Friday 4 September 2020

The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 15: Iros Isles

 The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 15: Iros Isles

(coverart by Dieselbrain)

After weeks on deck of The Flying Viper, Rickard and his companions finally arrive at their destination. They bid farewel to Captain Monifa, and start their search for The Blue Moon Merchant Company and the Temple of Nera in the hopes of lifting Rickard's "Curse"....

Contains: M/F, M/FF, M/FFF, huge cock, huge breasts, big ass, cougar, MILF, rimjob, titfuck, handjob, blowjob, excessive cum, bukakke

You can find the other The 18 Inch Curse chapters HERE.

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The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 15: Iros Isles

It had been weeks since Rickard had first set foot aboard The Flying Viper, but it felt far, far longer. As fun as his nightly excursions to Captain Monifa’s quarters had been her…protective crew made no attempts to hide their disdain for him. Which meant that Rickard was a bundle of nerves whenever he wasn’t around Kess or Brynn and their very large weapons.

But he could finally stop looking over his shoulder as the tall, shimmering white bridges that connected the Iros Isles appeared on the horizon. Also because Kess was standing next to him. One muscular arm draped over his shoulder protectively while the other had a hand resting on a broad, strong hip close to the haft of her axe.

‘So, this is that magical place that can help you with your not so little problem, huh?’ Kess mused. ‘It’s quite pretty!’ She stated simply, smiling broadly while her amber eyes glimmered as she looked at a tower that appeared to have been made of gold and a green glass-like material.

‘That is Iros’ Spire,’ Rickard explained. ‘Apparently it was already here when the Elves appeared from…wherever they’re from. Their king, Iros, made it his seat of power as his subjects claimed the Isles for themselves. But now, it’s the centre of magical learning, so please don’t rob the place like you did with Hoten’s temple.’ Rickard grumbled as he glared up at the tall blonde.

‘Don’t worry, wasn’t even thinking about it,’ Kess mused as her plump lips tugged up to form an impish little smile. ‘So is that where you’re going to get your cock looked at?’ Kess asked, loud enough for the entire ship to hear, as she pointed at Iros’ Spire in an obvious attempt to change the subject.

‘Something tells me that claiming to be cursed and dropping my trousers in a tower filled with wizards won’t be the wisest course of action…’ Rickard replied drily. ‘Still, in a place as grand as this there must be plenty of people practicing magic, right?’

‘Why are you asking me?’ Kess replied with a shrug of her broad shoulders. ‘We have no magic in The Frozen North, only steel and muscle!’ She stated with a broad, beaming smile as she flexed the arm that wasn’t currently wrapped around Rickard.

‘If I might interject…’ Ciara suddenly said from Rickard’s right, which practically made the short, skinny young man jump into Kess’ arms. ‘Perhaps the priestesses of Nera I mentioned yesterday could aid us? If not directly, then maybe they might know someone who specializes in the type of magic that afflicts you? So I would suggest we visit the Temple of Nera first’

‘Oh yeah…’ Rickard muttered while he stroked his chin, the nearly permanent stubble he usually had now a scruffy beard, as he recalled the conversation he and the priestess had had after the Captain finished draining him dry a few nights ago.

‘Should we really involve more Gods and servants in this one’s crazy quest?’ Kess mused as she pulled Rickard’s head against one of huge, pumpkin-sized jugs. ‘The last time didn’t go so well, remember?’ The blonde barbarian added, her tone jovial but her expression deadly serious.

‘Well, that is most certainly true,’ Ciara muttered as she fidgeted nervously. ‘But, well, Nera is a Goddess that specialises in sex. I just thought, if anyone could help…’ The priestess trailed off as she glanced at the taller woman’s flat expression.

‘Sex, huh?’ Kess mused as she once again broke out into a smile. ‘Those priestesses will go crazy for this one, then! I cannot wait!’ The blonde added with a bark of laughter, seemingly having forgotten all about her prior reluctance to visit the Temple of Nera.

‘Before we go anywhere else,’ Brynn’s voice came from behind the trio, as the Dwarven woman clearly still refused to come near the ship’s railing. ‘We have to visit the headquarters of The Blue Moon Merchant Company, it’s the whole reason I was sent along in the first place and I’d be fucked if I wait a day longer after keeping drunken sailors away from what remains of the goods the council sent along as a sample!’ The dwarf grumbled.

‘Well, that’s fair,’ Rickard replied with a nod, one Brynn couldn’t see as his head was obscured by Kess’ chest. ‘But where are their headquarters, anyway?’

‘Uh…’ Brynn stammered.

* * * *

‘What do you mean you forgot to ask!’ Rickard asked for the umpteenth time as the crew unloaded their things while Kess and Brynn kept a close eye on them. Or Brynn at least tried to with Rickard distracting her.

‘I mean I forgot to ask,’ Brynn replied, a lot calmer now that she was on solid ground. ‘I was asked to leave the mountains and do a job normally done by Dwarves and Gnomes in a completely different guild. I had a lot of important things to take care of, alright! I’m sorry that I forgot some questions!’ The Dwarven woman pouted.

Important like spending several days in bed with Ciara, Kess and me?’ Rickard replied with a cocked eyebrow.

‘I didn’t hear you complaining at the time!’ Brynn bit back.

