Monday 1 April 2019

[COM] A Great Find

Brandine Goldminer, the world's best (self proclaimed) goblin treasure hunter hears rumours of an ancient, abandoned temple in the swamp and goes there in search of treasure. She finds some, eventually, but first she has an even greater find...

Contains: M/F, goblin, shortstack, size difference, huge ass, huge cock, throatfuck, hotdogging, ass worship, vaginal sex, excessive cum.

Commissioned by The Raj


A Great Find

‘Blasted mud, blasted bugs, blasted swamp!’ Brandine Goldminer cursed as she stomped through the Justara Swamp. ‘If that Wood Elf was lying to me, I’ll swear I’ll find him and feed him to the Ghostscales!’ The goblin hissed to herself as she pulled some branches aside.

On her way to the city of Xandria, known for its Grand Library, Brandine stopped in the charming town known as Dungheap along the way. It was mostly used as a rest stop and was visited by adventurers and merchants who wished to visit the Justara Swamp for the strange plants that grew there. While resting her legs and enjoying a cool drink, Brandine overheard some adventuring types talk about a submerged temple way into Ghostscale territory.

As the world’s best treasure hunter, self proclaimed or not, she couldn’t just let a rumour like that go. So she set off to find a guide to get her to that temple. But when they heard the words “Ghostscale territory”, they all turned her down. Not that that stopped Brandine! She got herself the proper gear and equipment and walked into the swamp…where she quickly found out what a Ghostscale was.

Lizardfolk, nearly as tall and wide as a Minotaur, that moved through the murky water and the green undergrowth in an eerily silent fashion. When Brandine came face to face with one of the scaly, hulking horrors it seemed as surprised to see her as she was to see it. Brandine made use of that surprise to flee, but she had lost her backpack full of gear along the way. After that, Brandine thanked the Gods for the fact that her emerald complexion mixed very well with the foliage as she snuck further and further into the swamp.

Eventually, she noticed no more of the Ghostscales. It appeared that even they didn’t venture this far into the swamp. But even then, she still didn’t see any signs of a temple. Which was the cause of her current cheerful mood…

But just when she was ready to turn around and return to Dungheap, hoping that she could recoup her losses by finding some information on treasure in Xandria’s Grand Library, Brandine pulled some more branches aside and finally found what she was looking for. Sunlight shone of the pale blue dome of a temple made of yellow stone. It was half submerged in the swamp, yet none of the murky water seemed to pour into the entrance. Looking closer, it appeared as if this temple had once been at the top of a very long staircase.

Seeing it, Brandine forgot all about the mud, the bugs and her exhaustion. Instead, she heard the sound of gold coins clinking together while she imagined all the lost knowledge she was going to find. Without a second thought, Brandine rushed forwards. Short legs sinking into the murky water somewhat, but her hypothesis about the temple having been above a long staircase was thankfully correct as she didn’t sink too far.

With a grunt, Brandine finally reached the top of the staircase and stepped into the temple. Her footsteps disturbing dust that must’ve laid there for hundreds of years! …Only to be replaced by muddy boot prints. Brandine frowned at the mess she made, then her frowned deepend as she noticed how quiet it was. The incessant buzzing of insects, the croaking of frogs and the squawking of birds had all ceased. None of the bugs that had hounded Brandine during her trip through the swamp seemed to have followed her inside either.

‘Perhaps some old wards?’ Brandine muttered to herself. It was the most likely explanation, though they had likely weakened over time. As they now only seemed capable of keeping animals out.

Brandine went onwards, flanked by murals at either side as she passed through the hallway. The first depicted a black and grey gauntlet, hordes of demonic creatures in the next and some kind of musclebound hero using the gauntlet to slay them in the last one. As she passed that final mural Brandine stepped into a large, open space and hissed at the bright light that suddenly assaulted her blue eyes. 

Blinking the spots out of her eyes, the goblin looked up and realized that she was standing underneath a domed ceiling. It showed a dizzying array of colours and gave of enough light that Brandine wouldn’t need a torch continuing on. Which was fortunate, as she’d lost them all.

Opposite of the entrance was a pool shaped like an octagon, flanked by two staircases leading further down. It wasn’t stagnant, like Brandine had expected. Instead, the water was completely clear and smelled vaguely of flowers. The black and grey tiles she was standing on didn’t show a trace of dust either. Clearly, some kind of magic was at work here to keep everything preserved.

