ The Goblin complained. ‘Then it’s back to doing not much of anything until the afternoon hits.’

‘You can always return to the ziggurat and help there, if you wish.’ Ilovara replied coldly, and the Goblin suddenly felt very nervous when she glanced at the machete the Elf was holding.

‘Al…alright, alright!’ Brandie stammered as she threw up her hands and started backing away. ‘I’ll…I’ll go and set up camp, so just calm do-’ The rest of the Goblin’s sentence ended in a scream as she tripped and fell down.

‘Brandie!’ Ilovara screamed, coldness having made way for concern.

‘I’m alright!’ Brandie yelled back. ‘I landed on my butt!’ She added as she got up, rubbing a pair of huge, bulging asscheeks barely contained by their shorts.

‘Well, with cushions like that I suppose there’s nothing to worry about…’ Brandie heard the Elf murmur.

‘Hey!’ Brandie snapped, although she could not deny the claim. Instead, she pushed her plush lips out in a pout as she observed her surroundings.

The walls, and the staircase she had fallen down, had been made of a black stone, nearly impossible to see in the long shadows cast by the trees in the setting sun. Behind her were a set of double doors, made from the same dark rock as the rest of the room and there was a carving in the Oran style. Brandie wasn’t sure what it depicted. It looked like a four horned bull, perhaps some kind of demon? Perhaps it had been Zahr’s heraldry when he was alive? Brandie was just about to head back up and ask Ilovara about it, only to bump into the Elf as she finished making her way down.

‘My, you just have all the luck when it comes to stumbling into secrets, don’t you?’ Ilovara asked, uncaring about the fact that her huge, heavy breasts were resting on the top of Brandine’s head.

‘So this is it then? This is the Tomb of Zhar?’ The Goblin asked, voice slightly muffled due to her close proximity to Ilovara.

‘I’m not sure,’ Ilovara replied, stepping away from her Goblin partner. ‘This jungle is full of old secrets…though I did hear something about a cow or a bull in the legends about Zahr…’ She muttered the last bit to herself as her fingers started tracing the carvings on the door.

‘At the edge of Zhar’s domain there was the pasture of Ranul, a holy cow,’ Ilovara paused for the expected snicker that came from Brandie before she continued. ‘Its milk was said to make all men who drank it nearly as virile as Suhmer himself, while its droppings were used to fertilize the crops of the surrounding farms resulting in bountiful harvests.’ Ilovara explained.

‘Unfortunately, one faithful day Zhar felt like he did not have enough. So when night fell he opened the gate and gave Ranul such a fright that it fled from its pasture. When the sun rose, Zhar told Suhmer that Ranul had escaped and as Suhmer chased the cow, the king slowly expanded his lands into the pasture.’

‘What happened next?’ Brandine asked.

‘As he was only able to be out during the day, it took Suhmer weeks to catch up to Ranul. By then, of course, it was already to late. One of the many monsters in the jungle had gotten to it first. Saddened, the God took the corpse of the cow with him with the intent to eat it in a feast that would celebrate the bovine’s life and make sure that its meat would not go to waste. But when he returned, he saw a city being built where Ranul’s pasture once was and he knew that he had been tricked by Zahr. That’s when he cut Ranul open and claimed its-’

Ilovara paused suddenly as she made a triumphant little sound followed by a click. Brandie watched, dumbfounded, as the doors slowly and loudly ground open. She had been so entranced by the Bard’s storytelling that she didn’t even realize that the Elf had been looking for a way to open the doors until now.

‘So, how does the story end?’ The Goblin asked, her curiosity about Ilovara’s tale outweighing her desire for potential treasure.

‘Who knows,’ Ilovara replied mysteriously. ‘Perhaps this tomb has the answers you seek?’ With that, she stepped inside.

‘Bards…’ Brandie grumbled as she followed her partner.

They stepped into a huge, square room, their footprints disturbed centuries of dust on the tiled floor. Thick pillars lined the way leading up to a gigantic throne that was placed on a raised platform. Sitting in it was the statue of a Minotaur with a ghostly pale fur, a ragged cloak was draped across its shoulders while a gold plated leather loincloth covered its crotch. A band of gold and ivory, decorated with small horns, was fastened around the bull-like head, nearly invisible amongst the fur. In the centre was a ruby, nearly the size of Ilovara’s clenched fist.

‘Grab that for me, will you?’ Ilovara said, nodding at the crown.

‘What? Grab it yourself!’ Brandie hissed back.

‘I’m not touching that creepy statue,’ Ilovara replied. ‘Besides, you owe me.’ The Elf added coldly.

‘Ugh…Fine! But once this is done, would you please stop being mad at me?’ Brandie complained.

