Tuesday 5 November 2019

[COM] A Divine Find

Commissioned by The Raj as a sequel to "A Great Find".

After her findings at The Temple of the Hand of Twilight Brandie, with some help, discovers the lost temple of Suhmer. But her greatest find, Suhmer himself, has yet to happen.

Contains: M/F, Goblin, shortstack, size difference, huge cock, excessive cum, blowjob, deepthroat, ballsucking, huge ass.


A Divine Find

‘The lost temple of Suhmer, my greatest find yet!’ Brandine Goldminer proclaimed proudly as she looked over her archeological dig from her campsite at the top of the ziggurat made from yellow stone.

‘I know, you say this every morning.’ Ilovara Brightstar murmured from her cot.

‘...and I will continue to do so, until I actually find the sarcophagus of Suhmer.’ Brandie snapped back with a grimace.

After selling her loot from the Temple of the Hand of Twilight and sharing its location with some historian contacts she had, Brandine Goldminer locked herself up in the Grand Library of Xandria. There, she had found an old document speaking of the resting place of the Oran God of the Sun, Fertility and Debauchery, Suhmer. Brandine had also found a friend in Ilovara Brightstar, an Elven Bard who shared an interest in Suhmer as well as Oran myth in general. Pooling their knowledge and funds together, Goblin and Elf spent many a night in the Grand Library consulting books, scrolls and old maps.

Eventually, it led them to the Solkiss Jungle. An old jungle protected by the Wood Elves that called it home. But with Ilovara’s smooth tongue, Brandine and her crew of archaeologists were allowed to pass through. They lost some men to monsters that roamed the titanic forest, but after many days in the hot, bug-filled jungle Brandine and Ilovara found the lost temple of Suhmer, its yellow rocks looking almost gold in the sun.

‘Well, good luck with that.’ Ilovara mused as she stood up, stretching. Pushing out a pair of toffee-tanned melon-sized breasts in the process. ‘Even if there is a sarcophagus, I doubt what you’ll find inside will really be a God. Probably just a dusty old corpse.’

Brandine thought back to her time in the Temple of the Hand of Twilight and its Guardian, which had almost looked divine himself. ‘I’m not exactly a religious woman, but with magic and alchemy…who knows? Besides, if they built a whole temple to act as Suhmer’s gravemarker, then God or not there’s probably something valuable buried with him.

‘You’re probably right,’ Ilovara mused as she pulled a tunic over her beautiful face, pulling her long, dark hair into a ponytail. ‘If you need me, I’ll be exploring the western tunnels to look for any murals or archives. Finding more Oran myths might be worth as much as any gold to the right people.’ She grunted, pulling some tight trousers over her long, shapely legs.

‘You…You do that.’ The Goblin replied, swallowing hard as she watched the Elf get dressed. By the Gods, but I need a man. It's been far too long. Brandine thought to herself, feeling something in the pit of her stomach grow hot.

When Ilovara left, Brandine decided it was time to stop giving her crew a show and got dressed herself. First, she pulled a pair of shorts over her shapely, emerald legs. They looked loose at first, but as the Goblin pulled them over her broad breeding hips and huge, jiggling asscheeks they looked suddenly very tight. A white blouse that was too big for her she put on and tied into a knot just above her tiny waist, cupping her modest, hand-filling breasts.

Now that she was fully dressed, Brandine looked around to make sure that nobody was following her and descended the ziggurat, avoiding any other workers on the way. When she came to the foot of the temple, she circled the ziggurat until she found the mark she had left behind. Pushing in a yellow brick that stood out, a small door opened. One that Brandine could just fit through, though her broad behind did give her some trouble.

Inside was a slab of granite nearly as tall as she was, on it the legends of Suhmer were written in several tongues. Ancient Elven and Old Dwarven were two languages she was familiar with, and she used it to translate the tongue she didn’t recognize. The legend spoke about a golden book, reading from it would raise Suhmer from the dead when the world needed him again. If Ilovara knew what Brandie had found the Elf would kill her, but Brandine did not want to reveal the slab’s existence. Not yet, anyway.

