Sunday 31 October 2021

A Trio's Halloween Dare

Sequel to "A Halloween Dare" and "Another Halloween Dare".

This chapter stars Jackie, as well as two of her friends, attempting to perform a séance one Halloween night. I wonder what'll happen?

Contains: M/F, F/F, small breasts, big breasts, huge breasts, big ass, monster boy, monster girl, ghost, big cock, huge cock, long tongue, cunnilingus titfuck, orgy, fingering, size difference, excessive cum, vaginal sex.


A Trio’s Halloween Dare

‘Jackie! Jackie, like, pay attention!’ Rosie Jacobs called out to the zoned out Jacqueline O’Mara who had found herself seated at the head of the coffee table surrounded by lit candles. The two of them were hunching over it with one other girl, a wooden board with letters painted on it between them.

‘Sorry, sorry. What were we doing again?’ The redhead asked with an apologetic smile.

In the past, Jackie and her friends would’ve had a lot of booze in them at this point in the evening and would’ve dared her to do something stupid. But with everyone getting older, and times being as they are, Rosie’s latest party wasn’t quite as wild. She had invited all her friends to her grandfather’s cabin in the woods, but only Jackie and a girl she didn’t know too well had shown up. Everyone else claimed they had other things to do this Halloween, but Jackie thought all of them had simply watched one horror movie too many.

‘We’re doing science!’ Rosie proclaimed smugly, her face done up with light clown make-up and her blonde pigtails dyed pink and blue like a character from one of those hundreds of superhero movies that had come out in the last few years.

Séance,’ The third woman corrected Rosie in a quiet, almost embarrassed, voice. ‘I will be acting as the medium and the deceased will speak through me and our Ouija board while you, the “sitters”, will act to empower the energy of the séance.’

The young woman speaking had introduced herself as Victoria Forest, Jackie hadn’t seen her at any of Rosie’s other parties as far as she could recall. But then, those had been a lot more crowded and Victoria was about as short as Jackie herself. Maybe even more so. Adding to that was the fact that she was a lot more skinny and didn’t appear to want to stand out much. Yet, despite that, her costume was quite bold.

Victoria was dressed in a pitch black leotard whose sleeves seemed to end in fingerless gloves, but showed off a lot of her pale, slender legs. Not only that, but it seemed tight enough to reveal the bumps of her nipples that capped her small, hand-filling breasts. A navy blue cloak with a deep hood was thrown over it, keeping her face in shadow thanks to the dim candlelight. Only her dainty chin and black-painted lips were visible, along with a couple of long strands of black and purple dyed hair that made Jackie think of one of those Japanese ghost girls.

Her own costume, in comparison, was kind of…crap. Considering how she had ended up topless, and sometimes completely naked, during most of Rosie’s parties Jackie had opted to just throw on a tight-fitting orange shirt on which she had painted a classic Jack-o-Lantern expression. One that was now stretched out comically over her huge, heavy chest.

‘Right, speaking to the deceased. Cool, let’s do it.’ Jackie replied, just managing to stop herself from rolling her eyes as she finished her sentence.

‘Do you not believe in the supernatural?’ Victoria asked in that same quiet, now almost ominous voice.

‘Believe me, I do.’ Jackie scoffed. ‘I just don’t think this is any way of getting into contact with anything like that.’ She added as she nodded down at the Ouija board, and the reason they were all hunched over the low table in the cabin’s cramped living room.

All three of them had put a finger on the heart-shaped piece of wood that would be spelling out whatever the deceased wanted to say. It was called a “planchette” according to Victoria. Why any spirits would need the living to move around a piece of wood to talk Jackie didn’t know, Daniel had never bothered to contact her through a board like this. Conversations with him usually involved him groping her tits. Jackie recalled this with a grin, which only seemed to get the attention of Victoria again.

‘It appears we do have a skeptic among us... ’ The small, pale girl said in her usual low, soft voice. ‘But little do you know, I’ve brought this spirit board with me because this place has a history. Many, many people died here.’

‘Wait, really?!’ Rosie yelped, voice suddenly high and scared.

‘Your family owns this place, wouldn’t you know?’ Jackie asked with a cocked eyebrow, sounding bored. But she couldn’t help but shiver, Victoria clearly had a way with words.

‘Oh yes,’ Victoria continued, ignoring Jackie’s statement. ‘This cabin was first built in the early 1900’s by one Joseph Hartwick, a lumberjack who was in an accident that disfigured him horribly. He came to these woods to be away from the stares of the people living in the nearby town, building this place with his bare hands and the tools and skills from his lumberjack days.’

