Wednesday 22 December 2021

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 11: Working Overtime for Blue Mother

(Cover/ref sheet by Bunkwizard)

This story takes place immediately after Job 10, and explains how Nex gets her new look as seen above.

Contains: M/F, tentacles, pregnant, fingering, long tongue, femboy, cockgrowth, huge cock, lactation, breast expansion, milking, rimjob, multi-boob, titfuck, handjob, excessive cum

You can read other Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades chapters HERE

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 11: Working Overtime for Blue Mother

‘Oooh…Uh…’ Nex realised she had trouble forming words as she came to. Her mouth felt as if someone had stuffed it with cotton and the rest of her body wasn’t responding how she wanted it to either. Lifting her head seemed impossible, for example, while her eyelids felt as if they were made of lead.

‘My, Miss Starshine, we really must stop meeting like this.’ A slightly electronic voice suddenly piped up.

‘What…who?’ Nex muttered, her tongue felt too large for her mouth and her plump black lips had trouble in helping form the words. But she had gotten them out.

Who had just greeted her? The slightly distorted voice had sounded vaguely familiar, but Nex just couldn’t place it. Her head was swimming and memories of what had transpired in the past day, or maybe more, were slow to come. She did feel, desperately, as if she should be doing something else. Be somewhere else. Something deep in the pit of her stomach burned, trying to urge her to get up and get out. Followed by an intense heat between her legs and wetness sliding down her thighs, as if to spur her on.

Well, at least the most important part is still intact. The thought cut through the haze that was filling her head, and Nex could feel her lips quirk up in a brief smirk.

‘I suppose I should not be surprised that someone who has gone through what you have needs some time to adjust. Awakening from cryostasis, no matter how brief it might have been, already takes quite a toll on the body.’ That vaguely familiar voice filled the room again. Nex wished it would just shut up and leave her be, but it simply continued.

‘But being exposed to the Nohric’s fluids and what sounded like quite a long and exhausting mating ritual before the Oae Brightness Bracer™ confirmed you had been successfully inseminated certainly must have added to the exhaustion of your body.’ The voice stated, slightly amused, before adding. ‘And that does not even include the drugs administered to you to keep you calm and compliant.’

Those words finally seemed to shake Nex out of her strange haze. She remembered sitting like this before, blindfolded and handcuffed to a chair about twenty-four hours ago. Or was it longer now? And that voice…there was a distortion there now, as if she was speaking through an intercom. But it was clearly the voice of Blue Mother, one of the universe’s most infamous crime bosses.

More memories came flooding in after that first one. Being forced on a small vessel towards Tropi-09. Fleeing from a strange tentacled beast as she explored the planet’s massive jungles. Getting saved and picked up by some of Tropi-09’s strange “locals”. Meeting their so-called Father and joining the family by participating in some rather intense tentacle sex. Feeling happy, as if she belonged. At least until some strange robot picked her up and jammed a needle in her neck.

Nex shook her head at that last memory, or tried to, as that feeling of belonging and the anger at being taken away didn’t quite feel like it was her own. But, as if in response to the strangeness, she merely felt that intense heat in the pit of her stomach again. Along with it came that odd desire to get up and get out, back to Tropi-09. Fortunately, while her mind appeared to be back in working order her body apparently still needed some time to catch up. At the moment all she could do was open her eyes, something that took a surprising amount of effort.

She was shocked by the sight that greeted her, because she found herself sitting in her room in The Crimson Dome. Or so she thought. It was a bit larger than the room she had in the hotel on Floating Eden, it was missing some of the tell-tale stains and, perhaps most importantly, her room didn’t have thick, duraplast walls that appeared to look out into some sort of laboratory. Standing at the opposite end of one of those walls, next a small loudspeaker, was the tall form of Blue Mother. Smiling smugly and accompanied by people in white coats.

Nex’s eyes focused on the queenly figure of the Lathvirian. The last time the Xyli had seen her, Blue Mother had been sitting behind an impressive, and high-tech, desk. But now, standing amongst human and Lavi researchers, as well as fellow Lathvirians, it was clear that Blue Mother towered over all of them. Her impressive breasts, all four of them, still looked enormous. Even when Nex took her tall frame into account. They mostly hid the impossible, almost waspish, waistline she was blessed with from view. Even if that fancy white dress she seemed to wear everywhere did a fantastic job of somehow supporting the heavy, pale blue globes.