‘I think my grasp of this language is strong enough now.’ Brandine muttered to herself. ‘Now, let’s see: “The words needed to awaken Suhmer from his slumber should be kept close to his body.”.’ Brandine read from the stone.

Can’t be by the sarcophagus, Brandine thought to herself. Would be foolish to keep the tool to awaken him so close by.’ The Goblin thought about this for a few minutes before the answer finally came to her. ‘… Of course! He’s the God of the Sun!

After leaving the hidden room the Goblin ran back up the ziggurat, Brandine’s body was shining with droplets of sweat once she was halfway up. Her blouse had gone see-through because of it, which resulted in her showing her modest chest and dark green nipples to everyone that looked her way. But Brandie didn’t have time to be embarrassed about it. 

Once she reached the top of the ziggurat, past where she and Ilovara had made camp, Brandie began to look around. She and the Elf had already scoured the room at the top, and found nothing but some clay pots, inscribed slabs of rock, incense burners and a lot of dust. It had probably been a place to pay one’s respects to Suhmer.

‘Close to his body, huh?’ Brandine mused as she looked up at the roof, squinting as the sun got in her eyes. ‘Curse this short stature of mine!’ Brandie grumbled to herself, but she went looking for a way to get up there anyway.

Perhaps they were left intentionally, but Brandine found a few rocks sticking outwards leading towards the roof. Being a Goblin, Brandie had to jump to reach the first set, but she managed. It wasn’t a particularly long climb, but being as short as she was Brandine had to stretch a bit to reach the next set of rocks, and dragging the weight of her huge, meaty rear around wasn’t easy either. When she finally reached the very top of the ziggurat, it wasn’t hard to find the book. It was inserted in the centre, made of dark wood and gold. A stylized sun in the centre.

‘Finally!’ Brandine squealed as she tried to pull the book out…only to find it stuck. ‘Gods be damned!’ The Goblin cursed.

Swearing in the Goblinoid tongue, Brandine continued to pull at the book. But it was stuck fast. What she did find out, however, was that the stylized sun could be moved. Doing so, the triangular sunbeams moved and Brandie heard a click. The golden circle in the centre opened…but still nothing happened. More swear words left Brandie’s mouth, and she simply sat down next to the book and glared back up at the sun again. As if it was the source of all her problems. Then, her glare turned thoughtful.

‘Maybe if…’ Brandine wondered aloud, and she remained seated. Waiting.

Brandie didn’t know how long she sat there. Long enough for her bum to start feeling sore, in any case. But when the sun passed over the opening in the book, the Goblin Treasure Hunter got what she hoped for. The whole ziggurat lit up and the chamber below Brandine shifted so violently that the Goblin feared that the rumbling would shake her straight off the roof. Finally, there was a satisfying click from the book as the hole within it closed and she was finally able to pry it loose.

‘No doubt the entire dig site noticed that,’ Brandine muttered as she approached the edge of the roof. ‘I’d better get a headstart!’ With that, the Goblin awkwardly climbed down with the book stuffed underneath her armpit.

The previously empty room had opened up, revealing a long, winding square staircase that seemed to go beneath the ziggurat. Thankfully, the walls surrounding it shone like gold, lighting the way. Brandine hesitated, but only for a moment, and descended the staircase. This could be the discovery of a lifetime, after all!

* * * *

‘So…many…steps!’ Brandine gasped, fortunately the end was in sight in the form of a door that was nearly thrice as tall as her and twice as wide.

Normally, Brandine would’ve sat down on the bottom step to catch her breath. But she almost completely forgot about her exhaustion when she saw the door, and a small square opening in its centre. Large enough to fit a book. Standing on her toes, and jumping slightly, the Goblin succeeded in jamming the gold book into the slot. There was a bright flash of light, one that left Brandine blinking for a couple of seconds to get the spots out of her field of vision, and then the door was not there any longer. Unfortunately, neither was the book.

