Friday 13 December 2019

[COM] Gym Partners

Wanting to lose weight, Bella asks her co-worker if she knows of any gyms nearby. Fortunately for Bella, she does...

Commissioned by Dieselbrain

Contains: Woman with penis, size difference, huge breasts, big cock, titfuck, excessive cum, vaginal sex.


Gym Partners

Bella sighed to herself for the umpteenth time today as she worked the machine to make her customer the cup of coffee they wanted.

‘Heard you sighing like that a lot these last couple of days,’ Telsa piped up after Bella gave the customer their cup. ‘What’s wrong?’

Bella looked to her co-worker, well, boss really. Telsa owned the place but she shared the counter with her more than any of her other colleagues. Telsa was easily a head taller than Bella and almost twice her age. Curly brown hair fell in little ringlets past the older woman’s shoulders, framing a kind yet severe face. A white streak at her right temple and a few fine lines near the corners of her mouth and eyes were the only things that hinted at Telsa’s age, because she was in great condition.

Telsa had some broad shoulders and her arms and legs were thick and muscular and, from what Bella could see of her colleague’s arms, had some clear definition too. Her brown apron, with the words Busy Bean Café emblazoned on it, couldn’t quite hide her soft midsection though. Or her huge, heavy jugs for that matter. As Bella read the letters stretched comically over Telsa’s chest she, for the hundredth time or so, misread the word “Busy” as “Busty” before her eyes quickly snapped back up to Telsa’s face.

‘Bella?’ Telsa asked concerned, folding her strong arms underneath her chest and leaning a little closer. ‘Are you alright? You’ve been quiet for a good long while now.’

Bella swallowed hard as she glanced at the way in which Telsa had used her arms to lift her chest, and she released another sigh. What she wouldn’t give for a body like that…

‘Do you…Do you know any good gyms around here, Telsa?’ Bella decided to just blurt her question out. 

Bella hadn’t been happy with how she looked for a while now. Her midsection was chubby, her butt too fat and her arms and legs were thick but lacked any of the definition Telsa’s limbs had. She had tried to work out at home, of course, but felt like she just couldn’t get it right. And with nobody to instruct her or to push her to do better, she had quickly given up on doing so. Instead, she had been looking for gyms close to work and close to home. But so far, none of them had felt right for her.

Telsa looked her over, taking in the shorter woman’s blonde hair kept in a side cut, her big blue eyes and small, cute, slightly upturned nose, and gave her a warm smile. Slapping a large hand down on one of Bella’s slim shoulders she told her:

‘Come with me after work, Bella. I think I know just the place!’

‘O-okay!’ Bella replied nervously, but she couldn’t help but smile back at Telsa. The big woman’s enthusiasm was infectious.

* * * *

‘Wow!’ Bella said in awe as she stood in Telsa’s basement.

The older woman’s home wasn’t exactly a mansion, but it was close. And its basement was filled with mirrors, floor mats, dumbbells and various pieces of fitness equipment. All of it saw obvious signs of being used, but it was well-taken care of. In one of the mirrors, she saw her own reflection. A chubby blonde girl in loose, baggy workout gear. An oversized Busy Bean Café T-shirt covered her torso, tenting slightly due to her large chest, while she had pulled comfortable sweatpants over her legs and wore some brand new sneakers.

That’s when she saw Telsa approach in the mirror.

The older woman had pulled her brown curls in a sporty ponytail and wore a headband to absorb sweat and keep any stray locks out of her eyes. The band's of a white sports bra dug into her broad shoulders, struggling to contain her huge, jiggly tits. Telsa was a bit softer around the middle, but there was clearly muscle underneath the small layer of fat. Not only that, but out of her work clothes it was even more obvious how thick and muscular her arms and legs were, especially with the tight black shorts that were slung over her broad hips.

‘So, what do you think of it?’ Telsa asked proudly.

‘Amazing…’ Bella replied. If the older woman noticed that she hadn’t pulled her eyes away from her when she answered, she didn’t comment on it.

‘Yeah, it took a lot of work. But I’m proud of it!’ Telsa said excitedly as she placed one hand on her hip while flexing her free arm to show off her bicep. If she was talking about her gym or her muscles, Bella didn’t know. But if it was the latter, Telsa obviously realized she had been staring at her so she stopped abruptly.

‘So, uhm, what’s first?’ Bella asked, trying to change the subject.