But, Brandine’s mind wasn’t on that at the moment. Instead, she glanced down at her clothes. It wasn’t anything like she would normally wear. It was made of thick cloth, to keep anything nasty from stinging her, and kept closed by all kinds of straps and buttons. Including a hood that was closed tightly around her head. Not only was it unflattering, it also made the already hot, muggy swamp feel even warmer and she was covered in sweat. 

‘Might as well!’ She shrugged as she came to a decision, and she approached the pool.

At the edge of the pool, she began fumbling with all the straps and buttons keeping her protective clothing closed. First, she pulled her hood down. Revealing blonde curls that would usually fall a little past her large, bat-like ears. Now the blonde locks were stuck to her face. Next she started tugging her top down to reveal slender shoulders, then small, hand-filling breasts and a tiny waist.

‘Now for the hard part…’ Brandine grumbled as her she began tugging down her trousers.

The only problem was…Brandine’s waist exploded outwards into a pair of hips only a goblin could have. Broad and strong enough to give birth to a whole litter of goblin kids. Or, in Brandine’s case, broad and strong enough to support the huge, meaty globes of her ass that were currently pouring slowly from her trousers as she tried her damndest to pull them down! When the halves of Brandine’s enormous ass finally did leave the garment in their entirety, loudly clapping together in the process, pulling her trousers down suddenly became a whole lot easier.

‘Finally, Brandine grumbled as she kicked her boots off and stepped out of her trousers that were now pooled around her ankles to dip a toe into the water. ‘Cold!’ The goblin hissed, but she set her jaw and stepped in.

Fortunately, it wasn’t very deep. Though that still meant that the water came to about her waist, hiding the huge green globes of her ass beneath the surface of the small pool. Brandine washed herself quickly as she noticed gooseflesh appearing on her arms and felt her nipples grow painfully hard from the cold.

‘The only reason a woman’s nipples should grow erect is because there’s a handsome man nearby…’ Brandine grumbled as she toyed with the hard, dark green nubs for a moment.

Once she finished playing with her nipples the goblin took three quick, deep breaths and plunged her head underwater. She worked her hands through her blonde locks for several seconds, hoped that it was enough to wash out any sweat and grime, and quickly came back up for air and blinked the droplets of moisture from her long eyelashes.

‘Strange,’ Brandine muttered. ‘The water is still completely clear…’ The goblin whispered in confusion as she looked around, and found no indication that she had just washed herself in the water. ‘And what is that pedestal for?’ She asked herself, while glancing at the centre of the pool.

It was a small stone slab, perhaps twice as large as the outstretched palm of a human man, hidden a few inches below the surface of the water. Probably why Brandine had missed it at first. But the goblin treasure hunter was quickly shaken from her thoughts when she heard someone clear their throat behind her. Brandine spun around to face them, realizing too late how foolish it was considering how she was unarmed and completely naked.

Not that she minded her foolishness much when she saw who had just cleared their throat.

He was human, or at least Brandine thought so. He was far taller than most humans Brandine had run into on her travels, somewhere between seven and eight feet tall. It was difficult to tell, what with the fact that she was currently waist deep in a pool of water…though even if she wasn’t, she had her doubts that the top of her head would come to his stomach. There was something else that made Brandine wonder whether this man was completely human, aside from his height.

How old is he? Brandine wondered as she observed his features

His complexion was dusky, slightly paler than the desert folk living in the Southern corner of the world but still darker than you would expect from someone living near a swamp. Pale lines of old wounds long ago closed lined his body, crisscrossing over a wide chest and a flat stomach ruthlessly stripped of fat to show abdominal muscles. Not exactly the body of a warrior, but pretty to look at. Not that Brandine had her doubts that he could fight, no doubt she could swing from those thick arms and he wouldn’t be bothered in the least…

Don’t get distracted! Brandine mentally chastised herself as she shook her head, shaking droplets of water loose from her blonde hair in the process and causing her ears to flap slightly.

So Brandine forced herself to look up, past that wide, scarred chest, those broad shoulders and his thick neck to look at his face. There she found that his face had a sort of…ageless quality to it. He was handsome for sure with that broad jaw, strong chin and piercing amber eyes. They looked almost gold, Brandine’s favourite colour. But she found that there was a look in those eyes that made her certain that he was much,much older than he looked.