Even so, Nex could still see how said thin waist flared out into a broad set of hips. Not quite as wide as her own, but impressive enough for a non-Xyli that the researchers close to her kept their distance lest they be bumped away. Of course, the fact that she was a notorious crime boss likely had something to do with that as well. Wide hips then went over in shapely thighs and long, athletic legs before ending in small delicate feet that were encased in silver, heeled sandals that added a couple of inches to her already impressive height.

The sight of her made that heat in the pit of Nex’s stomach flare up again as her instincts seemed to scream at her, begging her, to breed with this woman. The desire to get out of this place having seemingly vanished. She wasn’t so sure if these desires were entirely her own, even if she had to admit she had been eye-fucking the taller woman even during their very first meeting where she had been kidnapped by her.

Kidnapped from a room almost exactly like the one she was currently in. 

That Blue Mother had enough information on her private life to replicate something like that should have frightened her. But somehow, the gravity of the situation just didn’t want to settle into her mind. Instead, she was desperately focused on wanting to deal with that aching heat between her thick blue thighs.

So when Nex could finally raise a hand, and found that she was, in fact, not handcuffed to the chair this time, she was quick to slip it between her thighs with a soft sigh. It was a strange reaction to the whole situation to be sure, which was likely why the scientists that accompanied Blue Mother started taking notes on their tablets. While the woman herself just flashed Nex an amused little smile as she pushed a button on the other side of the wall and started to speak.

‘Well, I was about to inform you that you appear to have taken to the Nohric’s spawn well enough, but that it was not without side-effects.’ Blue Mother started to explain. ‘You see, it appears that even with a Xyli’s impressive resistance to aphrodisiacs and the like, your body has grown exceptionally sensitive and your libido has spiked. This was obvious even in your unconscious state.’

As if to prove her point Nex moaned softly after only a few seconds of fondling her plump, damp snatch. Her small, curvy form gave the slightest twitch on the chair she was seated on before girlcum sprayed violently from her trembling cunt. It covered quite a distance and splattered, loudly, against the duraplast wall Blue Mother was standing behind. Some of her scientists actually jumped back in shock, while the crime boss herself had to let go of the button she had been holding to stifle a laugh.

Nex thought she saw the tall Lathvirian woman start to speak again, but her climax had taken out what little energy her body had recovered and she felt herself slipping into unconsciousness yet again…

* * * *

The days that followed all started to blend together and passed by in a blur. What brief moments of lucidity that came to Nex were usually spent pawing at her dripping gash or her sensitive breasts. This made trying to make sense of her whole situation difficult, to say the least. Even when she was pulled out of that simulacrum of her hotel room to be poked and prodded at by Blue Mother’s scientists she just couldn’t stop, which resulted in her being restrained in some way so as to not interfere with their research.

A solution Nex found frustrating, to say the least. Fortunately for her this was not the first time she had been tied up, and it would not be the last. So she had other ways to amuse herself. Ways for which she did not need her fingers.

Opening her mouth wide, Nex allowed her long, long purple tongue to fall past her plush black lips and eventually rest on her chest. The men and women surrounding her were distracted by whatever they were testing now, so they didn’t really pay attention as the Xyli snaked the foot long purple muscle around one of her huge, heavy tits and moved it towards the thick, stiff nipple that capped it. Using the tip of her tongue, she teased the sensitive little nub while using the rest of her dexterous tongue to squeeze the blue globe it was wrapped around.

For the first minute or two, nobody noticed anything. But when moans bubbled forth from Nex’s wide open mouth, some of the scientists couldn’t resist looking up from their tablets. It had been one of the humans that glanced up first and he appeared to be somewhat shocked at the Xyli’s ingenuity. But Nex didn’t miss the hunger in those eyes when he seemed to realise just what she could do with that tongue. Nex felt a surge of pride and arousal at that and began to move her tongue up and down in a milking motion, much like the Nohric had done when it had gotten its tentacles around her tits.

To her surprise, something squirted out from the nipple she had been teasing. Something that tasted sweet and made her feel lightheaded. The padded chair beneath her was immediately soaked as an orgasm hit her fast and hit her hard, causing her tongue to go slack as she gurgled weakly in pleasure.

‘She is already producing milk?’ The scientist that had been watching her little display called out in surprise. ‘The Nohric Drone must be growing at an accelerated rate!’

Those were the last words Nex heard as she drooled over herself while slipping into unconsciousness.

* * * *

‘Urgh…Buh…’ Nex muttered as she sluggishly opened her eyes. ‘Where am I now?’