‘He wished to be away from them, only going into town when he needed supplies and even then with a burlap sack over his head. But the people, they didn’t trust him. And when things and animals would go missing, they’d blame the stranger in the woods. Until one day, a girl disappeared. They accused poor Joseph of the act and formed a posse, screaming and banging on the windows and the door for him to come out and face justice.’

At this point, Jackie was listening to Victoria’s little tale enraptured despite her skepticism about the whole séance. So when the wind caused a tree branch to slam against the window behind her, she couldn’t help but jump. Fortunately, she looked practically composed compared to Rosie who gave off an impressive, movie-worthy shriek. If it bothered Victoria at all, she didn’t show it. Instead continuing on with her tale without missing so much as a beat.

‘When he did not answer, they broke down the door and murdered him. Searching the entire cabin, they found no sign of the girl. It was only later that it was discovered that the girl had eloped and was now living in a different town. Knowing that, the townspeople vowed to never speak of what had transpired that day. That should have been the end of it, but whenever someone would pass through the forest they would be met with horrible accidents. Perfectly healthy trees would crash down on passers-by and crush them, while others would simply trip over roots and crack open their skulls. People were convinced that the woods were cursed and decided to burn down the cabin to put Joseph’s spirit to rest.’

‘But…the cabin is still here, though?’ Rosie said, deciding to point out the obvious.

Did they plan this for me or something? Jackie wondered as a slightly annoyed grimace appeared on her face.

‘You are correct, it was rebuilt nearly a decade later by Ursula and Graham Murphy. This couple had poured their blood, sweat and tears into what was supposed to be their new home and were just about ready to get married and start their new lives here. But then, Graham was conscripted for the first World War. They promised one another that they would get married once he returned,  but a little over a year after the US joined the war effort and the war had ended. There was no sign of Graham.’

‘Then, finally, there was news. Graham had died in the war. People are uncertain about what happened next, but when Ursula’s parents came to check up on her they found her hanging from the rafters. Dressed in the wedding gown she was supposed to wear on her wedding day with Graham.’

‘So, some people died around here. Doesn’t mean they’ll be sticking around as spirits until someone with some board game comes around to get into contact with them,’ Jackie sighed exasperated. ‘If you didn’t just come up with all of this, that is.’

‘Why don’t we find out if I did?’ Victoria replied, voice soft but tone challenging.

‘Sure, fine. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner I can get drunk.’ Jackie responded with a shrug. Victoria nodded ominously in response and started to speak.

‘Spirits, we welcome any of you that wish to join our circle. Is there one among you that wishes to speak?’

In response, the planchette between their outstretched fingers started to tremble and move towards the word YES that was written in the top right corner of the board. Rosie gasped in a mixture of surprise and fear, while Jackie simply looked on passively. Certain that it was Victoria herself who was moving the piece of wood. Seemingly noticing that Jackie wasn’t engaging like she hoped, Victoria’s hooded face turned towards the redhead and gave a sharp nod in her direction. Indicating that she should speak.

‘What? Oh, right. So…who are we talking to?’ Jackie asked, feeling her cheeks flush pink in embarrassment.

The planchette moved to the letter U, then seemed as if it was about to go left only for it to abruptly stop. The piece of wood trembled, before slipping out from under everyone’s fingers and moving under its own power. Going from U to K, from K to N and then to O before stopping at the letter W.

‘Uknow? What kind of name is that?’ Rosie asked.

‘Maybe it’s not a name?’ Victoria mused with a cock of her hooded head.

‘U-K-N-O-W…“You know”?’ Jackie suggested. 

In response to Jackie’s words the hemline of her shirt was suddenly grabbed and yanked up to expose her huge, heavy pale breasts. Dusted lightly with freckles. Everyone screamed in response to the redhead’s chest being suddenly and forcefully exposed, although Jackie’s scream had a somewhat mirthful edge to it.

‘Daniel? I should’ve known!’ She called out as her screaming turned into laughter.

Victoria and Rosie looked at Jackie as if she were crazy, at least until a green outline of a person appeared behind Jackie. A green outline which rapidly solidified to take the form of a tall, lanky young man with long black hair that framed a handsome face in which expressive eyes were set. Eyes that sparkled mischievously as he continued to hold up Jackie’s shirt. His clothing appeared to have come from somewhere in the 1800’s and hugged his frame tightly, showing hints of lean muscles and the outline of a large member.