‘Glad I read that on the way down…’ Brandie muttered to herself as she stepped inside.

The floors were made of bright blue stone, like she was stepping straight into the sky. More impressively were the walls and the ceiling, which appeared to be made entirely of gold. In the centre of the room was a sarcophagus, one made of white marble and ivory. Obviously meant to resemble a cloud. It was enormous, clearly the passageway had been made so large so that whoever rested here could pass through. Brandine could hear her heart pounding in her ears, and not just because she had just descended countless sets of stairs.

‘Alright, this must be it.’ Brandine whispered to herself, before she cleared her throat and spoke the words in Ancient Elven. ‘Arise, beautiful Suhmer. The Oran lands have missed your brilliance for too long and we are in need of your strength and your wisdom. Arise, and return light and laughter back into our dull, dark days.’ The Goblin proclaimed in a loud, clear voice. Hoping that Ancient Elven would do the job, as she could not yet speak the Oran tongue.

The ivory embedded in the sarcophagus turned to gold while the marble lit up a bright white, this time Brandine managed to avert her gaze in time as a bright flash came from the sarcophagus. When she returned her focus to the spot, she saw a figure floating there, horizontally. His skin was pure gold with lines of pure white decorating it like tattoos, accentuating his mighty shoulders, powerful pecs and thick, muscular limbs. Pale blonde hair grew from his head like platinum, falling past his shoulders.

‘It’s real! It worked! It’s…It’s real! It worked!’ Brandine babbled. Repeating the words over and over again, until she eventually continued in Goblinoid.

The eyes of the figure, presumably Suhmer, shot open and there were no pupils, no sclera. Just endless blue. Glancing at Brandine, he muttered something in a language the Goblin couldn’t understand and slowly went vertical, drifting closer to the floor as he went. As his feet hit the ground, Suhmer stood nearly twelve feet tall and was completely naked. Even soft, his monstrous shaft reached down past his knees. A trio of gold bands were fastened around his cock, one around the base, one in the middle and one just below the fist-sized crown.

‘Goblin?’ Suhmer asked in surprisingly good common even though he was clearly confused. ‘Did you awaken me from my slumber?’

‘Yes!’ Brandine replied immediately, staring at the God in wide-eyed wonder.

‘Humph, that is disappointing,’ Suhmer sighed as he crossed his thick arms over his chest. ‘The instructions I gave to my worshippers should have made my resting place impenetrable for your kind.’ He said, looking at Brandine as if she was filth. Though there was a curiosity there. ‘Are you really a Goblin?’ He asked, confused.

‘Yes!’ Brandine shouted again, trying to collect her wits as she stared up at the God. But her lust was beating her common sense as she stared at Suhmer’s beautiful, naked form.

‘You’re green, but other than that you don’t resemble a Goblin. They’re skinny, ugly little things!’ Suhmer sneered. ‘While you, well…you’re practically bearable to look at. Please, give me your name, Awakener of Suhmer!’ He added, puffing out his chest as if introducing oneself to him was the greatest honour.

‘Brandine. Brandine Goldminer.’ Brandie said tersely by way of introduction. Whatever awe she felt at awakening a God had faded when Suhmer revealed what an arrogant ass he was. Though that lust that had been struggling against her common sense was still there.

‘Really? Such a strange name for a Goblin. Far too…pretty.’ Suhmer replied. ‘Still, after such a long slumber one should celebrate, and I suppose you’ll do.’ The golden God added as he tightened his muscles to make his impressive dick twitch.

‘What.’ Brandine snapped, but her eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to Suhmer’s prick.

‘Sex…Breeding…’ Suhmer said slowly. ‘I assumed it was something you Goblins enjoyed? And doing it with me, well, it is a grand honour.’

‘Oh, I understand.’ Brandine grumbled, annoyed at the God’s demeanor. Yet hating herself for still finding him attractive.