Nex found herself locked into some strange contraption, her stomach resting on some kind of padded steel bar while her neck and wrists were restrained by another, slightly higher, bar. Her huge, heavy blue breasts were somewhat trapped between them with dura-plast cups placed over her nipples. On the subject of her nipples, why was she wearing a black and white patterned top with holes large enough to let the thick nubs escape?

‘What in The Matron’s name am I wearing?’ Nex mumbled as she glanced around.

It was difficult to really see what was going on, what with her head being locked in place. But she felt something on the top of her head, a hairband to keep her white tresses out of her eyes. Even if it did feel a bit heavier than an ordinary one. Her hands, raised up and locked close to her head, were clad in black and white patterned gloves that went past her elbows. She could also, barely, make out her feet. Dressed in socks that were obviously meant to match her gloves and felt as if they went up to about her thighs.

‘One of the researchers requested it.’ Came the voice of Blue Mother from behind, and Nex could feel long, slender fingers brushing over her hindquarters. ‘It is apparently called a cowgirl outfit? It seems as if there are two varieties, but I think this is the correct one?’

‘Okay…and why am I wearing it?’ Nex asked, feeling herself grow more frustrated by the second as she could not pleasure herself like this.

‘Well, when it was discovered a few days ago that you had started to lactate my scientists advised that it was wise to gather some for research,’ Blue Mother explained matter-of-factly as she continued to fondle Nex’s behind. ‘After all, your orgasmic juices have already proven to act as a powerful aphrodisiac. Lesser than the Nohric’s own fluids, but still potent enough that I have already had to let go of some curious researchers of mine.’

‘That still didn’t answer my question…’ Nex grumbled in frustration as she did her best to thrust her hips back into Blue Mother’s groping hand.

‘Ah, right.’ Blue Mother sighed, as if the change in topic bored her. ‘They simply told me it would be thematically appropriate? It seems somewhat silly to me, but considering the nature of their work it simply seemed wisest to keep them entertained. Which reminds me, I almost forgot about the tail.’

Once again, Nex was left confused. But not for long, as she felt something cold and metallic brush past her pussylips. Even stimulation as minor as that made her cunny squirt out a great big helping of orgasmic juices, which caused the briefest chuckle to escape Blue Mother’s mouth before she pressed the cold, metallic and now quite slick object against the Xyli’s poor, defenceless anus. There was only the barest hint of resistance before Nex’s ass accepted the foreign object and the ring of muscles stretched around the thick piece of metal that plugged up her bottom.

‘There, now doesn’t that look nice?’ Blue Mother chuckled, speaking more to herself than to the Xyli. Or, Nex realised as she heard her heels clacking against the floor, perhaps she was asking the researchers?

Just as the realisation hit her, a hum seemed to fill the room as machines were being turned on and the duraplast cups currently attached to her tits began to rhythmically suck on her nipples. Slowly at first, almost torturously, but droplets of milk were being teased out of her dark blue, nearly purple, nipples. 

To Nex, it felt like a lot of work for so little milk. Couldn’t they have waited until she was a little further along? But as the machine began to speed up, such thoughts quickly dissipated. Partially because greater amounts of milk were successfully being teased from her nipples, but mostly because her heightened sensitivity simply made “thinking” nearly impossible as she rode wave after wave of climaxes.

‘So, how are we feeling, Miss Starshine?’ Came the mocking voice from Blue Mother over another one of those intercoms.

‘Moooooooooo...Moooore!’ Nex howled, pink eyes rolled back to show only the black sclera while her tongue was lolling and twitching from her opened mouth as if it was its own organism.

‘Jesus Christ, she even sounds like a cow!’ An unfamiliar voice chuckled in response to Nex’s orgasmic screams.

Nex thought she heard Blue Mother say something as a follow-up, but whether it was in defence of Nex or to mock her as well she didn’t know. Tones and the meaning of words had all grown somewhat hazy as spikes of pleasure assaulted her brain. Meanwhile the room around her, or what she could see of it anyway, had turned into nothing but vague blobs of colour as tears streamed from her rolling eyes and she could taste the salt of them on her stuck-out tongue.

‘Eh, her heart-rate is spiking, ma’am! Perhaps we should slow things down?’

The voice sounded as if it came from underwater and once again, Nex couldn’t make out Blue Mother’s response. All she could focus on was the fact that those fancy socks they put her in were completely drenched and sticking to her skin. A small part of her started to wonder if she shouldn’t be worried about dehydration with all the sweat, tears and girlcum that were pouring from her body? Yet, despite all that, she still didn’t feel satisfied.