‘I’ll consider it,’ Ilovara responded with an impish little smile. ‘But I’ll at least finish my story about what happened to Zahr.

Brandie grumbled a bit, but did as she was told. Arriving at the throne, she grabbed onto one of the armrests and began pulling herself up. Glancing over her shoulder, Brandie noticed how Ilovara was watching her with great amusement as she kicked her legs in the air as she tried to haul her huge ass up. The Goblin glared and stuck out her tongue before she finally succeeded and landed in the statue’s lap.

‘This fur doesn’t feel like it was carved out of rock…’ Brandie muttered to herself.

‘Come on, Brandie! Hurry up! Just grab it and we can get back to our campsite before midnight!’ Ilovara shouted.

Brandine’s treasure hunting instincts screamed at her that something was wrong…but she was simply sick and tired of sleeping in the jungle. So with a grunt she pulled herself to her feet and, ignoring her instincts, reached for the statue’s crown. But as her fingers brushed against the giant ruby it began to glow and a red mist burst forth from it. Brandie stumbled backwards in surprise and nearly fell, but as the red mist poured into the statue’s mouth and nostrils its eyes snapped open and two enormous, furry hands caught the Goblin.

‘What the hell is this?’ Brandie squealed as she was turned around in the hands of this giant bullman.

‘Ah, right,’ Ilovara replied casually. ‘When Suhmer cut Ranul open, he grabbed its heart and filled it with his will, this turned it into a large ruby. Using blood and bone from Ranul, he shaped a gold and ivory crown decorated with horns and the ruby. After disguising himself as one of Zahr’s vassals, he gifted the piece to Zahr as it was “more worthy for a king of his stature”.’

‘What does this have to do with this statue coming to life?’ Brandie shrieked as thick fingers clumsily started to remove her shirt, freeing modest breasts capped with dark green nipples.

‘Well, when he put it on Zahr turned into a Minotaur with fur as pale as Ranul’s, the transformation was so painful that it drove the king mad. Mad enough to start killing all in his court. He was eventually brought down, but when Suhmer’s rays hit his corpse the Minotaur returned to the land of the living and brought death and destruction with him.’

While Ilovara told her story, the Minotaur’s large, thick fingers dug into the waistband of Brandie’s shorts. The cloth material was already stretched to its very limits around the huge, bulging green globes of the Goblin’s asscheeks, so it took the powerful bullman little effort to tear the garment off. The sound of cloth tearing and Brandie’s scream bounced from the walls as the Goblin was forced to sit in the Minotaur’s lap while he began to fiddle with his loincloth. Ilovara watched it all calmly as she continued on with her story.

‘When they discovered that it was Suhmer’s light that returned Zahr to life every morning, they made him an underground tomb in the shadow of what would be Suhmer’s resting place. So the God could always watch over him, yet never return him to the land of the living again.’ Ilovara explained. ‘With Zahr gone, his lands were divided amongst his vassals and the city build upon Ranul’s pasture was abandoned as no one else wished to incur Suhmer’s wrath.’

‘Then what about me? I didn’t bring any sunlight with me!’ Brandie complained as she tried to escape from Zahr’s grasp. Of course, with her wiggling her fat ass in the Minotaur’s lap the creature only seemed less intent on letting go of his new, curvy green toy.

‘I’m not sure,’ Ilovara admitted. ‘I must confess, I wasn’t sure if that gold guy you ended up with really was Suhmer. But seeing how generous he was with “blessing” you with his essence…well, perhaps it was enough to make you count as a little ray of sunshine.’ The Elf ventured with an impish little grin.

‘Well isn’t that sweet!’ Brandie growled in annoyance. ‘Now what do I do?’ She added, though her annoyed tone disappeared as the Minotaur finally succeeded in getting his loincloth off.

‘Count your lucky stars that he isn’t as murderous as in the tales?’ Ilovara said sweetly.

‘Yeah…’ Brandie mumbled, eyes focused on what was between Zahr’s muscular, furry thighs.

It had been some time since her encounter with Suhmer, a week at least. A week of sleeping rough in the jungle, with a decent campsite on the ziggurat not too far away. So seeing Zahr’s huge bullcock uncovered? Well, it made something deep in the pit of Brandine’s stomach stir and twist. No matter how much she might enjoy uncovering ancient secrets and finding treasure, she still had the instincts and desires of a Goblin.

Now that Brandie was no longer resisting, Zahr rose from his throne while carrying her in one large hand. He barely paid Ilovara any mind as he spun around and placed Brandine on the throne. Even with her wide, ballooning asscheeks, the blonde Goblin barely filled the seat. The Minotaur snorted as he looked down at her, rest mist pouring from his nostrils, and clearly he liked the view.