Without another word, she began undoing the the knot that kept her sweaty, see-through blouse closed. The less she talked, the less he would after all. A pale eyebrow rose appreciatively as Suhmer watched the garment fall to the ground, taking in Brandie’s small, but shapely breasts and the Goblin didn’t miss the way in which his huge prick gave a little twitch. Arousing a God like that, even an annoying one, made Brandie feel a small pang of pride. Because of that, she felt the need to show off.

Kicking off her dusty boots, Brandie turned to face away from Suhmer. Thus showing him her wide, huge ballooning buttcheeks encased in a pair of shorts that looked much too small. Looking over her shoulder, Brandine watched as Suhmer’s monstrous pole gave another twitch before it slowly began to swell. While flashing the golden God an evil little smirk, Brandie reached backwards to, with some effort, dig her small fingers into the waistband of her shorts before she slowly began to drag them down.

The silence that had hung into the room since Brandie started undressing disappeared as her jiggling asscheeks clapped together whilr she struggled to pull her shorts down. Suhmer, meanwhile, was rubbing his chin as he watched the show with great interest. His massive shaft still rising higher, growing fatter. Seemingly not stopped at all by the gold rings that decorated its monstrous length. When Brandine finally stepped out of her shorts, which suddenly looked baggy when draped around her slender ankles, the God was still only half-erect.

‘Not bad,’ Suhmer finally said, clapping his hands together. ‘Did I perhaps bless one of your ancestors? I do not believe a Goblin could have acquired such beauty if it was not for the interference of a powerful deity, such as myself.’

‘Don’t know, don’t care.’ Brandine growled in response as she stepped up to Suhmer, the difference in height making it so that the God’s semi-erect monstercock was draped over her head.

Suhmer’s dick was warmer that Brandine was used to, not uncomfortably so. But perhaps it was something she should’ve expected it from a God of the Sun. For now, Brandie let the hot, heavy weight of his shaft rest on her head. Instead, she focused her attention on the huge, bulging sack underneath it. Using both hands, Brandie cradled Suhmer’s balls and began massaging them, the hot orbs threatening to spill out of her small hands.

‘Such skill for hands so small!’ Suhmer purred, dripping hot, sticky precum into Brandine’s blonde locks as the Goblin coaxed drop after drop from his nutsack.

Hoping to shut him up, or at least keep herself from giving a sarcastic remark that might get her into trouble, Brandine pushed her head forwards. Her hair got messed up by the heavy, precum-drooling shaft as she moved, but the Goblin ignored it. Instead opening her mouth wide and pushing one of the huge, egg-shaped testicles past her soft, bee-stung lips. A deep moan came from above Brandie as she began to suck on the large, cheek-bulging orb. More prejizz poured from Suhmer’s cocktip, this time dribbling down Brandine’s back.

While she felt her back growing stickier and stickier, Brandie slowly felt a weight being lifted from her head. She ignored it however, instead continuing to lick and suck on the fat testicle in her mouth. She didn’t stop until drool began to run down her chin, then she spat it out wetly and gave the second orb the same treatment as its spit-dripping brother. When she allowed Suhmer’s second testicle to escape from her gob, she no longer felt any precum dripping onto her. Satisfied with her work, and curious about Suhmer now that he had been quiet for so long, Brandie took a step back.

Brandie’s mouth fell open. Erect, Suhmer’s monstercock was about as long as one of her legs and its fist-sized crown knocked against his broad chest. Just then, Suhmer noticed her and with a smug grin clenched his abdominal muscles to thump his monstercock against his chest again, before allowing it to slowly drop down to Brandie’s level. Seeing such a treat presented to her, after being deprived of a man for so long, the Goblin couldn’t resist. With a moan, she stuck her tongue into the God’s distended cumslit and was desperate to scoop out as much precum as she could with the dextrous muscle.