‘Are you sure, ma’am? It looks as if she’s about to pass out!’ The voice came again, from even further away this time it seemed.

‘It will be fine. The Xyli is tougher than she looks.’ Blue Mother replied, and this time Nex could hear her clearly.

In response to the Lathvirian’s voice her anal tunnel clenched around the metallic invader. Was Nex’s body simply hoping for something larger? Or was it unconsciously seeking some kind of pleasure from the crime boss? As if in response to Nex wondering this her ass clenched around the plug once again. Followed by a powerful jet of girlcum blasting from her aroused, but sadly empty, muff. It still wasn’t clear what Nex’s subconscious, or the Nohric Drone growing inside of her, wanted. But at least Nex didn’t have to worry about it too much as she soon stopped thinking altogether when she felt her head going blank…

From somewhere very far away she could hear someone’s request to stop the machine…

* * * *

To Nex it felt that from that day on, there wasn’t a time when she wasn’t attached to that milking machine wearing those strange clothes. But with each day that passed, Nex seemed to give a little more milk and each day she felt a little heavier. 

Processing why all of this was happening was difficult, even though the answer was obvious for anyone that wasn’t Nex. But the suction on her far too sensitive breasts combined with the buttplug, that seemed to get larger whenever it was time to get milked, caused pleasure to race through her body and made it difficult to think.

Today, for the first time in Nex didn’t know how long, the Xyli wasn’t getting milked. Instead, she found herself standing in front of a full-body mirror in the copy of her hotel room. Surprised at what she saw.

Her already broad hips had widened even more and her thighs had grown thicker, all to support the alien lifeform that was growing inside of her. And she certainly needed the extra support as her stomach had grown huge, the blue dome practically hid her crotch from view! Yet, her breasts, having always been particularly large even for her frame, still looked enormous and valiantly tried to hide her pregnant gut from view. Thick streamers of warm, pale milk leaking from her thick, deep blue nipples without the aid of any milking machines now.

‘Ah geez, I’m gonna be stuck with a mom bod after this thing gets out of me…’ Nex complained as she turned around with some effort to get a good look at her wide, meaty backside. ‘It’s gonna take ages for me to firm back up again.’ The Xyli pouted as she grasped at one of her asscheeks, her fingers sinking into the dark blue flesh as she did.

As if in response to that comment her domed stomach bulged outwards even more, showing the outline of thick tentacles as the offspring of the Nohric moved around inside of her. Seemingly displeased about Nex’s comments regarding it and the effect it was having on her body. When it stopped moving, Nex found herself sitting on the floor in a puddle that was a combination of her orgasmic juices and breastmilk. Breathing heavily and with her hair covering her face.

‘Fuck! I’ll never get used to that!’ Nex gasped. ‘If this is what it’s like for a Xyli knocked up with one of these things, I wonder how it is for a human woman?’ She grumbled as she patted her belly with one hand, while fixing her hair with the other.

It had become quite a bit longer since she first arrived here, she mused as she tucked some strands behind her long, pointed ears. Even with all that talk about the Nohric Drone growing at an accelerated rate, she had likely been here for weeks now at the least. If not more. She wondered how much longer it would be, and what would happen after she had given birth to this thing. Things she hadn’t had the time to consider before, or would have been in the right frame of mind for.

Sadly, her thoughts were interrupted by a tapping on one of the duraplast walls that made up her “room”. Whatever fears plagued her mind abruptly left her as she was welcomed by the sight of Blue Mother embracing a very naked, very hung Lavi from behind. The Lavi looked like a typical member of his race, slender, graceful and could have been called androgynous if not for the truly monstrous member hanging between his shapely thighs.

In a way, it reminded Nex of the Lavi that Manorro Reef had “modified” for her entertainment when she had first met the Ahin. Only, in this Lavi’s case his opaque, normally black eyes were a distinct deep green. His slender body, having only the slightest hints of muscle was covered with a sheen of sweat and although Nex could not hear what he was saying he seemed to be shouting and desperate. But Blue Mother was stronger than she looked as she easily kept him in place by bracing one arm over his skinny chest.