The only clothes that remained on the Goblin’s body were a pair of sturdy boots, and a dark brown pith helmet that she had recently acquired. Her modest, but shapely, breasts were completely on display as was her huge ass. Zahr’s blazing red eyes were focused on something else, though. Mainly the plump, darkened lips of Brandie’s labia, fat enough that even her thick thighs couldn’t quite hide them from view.

Brandie’s own eyes had been focusing on Zahr’s crotch in turn, watching how his thick, long bullcock with its blunt head slowly forced its way out of its sheath. It wasn’t quite as enormous as Suhmer’s dick, but it still looked about as long as one of Ilovara’s arm and nearly as thick around as one of the Elf’s biceps once it was completely out of its sheath. Brandine barely even noticed how her pith helmet had been knocked from her head as Zahr’s dick had begun to rise higher and higher.

Once it was finally completely hard, the Minotaur looked somewhat disappointed that the flat head of his monstercock was bobbing several inches above Brandie’s head, drooling strands of thick, pearly precum which fell down amidst the Goblin’s blonde locks. With another snort that caused red mist to pour from his nostrils, Zahr slammed a hoof down on one of the armrests of his throne and angled his cock downwards.

Brandine opened her mouth. To protest? Or simply because she herself desired it? Even the Goblin herself wasn’t sure. Not that it mattered, as Zahr grabbed the opportunity mercilessly and hammered his enormous body down. Ilovara, who had not been there to see how Suhmer had treated Brandie like a sex toy, couldn’t help but feel some concern as she heard the loud, wet *GLURK!* explode forth from Brandie’s throat. But from her current angle, she could not see how the Goblin was handling things. The Minotaur’s rear and huge, low-hanging balls sort of obscured Brandie from view.

More wet gags passed Brandie’s stretched lips as Zahr began hammering his body downwards, pushing inch after inch of his monstrous dick down Brandie’s throat with each thrust. After a few seconds of this, Brandie’s gags were drowned out by what sounded like a mixture between the roar of a man and the bellow of a bull. Lances of hot jizz with the consistency of porridge blasted from the huge, flat crown of Zahr’s massive pole. The Minotaur had barely managed to fit half of his member down the Goblin’s pliable throat, but after having abstained for so long it appeared that he preferred orgasming sooner rather than later.

Whatever the case was, it didn’t matter to Brandie as she was more concerned with trying to hold the Minotaur’s impressive load down. She felt his salty jizz climb back up her throat as she sputtered and groaned around the girth of his shaft, but managed to fight it down. That was, at least, until Zahr started moving again. With one impressive thrust he ploughed another two or three inches down the Goblin’s throat, causing her to spit up a mouthful of his cum mixed with her saliva. If it bothered the Minotaur, he didn’t show it. Instead, he repeated the movement again and again…

When the Minotaur’s huge length had finally disappeared all the way down Brandie’s throat, her nose was filled with the scent of a wild beast and her chest was sticky with all the semen she had coughed up. Adding to that was a slight discomfort in her stomach as, due to their difference in size, the Minotaur’s monstercock seemed to have ended partially in her stomach. Not that it was a sensation Brandie was unfamiliar with, being a Goblin and all. No, she simply resolved to finish this quickly.

Reaching up, Brandine grabbed Zahr’s large, low-hanging balls now that they were close enough and gently began to massage them while she did her best to work her magic on his massive shaft with her throat and her tongue. Zahr reacted positively to this treatment, and before Brandie knew it the Minotaur’s hot, sticky precum was dripped straight into her stomach. Satisfied with this reaction, Brandie worked even harder to please the Minotaur and her work seemed to pay off as his precum started to flow more freely.

Which is why it surprised her when Zahr released another one of his bellows and took a step back. As the flat, brutal crown of his monstercock escaped her lips, Brandie released his heavy nuts and tried to scramble away over the back of the throne she was sitting in. She didn’t stand a chance. As soon as her back was turned to the Minotaur, she felt his thick furry fingers sinking her full, ballooning buttcheeks. Unsurprisingly, he was quick to spread the meaty green globes to reveal her tight, winking asshole and plump, dripping pussy.

Knowing what was about to come Brandie braced herself, her grip tightening on the back of the throne as she felt the heat emanating from Zahr’s cock against her pussy. Glacing over her shoulder, the Goblin growled and showed her teeth at the Minotaur as the flat head of his massive shaft spread her labia and stretched her soaked folds. At first Zahr slowly pushed his shaft into her, but when he realized how easily the Goblin’s snatch accepted his huge pole the Minotaur brutally pushed his hips forwards. The sound of his heavy nuts battering against Brandie’s clit indicated that he really had inserted the entirety of his member, as did the Goblin’s loud shriek.