‘Hm…Let’s warm up by doing some stretches first!’ Telsa said as she grasped Bella’s hand and led her to the floor mats. ‘Just do what I do.’ The older woman said, smiling warmly as she got on the mat next to Bella.

It started out simply, just stretching down and touching their toes. Even then Telsa would talk her through it calmly. Well, it should have been simple. Once again, Bella found that her eyes were wandering. Towards the swell of Telsa’s meaty rear, as she stood there partially bent over, to her heavy jugs barely encased in their sports bra. She felt something in her sweatpants start to stir and quickly decided to replicate Telsa.

‘Good!’ Telsa exclaimed happy as she glanced at Bella. ‘Now, next we’re going to…’

What followed were several more stretches to limber up, though each one seemed to make the older woman’s impressive curves stand out to Bella’s eyes. It made the blonde wonder whether she was doing it on purpose, but she quickly dismissed those thoughts. It wasn’t as if Telsa could help how large her chest and rear were, or the fact that they jiggled nicely as she moved and stretched.

‘Alright, now that we’re all limbered up I need to know what part of your body you’d like to train first?’ Telsa asked as she hopped off the mat and stood over the slightly out of breath Bella.

‘Uh, well, everything!’ Bella answered. ‘I-I just want to lose weight, to be honest.’

‘Hm…well, in that case let's get started with training your core,’ Telsa thought aloud. ‘Seeing as I need to lose some weight there too.’ She stated with a friendly smile as she grabbed her stomach.

‘So, what do we do?’ Bella asked.

‘Let’s start with some simply sit-ups,’ Came Telsa reply as she lied back down on her mat. ‘Bend your knees, put your arms either over your chest or behind your head and just…sit up.’

Telsa made it look easy, but Bella found that she was having some trouble. Even after the older woman had already finished her set, Bella was still struggling. Fortunately, Telsa noticed and with a warm smile she kneeled down by the blonde’s legs and kept her feet down. This made things easier for Bella, but also a little harder as the older woman’s huge bust was resting partially on her shins.

‘Come on! Just a few more!’ Telsa shouted, cheering Bella on.

Meanwhile, Bella was focused on finishing her set as quickly as possible, while simultaneously being grateful for her baggy gym clothes. A dick nearly as long as a fully ripe banana, and just as thick, was peeking out from the waistband of her sweatpants. Fortunately, her shirt obscured it but there was still a rather obvious bulge. Bella just hoped Telsa hadn’t noticed.

‘13…14...15! That’s a wrap! Well done, Bella!’ Telsa said excitedly as she let go of the blonde’s legs.

‘Th-Thanks!’ Bella replied as she pushed herself up and brought her knees close to her chest, hiding her erection from view. ‘What’s next?’ She asked as she stealthily tried to adjust herself.

‘Hm…Let’s keep things simple for now and try planking.’ Telsa replied as she once again returned to her own mat. It looked as if she were ready to do some push-ups, only she seemed to rest all of her weight on her forearms and didn’t move. ‘This should strengthen your abdominal muscles as well as your back and your shoulders, just try to hold it for a few seconds.’

Bella tried to imitate the older woman as best as she could, but it didn’t take long before Telsa got up and began correcting her pose. Bella felt soft, yet strong, hands on her back, her legs and, even briefly, on her behind. Suffice it to say, Bella’s shaft didn’t become much softer. She tried lowering her crotch to the mat, to make her erection less obvious, but Telsa was quick to correct her again. Hand brushing dangerously close to Bella’s hard cock.

‘Good, try to remain in this position for at least a minute!’ Telsa instructed the blonde as she assumed the same position.

It was the longest minute of Bella’s life! She tried to just look ahead, as if nothing was wrong. But every three seconds she felt herself glancing at Telsa from the corner of her eye to see if the older woman had noticed the impressive tent in her sweatpants, but the brunette didn’t even spare her a glance. Instead, Bella only felt herself growing harder as she noticed the occasional drop of sweat sliding into Telsa’s deep, impressive cleavage. With how hard her cock was Bella couldn’t help but wonder how it felt to sink it into that soft channel…

‘...and that was one minute.’ Came the older woman’s voice, shaking Bella from her lustful thoughts. ‘How was that? Harder than you thought, wasn’t it?’ Telsa asked the blonde.

‘Y-yes!’ Bella stammered as she, once again, tried to hide her erection. This time wondering if Telsa had emphasized the word “harder” on purpose or if it had been her imagination.