Her other arm was pumping up and down along a cock that looked totally out-of-place on the effeminate Space Elf. It was over a foot long, easily, as the fat tip nearly touched the duraplast wall of Nex’s little enclosure. Blue Mother’s hand, meanwhile, didn’t even come close to encircling the fat piece of meat as she lazily moved it up and down. From the Lavi’s fist-sized crown to about halfway down his shaft. Stopped in its tracks only occasionally by the fat veins that supplied the beast with blood.

Blue Mother said nothing, jerking off the Space Elf and using the intercom at the same time was impossible, after all. But she knew she had Nex’s attention as those ruby-coloured eyes gleamed wickedly while glancing at her. She followed this up by whispering some words in the Lavi’s ear, before playfully nibbling on its long, pointed tip. In response to the words the androgynous alien looked right at Nex and arched his back, his upper body partially swallowed by the two sets of Blue Mother’s titanic tits, as he began to cum.

The sound reminded Nex of being stuck in an asteroid storm as the fat ropes of spunk hit the duraplast walls with such force that they shook. And there was such an amount that Nex could barely make out the lower bodies of the Space Elf and Blue Mother as the thick, cloudy liquid started to slide down. And its taste! It tasted like…plastic? 

It was only then that Nex realised she had crawled towards the wall on all fours, belly dragging across the floor, like some animal in heat and had pressed her tongue against the duraplast. Above her, Blue Mother was looking down at her and smiling. Acting like some sort of victorious queen while Nex was just a subject she could lord her powers over. The effect only somewhat diminished by the naked, exhausted Lavi swallowed up by her impressive bosoms.

Then, more of her researchers would come in all kinds of protective gear that Blue Mother evidently did not require as they scraped the Lavi’s semen from the wall and the floor and collected it in various containers to be looked at and tested elsewhere. All while Nex watched them dumbfounded, tongue still pressed against the duraplast wall.

‘You are right to be impressed,’ Blue Mother’s voice suddenly said, as Nex noticed that one of the researchers was holding the button of the intercom down for her. ‘Sindarin here was well below average before we decided to see what sort of effects your bodily fluids would have on him a few days ago, and now look!’ Blue Mother proudly announced as she held up the Lavi’s monstercock as if Nex hadn’t been eyeing it for the past few minutes.

‘Please let me in. Let me please the Mistress. Please let me in. Let me please the Mistress.’ The Lavi begged, repeating the words like they were some sort of mantra.

‘Now, now, Sindarin. What did we discuss? I am your mistress!’ Blue Mother snapped, before resuming in a playful tone. ‘But while it works much faster than your average drug and is less invasive than certain surgeries, there are still some kinks to work out. But don’t worry, I will make sure to keep you up to date!’

With that, Blue Mother left. Dragging a reluctant Sindarin with her while her researchers collected the last of the Lavi’s semen as best as she could. Nex felt a stab of frustration as she watched them leave, but could say and do nothing aside from fingering her twat with some difficulty due to her large stomach and huge breasts getting in the way.

* * * *

Blue Mother and Sindarin, the Lavi that now seemed to act as part test-subject and part pet to the imposing Lathvirian, would pass by daily to tease the aroused Xyli. Occasionally the crime boss would have some words to share on how her research on Nex and the Nohric Drone growing inside of her wre progressing, but most of the time she was struggling to hold Sindarin back from the duraplast walls while she slowly pumped a graceful hand along the length of his monstrous cock.

However, even when she spoke, Nex found herself barely paying any attention to the queenly woman’s words. Her eyes were glued to the Lavi’s massive member whenever Blue Mother came to put on one of their little shows. Was it just her imagination, or was it a little larger each day? She wasn’t sure, nor was she in the right frame of mind to do the measurements in her head. Instead, she simply leaned back as she did her best to move her gravid belly aside to tease her sodden, desperately clenching muff. Something that became harder to do with each passing day.

Then one day the pair came by and Blue Mother did not have to hold the Lavi back as they approached Nex’s little enclosure. Instead, Sindarin followed the tall woman like a meek pet, the foreskin covered head of his dick reaching his knees even in its flaccid state. Hearing Blue Mother talking about some kind of breakthrough caused Nex’s head to snap up, though she did not hear much of it due to all the blood pulsing in her ears. Looking up at the tall Lathvirian and her boytoy did make her realise that Sindarin’s eyes had reverted to their original black colour.

‘They must’ve found a way around that, then?’ Nex mumbled to herself, not realising that this was likely why Blue Mother had come to talk to her today.