‘Quite an…unusual technique, but I do not dislike it!’ Suhmer commented, looking on in amusement as all the precum that poured from his tongue-stuffed cumslit made Brandie’s cheeks shine. ‘I am happy to see that my worshippers have continued to find ways to keep sex so amusing.’

Brandine ignored him as she pulled her head back, a latticework of silvery gunk bridging the way between her lips and Suhmer’s cockhead, and opened her mouth wide. Strings of prejizz broke off and hit the beautiful blue floor when Brandie suddenly pushed her head forwards, her lips stretched around the huge cocktip and her jaw creaked. But the Goblin knew her limits and kept pushing herself forward, standing on her toes and holding onto the God’s shaft as she did so.

Slowly but surely, Brandie managed to force the massive shaft down her throat. As the gold ring fastened around Suhmer’s cock, just past his cockhead, entered her throat the Goblin gagged and spat her saliva over the God’s pole and the floor below. But she wouldn’t let that stop her, even as tears of effort flowed down her cheeks. Suhmer, meanwhile, looked on with and infuriating little smile on his handsome face as he watched the Goblin totter closer and closer while standing on her toes. Another gag, accompanied by more spit, passed Brandine’s stretched lips as she was halfway down Suhmer’s monstrous dick, as indicated by the second ring around it.

‘Very impressive,’ Suhmer mused. ‘I have been with women that were nearly twice your height who had throats that weren’t quite as pliable!’

Brandine glared at him with teary eyes as she kept moving forwards, her throat bulged obscenely and spit seemed to flow past her stretched lips constantly. But Brandie wasn’t about to stop now. She was going to show this arrogant ass of a God just how great Goblins are. Although, she had to admit to herself, she had ulterior motives when she started the heroic task of swallowing Suhmer’s dick. It was to prepare it for her other holes. Now, though, she started to wonder if that had really been necessary. Her thighs were drenched with her own juices at the moment, and more continued to pour from her twitching, aroused cunny.

When she finally reached the base of Suhmer’s monstrous shaft, Brandie was certain that his dick was somewhere in her stomach by now. The thought alone was enough to send more juices shooting from her cunt, and Brandine had to set her teeth into the gold ring to keep herself from falling down as she started to lose the feeling in her legs. Her fingers dug into Suhmer’s powerful gold hips and the Goblin breathed loudly through her nose as she tried to work up all her strength to start moving again, but it all turned out to be for nothing as Suhmer released a lustful sigh.

‘Perhaps you are not the vessel I envisioned waking up to, but you are definitely the one I both needed and deserved.’ With that, Brandie’s stomach gave a gurgle as it was suddenly, explosively filled with hot, thick jizz.

Surprised, Brandie tried to back away only to find Suhmer’s large hand clasped around the back of her head. More cum jetted from the God’s monstercock, enough that Brandine soon found it climbing up her throat where is sprayed from the corners of her mouth and poured out of her nostrils. It was embarrassing to be used like this, like a rag to jizz it. But then, why did Brandie’s stomach clench as she sprayed her own orgasmic juices all over the floor?

‘Ah, nothing like an orgasm after a centuries long slumber!’ Suhmer groaned happily. ‘And I must commend you again for being such an excellent vessel! I expected far more of a mess.’ The God mused as he glanced down at Brandie and the ropes of cum decorating her nose, lips, chin and chest.

With those words, he let go of the Goblin’s head and she slowly pulled her body backward. Loud, wet splattering sounds echoed through the chamber as strings of saliva and cum broke loose from the humongous shaft, it was like a rainstorm only it left behind something far more viscous than water. When Brandie’s lips finally left the huge cocktip with an audible popping sound, she released an unladylike burp before she fell on her ass. Stomach swollen with the God’s cum.

‘My, tired already? I expected more after a display like that.’ Suhmer mused, clearly disappointed.

‘You…you try doing all that while standing on your toes and tell me how your legs feel at the end,’ Brandine grumbled. ‘If you thought all that was enough to tire me out, though, then you clearly haven’t been with a lot of Goblins!’