‘Well, we’ve warmed up, done some sit-ups and I taught you how to plank. Shall we keep going? Or do you want to call it a day?’ Telsa asked, rising to her feet.

‘I-I can keep going,’ Bella replied. ‘After all, we hardly did anything!’ She added nervously.

In truth, the workouts combined with trying to hide her arousal from her colleague exhausted her. But Bella liked it here, with Telsa. The older woman was kind and explained things well, she didn’t want to stop now and make Telsa feel as if she was making her uncomfortable. Bella just needed to get her stupid libido under control!

‘That’s what I like to hear!’ Telsa exclaimed as she extended a hand towards Bella and pulled her up. ‘What shall we try next…’ She thought aloud. ‘How about we try some pull-ups?’

‘Uh…sure!’ Was Bella’s reply as she followed Telsa to the correct machine.

To Bella’s eyes, the bar hung way to high. Telsa, of course, jumped and grabbed it with ease. Once she hung there with her arms outstretched she lifted her legs until she was in a sitting position and pulled herself up. Telsa did this several times with little effort, her thick arms bulging as she moved. It was quite an impressive display to Bella. After doing this about ten times, Telsa dropped back down.

‘Alright, your turn,’ Telsa said while catching her breath. ‘Try bending your knees if you think it’s too difficult.’ She added as she saw Bella glance up at the bar with a pensive expression on her face.

‘Uhm…that’s not it, Telsa.’ Bella replied.

‘It’s not?’

‘Well, alright maybe that too…’  Bella muttered. ‘It’s just…I don’t think I can reach.’ She added before extending her arms and jumping upwards, proving that she was right when her fingertips didn’t even brush against the metal bar.

‘Is that all?’ Telsa chuckled as she stepped up to Bella and grabbed her waist. ‘Here, let me help,’ With that, the older woman easily lifted the short blonde up in the air. ‘Don’t worry about falling or doing it wrong, I’ll stay right here.’ Telsa assured her as she released Bella’s waist but kept her hands close to the blonde’s sides.

Bella awkwardly raised her legs, causing Telsa to back off slightly. Which was something the blonde was thankful for, considering what kind of effect the older woman was having on her this last hour or so. Unfortunately, after a few pull-ups like that Bella felt that she couldn’t keep her legs up, even bending them at the knees didn’t work. At that point, Telsa stepped closer again and the blonde felt the older woman’s fingers brushing against her sides once more.

 ‘Alright you did good, let's finish up the set with some chin-ups instead.’ Telsa said, her huge bust now uncomfortably close to Bella’s legs.

‘O-Okay…’ Bella grunted as she began to pull herself up.

Bella almost got her chin past the bar when she felt her hardening shaft brush against Telsa’s impressive, soft chest. Immediately, the blonde dropped down again.

‘No, Bella,’ Telsa chastised her colleague. ‘You need to get your chin up over the bar, try again.’

Bella swallowed hard and, figuring that Telsa hadn’t noticed, did as she was instructed. Although a pair of sweatpants and a sports bra were between her cock and Telsa’s breasts respectively, the sensation still proved strong enough for Bella to feel precum starting to leak from the tip of her shaft. Still, she succeeded in doing her chin up. Face red and sweaty, mostly from embarrassment and only partially from the exertion.

‘That’s right, just like that!’ Telsa complimented her. ‘Just a few more, now!’

Bella grunted, still red faced, and tried to get things over as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, in her rush she hadn’t noticed how her baggy sweatpants had slowly but surely been sagging down. Because of this, all it took was one fast chin-up to make her large, precum-dripping cock slip into the open. It thudded wetly against Telsa’s impressive rack, staining the white material of her sports bra. Bella released her grip on the bar in shock…but didn’t fall.

‘So close!’ Telsa hissed, seemingly not noticing the fat cock resting on her chest. ‘Come on, grab the bar again and continue, I’ll be sure to catch you again should you fall.’

It was then that Bella realized that she hadn’t fallen because Telsa was holding her by the waist. The older woman’s thick, muscular arms didn’t even tremble, it was as if Bella weighed nothing for her. Still in shock, all Bella could do was look at the tall brunette with equal parts awe and horror. Though the horror was mostly her own fault as she, once again, glanced down at her escaped prick.