‘…at any rate, caring for you after the Drone is born should be no issue now.’ Blue Mother stated as a way to finish her report. Then, while staring at the clearly aroused and exhausted Xyli, her serious expression turned playful. ‘I doubt any of that was of interest to you, however. So let us get to tonight’s entertainment…’

After purring those words over the intercom Blue Mother released whatever button she was holding and reached back. It appeared as if she flipped some kind of switch as her dress that had previously fit her perfectly, accentuating and supporting every curve, suddenly dropped. The garment lay pooled around her ankles, leaving her in only her heeled silver sandals. Something inside Nex stirred, stirred violently enough for the Xyli to see the outlines of several tube-like appendages pushing her already bulging stomach out even further.

Blue Mother didn’t seem to notice as she kicked her dress away, a garment that likely cost more than everything Nex owned put together, and lied down on the floor that had been hosed down with cum for the past few days (or had it been weeks?) as if it was nothing. Nex’s stomach bulged again, and this time she could feel something slithering out of her pussy. Blue Mother still didn’t notice, instead seeming more focused on giving Sindarin instructions while Nex was busy gasping for breath as the tentacle monster inside of her seemed to be growing impatient.

Nex watched as the slender Lavi seemed to kind of squat over Blue Mother with a nervous, but aroused, look on his face. In response, the taller Lathvirian woman began to raise herself up. Sindarin’s member was still flaccid, miraculously enough, but was leaking a steady stream of precum that made Blue Mother’s tits shine. In her current state, Nex’s breasts had far outgrown those of the crime boss. But Blue Mother had the advantage that she had two sets of them, and soon the Space Elf’s massive pole had completely disappeared between them.

Because of this, Blue Mother’s face had also ended up between Sindarin’s bubbly asscheeks and the Lavi now looked far more nervous than aroused. Which explained while his cock was still very much soft, even if it did leak enough silvery precum over the Lathvirian crime boss to fill a pint glass. Not that there was any cause for concern as Blue Mother eagerly spread Sindarin’s buttcheeks and started to run her tongue over the rim of his asshole.

Nex watched the young Space Elf shiver in response, while her own body jerked and writhed more violently as slick black tentacles began to paw at the plump, darkened lips of her labia. While others wrapped themselves roughly around her very sensitive and very erect clitoris as the Nohric Drone growing inside of her clearly wanted to get out. Yet, Blue Mother seemed not to notice. Because even though this was what she wanted, she seemed to be far too invested in teasing Nex at the moment as she buried her tongue in Sindarin’s ass.

Although she could not hear anything, the Jack-of-all-Trades watched through unfocused eyes as the Lavi’s mouth fell open and he bucked his hips. Seemingly to get away from the odd sensation of having the tongue of one of the universe’s most powerful crime bosses buried in his ass. But with the grip Blue Mother had on him, he didn’t succeed in doing much more than buck his hips back and forth in shock. Thus inadvertently, and awkwardly, fucking the Lathvirian’s tits.

Obviously Blue Mother set this all up on purpose, however. A fact that seemed lost on Sindarin who had nervously frozen in place. At least until the Lathvirian crime boss swatted him on the ass, which got him moving again. Or maybe she had said something to spur him on, Nex couldn’t tell with the lack of sound. She was already proud of herself that she was still paying attention as tentacles continued to tease her poor, sensitive twat and hard clitoris. Her body wasn’t listening to her due to their ministrations, and she felt herself lying in an ever growing puddle of her own orgasmic juices and the breast milk that was now steadily dripping from her nipples.

That Blue Mother wasn’t aware of what was happening in the Xyli’s enclosure was understandable, she had her face buried between the bulging asscheeks of a feminine Space Elf, after all. But that said Space Elf didn’t see anything was quite a surprise. Or perhaps he had noticed, but simply didn’t want to call attention to it. Something Nex could understand completely as she tried to focus on the massive, arm-length shaft that was ploughing its way down Blue Mother’s deep cleavages.

With Blue Mother herself still holding onto Sindarin’s rear, the young Lavi boldly grabbed the top pair of the Lathvirian’s breasts. Something he likely could have only dreamt of in the past and, judging from the expression on his face, dreams really did come true. His small hands were practically swallowed by the massive amounts of pale blue titflesh decorated with silver flecks. He tried his best to push as much as possible around his rod now that it had grown erect, and threatened to escape from the soft, warm embrace of the Lathvirian’s jugs. But it wasn’t easy and it clearly frustrated him that he could only grope and squeeze so much of the huge, soft globes.