During this exchange The Flying Viper’s crew and Kess were all grinning ear to ear while Ciara’s face had turned a bright red. The bickering of Brynn and Rickard continued for a little longer, but ceased as soon as their wagon was all loaded up at which point Captain Monifa descended down towards the docks.

‘Captain!’ Rickard called out. ‘You wouldn’t happen to know anything about the Blue Moon Merchant Company’s headquarters, would you?’ He asked.

‘Afraid not,’ The dark-skinned woman said with a lazy shrug. ‘The Isles’ authorities do not take kindly to people like me. Whenever we make landfall here we stick to the docks, do our jobs and head back out. But you could try asking at an inn or tavern, that’s how you met me after all.’ She added with a dangerous little smile that showed those sharp, too-white canines again.

‘Got any recommendations?’ Rickard asked while trying to match Monifa’s feral grin with one of his own.

‘Oh, none of the places around here, my dear. They’ll chew you up and spit you out,’ The Unzali woman replied, obviously not intimidated in the least. ‘But there is a place just outside of the Harbor District, The Drunken Dragon, apparently everyone that’s come to the Isles has visited that inn at least once. If you have questions about the Isles you can likely find the answers there.’

‘How can we find it?’

‘Again, I’m not familiar with anything aside from the docks,’ Monifa answered with another one of her lazy shrugs. ‘But I’ve heard you can’t miss it.’

‘A bit vague, but I suppose it’ll have to do…’ Rickard grumbled, and with that the last cask of Dwarven ale was loaded into the wagon.

‘Such a rude young man,’ Monifa said with a click of her tongue. ‘But I suppose you make up for it in other areas! I do hope we can meet again sometime.’ The Unzali woman added with a little smile as she extended her taloned prosthetic to shake Rickard’s hand.

Rickard did so, and immediately regretted it as the claws of the brass contraption dug into his skin. A hiss of pain passed his lips and the Captain’s smile broadened as she achieved her small act of revenge in response to Rickard’s rudeness. When she let go, she tipped her hat to Rickard and his companions in farewell and she and her crew set off to find a place to sell the payment they had received to ferry them to the Iros Isles.

‘Well, let’s find this inn, then.’ Rickard mused as he snapped the reins and spurred the donkey that pulled their wagon into action. It, along with Kess’ beast, seemed largely unaffected by the long journey aboard The Flying Viper as they calmly plodded along…

* * * *

They left the harbour district via one of the tall, white bridges Rickard had seen when the Iros Islands first appeared on the horizon. It was beautifully constructed, ships passed underneath it with ease and it glowed faintly in the sunlight. If Rickard didn’t know any better, he’d assumed the bridge had been just recently built since it appeared to have barely been used.. It was like something out of a fairy tale and Rickard could only suspect that magic was involved somehow. A thought that popped into his head more often as they entered the Silver Ward.

The Silver Ward seemed to have been built for merchants. From the bridge Rickard and his companions rode onto a wide open promenade paved with smooth white stones so two wagons could pass one another easily. One one side, there seemed to be stalls holding wares from all across the globe with dark-skinned Unzali peddling strange herbs and charms made from gold and snakeskin next to tall, pale hunters from the Frozen North selling pelts of giant animals. While on the other side, there was the crystal blue ocean and a sandy grey, almost silver, beach that had been the ward’s namesake. But as impressive as these views were, Rickard was more curious about the things native to the Iros Isles.

Buildings made from white stone and the same strange green glass as Iros’ Spire, tall and thin like little towers. Or perhaps “trees” would be a more apt description as a latticework of “branches” connected each building and cast a shadow over the streets below. People seemed to use the thin bridges to traverse the city almost as much as they used the streets below. What surprised Rickard more, however, were the people.

‘Elves…’  He simply muttered as he watched a young, slender man with long pointed ears pass above him.

He had heard the stories, of course. Of the race that came from beyond the sea and tamed these islands with their magic so they could claim the secrets in the glass tower. Seeing them now he was just so surprised about how…normal they all were. Buying groceries and chatting with neighbours like your average human. But just as he started to think that, one of the Elves using the bridges above him fell and he and his travelling companions let out a scream of surprise and horror. Then a sudden gust of wind picked up, and the Elf landed softly on their feet and ran off like nothing happened.

‘So, that was magic, huh?’ Kess said slowly. ‘Doesn’t seem right to force the winds to do your bidding like that…’ She added a little more quietly as she eyed the Elves above her with suspicion.

‘Well, we can’t all come out of fall like that unschated like a certain someone.’ Rickard teased the Northern woman.

Kess wrinkled her nose at that, but didn’t comment otherwise. As she had mentioned back on The Flying Viper, Kess relied on strength and steel rather than any magic. Being in a city that was seemingly filled with people that could bend the elements to their will and use it against someone…Well, the big woman almost looked nervous to Rickard. 

‘Or does a little magic frighten our normally fearless companion?’ Rickard continued, causing Kess to show him her teeth in what wasn’t quite a smile.

‘Hey you two, stop flirting and look at that!’ Brynn suddenly piped up. Gasping and pointing at something further down the promenade.