‘Ah yes, let’s just put that away, shall we?’ Telsa mused, as if noticing the fat, heavy shaft for the first time. With a grunt she lowered Bella’s body and brought her closer at the same time, she only stopped when Bella felt the tip of her member brushing back and forth against soft skin and the lycra material of Telsa’s sports bra. ‘Right, I think this should about do it.’

After she said those words, Telsa slowly lifted Bella up again. The smaller woman felt some discomfort as the tip of her shaft brushed back and forth between Telsa’s midsection and bust before, suddenly, she felt her cock slip inside of the older woman’s sports bra. Judging by her colleague’s smile, and the fact that she continued to lift Bella up, this seemed to be exactly what she had in mind.

‘Wh-wha-what?’ Bella managed to stammer as she felt her dick being smothered by the brunette’s soft, sweaty tits.

‘You weren’t hiding your interest in these,’ These being Telsa’s massive jugs. ‘As well as you thought, Bella.’ She teased.

‘S-sorry!’ Bella managed to stammer, although her twitching dick betrayed how apologetic she really was about the whole situation.

‘If you really are sorry,’ Telsa responded, undisturbed by the hot pole spewing precum between her tits. ‘Then grab that bar, and finish your set.’

‘Y-yes ma’am!’ Bella grunted, and she did as she was told.

‘One…’ Telsa counted as the blonde did her first chin-up, her sports bra tenting as the tip of Bella’s long pole peeked out of her cleavage. ‘Two…’ Bella’s excessive precum had mixed with her own sweat and Telsa’s sports bra slowly but surely started to grow more and more see through. ‘Three…’ As Telsa continued to count she slowly moved her hands away from Bella’s waist and instead wrapped her arms around her tits.

With the soft, slick channel between Telsa’s jugs growing even tighter the older woman’s voice sort of faded into the background. Bella wasn’t sure how many more chin-ups she needed to do, but she didn’t really care either. Even as her arms burned due to the effort, she continued. Eagerly fucking the brunette’s cavernous cleavage until her co-worker decided to stop her. Only, she didn’t. So Bella didn’t stop, not until her balls clenched and she couldn’t help but dump her load between Telsa’s tits.

When she felt the blonde’s hot, sticky spunk spray into her cleavage and making her sports bra cling even tighter to her massive mammaries Telsa was quick to grab Bella by the waist again, just in time too because the shorter woman seemed to have lost all strength. Not that Telsa could blame her, she could feel a vast amount of seed either swimming in her cleavage or running down her stomach.

‘That…was quite impressive!’ Telsa mused as she gently laid Bella down. ‘I hope you’re ready for more.’

‘What the next exercise going to be?’ Bella asked, more than a little dazed after the orgasm she’d just experienced.

‘I think I’m going to test your endurance.’ Telsa replied as she began to unfasten her sports bra.

‘How are you going to do that?’ Bella asked, and Telsa answered by taking her cum-stained sports bra off. ‘Oh.’ The blonde muttered, finally understanding.

Out of the tight garment, Telsa’s breasts looked even more huge than they did in it. The massive, heavy orbs hung low. Low enough to at least partially obscure her soft midsection. Now that they were no longer encased in a sports bra, Bella also managed to get a good look at the mess she had caused. Ropes of thick, sticky white cum where everywhere. They hung suspended between the meaty globes like a series of suspension bridges while fat blobs of the stuff clung to the older woman’s pale skin or hung from her nipples.

While Bella was struggling to remove her own clothes, Telsa began to tug her tight shorts down her thick, toned legs. As she did this, the older woman turned away from Bella. Whether she did this on purpose or not, the blonde didn’t know. But neither did she care as she watched Telsa’s meaty, but firm, rear spill out of the tight garment. A few clear strings connecting a plump, aroused labia to the older woman’s shorts grew longer the further she pulled them down before finally breaking.

‘Now, I see that you are more than ready,’ Telsa stated, as she stood bent over and looking over her shoulder at the naked Bella. ‘So, what are you waiting for?’

Bella swallowed hard as she nervously stepped up behind her colleague. Due to their difference in height, the top portion ended up stuffed between the brunette’s asscheeks. A little moan passed Bella’s lips as she felt the heat of the older woman’s cunt against her cock. One hand she wrapped around her shaft, while the other rested on Telsa’s firm rear. Just as she got up on her toes and tried to properly align the crown of her member with Telsa’s pussy, the older woman dropped to all fours.

‘I’m sorry, I didn’t quite take the difference in height into account.’ Telsa teased, shaking her big ass at Bella.