‘Why did you come here?’ He asked in a deep, bass voice. The kind that made something deep within Brandine stir with an aching need. ‘Why have the wards not kept you out?’ He added, and the fingers of his left hand twitched.

That was when Brandine noticed the black gauntlet that nearly covered his entire forearm, lines of white and grey swirling across its surface to form ever changing patterns. Only then did she realize that it was the gauntlet from the mural, which probably made the men before her its guardian.

‘Speak!’ He demanded.

‘Clearly, I belong here.’ Brandine said with a confidence she didn’t quite feel as she waded towards the edge of the pool. ‘Otherwise, the wards obviously wouldn’t have let me pass.’

The Guardian backed away slightly as Brandine came closer, as if he would burn if she came in touch with him. Or perhaps it was something else? Brandine hadn’t missed the way in which he had stared at her wet, naked form. If he was as ancient as Brandine thought, he hadn’t been with a woman for quite some time.

‘If you truly belonged here,’ the Guardian hissed. ‘You would have known not to bathe in The Hand Of Twilight’s holy pool. Speak the truth! You are here for it, are you not? Or perhaps the wealth the priests hid from the demons!’

‘I apologize,’ Brandine murmured as she climbed out of the pool, her expansive backside jiggling softly in the process. ‘The world outside has changed quite a bit,’ she cooed, laying a small green hand on the Guardian’s thick, muscular thigh. ‘I wasn’t told much about this temple’s customs.’ 

The Guardian swallowed audibly and stiffened at Brandine’s touch. The treasure hunter was spouting nonsense, unsure about just what the Guardian knew of the temple and the outside world. She didn’t even know if there were any temples similar to this one out there, but judging by the way in which the Guardian’s loincloth was twitching it didn’t really matter. He was very clearly starved for female companionship, and he had just found some.

Brandine couldn’t resist sliding her hand closer to the red garment, the stylized black gauntlet depicted on stretching slowly as the Guardian’s shaft seemed to swell further the closer the goblin’s green digits came. Considering how the Guardian hadn’t moved or spoken since she’d touched him, Brandine decided to take things a step further and got up on her toes to start removing the Guardian’s loincloth.

After undoing a single knot, Brandine was suddenly hit in the chin. The goblin had to wrap her arms around the Guardian’s thick, muscular thigh to keep herself from falling backwards and into the pool. She briefly wondered what had hit her, but then noticed the red loincloth drifting to the floor…and felt something heavy resting on her head. Heavy enough that she had to bend her head slightly. It was painfully clear to Brandine now that the Guardian was hung. Once again, something deep within the pit of Brandine’s stomach stirred and she curiously took a step back.

A shadow was cast over her face as she now stared up at a cock nearly as long and thick as one of her arms, riddled with thick, pulsing blue veins that supplied it with blood. Between those muscular thighs she had been stroking and clinging to hung a pair of testicles, each as large as her fist, in a completely hairless sack. Brandine was so cockstruck that she didn’t even notice the Guardian move. In fact, she only reacted when his bare hand gathered up her wet blonde hair in a fist before pulling her face close to his hot, throbbing monstercock.

‘You have spoken nothing but lies since you faced me,’ the Guardian growled in that deep voice of his. ‘I believe that lying mouth of yours must be punished.’

‘I couldn’t agree mo-’

The rest of Brandine’s sentence was drowned out by a wet cough as the Guardian’s huge cockhead stretched her mouth and throat. Some tears of effort appeared at the corners of Brandine’s bright blue eyes, but the goblin didn’t resist as the Guardian held her hair in an iron grip and pushed his powerful hips forwards with a single minded determination. 

Juices started running down Brandine’s thick, shapely thighs as she felt her throat bulge outwards obscenely and she became painfully aware of how loud she was breathing through her nose, but she still made no move to stop the Guardian. Instead, her hand disappeared between her legs to pet her dripping pussy.

‘I suppose,’ the Guardian grunted. ‘This might not be the most suited punishment for you.’ Yet, despite his words, he didn’t stop pushing forwards. In fact, Brandine felt a hot, syrup-like substance run down her throat and into her stomach.

Brandine briefly wondered if the Guardian had just orgasmed, but considering how the syrupy fluid continued pouring from his cockhead it was clearly just his precum. Brandine felt her dripping cunt spasm with need and tried her best to push her body forwards, reaching out for the Guardian’s muscular thighs to help her close the distance a little easier. Fortunately, her efforts paid off as she felt her nose bump against his powerful stomach and her chin disappear between his huge balls.