Rickard was about to stop the wagon from sheer surprise when he saw a green dragon easily twice the size of a house curled up on its side next to the road. It was lying on one splayed out wing while the other seemed to act as a kind of parasol to keep the sun out of its eyes. And although the large head was partially obscured by said wing, it was obvious even from so far away that its mouth was wide open. What kept Rickard from turning the wagon around and fleeing back to the docks was the luminescent red smoke that poured from the beasts nostrils and hung suspended between its head and outstretched wing to form the words: “THE DRUNKEN DRAGON”.

It was then that Rickard finally noticed the people passing in and out of the “dragon’s” jaws and the wagons and horses parked between its outstretched limbs which seemed to act as a sort of pen. Now that it was obvious that this “dragon” was no dragon at all but merely a statue and building in one carved from the same strange glass-like material as some of the other buildings they had passed, Rickard felt quite foolish about the initial surge of fear he’d felt. Fortunately, he wasn’t the only one.

‘Well,’ Ciara began as she breathed a sigh of relief. ‘The Captain was certainly correct about this place being hard to miss.’ She said with an awkward giggle.

‘We’ve barely seen anything here and I already feel like a country bumpkin.’ Rickard grumbled as he composed himself.

‘Shame, I wanted to try out my new axe…’ Kess grumbled, disappointed.

‘I’m sure you’ll get plenty of opportunities in the future!’ Brynn said cheerfully, a promise that made Rickard and Ciara exchange a worried glance. ‘For now, let’s grab a drink and ask about the Blue Moon Merchant Company.’

‘Yeah,’ Rickard replied. ‘All this gawking has made me thirsty. Let’s find a place to store the wagon and go inside.’

They did so and stepped into the dark opened maw of the carved dragon…and entered into a common room that seemed far too large, even for the rather sizable, building they had just entered. Not only that, but the smooth green glass underneath their feet made way for sturdy, dark wooden planks while the walls around them turned into red brick. The only surface that was still made of the strange green material were the windows, ones that had not been visible from the outside…

‘Ah, I see we have some new faces around here!’ A skinny human man exclaimed, what little hair that remained on his head, as well as a well groomed mustache, had gone completely grey but his dark eyes still sparkled mirthfully at the reactions of his new guests. ‘How can a humble innkeeper such as myself help you?’

Rickard wasn’t certain that this man really was as “humble” as he claimed, considering the space they were standing in and wondered briefly about how they should approach this. Brynn showed no such reservations and the small, strong woman muscled past him and looked up at the innkeeper who seemed surprised to see a Dwarf here.

‘The headquarters of The Blue Moon Merchant Company, do you know where it is?’ She asked.

‘I might,’ The innkeeper replied as he brushed his moustache with his thumb and forefinger. ‘But information like that isn’t free! Why don’t you take a seat, have a drink and share a story or two? He added as he gestured towards the stools before the counter which, as if by magic, pulled themselves back.

Kess showed her teeth in response to the display, but didn’t say or do anything otherwise as she glanced at Rickard. He had noticed her discomfort and couldn’t help but flash her a smirk, one that quickly faded as he went through his pockets in search for coin... and found that, aside from the meaty tube that was his cursed member, there was nothing there. Of course, if they had money they wouldn’t have had to trade in some of their Dwarven wares to book passage on a ship belonging to smugglers. Kess, who looked a lot more confident now returned Rickard’s smirk with one of her own and reached into her cleavage.

‘Just how much treasure do you keep stored in there?’ Rickard asked drily as he remembered how the barbarian had squirreled away some artifacts that had been “liberated” from Hoten’s temple between her titanic tits in the past.

‘Now that that Unzali woman is no longer keeping you occupied each night, I will gladly show you some time,’ Kess said with a wink and a smile as she produced a jingling coin pouch from her cleavage, though her smile faded as she exchanged a none-too friendly look with the innkeeper. 

‘This should be enough to buy us all a drink, I believe.’ She stated as she glanced around the common room of this strange place. ‘Make it something strong for me, wizard!’ The Northern woman added with a grumble.

She tossed the pouch towards the old man, perhaps a little more forceful than necessary, and sat down on one of the stools. Her enormous, heavy tanned jugs resting on the countertop. But even with a distraction like that in front of him, the innkeeper caught the pouch effortlessly and peeked inside. The old man whistled and produced tankards and a bottle.

‘My, with the amount of money you’re spending on little old me I’ll gladly answer any questions you might have about the Isles,’ He said cheerfully as he began pouring drinks. ‘Might I ask how you came by it? Your companions seem far less wealthy.’

‘Sailors are easily distracted and terrible card players.’ Was all she said as she straightened her back and pushed her chest out a little further. The innkeeper couldn’t help but stare, nor could Rickard for that matter.

The old man quickly tore his eyes away from the barbarian’s deep cleavage and cleared his throat as he shoved a tankard towards his guests. All of them took a sip, and Ciara and Rickard immediately began to cough as the liquor burned all the way down their throats. Brynn and Kess didn’t appear to have any issues with it and simply stared at the innkeeper who looked at the young man and the priestess with an amused glimmer in his eyes.

‘Dragon’s Breath,’ He explained. ‘Strong enough for you?’

‘It’ll have to do,’ Kess replied confidently as she drained the tankard. ‘Now, could you tell us about the headquarters of The Blue Moon Merchant Company.’

‘And…and N-Nera’s Temple?’ Ciara added, coughing and red faced. Noticing this, Kess pulled the still full tankard away from the priestess and towards her. Ciara didn’t object. 