‘I…this…’ Rosie babbled, before she swallowed loudly. ‘This isn’t real. This wasn’t supposed to happen, Victoria.’

‘I did exactly what you wanted me to do, I did all my research and prepared all this stuff. This isn’t my fault.’ Victoria said calmly, though her legs were trembling.

‘Oh yes, you did a really nice job. I’m glad my friends haven’t been forgotten.’ Daniel mused as he inserted himself into the conversation.

‘...what do you mean?’ Rosie asked after a moment’s hesitation.

Daniel merely smiled and snapped his fingers, then Jackie heard screaming from outside. With her shirt having kind of fallen back into place after Daniel let go of it, Jackie turned around and opened the curtains to see several shadowy figures disappearing into the forest. One of them was wearing what appeared to be a wedding dress, while others were dressed up like lumberjacks and wielding axes which most of them abandoned. Although she could not see what they were running from, Rosie had obviously set up some elaborate prank which Daniel had now ruined.

‘Couldn’t you just give me one normal Halloween, Rosie?’ Jackie asked, exasperated, as she turned her head to face the blonde.

‘Come on, what would’ve been the fun in that?’ Rosie retorted with an impish smirk she struggled to keep on her face.

‘On that, we agree.’ Daniel piped up. ‘Normal is very much overrated, don’t you agree?’

‘Oh yeah, I’m glad you understand Mr. Ghost!’ Rosie quickly replied while rapidly nodding. ‘Halloween just isn’t fun if it isn’t a little scary…or a little sexy.’ She added that last thought a few moments later, after seemingly having recalled the things she had put Jackie through over the years.

‘I am so glad to hear you say that! Because I’ve been eager to introduce you to my friends. Joseph, Ursula…you can come out now!’

Two more green outlines appeared in the room. One behind Rosie, the other behind Victoria. The one standing behind Victoria coalesced first into the shape of a man that both looked too tall and too wide to comfortably fit through any doorway. A burlap sack was pulled over his head, a single hole where one’s right eye would be from which came a ghostly green light. A button-down plaid shirt covered his torso, buttons straining to keep it closed and arms rolled up to show massive, meaty forearms that ended in large hands with fingers that were easily twice as thick as those of Daniel. This man, this ghost, positively loomed over Victoria and greeted her with a low, deep growl that seemed to shake the very cabin while something big and dangerous twitched in his jeans.

At the appearance of yet another ghost, Rosie bolted towards the door. But before she got very far strips of ragged white cloth wrapped themselves around those long, shapely legs she was so proud of. She fell with a yelp, and clenched her eyes shut to prepare for impact. Only to be saved by falling on her face as yet more strips of cloth wrapped around her arms before being yanked back to where she had been sitting a moment ago. There, she fell backwards into something…soft.

Glancing upwards, Rosie was greeted by a woman dressed in a wedding gown. Floating close to the rafters. The top half of her face was hidden by a headpiece and a veil but her full, blood red lips were on display and tugged up into an amused little smile. A light dusting of freckles crossed the bridge of her small, straight nose and a few locks of dark red hair had escaped her headpiece to frame a sharp jawline and slightly pointed chin.

‘Don’t worry, I’ve caught you.’ The woman said softly with the barest hint of an Irish brogue. In response, all the fight seemed to go out of the blonde who could only blush as she seemingly leaned further back against the ghostly redhead.

‘I figured Ursula would be her type.’ Daniel mused while rubbing his chin wisely.

Jackie looked from Rosie to Daniel with narrowed eyes. That Rosie had a thing for chesty redheads wasn’t all that surprising to her, considering how eager the blonde had been to get her naked all those previous Halloweens. But how Daniel knew about this? That was a mystery. As far as she knew, the first time the two had met had been when she’d taken a shortcut through an abandoned mansion one Halloween night while topless if you didn’t count the Jack-o-Lantern body paint.

Sadly, she wasn’t giving a lot of time to ponder this as the ghost that had apperated behind Victoria suddenly clasped one, meaty hand around her tiny, hourglass waist and picked her up. Victoria, who had seemingly been caught like a deer in the headlight up to this point, screamed and her hood fell off in the process. Revealing a pale, cute face framed by her long black hair with purple highlights. Her big, dark expressive eyes were open wide in horror as this massive, ghostly figure held her in its grasp.