‘In that case,’ Suhmer replied, stepping closer to her prone form. ‘Allow me to help you out!’

Wrapping one huge hand around Brandine’s tiny waist, he picked her up as if she weighed nothing. At his touch, Brandine’s stomach began to shrink and any spit, cum or other filth that might have accumulated on her body disappeared. With a grunt, Suhmer pressed his enormous cock against her plump, absolutely drenched labia and began pushing. A warbled squeal blossomed from Brandie’s throat as something absurdly huge pried her aroused pussy open. It wasn’t a sensation she was unfamiliar with, but then again it wasn’t something she experienced often either.

‘Fucking huge cock!’ Brandine screamed in Goblinoid as she climaxed on Suhmer’s mammoth dong.

‘Ah…it is always a grand experience if my vessel is so eager!’ Suhmer mused, eyes drawn to Brandie’s huge asscheeks that wobbled and quaked as she orgasmed.

This time, Brandie’s only reply was a weak little moan. So Suhmer started pushing his hips forwards again, the first of his cockrings slipped into the Goblin’s pussy, tugging at the sensitive folds as it went. Only the tip of Suhmer’s massive dick was inside Brandi’s snatch, but her stomach already began to bulge outwards. Not that that would stop Suhmer, which was fortunate as Brandie was desperate to take more. Once the second cockring reached Brandie’s pussy, the God started to slow down a bit.

‘My, my, where does it all go?’ Suhmer wondered, staring at the Goblin’s bulging belly.

‘Just shut up and keep fucking me!’ Brandie growled through clenched teeth, all the sweat that had just disappeared from her body had returned with a vengeance and was making her blonde hair stick to her face.

‘What kind of God would I be if I denied such a spirited requests from one of my followers?’ Suhmer replied, and Brandie couldn’t be bothered to correct him as he slid her body further down his monstercock.

Brandine’s belly bulged outwards obscenely and she released strangled gasps and moans as Suhmer pushed himself forwards more and more, and to the deity’s surprise the Goblin managed to take his cock all the way to the hilt. At that, Brandie managed to release a little whimper, before her clear juices sprayed all over Suhmer’s legs and ripped abdominal muscles. Just then, the God thought the Goblin had checked out as she hung limply in his powerful grip. But perhaps three seconds after that thought shot through his head, he felt a pair of small feet dig into his own legs as she tried to push herself forwards again.

‘Still eager for more, are you?’ Suhmer asked. ‘I am curious to see how much more you can take…so, let me show you what more these rings can do!’

In response to those words, the cockrings around the God’s huge shaft started to hum loudly as they began to vibrate something fierce. Another soft, strangled gasp passed Brandie’s lips and her legs abruptly lost their strength once more. Pleased by this reaction, Suhmer resumed using the Goblin as a toy. Within moments, the little blonde was squealing in pleasure again as more of her juices poured from her stretched, quivering cunt.

Keeping track of time was, well, close to impossible for Brandie right now. With each climax she slipped in and out of consciousness, and whenever she returned to her senses her stomach looked a little bigger. Clearly, at least judging from all the precum that Suhmer was pouring into her, the vibrating cockrings were affecting the God as much as they were affecting her. Because of them, Suhmer only managed a few more pumps of his powerful hips before his deep, orgasmic grunt echoed through the chamber.

Brandine’s belly got even bigger as hot, sticky jizz with a consistency of jelly shot straight into her poor, stretched womb. Brandie didn’t remember screaming, but as she returned to consciousness for the umpteenth time her throat was hurting and her tongue lolled from her mouth. When Suhmer’s orgasm finally came to an end, Brandie looked just about ready to give birth! When the God let go of her, a lewd, wet sucking sound echoed through the chamber as Brandie slowly pitched forwards.