‘Hmm…’ The innkeeper began, brushing his mustache. ‘Blue Moon’s headquarters should be close to the centre of the Silver Ward. If you exit the inn and follow the road at the left-hand side you should pass it. You can’t really miss it either, one of the few buildings here constructed out of wood painted all blue and white.’ He explained, and Brynn nodded that she understood.

‘As for the Temple of Nera…that’s in the Rosebush,’ The innkeeper mused with an impish little grin as if that told them everything they needed to know. ‘Something like the red light district,’ He explained when he saw the confusion on everyone’s face. ‘The roads leading to it all are decorated with small, ruby red tiles and bright pink lanterns burn near the entrance. It shouldn’t be hard to find the district itself, nor the Temple of Nera. It’s the only temple in that place.’

‘Thank you for your assistance.’ Ciara replied, showing no real surprise or embarrassment that the temple of a Goddess of Sex was in a red light district.

‘Well now, I gave you some information about the Isles. Why don’t you return the favour by telling me about your-’

‘Norman!’ Another patron called out, distracting the innkeeper. ‘A bottle of Sapphire Fire, please!’

‘Perhaps another time.’ The innkeeper said with a friendly smile as he went to help the customer.

‘I would really like a bath or a proper bed to sleep in,’ Ciara said as she stared longingly at a staircase leading up The Drunken Dragon’s bedrooms. ‘But I suppose we should really finish up Brynn’s job now, no?’

‘Considering what the drinks here cost,’ Rickard murmured as he pushed his tankard towards the Dwarf just as she finished off hers. ‘I doubt we can even afford a room here. So yes, let's get the representative of Clan Dollokin to The Blue Moon Merchant Company and see if we can get some money out of this whole ordeal.’

Brynn slammed Rickard’s, now empty, tankard down next to her own and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand before she hopped off the stool.

‘Yeah, I think I’m just the right amount of drunk to do business with a bunch of merchants,’ She grumbled as she signalled for the rest of them to follow. ‘So doing this sooner would be better than later.’

‘Agreed, the faster we do this the faster we can learn more about Ciara’s new God!’ Kess exclaimed with a fierce grin as she slapped the priestess on the back and nearly sent her flying over the counter.

With that, the four of them stepped away from the counter and exited The Drunken Dragon, blinking frantically as they stepped out of the dark maw and into the bright day of the Iros Isles. Like the innkeeper had said, finding the headquarters of The Blue Moon Merchant Company wasn’t particularly difficult. Following the old man’s directions they quickly found a squat wooden building painted several shades of blue with an iron sign above its entrance that showed a symbol familiar to Rickard, a pale blue crescent moon perched between a black sky and a dark blue sea.

It looked out of place amidst all the beauty and strangeness the Iros Isles had to offer, yet the old wooden building saw a lot of business. Merchants were loading and unloading wagons at one of the side entrances while voices speaking a dozen different tongues could be heard from inside. Next to Rickard, Brynn took it all in while breathing heavily.

‘This is the place, huh?’ The Dwarf mused nervously. ‘Alright, I’m going in. Wish me luck!’

‘You don’t want us to come with you?’ Ciara asked as Brynn hopped down from the bench.

‘I’d love it,’ Brynn began, but held up a hand to stop the priestess as she attempted to climb off the bench to join her. ‘But I’m the representative of Dollokin here,’ She explained, pointing and the yellow and red shield sewn into her leather armour. ‘So I’ll have to do this myself.’ She added confidently, though she quickly and nervously added: ‘Still, if you could wait here I’d really appreciate it.’

‘Of course.’ Rickard replied with a nod. The Dwarf returned his nod with one of her own after which she took a deep breath and marched towards the Blue Moon Merchant Company with her head held high…

* * * *

Rickard didn’t know how long they waited for Brynn to return, but he wasn’t bored as he unabashedly stared at the crowds that passed by dressed in all sorts of strange finery. He and his companions didn’t attract too much attention, aside from some annoyed glances due to their wagon parked on the side of the road. Rickard got distracted from his people watching when the doors to the Blue Moon Merchant Company swung open and Brynn came marching out, looking quite pleased with herself.

‘I take it it went well?’ Rickard asked as Brynn approached.

‘Was there ever any doubt?’ Brynn asked with a bright smile.

‘Yeah.’ Rickard responded drily.

Brynn’s smile faded somewhat and Ciara gasped and lightly smacked Rickard on the shoulder before getting down from the bench to congratulate the Dwarven woman. Kess too descended from her great black stallion and slapped a hand down on the small woman’s shoulder, though she had to drop to her haunches to do so.

‘Ignore him, I’m sure he’s happy for you. Rickard just enjoys behaving like a bratty child sometimes.’ Kess mused, loud enough for Rickard to hear.

‘No I don’t!’ Rickard grumbled, an amused glimmer in his bright green eyes as he glanced at Kess’s large, firm bronzed asscheeks as she kneeled in front of the Dwarven woman. ‘Anyway, what do we need to do with all this crap?’ Rickard finally asked as he looked back at the wagon laden with Dwarven goods.

‘Oh right, they told me to bring the wagon over to one of the side entrances over there.’ Brynn exclaimed as she pointed towards the broad alleyways between the buildings.

‘Alright, let's get this done.’ Rickard grumbled as he spurred the donkey into action and approached one of the side entrances.