‘Oh, don’t worry! Joseph’s just trying to show his appreciation for sharing the tale of his innocence!’ Daniel yelled as the large ghost looked from Victoria to Ursula and Rosie and moved one thick, calloused finger over Victoria’s leotard-clad chest. ‘Ah, I’m sure they’ll figure it out.’ Daniel then murmured to himself with a shrug.

He then circled around Jackie and stopped in front of her, blocking her from seeing what was happening to her friends. Well, as much as a ghost could block someone’s field of view, anyway. Pleased to have her attention, Daniel snapped his fingers. It sounded much louder than it had any right to be, causing Jackie to flinch and shut her eyes. When she opened them again, Daniel was floating before her completely naked. His monstrous member semi-erect and pointed at her face.

‘You’re gone for all those years and when you get back you just wave your dick in my face and expect me to get to work?’ Jackie replied drily. ‘Can’t a girl get a little romance?’

‘Romance? Did I not stop these two from pulling a vicious prank on you? Does that not make me my lady’s knight in shining armour?’ He asked as he gestured at the other girls ensnared by his ghostly companions.

Ursula was gently stripping Rosie out of her costume while sucking on her earlobe and running her hands across the blonde’s sculpted midsection and the lean musculature of her arms and legs. Joseph was considerably less delicate, accidentally tearing open Victoria’s leotard to expose her small, but shapely chest while growling into her ear. But the skinny young woman had stopped screaming, at least. Which was…something.

‘Though, granted, I may have scarred them for life a little. But still, don’t come to me complaining about a lack of romance after all I’ve done for you. The nerve!’ Daniel stated with mock outrage as he theatrically folded his arms.

‘Fine, I guess you were pretty heroic.’ Jackie said with an exaggerated roll of her eyes, and softly added. ‘You big drama queen.’ Daniel’s response to this was to slap his beefy, semi-erect member against Jackie’s forehead. Messing up the impressive fauxhawk she had styled her hair into.

‘Since we can all agree on that I think it’s time you get to work.’ Daniel responded smugly, smacking his member down a couple more times.

‘You’re lucky you’re a ghost so I can’t strangle you.’ Jackie grumbled as she felt his ectoplasm-like precum sliding down her forehead.

Yet, despite her complaints, Jackie did lean back and opened her mouth wide to give Daniel an opportunity to slide his cock into her mouth. An opportunity the ghost was only too happy to take as he first slapped the tip of his member on the redhead’s outstretched tongue, before roughly ramming his hips forwards. Daniel’s member was huge, but the benefit of him not being particularly corporeal made swallowing it easy for the top-heavy redhead. The massive pole didn’t even trigger her gag reflex, despite stretching her throat and making it bulge out obscenely. At worst, her throat felt a little sore.

Though she feared it would soon feel a lot more sore than she expected, because even though Daniel had nothing to brace himself against, floating before her as he did, his hips still appeared to be moving a mile a minute. His beefy balls battered against Jackie’s dainty chin with each thrust, and at times her nose seemed to be going inside of his stomach whenever Daniel would bottom out in her throat. Both with how fast he was moving, and how much of that hellishly hot precum he was leaking into Jackie’s stomach, she felt as if she should be coughing. Yet, that wasn’t happening.

What did happen, however, was that all the right signals were being sent to her brain in response to being used in such a matter. The crotch of her trousers was almost immediately soaked and her thick pink nipples were painfully erect, showing obvious bumps as they threatened to poke through the eyes of the Jack-o-Lantern decorating her shirt. Obviously, Daniel didn’t miss that either and sank his hands through Jackie’s shirt to give her nipples a firm, rough pinch.

Jackie moaned around Daniel’s invading shaft immediately and felt her whole body jerk and shiver as an orgasm rocked her curvy form. Stars danced before her eyes and Daniel and all the other ghosts briefly seemed to disappear before she found herself lying on the floor staring at the ceiling, laying in a small puddle of her own orgasmic juices. Trousers well and thoroughly soaked.

‘Well, that wasn’t far. I didn’t get to cum at all!’ Daniel grumbled in his usual exaggerated fashion as he crossed his arms over his lean, muscular chest again. Strands of ectoplasm and girlcum dangling from his now fully erect shaft. ‘Do you have any idea how pent-up I am after these last few years?’ He continued to complain.

‘Bet I have a way to make it up to you.’ Jackie croaked as she unbuttoned her trousers and, with some effort, wiggled out of the soaked garment to show her drenched, darkened labia crowned with red pubes to the pouting ghost.