The tears of effort that had appeared at the corners of Brandine’s eyes were now actually running down her green cheeks, yet she looked up at the Guardian in triumph. But he merely smiled calmly in return, slowly pulling his hips backwards in the process. ‘I am only just getting started.’ He stated calmly, before pulling his hips back.

Brandine’s triumphant look quickly disappeared as the Guardian suddenly slammed his hips forwards. The treasure hunter had surprised herself by being able to take every last inch of the monstrous dick without trouble, but as the giant of a man started to move his hips back and forth at a rapidly increasing pace it was inevitable that drool started pouring from her mouth accompanied by loud grunts and groans from her stretched throat.

Because of this, Brandine’s face very quickly became a mess of drool and tears as the Guardian’s furious pace made his balls bounce off of her chin. Her bright blue eyes started to lose focus and the breathing through her nose grew more frantic. Brandine wasn’t sure how much longer she could endure the Guardian fucking her throat…

Fortunately for her, she managed to outlast the Guardian. With a loud, deep groan that bounced off of the walls he stopped moving his hips and hot white jets of cum with the consistency of oatmeal sprayed from his cumslit. It was far too vast an amount for Brandine to swallow and she quickly felt it spraying from the corners of her mouth and even her nostrils. The goblin still managed to drink down a great amount of the Guardian’s semen, however, and she felt as if she wouldn’t have to eat or drink for the rest of the day.

‘Haven’t you ever tried jerking off before?’ Brandine croaked when the Guardian’s long, fat, and still very much erect cock was pulled from her throat.

The Guardian gave a sheepish smile, a strange expression on his broad handsome face, but quickly turned serious again when Brandine turned around and dropped to her knees at the edge of the pool. As she collected a handful of the clear water and splashed it in her face, in an attempt to wash off all the cum and drool, he gave her a sharp swat on her huge green ass.

‘Do not clean yourself in the holy pool!’ The Guardian growled as Brandine squealed in surprise, before giving her jiggling buttcheeks another smack.

The big man seemed to quite enjoy the feeling of those huge green cheeks, as Brandine felt him drop to his haunches behind her while he sank those big, thick fingers of his into the meaty halves of her rear. Even those encased in the metal gauntlet, the one he seemed to want to keep away from her.  He continued to squeeze and slap them, at one point even moving his face a little closer to the jiggling globes to bite and kiss them. Brandine let it all happen, at least it stopped him from complaining about the fact that she was still cleaning her face with the water from this holy pool.

The Guardian quickly seemed to tire from simply squeezing and kissing her ass, however. Because after a few minutes, when most of the spunk was washed from Brandine’s face, she felt him shift his weight behind her. Brandine wondered what he was planning, but wasn’t left wondering for very long as she quickly felt the thick, hot length of the Guardian’s monstercock slide between her huge buttcheeks. 

Both goblin and Guardian hissed at the sensation, Brandine because his shaft was hot and wet with a combination of his jizz and her own spit. While the Guardian had probably hissed because having the treasure hunter’s soft, yet firm, asscheeks wrap around his cock must’ve felt like heaven. That was what Brandine liked to believe, anyway.

But big as it was, Brandine’s meaty backside couldn’t trap the entirety of the Guardian’s monstrous shaft between its cheeks. After a single push from the Guardian’s powerful hips his fat nuts slapped against the goblin’s dripping quim, while strings of thick, hot clear precum rained down on Brandine’s shoulder blades. Brandine imagined having this cock slide into her hot pink depths, and felt her pussy spasm against the Guardian’s sack as she painted it with her juices.

For now, though, the Guardian seemed pleased with simply wringing precum from his cumstuffed balls by sliding his huge prick between the treasure hunter’s asscheeks. Back and forth he went, covering Brandine with precum from her shoulder blades to her huge, heart-shaped rump. Making her more desperate to be absolutely stuffed by his monstercock with every pump of his hips.

‘Just…fuck me already!’ Brandine finally growled, certain that she and the Guardian both were sitting in a puddle of her juices by now.

‘What?’ The Guardian replied, obviously wondering if he heard her correctly. ‘No, that would be impossible. You are far too small.’ He then said when he saw the goblin’s determined expression in the reflection of the pool.

‘I’m a goblin, I can take it!’ Brandine snapped in response. And she hoped she was correct.