They were greeted by broad shouldered humans and Elves dressed in blue and black tunics who, after a brief exchange with Brynn, began to unpack the wagon. The Dwarf herself assisted them as did Kess, who seemed eager to move her body after sitting and waiting around for so long. While Ciara and Rickard tried to stay out of everybody’s way.

Once the wagon was finally empty, Brynn said something that surprised the rest of the group.

‘What do you mean you’re staying here?’ Rickard asked.

‘Exactly what it sounds like,’ Brynn responded simply with her hands on her hips. ‘I am the representative of Dollokin, there’s going to be a lot of details to hash out between the Blue Moon Company and our Trader’s Guild and it’s all going to be through me. The Isles might be my new home for a while, I’m afraid.’ She added with a shrug.

‘I’m certain you’ll do great.’ Ciara said with a warm smile.

‘It’s unfortunate we will no longer have an archer like you watching our back…’ Kess murmured with a scowl. ‘But you’re needed here and I’m sure you will be fine.’ She added as her expression softened and turned into a grin.

‘And you? Why aren’t you saying anything?’ Brynn mused as she shot a cheeky smile up at Rickard. ‘Are you going to miss me that much?’ She teased as she climbed on the wagon’s bench.

‘I am absolutely devastated.’ Rickard said with a completely straight face, though his lips immediately twisted into a grimace as the Dwarven woman planted her broad, soft rear in his lap.

‘As am I.’ Brynn replied, before grabbing the young man’s collar and pulling his head down towards hers to plant a kiss on his lips. With that, she let him go and pushed something into his hands. 

Before Rickard could react, Brynn hopped back down and waved. ‘Be seeing you! I have to get back to work.’ She said as she smiled at Rickard over her shoulder and bade everyone farewell.

‘Eh...right, good luck. I guess we’ll see you later.’ Rickard replied awkwardly as he subtly tried his best to adjust his now swelling member with one hand while he looked at the pouch in the other with wide eyes.

‘It’s about half of what Blue Moon paid for the initial “sample”,’ Brynn shouted over her shoulder. ‘See it as your reward for getting me here!’

‘Thank you!’ Ciara and Kess called out as they waved at Brynn one last time before she disappeared into the Blue Moon Merchant Company. Then they noticed Rickard wiggling uncomfortably on the wagon’s bench, shared a knowing look and smiled impishly at one another.

Rickard didn’t miss their look, or the grins on their faces, and grumbled as he spurred the donkey pulling the wagon into action again. ‘Enough of this tearful farewell, let’s go and look for this “Rosebush” the old man mentioned.’

* * * *

Like the innkeeper of The Drunken Dragon had mentioned, the entrance to the Rosebush wasn’t hard to find. Tiles inlaid with small, ruby rose petals started to pop up almost as soon as they left the Blue Moon Merchant Company behind and the burning pink lanterns were even visible underneath the bright sun that beamed down on the Iros Isles. Wealthy merchants along with scruffy sailors passed through the gates leading into the district side by side.

‘A whole district dedicated to bringing sexual pleasure? I was curious about these Isles before, but now I think I might just fall in love with this place.’ Kess mused.

‘It certainly seems like the perfect place to house the Temple of Nera…’ Ciara said cautiously as she peeked inside the district and noticed the scantily clad men and women.

‘A lot of these buildings are rather…impressive,’ Rickard mused as they rode into the Rosebush while his eyes followed a busty, scantily clad Unzali woman that passed them by. ‘Is a temple really going to stand out?’

Although Rickard was obviously distracted by the Rosebush’s inhabitants, it was true that the buildings looked quite grand for what was essentially a red light district. There were inns, taverns, theaters and places that looked like wellness centres aside from the more normal brothels. The majority were made of the same beautiful, smooth white stone as all the other buildings on the Isles and appeared to be covered with ivy or roses which, on closer inspection, seemed to be the same strange green glass that they had seen before.

Roses made from glass and stone were carved above the entrances along with the strange, green ivy. Some establishments had only one, some had several and others had none. Rickard wondered if it was some kind of way to rate the various businesses here, but he didn’t think about it very hard as a young, blonde prostitute on one of the balconies called out to him and leaned down to show him her ample cleavage.

‘You would think we entered some kind of noble district if it weren’t for the people…’ Ciara mused as she looked at the several mansion-like buildings while ignoring the several catcalls of male, and female, prostitutes more successfully than Rickard did.

‘Yet, something tells me that that’s the Temple we’re looking for.’ Kess called out as she stood in her stirrups and pointed forwards.

A giant, vaguely phallic tower made of such a pale pink stone that it was almost white dominated a large portion of the Rosebush. Both visitors to the district as well as prostitutes came in and out of the tower, its entrance was decorated with pink and white roses that appeared to be carved from stone as well. There were far more of those here than on any other building Rickard had seen so far. Its double doors were wide open revealing pink and white tiles that led inside, while priests and priestesses in semi-sheer pink and white garbs greeted any visitors and waited to show them inside.

‘Yeah, that has to be the place.’ Rickard agreed with Kess as they rode up to the Temple of Nera and found a place to leave their wagon and their beasts of burden.

‘Good day,’ A young man that seemed far too muscular to be a priest greeted the trio as they approached the entrance to the Temple. ‘How can Nera’s love help you today?’