His thrusts, awkward as they were, grew more frantic and the young Lavi started to lean forward more and more. So much so that Nex wondered if he was going to attempt a somersault. While in fact, he tried to scoop all four of the Lathvirian’s tits up in his arms. Squeezing them together caused a small volcano-like burst of his precum to spray up from where underboob met cleavage. Coating the Lathvirian’s own slender chest in a pearlescent sheen.

Unfortunately for him, his leaning forward also gave Blue Mother the opportunity to see how Nex was enjoying the show. What she saw was that the heavily pregnant Xyli was certainly enjoying herself as her body convulsed in pleasure while leaking copious amounts of girlcum and breast milk everywhere. But most importantly, she noticed how slick black tentacles had wrapped themselves around the Jack-of-all-Trades’ thick blue thighs now as something was dragging itself forward.

What Nex saw then was Blue Mother planting a big wet kiss on each of Sindarin’s heavy nuts before she uttered something that the Xyli could not hear. Sindarin’s pretty face immediately scrunched up in a mask of pleasure as he released thick wads of cum between Blue Mother’s tits that ended up squirting out from between the massive, pale blue orbs and even spilled over her stomach, her legs and the floor. It left the Space Elf’s pisshole with such force that Nex swore she could hear it. Or maybe those sounds were her own orgasmic juices squirting all over the floor as tentacles slapped at her legs.

Impressive as it was, Blue Mother endured it all with a business-like expression on her face. She let the Lavi have his moment, but pushed him aside as soon as his orgasm was finished and left him lying on the floor like a discarded toy. Nex vision was swimming now, but she noticed the tall woman make some gestures and moments later the doors to her “hotel room” hissed open as several men and women in protective gear came rushing inside with a gurney floating between them. Blue Mother followed close behind, semen sloughing off of her impossible body. But she didn’t even seem to care.

A man and woman gathered at Nex’s sides, boots squelching as they stepped onto the soaked carpet. They said something about taking her to the delivery room and that they “would go on three” before they started to count. They barely got past “one” before Nex gasped in pleasure as a fat tentacle forced its way out of her packed cunt and wrapped itself around the leg of the woman that had gathered at her side. It seemed desperate to tear off the protective material that covered her body, but only succeeded in dragging the woman to the ground with a scream. Eliciting some swears from the other paramedics or doctors that Blue Mother had ordered to her room.

‘Transporting her to the delivery room will be quite difficult like this,’ Blue Mother snapped in an annoyed tone of voice. ‘You and you, get everything we need from the delivery room. I will hold the Xyli down while we get to work. And get all the other women out of the room! It will cause chaos if it damages any of your suits!’

‘What about you, ma’am?’ The male paramedic at Nex’s other side asked awkwardly, uncertain on what to do.

‘Your breakthroughs have dragged Sindarin out of his madness,’ Blue Mother replied with a simple shrug as she stepped further into the room, casually side-stepping the tentacles that were rushing out of Nex’s womb. ‘Seeing as he has been my playmate these past few days, I have taken the same “medication” as him. So I should be fine.’

With that, she kneeled down at Nex’s head and placed the smaller woman’s head on her lap while placing her hands on the Xyli’s chest and firmly pushing downwards. A fountain of milk drenched the gathered scientists, doctors and paramedics as well as Nex and Blue Mother herself. Although there was probably a better way to keep the Jack-of-all-Trades in place, nobody wanted to argue with the Lathvirian crime boss as she looked down at Nex with a teasing smile despite the situation.

As more people entered the room with the requested supplies, Nex vision started to fade. She couldn’t quite recall how the delivery went, although she had some moments where her eyes shot open and she’d scream in pleasure as the aphrodisiac-like slime that the Nohric Drone secreted along with its size caused her to orgasm. Which certainly made her thankful for her Xyli physiology. Occasionally she’d see tentacles fling the gathered men around like ragdolls, but Blue Mother always seemed to get things back under control swiftly.

Only when she heard a familiar, whistling shriek that she hadn’t heard since Tropi-09 did Nex fully relax. Even as people were screaming for tranquillisers as several men in protective gear jumped atop a writhing mass of tentacles…

* * * *

After it had been born, Nex never saw the Nohric Drone again. Not unusual for her kind. Xyli children were usually raised by the priesthood that followed The Matron, considering how it was their temples where the Xyli women were being bred. As was their “duty”. Yet, despite everything, Nex still felt an oddly powerful urge to go and see it. One that was only overshadowed by the more powerful urge to leave and return to The Father on Tropi-09.