‘As you wish.’ He said with a shrug, leaving his gauntleted hand on her ass while using the other to line his prick up with the treasure hunter’s drenched muff.

Brandine sucked on her bottom lip in anticipation as she felt the fat, hot head pressing against her labia. Which turned into her biting on her bottom lip when the Guardian’s monstercock began sliding inside. But, like she said, Brandine could take it. Drool was running down her chin and she could feel her stomach bulging outwards, but every last inch of the Guardian’s huge shaft had slipped inside her twitching pussy.

‘Hold on tight.’ The Guardian growled from behind Brandine. 

The treasure hunter did as she was told and grabbed onto the edge of the pool, and was happy she did when the muscular human behind her began pumping his hips. When he slammed his hips forwards the first time Brandine feared she was being pushed right into the pool! But the Guardian’s grip on her huge behind, and her own white-knuckled grip on the edge of the pool, kept her in place. Apparently satisfied with that result, the Guardian continued hammering his monstercock into the small goblin’s tight cunt.

The meaty slapping sound of the Guardian’s stomach hitting Brandine’s huge, shapely asscheeks echoed through the large open space accompanied by the wet sucking sounds of his monstercock sliding in and out of her drenched cunt. Meanwhile the goblin caught a glimpse of her face scrunched up in pleasure in the reflection of the pool, it wasn’t a very flattering image. Thankfully, the ropes of drool running down her chin snapped off and landed in the pool, causing the water to ripple and disturb the reflection.

However by that point, Brandine’s mind had already gone blank. The way the Guardian had abused her throat, worshipped her ass and was now pounding her pussy had done quite a number on her and she felt a familiar stirring in the pit of her stomach. Signalling that an orgasm was fast approaching. After the Guardian pushed his hips forwards one last time all the other noises in the temple were drowned out by Brandine’s squeal of pleasure as her pink folds clenched themselves tightly around the invading monstercock while her whole body began to shake.

Her squeal was quickly followed by a deep, dark grunt as the Guardian appeared to orgasm as well. Brandine’s squeal of pleasure turned into a grunt of discomfort very fast as she felt her stomach swell further and further with the Guardian’s hot, molasses-like seed. More of it ran down the back of her legs, past the seal of his huge, thick shaft, as her cunt could no longer contain the sheer quantity. Brandine feared that she might pass out if this went on, but to her surprise she felt the Guardian pull out followed by an exhausted sigh and a meaty *THUD!*.

It took Brandine a few minutes to catch her breath, and in that time more seed spilled from her stretched pussy, but when she looked over her shoulder she found the Guardian lying on the cold, tiled floor breathing softly. Clearly asleep. Brandine looked at him for a moment, stunned, then remembered he’d spoken of “priests” who had “hidden their wealth”. With a sly smile she gathered his loincloth and spread the piece of fabric out all the way before waddling down the stairs, leaving a trail of cum in the process…

* * * *

When Brandine ascended the staircase she had fashioned the Guardian’s loincloth into some kind of makeshift knapsack. It was bulging with various amulets, statuettes and bracelets. Some of Deities she didn’t recognize, while others looked like “The Hand of Twilight”. It didn’t matter to Brandine, what mattered was that everything was made from precious metals and gems. Still, this actual Hand of Twilight was probably worth more than everything put together! It was shown on all the murals within this temple, after all. Together with the Guardian, who had probably been her greatest find overall.

Slowly Brandine snuck up to the slumbering Guardian, still completely naked with her makeshift knapsack jingling softly in her left hand. But when she laid her hand on the strange metal of the gauntlet he wore, the Guardian’s eyes snapped open and he moved his hands to strike at her!

Brandine clenched her eyes shut…

…and found that she was back outside, at the edge of the swamp. Thankfully close to Dungheap and, as luck would have it, still holding her knapsack with valuables. Unfortunately, she was still completely naked and therefore food for all the local insects.

‘Ow!’ Brandine growled as she smacked a mosquito that had landed on her behind. ‘As far as punishment goes this isn’t so bad, I suppose.’ Brandine grumbled as she crossed an arm over her chest and held the knapsack in front of her privates.

That being said, she still hurried to Dungheap to get some clothes and book passage to Xandria. Just in case the Guardian did leave his temple to reclaim the valuables she had “liberated”. Although he was a very handsome man and skilled lover, she didn’t want to be nearby now that she was on the immortal warrior’s bad side…


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