During all this, Ilovara had slowly been circling around the couple while tuning a small harp. From her position she could see the Goblin’s stomach bulge obscenely every time Zahr forced his full length inside Brandie. All the Elf could think was that she was grateful to not be in her partner’s position. Instead, she kept wandering around the pair. Singing softly in the Elven tongue and occasionally plucking at a harp she had produced, both sounds drowned out by the noise of flesh slapping against flesh as the Minotaur bellowed and grunted while the Goblin moaned and screamed in pleasure.

Brandine didn’t even notice Ilovara as the Bard wandered around. Her vision was swimming and she had her teeth clenched together so tightly that she feared she’d crack a tooth. Only unclenching them to scream whenever another orgasm ripped through her, which wasn’t exactly uncommon at the moment. Whenever her brain wasn’t being fried with pleasure, Brandie did wonder how she would get out of this situation. But then Zahr’s giant cock would stretch her sensitive folds again and her Goblin instincts would tell her not to worry about such foolish things.

As a puddle beneath Brandie, consisting mostly of her own orgasmic juices, formed beneath her Ilovara’s voice slowly grew louder. The Elf’s song managed to penetrate the haze of lust that clouded Brandine’s mind and she also heard Zahr gave a curious snort above her, but neither Goblin or Minotaur were about to stop now. In fact, Zahr seemed to move even faster! Brandine no longer felt his hot, heavy balls battering away at her clit, she couldn’t see it from her current position, but the Minotaur’s testicles had tightened in their leathery sack as Zahr got closer and closer to orgasm…

…which was exactly what Ilovara had been waiting for.

When Zahr released another orgasmic bellow, Ilovara’s song seemed to reach a crescendo…before it seemed to stop all together. Just as Brandie’s womb started to swell with the Minotaur’s viscous seed she felt something penetrate her clouded brain again. Then nothing.

* * * *


Brandine groggily opened her eyes as she heard a loud, fleshy slapping sound echoing through the room. Then they shot open completely as she became acutely aware of a sharp stinging sensation on her bottom.

‘OUCH!’ She yelped, trying to jump up but she was held down by the slender, but strong, hand of Ilovara. ‘What do you think you’re doing?!’

‘Waking you up, of course.’ Ilovara answered nonchalantly, before giving Brandie’s, now considerably darker green, asscheeks one last slap.

‘I was…sleeping? I don’t remember falling asleep.’ She murmured.

‘That’s because I targeted you and the big guy over there with a little spell,’ Ilovara answered, her eyes glued on Brandie’s meaty rear that was still wobbling due the impact of her spanking. ‘I tried to get the crown off of him while you were sleeping, let you get your rest, but it won’t budge.’

‘Well, if you can’t do it, what makes you think I can?’ Brandie complained as she pushed the Elf’s hands away and got up, excess semen dribbling down her thick thighs.

‘You woke him up. Could be only someone blessed by Suhmer could remove the crown,’ Ilovara shrugged. ‘If not, the least I could do was wake you up so we can escape this place together.’

Fiiine!’ Brandie sighed as she carefully made her way over to the slumbering Minotaur.

When her fingertips brushed against the gold and ivory band, the ruby began to glow again and Brandie was ready to bolt! But Ilovara’s hands were on her shoulders, stopping her. The Goblin was just about ready to throw out a string of expletives at the Elf…but Zahr didn’t even stir. With a frustrated hiss, Brandine firmly grabbed the crown and tugged upwards. It came off surprisingly easy…and then both she and Ilovara hit the ground. Of Zahr, nothing but dust, fur, red smoke and a pile of clothing remained.

‘Looks like his immortality is finally broken.’ Ilovara mused, impressed.

‘Yeah…’ Brandie sighed as she watched the red smoke drift away. ‘Hey, how much do you think we can sell this for?’ She then asked excitedly, holding up the crown.

‘It’s not ours to sell,’ Ilovara replied smoothly, before snatching the crown out of Brandie’s hands with ease. ‘We have one more stop to make before we return to camp.’

‘What do you mean it’s not ours to sell?’ Brandie asked incredulously as she watched the Elf walk away. ‘And I’d really rather stop by camp first, Ilovara!’ The Goblin shouted after her. ‘I mean it! Come on, my shorts are in tatters over here!’ Brandie continued to shout, but Ilovara simply kept walking. ‘I know you can hear me!’

Brandie stamped her foot down in frustration on the dust and fur that had been Zahr, but her partner didn’t seem interested in discussing terms. While swearing in every language she knew Brandie collected Zahr’s loincloth and made a makeshift skirt out of it. She also looked around for any valuables, but apparently the only treasure Zahr had been buried with was his crown.

‘Ilovara,’ Brandie sighed. ‘Ilovara, wait for me!’ She yelled, grabbing her pith helmet before she finally rushed after her partner.


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