Bella watched the big, firm orbs of her colleague’s ass sway left and right in a mesmerising manner. What little fat was on it jiggling pleasingly. Her eyes were also drawn to Telsa’s strong back and, of course, the impressive way in which her huge tits were flattened against the mat she was lying on yet were still visible as they spilled out from the older woman’s sides. Determined to not let Telsa pull a similar trick, Bella alligned her hard dick with the brunnete’s dripping quim and pushed her hips forwards.

‘Ah!’ Telsa screamed. ‘Eager, aren’t we? Well, so am I!’ The older woman hissed as she rammed her hips backwards, slipping the entirety of Bella’s large dick into her wet, clenching depths.

Bella could only grunt in reply as she stood hunched over Telsa, her chest and plump stomach resting on the older woman’s rump and lower back as pleasure coursed through her body thanks to the way in which Telsa’s slick folds coiled around her shaft. Another grunt passed Bella’s lips, quickly followed by a lance of precum shooting from the tip of her dick, but she dug her fingers into the brunette’s sides and began to pull her hips backwards.

Yesss…’ Telsa hissed through clenched teeth as her slit desperately clung to Bella’s cock to keep it from escaping. ‘That’s the spirit! Just keep moving those hips!’ She shouted, hoping to motivate the younger blonde.

Bella nodded, mostly to herself, as she heard the words. Then, she roughly rammed her member back inside. The long, fat pole rubbed and tugged at Telsa’s sensitive folds while the tip battered against her G-spot. The older woman released a sharp, lustful squeal as a few ropes of lubrication escaped from her clenching cunt. This only spurred her blonde co-worker to repeat the movement again...and again...and again until she was pumping her hips back and forth wildly.

‘Th-that’s it!’ Telsa grunted as she tried to keep pace with Bella.

Beads of sweat had started to appear on Telsa’s body, far more than had appeared during all her workouts together with Bella. More strings of lubrication escaped from the brunette’s snatch too and splattered on the mat as the hammering of the blonde’s prick dislodged them. Seeing the effect that she was having on the more composed, in shape older woman only turned Bella on more and her thrusts quickly turned wild enough for her leg muscles to start burning.

Telsa couldn’t do much more to spur Bella on aside from uttering the occasional lustful ‘Yes!’ as the shorter woman eagerly fucked her cunt. Only the sound of Telsa’s voice accompanied by the slapping sounds of Bella’s stomach impacting with the older woman’s big ass were heard bouncing from the basement gym’s walls. At least until Telsa’s uttered a loud, sharp ‘Fuck!’ before she slumped forwards. Bella’s dick slipped from her pussy as it clenched and unclenched sporadically, Telsa’s whole body twitching as an orgasm hit her like a freight train. The sight before her, combined with all of the previous stimulation, turned out to be too much for Bella.

‘I’m…cumming!’ She groaned as she pointed her large shaft at the older woman’s rear.

Lances of hot jizz were disgorged from Bella’s cumslit, still as thick as before despite the fact that she had just painted Telsa’s chest white only a few minutes before. The older woman only moaned, tongue lolling from her mouth, as she felt the sticky white ropes landing on her behind. Her own climax was still running its course as the blonde’s cum rained down on her, and although neither she or Bella were in much of a position to focus on it the damp spot on the mat Telsa was lying on grew a little larger. Clearly, the brunette was enjoying the sensation of having cum rain down on her.

‘That…’ Telsa croaked as she flipped over, making an even bigger mess of the mat in the process. ‘...was quite something.’ She admitted. ‘But, I see that you aren’t done yet.’ The brunette added with a cocked eyebrow as she glanced, with a somewhat impressed expression on her face, at Bella’s still erect cock.

‘Y-yeah, sorry…’ Bella muttered.

‘Honey, that’s absolute not something you should apologize for,’ Telsa grinned as she pushed herself up with her elbows, tits swaying heavily as cum rained down from the huge globes. ‘Now, why don’t you sit down over there so I can get one last workout for my arms in?’

Bella looked confused at that last statement, but she was only too happy to comply with Telsa’s request. Her legs still felt a little shaky after the pounding she had given the older woman. So with a grin, Bella sat down on the weight lifting bench Telsa had indicated. Legs spread wide to give her large erection and heavy balls some room to breathe. Exactly as her colleague had hoped, apparently, seeing as the brunette dropped to her knees between Bella’s breasts and wrapped her slick tits around the blonde’s pole.