Fortunately, those urges disappeared over time as Blue Mother’s doctors supplied her with medication while Blue Mother herself supplied her with the men and women necessary to combat her “urges”. Because of this, what was once only an imitation of the Crimson Dome soon started to feel a whole lot more like home as Nex awoke every day with her room filled with passed out sexual partners. It was also a good way to lose the baby weight, although certain parts of her remained rather… filled out.

If she sat down, her mountainous blue boobs would be resting on her lap now. Even when leaning back! Adding to that she had so much sideboob that it was visible from behind her, something that was quite obvious to Nex as she checked herself out in the mirror. Speaking of her back, her hips now truly looked like those of a Xyli. Broad enough to mark her both as a broodmother, and to support her wide, ballooning blue asscheeks.

‘Bah, this is going to be a pain in the ass! Just imagine all the new clothes I have to buy!’ Nex complained to herself as she stood on the slumbering body of one of Blue Mother’s researchers to check herself out.

‘Speaking of new clothes,’ A familiar voice called out from the door opening as Blue Mother herself appeared with a bundle in her arms.

Immediately the eyes of everyone Nex had shared the room with the night before snapped open, and suddenly there was a whirlwind of activity around her. The Jack-of-all-Trades ended up on the floor during some of it as the man she had been using as a podium suddenly got up to gather his clothes. Less than five minutes had passed and the room was empty, save for Blue Mother and Nex herself.

‘I’m starting to think you don’t need anything extra to make people obey and worship you.’ Nex muttered as she slowly climbed to her feet.

‘Only on Infinite Zero, Miss Starshine. The rest of the galaxy might still need that little…push.’ The tall Lathvirian joked. Well, Nex hoped it was a joke.

As the Xyli was contemplating this, Blue Mother put the package on Nex’s bed and started opening it. In it was Nex’s old, very pale pink suit. Or a very good replica of it. Her helmet. And, most importantly, Starstunner. Nex quickly snatched it and looked at it with wide eyes, before looking back up at Blue Mother and realised that she had just grabbed a weapon in the presence of a very dangerous crime boss. The Jack-of-all-Trades opened her mouth to apologise, but the Lathvirian beat her to it.

‘Please, Miss Starshine. I would not have brought you that weapon if I thought it could be used to hurt me.’

‘Oh, yeah. Of course. Silly of me.’ Nex rambled. ‘But you really found it? I thought you were just telling me what I wanted to hear.’

‘I am a woman of my word, Miss Starshine. It was recovered before you left Tropi-09 and, like the rest of your equipment, we have performed necessary repairs on it. Oh, and one last thing.’ Blue Mother mused as she grabbed a credstick from her abundant cleavage. ‘Your payment.’

Nex wouldn’t be surprised if her eyes turned into credit symbols at the sight of all those zeroes and let out a little whoop of delight before she got dressed. To her surprise, she found her suit fit her perfectly despite her increase in “mass” in certain areas. A strange change to it was the fact that her suit lacked sleeves, instead she had gloves that went up past her elbows. The shield generators still clasped around her wrists. But there was a slight hum when she put them on, and as she brushed her bare shoulders there was just the faintest hint of a hexagonal shield-like pattern.

‘Apologies,’ Blue Mother said with a smirk as she watched Nex. ‘But we did not have enough materials to repair the entirety of the suit, especially with how impressively you have filled out. Instead, we have beefed up your shields to cover any areas with exposed skin. Besides, I do believe this fits your style much better.’

‘Don’t worry, I love it!’ Nex replied with an impish grin as she holstered her raygun and pocketed the credstick. ‘What happens now?’ She asked, curious.

‘Now, we return you to Floating Eden. Should I ever require your aid again, well…I know how to find you.’ Blue Mother explained as she gestured around the copy of Nex room in the Crimson Dome, and her smirk turned just a tad cruel.

‘Yeah…obviously.’ Nex responded, her tone flat as she remembered just who she was talking to. ‘So, how do I get back?’

‘Oh, the same way you arrived here the first time.’

‘So I just wake up in my room with no recollection of how I got there?’ Nex scoffed, but then she felt a sharp pain in her neck.

‘Exactly,’ Blue Mother answered smugly as she pulled the needle out of the Xyli’s neck. ‘Although I’m not certain if your room is still available. We did not pay for it these past few months, after all. The same goes for your docking fees.’

‘Oh, you evil bitch…’ Nex slurred as unconsciousness claimed her and she realised where most of the money for this job would be going…


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