‘I was granted a vision by Nera,’ Ciara spoke up and pulled Rickard along with her as she stepped closer to the priest. ‘She told me to bring this man here.’

The young priest glanced at Ciara’s black garb that indicated that she was not currently serving one God over others, or perhaps he was merely staring at her chest, and gave a firm nod before stepping into the Temple. Indicating that Ciara and her two companions should follow.

They passed an older man consulting a young priestess about his erectile dysfunction, before he was led to somewhere more private. Following that they overheard a highly pregnant woman thanking two young priests for their help, though with what was never specified. The halls of the Temple of Nera clamored with several more of these kinds of conversations that all seemed to carry a sexual undertone, and Rickard’s gait soon turned awkward as his monstrous member began to swell.

Finally, they stopped in what appeared to be the main room of worship. The ceiling was so high up that Rickard could barely see it, but the walls around him were decorated with men and women in several states of undress engaging in a variety of sexual acts. A massive altar depicting a woman with long, curly hair that hid her eyes and covered her tremendous chest dominated the wall across from Rickard, before which he saw a woman wearing the garb of Nera’s priesthood.

She was clearly older than the other priests Rickard had seen, there were vague laugh lines near the corners of her large, expressive green eyes and her full mouth. Her body was also slightly thicker, her huge breasts hung a little heavier and she was a little plump around her middle. But that only added to her appeal.

‘High Priestess,’ The young priest that had guided everyone here exclaimed when he saw the older woman. ‘This woman claims to have been visited by Nera and-’ 

Before the young man could finish Ciara pushed him aside and prostrated herself before the High Priestess and the altar depicting Nera. Caught off guard, the priest fell silent and glared over his shoulder at Kess and Rickard. But the two were just as surprised as he was and looked at Ciara in confusion.

‘I wish to join the priesthood of Nera,’ Ciara finally said, breaking the silence. Resulting in several raised eyebrows. ‘Before this, I served Hoten and his priests dutifully in the Holy City of Yull. But everything they taught it all feels like a lie.’ The priestess muttered sadly as she recalled everything that had happened before she abandoned serving the God of the Sun.’

The High Priestess was silent, allowing the younger woman to collect her thoughts.

‘In my more recent travels, I feel like I have come to understand why one would worship Nera. I am still quite inexperienced in many ways, and perhaps too bashful for a priesthood like this, but if she were to grant me her strength I will make sure to do what is needed of me.’ Ciara finished as she looked up at the High Priestess pleadingly.

‘Lucky you.’ Kess whispered as she prodded Rickard’s side with her elbow.

‘If you wish to join our order, a baptism is required. One observed by Lady Nera herself.’ The High Priestess stated simply while nodding at the altar behind her.

‘I’ll do it.’ Ciara said firmly, and without hesitation.

‘I am glad we have one so eager to join us,’ The High Priestess stated with a warm smile, before turning her attention towards the young priest that had brought everyone here. ‘Jacob, please collect everyone that is available to baptize our new acolyte.’

‘Right away, ma’am.’ The young man replied with an eager nod as he exited the chamber of worship.

‘Why exactly do you need so many people here for the baptism?’ Rickard asked curiously.

‘Without them, we simply do not have the necessary requirements to baptize our new acolyte.’ The High Priestess explained.

‘...I still don’t understand, just splash some water on her and you’re done, right?’ Rickard muttered in confusion. 

‘Do not worry,’ The High Priestess replied. ‘Everything will soon become clear.’

As if on cue about a dozen men and women entered, completely naked except for a medallion around their necks depicting a pink rose. Despite her willingness to join as an acolyte of Nera, the sudden appearance of several naked strangers still made Ciara blush and avert her gaze.

‘I have no idea what’s going on anymore.’ Rickard simply stated as he looked from all the naked newcomers to Kess and then from Kess to the High Priestess.

‘Nera believes that sexual intercourse is one of the greatest ways to celebrate life. Not just because doing so might bring about new life, but also because it is a way to not only worship her but also a way to worship your own body and that of your partner,’ As The High Priestess spoke she slid out of her habit, revealing a pair of huge matronly breasts with a small dusting of freckles. The heavy globes didn’t quite succeed in covering her soft, slightly rounded belly. ‘So how else would we baptize our new followers but with our orgasmic juices?’ She asked, as the priests and priestess around her began to play with their genitals.

As they did this they moved closer to Ciara, in response to which Kess moved to intercept them while placing one hand on Rickard’s shoulder.

‘In that case, Rickard alone is enough.’ Kess said smugly. ‘After all, it was your Goddess' whole idea that Ciara bring him here.’

The High Priestess frowned and opened her mouth as if to protest, but before she could Kess turned towards Rickard and pulled his trousers down in one smooth motion while she dropped to her haunches. Several gasps bounced off the walls as Rickard’s monstrous member, that had previously been hidden due to fantastic Goblin tailoring swung up in the air before slapping down on top of the blonde barbarian’s head with a soft *THUD*.

It was a foot and a half long and nearly as thick as a grown man’s wrists. Blue, brutal-looking veins bulged out from the surface to supply the beastly member with enough blood for it to grow erect, while beneath it hung a pair of fat, lemon-sized nuts that definitely looked more than capable of producing enough semen for Ciara’s baptism.