As the massive dick left the Goblin’s stretched snatch, Brandie landed on the floor. It wasn’t a long drop, thankfully. But as she landed on her swollen stomach the excessive amount of jizz pumped into her womb exploded from her cunt, causing another orgasm to rip through her body. Suhmer, meanwhile, was sitting on the floor watching the spectacle. He wouldn’t admit it, but judging from the way in which his huge pole had started to flag he had grown tired as well.

Unfortunately for him, Brandie managed to push herself back to her feet. With cum still oozing down her thighs, the Goblin turned to face the God and strode over to him. Planting one foot against his broad chest she pushed him down on her back. Suhmer, having never imagined anyone, let alone a Goblin, having the audacity to do such a thing allowed it to happen.

‘Don’t think I’m done with you yet…’ Brandie hissed quietly as she climbed on top of the golden God, voice raw from a combination of screaming and Suhmer’s treatment of her throat.

Cum oozed over Suhmer’s monstercock as Brandie squatted over it, lubricating it for the second round. Brandine helped it along by grabbing onto the huge golden pole and spreading the thick, sticky gunk along the length as it slowly grew completely erect again in her grip. Once she was satisfied with her work, the Goblin mercilessly slammed her body down on it. A sharp hiss passed through Brandie’s clenched teeth as she impaled her still sensitive pussy on the mammoth dong, but she had decided that she wasn’t done with Suhmer yet! With that in mind, she started to ride his beastly shaft…

* * * *

Ilovara didn’t know how long it had been since Brandie disappeared, but when she finally made it into the bowels of the ziggurat after looking everywhere else for the Goblin, she deemed it had been long enough when she descended the staircase and thought she smelled something familiar. Which had been confirmed as soon as she stepped through the huge archway at the foot of the stairs…

The room absolutely reeked of sex. Sweaty bodies, aroused genitals and of course cum. The latter decorated the walls, the ceiling and it looked as if a whole army of men had jizzed to coat the floor in a small layer of it. And lying in the centre was Brandine Goldminer, resting atop a handsome, giant of a man. Her usually flat belly exploded outwards and something that looked like sticky porridge poured out from between her thighs.

‘By the Gods, Brandie!’ The Elf gasped, her eyes glued on the trunk-like appendage that was slung over the man’s hips, poking against the Goblin’s cumgut. ‘What’s this?’

‘Exactly that,’ Brandie replied, exhausted. ‘A God.’

‘Doesn’t look very Godly to me…’ Ilovara replied as she eyed the sleeping man, he looked even more exhausted than Brandie. His golden skin covered in scratch marks, presumably from the Goblin’s nails, and his pale hair was a tangled mess that was sticking to his own handsome face.

‘Haha, that’s because he couldn’t stand up to this!’ Brandie replied triumphantly as she smacked her huge ass, making the meaty cheeks wobble in the process. ‘That’ll teach him to talk about Goblins the way he did.’ She added darkly.

‘Uh-huh,’ Ilovara sighed drily. ‘I was searching all over for you because after the ziggurat lit up and begun to shake, my team and I found a stone slab that could hold the secret to the Oran tongue.’ She explained. ‘Then some folks at the dig told me they spotted you on the roof, and now I find you down here having fun with a God.’

‘Yeah?’ Brandie croaked, barely registering what was going on.

‘Were you, perhaps, keeping secrets from me?’ The Elf asked darkly, crossing her arms underneath her huge chest.

‘Was gonna tell you,’ Brandie babbled. ‘Just wanted to find Suhmer first, thought it was going to be the find of the century.’

‘Are you saying he isn’t?’ Ilovara asked, tone icy.

‘Honestly, he’s a bit of a prick…’ Brandie replied. ‘Tell you what, you can ask him all about Oran history when he wakes up!’

‘Good,’ Ilovara replied as she uncrossed her arms and produced parchment from somewhere. ‘While we wait, you can give me a crash course on the Oran language.’

Brandie groaned at the notion, exhausted as she was, but seeing as she most likely needed someone to help her ascend the staircase she had no choice but to comply…


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