‘This is the workout you were talking about?’ Bella asked, surprised, as Telsa slowly started to slide the huge, heavy globes upwards.

‘Of course,’ Telsa replied with a grin. ‘How do you think my arms got this big?’ The brunette asked as she wrapped her arms around her chest a little tighter, making her biceps bulge while increasing the pressure on Bella’s shaft simultaneously.

As Telsa began to push her breasts down all the way to the base of Bella’s cock, the tip peeked out of her cleavage. Being all slick with a mixture of the blonde’s jizz and Telsa’s own orgasmic juices, the brunette couldn’t help but give it a little lick before it disappeared in her cavernous cleavage again. Bella jumped a little at the extra stimulation, but otherwise she didn’t move. Only too happy to let the older woman do all the work. Not that that bothered Telsa, she was just glad to observe the various expressions that appeared on Bella’s face as she slowly, almost torturously, dragged her jugs up and down along the younger woman’s impressive cock.

‘My, you recover quickly!’ Telsa mused as she felt hot, sticky globules of precum running down the sides of her breasts. ‘I don’t think my workout will last very long!’ She teased.

A little grin flashed across Telsa’s features as she watched the blonde suck on her bottom lip while her fingers tightened around the edges of the bench she was sitting on. Clearly, Bella was fighting to hold something back. Unfortunately for her, Telsa wasn’t about to let her. With a little grunt of exertion the brunette quickly pushed her chest up, and dragged it down at the same speed. More precum flowed from Bella’s cumslit in response to that, just as she’d hoped. So, of course, Telsa decided to keep going at this pace.

Bella was showing her teeth now, a grimace of pleasure having appeared on her face as Telsa’s tittyfucking grew more aggressive. After a few minutes of this the blonde was still fighting back her orgasm, while in the meantime enough precum had poured from her cumslit for it to pool up in the brunette’s cleavage. Due to the tight grip she had on her jugs, not a drop of the pearlescent goo had escaped. But thanks to the way that Bella continued to leak precum, the sticky fluid quickly began to overflow and run down Telsa’s titanic tits.

‘Come on now, I still expect you at work tomorrow. Bright and early!’ Telsa teased. ‘So, just let it all out.’ The older woman grunted as she continued to drag her breasts up and down, ignoring the sticky precum that ran over her hands.

But Bella continued to fight her orgasm, so in response Telsa loosened her hold on her chest somewhat, causing the remaining precum that pooled in her cleavage to spill over her stomach instead, and lowered her head to give the blonde’s cockhead another lick. Apparently that was all it took as ropes of white jizz, much thicker than Bella’s precum, blasted from the younger woman’s cumslit. The first few ropes ended up in Telsa’s mouth, enough to make her cheeks balloon outwards before she swallowed it, her throat bulging obscenely as the salty white jizz traveled down towards her stomach.

As cum continued to spray from the blonde’s shaft, Telsa dragged her tits back upwards. It appeared that the younger blonde woman was still cumming with enough force for ropes of thick, white seed to spray from her cleavage. Globules of the stuff loudly smacked down on the brunette’s huge jugs, usually to slough right back off due to the slippery coating of precum that was already there. When Bella was finally done, she had made quite a mess of Telsa once again. As well as another piece of the older woman’s gym equipment.

‘Now…all done?’ Telsa asked Bella as the blonde looked about ready to collapse.

Bella simply nodded numbly as she leaned backwards, seemingly ready to fall asleep right on the bench. In the process, her softening cock escaped Telsa’s slick, hot cleavage. Thick strands of her cum mixed with precum still connected the massive mammaries to her pole and didn’t seem to want to break, at least not until the brunette herself leaned back and released her grip on her tits.

‘Look at that mess!’ Telsa grunted as her tits splayed apart, revealing the huge, sticky collection of Bella’s cum. ‘I think it’s about time we take a shower, no?’

Bella simply nodded her head quickly in response, quite liking the idea of Telsa’s mature, curvy body wet and shining in the shower as she soaped up those huge, cum-splattered tits of hers… So much so in fact that she felt a twitch in softening prick. Following Telsa’s line of sight, the brunette had clearly noticed and eagerly extended her hand for Bella to grab. Which the blonde of course did, feeling just as eager as her colleague.



  1. Nice! Also... Did you write a series of a highschool chick with a dick that worked at a gym?

  2. I think you might mean Jessica's Troubles?