When she was satisfied that she had proved her point Kess rose to her feet, allowing the monstrous dick to drag across her face, her massive chest and her powerful stomach. Leaving a snail-like trail of precum as it went. The blonde turned to look at the High Priestess and licked the clear, salty fluid from her soft, plump lips before she spoke.

‘Well?’ Was all she said as she slowly began to rub Rickard’s cock, causing him to expel another fat glob of precum which splattered loudly onto the floor.

‘As he was clearly chosen by Nera herself, I will make an exception.’ The High Priestess stated. ‘But if he is not up to the task to cover her completely in his essence, those that have gathered here shall finish the job. I hope this is acceptable?’

‘Yeah, that’s fine!’ Kess replied while nonchalantly shrugging her shoulder. Then she pushed Rickard forward, who nearly fell on his face due to the fact that his trousers were currently bunched up around his ankles. ‘You got this!’ Kess exclaimed with a broad, beaming smile as Rickard glared at her.

‘Alright, so I guess I just…’ Rickard muttered awkwardly as he stepped closer to Ciara and began to stroke his cock with both hands.

Each time his hands reached the base of his monstrous shaft, a fat dollop of precum splattered across Ciara’s upturned face. Her expression currently a mixture of embarrassment, and extreme lust. The whole situation was rather awkward and bizarre, but the sight of Ciara’s face splattered with his precum made Rickard move his hands that much faster. It didn’t take long before his tunic was sticking to his torso thanks to how much he was sweating, even when using both hands his member was still very heavy thanks to its prodigious size. Then, suddenly, a soft, slender hand joined his.

‘I apologize for intervening, but it appears as if you need some assistance. Is it alright if I give it to you?’ The High Priestess whispered into Rickard’s ear from behind, her huge, soft jugs pressing against his back.

‘Yeah.’ Rickard growled in response, focusing only on the pumping of his arms.

Ciara noticed the older woman nod, seemingly more to herself than anybody else, before she dropped to her haunches behind Rickard. The young man then made a noise as he felt something wet and slimy push against the ring of his anus. Ciara then saw those huge balls of his clench before his large pisshole dilated and began to spray thick, sticky ropes of white cum.

Ciara black headpiece was almost instantly painted white while more, heavy globules of cum splattered against her forehead and ended up sliding down over her eyes and cheeks, she had trouble keeping her eyes open due to the weight of the jizz that was stuck in her lashes. But even as she felt strings of semen hanging from her chin she knew that, although prodigious, Rickard’s load was unsuccessful in painting her completely white.

The High Priestess removed her head from between Rickard’s asscheeks and glanced at Ciara and shook it sadly. ‘Although impressive, he did not cover our new acolyte in enough of his essence to properly baptize her. We should-’

‘He’s not done yet…’ Kess grumbled in annoyance as she appeared next to Rickard to push the older woman’s face between his cheeks again.

‘This feels fucking weird.’ Rickard complained as the Head Priestess resumed rimming his asshole, seemingly without complaint.

‘Maybe, but it sure is working!’ Kess replied with a grin as she watched his shaft rise up again, her feeling of brief annoyance having completely disappeared at the sight of it. ‘I should probably help too.’ She then added with a shrug before dropping to her hands and knees and crawling underneath the young man’s huge, heavy shaft.

Rickard could only groan in pleasure as he felt the High Priestess’ tongue teasing his asshole while Kess had raised her head to kiss and lick at one of his huge, cum-filled nuts. His hands were still wrapped around his impressive pole, but he completely forgot about moving them while strand after thick, hot strand of precum escaped from his cumslit to loudly splatter on the floor below. Ciara moaned pathetically as she observed the situation as best as she could due to the impressive amounts of cum piled up on her eyelids, and then slowly scooted forwards.

Another groan passed Rickard’s lips as he felt his fat cockhead slip into Ciara’s warm, wet mouth. Her cheeks bulged due to the sheer size of it, displacing some of the ropes of cum that were clinging to her face and causing them to loudly splatter on the floor to join the rest of the mess. Rickard still didn’t seem willing to move his hands, so as Ciara suckled on the tip of his monstercock Ciara began to stroke the long, thick shaft with short, quick milking motions.

Ciara swallowed almost constantly as rope after rope of precum filled her already stuffed mouth. The ministrations of the three woman rapidly brought Rickard back to the edge of orgasm once more and it didn’t take long before Kess felt the young man’s sack clench against her lips and Ciara quickly pulled her head back and aimed Rickard’s cockhead down as soon as she felt his member swell in her mouth.

Great white gouts of semen blasted over Ciara’s chest, colouring the black fabric white as it clung tightly to the priestess’s chest. Great amounts of it ended up running over her stomach, while her gloves were damp with the sticky slime as Rickard’s second orgasm seemed to peter off. Ciara collapsed on her back soon afterwards, her legs spread wide to show the soaked state of her underwear. Rickard seemed just about ready to collapse too, but was held aloft by Kess and the Head Priestess who was still eagerly eating his ass and keeping his member rock hard.

‘Think you can go again?’ Kess asked as she laid down on her back and looked up at Rickard, her head between Ciara’s spread legs and her enormous, pumpkin-sized jugs bared for all the world to see.

‘Yes.’ Rickard growled eagerly, understanding the hint.

The High Priestess looked somewhat confused as Rickard suddenly pulled away from her. Of course, she quickly understood what was happening when she noticed the young man sitting on the stomach of the powerfully built blonde woman. Without another word, he slapped his slick, monstrous prong between her humongous jugs and Kess eagerly wrapped her muscular arms around the massive globes. Sealing the huge pole in the soft valley of her big, bronzed breasts. But as soon as Rickard shoved his hips forwards, a large portion of his shaft ended up escaping the blonde’s cavernous cleavage with ease and rubbed against her face.

‘Allow me.’ The older woman simply stated, and she sat on Kess' face. Her meaty, freckled rear almost completely obscured the blonde’s face as she dug her fingers into the younger woman’s enormous tits and eagerly rubbed her dripping muff against Rickard’s monstercock.

In no time Kess’ face was soaked with girlcum as the throbbing, veiny pole of Rickard pulsed against the High Priestess’ plump labia while its fat, bulging veins rubbed against her pink entrance. Obviously Rickard’s precum soon joined the mess as the combination of Kess’ deep, soft cleavage and the older woman’s hot, dripping cunt was simply too much stimulation for the poor young man. Because of this, Rickard’s pace rapidly increased. The High Priestess’ juices and his own precum providing ample lubrication to properly fuck Kess’ titanic tits.

Kess had not resisted as the High Priestess climbed on her face, in fact she gleefully lapped her juices from the underside of Rickard’s dick as he brutally rubbed it against her chin, her nose or her lips. But when, after several minutes of fucking her tits, she felt his member swell up again she relinquished her hold on her breasts and instead firmly grabbed the High Priestess’ ass and lifted her up. And not a moment too soon, as ropes of cum soared between her outstretched arms.

The bottom of Ciara’s habit was being soaked by Rickard’s jizz as he climaxed a third time, along with her thigh high socks and her shoees. But this time as Rickard sprayed his load over Ciara, several fat globs of his hot spunk ended up flying between her spread legs and splattered all over the priestess’ damp underwear. Ciara screamed as a climax hit her like a thunderbolt, only the whites of her barely opened eyes were visible as they rolled up while she dramatically arched her back and all three of them watched as Ciara’s stained black habbit turned completely white, except for the stylized pink rose that was stretched across her impressive rack.

‘I’d say that proves she’s an acolyte now.’ Kess stated simply, before unceremoniously tossing the High Priestess off of her. She gave Rickard a playful shove as well before she rose to her feet. It was only then that she realized that they were in the centre of a full blown orgy. ‘I think I’ve taken a real liking to Nera…’ Kess mused with her hands on her hips.

* * * *

Although they were still surrounded by the moaning, writhing bodies of Nera’s priests and priestesses Rickard, Ciara and the High Priestess herself had recovered somewhat. Kess didn’t seem exhausted in the least and sat in one of the pews, observing the orgy with a big smile on her face.

‘So, why exactly did Nera ask you to bring this young man to us?’ The High Priestess asked, still completely naked.

‘I…I do not know, but I thought perhaps there was someone here that could aid him with his curse?’ Ciara asked, blushing heavily as she tried to get used to her new, now semi-sheer, white and pink habit.

‘Curse?’ The Head Priestess mused, seeming genuinely confused. ‘What curse?’

‘What, do you usually have men with donkey dicks passing through here or something?’ Rickard grumbled. He had gotten dressed as soon as he was able.

‘Some. None as impressive as yours, of course. But the rich and powerful of the Iros Isles spend quite a sum every night to grow their sexual organs, breasts or behinds while letting expensive whores take care of them,’ The High Priestess explained casually. ‘So I do not believe many would see your affliction as a “curse”. Still, if you wish, I can attempt to dispel it.’

‘Yes,’ Rickard said with wide eyes, he had not expected an answer like this. ‘Yes, please try!’

‘As you wish. To your feet, then.’ She ordered the young man, and Rickard quickly and eagerly did as was asked of him.

The High Priestess began a soft, low chant as her hand disappeared in the waistband of Rickard’s trousers. He gasped softly, but didn’t otherwise protest as the older woman grasped his soft, but still quite large, prick. Her hand didn’t quite fit all the way around it, but that didn’t appear to be a problem as her chanting reached a crescendo and she suddenly gave Rickard a deep, lustful kiss. His eyes widened in surprise as he definitely felt something. Aside from the obvious pang of arousal that is. But whatever it was, it didn’t seem to take as the High Priestess broke the kiss with an annoyed huff.

‘It definitely is a curse, but it does not appear to be in my power to break it.’ She said in an apologetic tone of voice. ‘Still, I do not understand why someone would think granting a man an appendage such as this is seen as a “curse”.’ She muttered as she gave Rickard’s dick one last affectionate squeeze before she pulled her hand out of his trousers.

‘Well, we can’t all be sex-obsessed religious nutjobs.’ Rickard muttered darkly, and Ciara quickly spoke up before the situation worsened.

‘Do you know anyone else who might be able to assist? Surely a Temple such as this has many connections? There has to be someone with a knowledge of magic, right?’ She pleaded.

‘Well, there is Enchanter Firona,’ The High Priestess muttered. ‘Usually she is the one that supplies some of the clientele within The Rosebush with the potions and spells that “enhance” certain attributes. If she can make things bigger, perhaps she can shrink them down as well?’

‘I’ll take it,’ Rickard grumbled. ‘Where can we find her?

To be continued….

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