‘It’s a start.’ Daniel replied before he sank into the floor and disappeared.

Jackie was confused for a moment before she felt a pair of hands sink into her wide, meaty asscheeks and her lower body was pulled into the air. It was, of course, Daniel who had floated back up through the floor and was now pulling her along. Her Jack-o-Lantern shirt gave in to gravity as her massive, freckled tits were exposed once again and spilled out to her sides. Daniel made a show of licking his lips at the sight of it as he floated closer to the pale orbs, lining his cockhead up with the redhead’s sodden muff in the process.

Jackie responded by wrapping her arms around the mountainous orbs to give Daniel easier access, but it turned out there was no need as the young man’s neck extended and he opened his mouth wide to wrap his lips around her thick pink nipples. At the same time, he shoved his hips forwards and Jackie gasped as Daniel’s huge, intensely warm member stretched her insides as it slowly forced itself deeper. The ghostly young man’s cheeks were hollowed out, that was how forcefully he sucked on her nipples. Causing Jackie’s snatch to quiver and tighten around Daniel’s girthy prick, slowing his progress somewhat.

From the corner of her eye Jackie noticed how Rosie was now completely naked, her lean, bronzed fitness model-like body on display to anyone who would look in her direction. Strips of white cloth had wrapped themselves around her long, graceful limbs, squeezed around her sizable chest and kept her legs spread wide as she hung from the ceiling. All that remained of her original costume, as far as Jackie could see, were her dyed pigtails and her clown-like make-up. Said make-up had rapidly started to run and smudge, however, as the blonde whispered the words “Oh God!” over and over and over again.

The cause of this was Ursula, who had used her ruined wedding dress to hang the young blonde from one of the cabin’s visible rafters. The redhead herself had floated down somewhat, her head between Rosie’s splayed thighs. Loud, and lewd, wet sucking sounds came from there as strands of ectoplasm-like drool and Rosie’s orgasmic juices dribbled down from the ceiling and rained down onto the floor. Rosie’s flat stomach, ruthlessly stripped from any excess fat, was now bulged outwards in obscene fashion. Showing the outline of something serpentine rampaging around in the younger woman’s womb.

As Rosie continued her incoherent babbling, Ursula started to drift upwards. Showing that the serpentine “thing” that Jackie had seen slithering around her friend’s box was actually the ghostly woman’s long, long pink and blue tongue. Even as she came face to face with the blonde, its tip was still inserted into Rosie’s muff. The sound of something wet being dragged away echoed through the cabin as Ursula slowly pulled her tongue back into her mouth and gently grasped Rosie’s chin between her thumb and forefinger.

‘I hate to be a bother, but invoking the name o’ the Holy Father like that over and over again does sting a wee bit,’ Ursala said gently while Rosie continued to murmur softly, bronzed skin now visible beneath the clown make-up as tears and drool had washed streaks of it away. ‘So I’m afraid I’ll have to shut you up now.’

Jackie watched as Ursula pushed those full red lips of hers against Rosie’s and kissed her passionately. She swore she saw something large push its way down the blonde’s throat next, but could not fully focus as she felt something large and hot suddenly being shoved into her womb. Her vision went white at that, and she thought she heard somebody scream! But whether it was her or one of the other girls she didn’t know. When colour returned to her world she found herself looking down at her huge heavy chest and Daniel. Was it just her imagination, or did he look pouty?

Glancing at the ceiling before looking back at Jackie his eyes narrowed and she could feel something twist and turn around her nipples before a long, thick tongue crawled forth from Daniel’s mouth. Jackie flashed him an impish little smile in response, finding it adorable that the ghostly young man felt the need to prove that he was just as good with his tongue as Ursula. Daniel’s retort to her little smile was to wrap his tongue around the entirety of Jackie’s impressive, freckled rack, squeezing the massive orbs together tightly enough to make the chubby redhead hiss softly. Satisfied, he moved his tongue up and down. Squeezing Jackie’s soft mammaries tightly, and then releasing them. Squeeze tightly…and release! Squeeze tightly...and release!

Over and over he did this, moving in kind of a milking motion as he continued to bite and suckle on her hard, sensitive nipples. All while his monstercock was still buried into Jackie up to the hilt, leaking hot precum straight into her womb. Jackie’s smugness had faded by this point, instead she was moaning and struggling to move her arms past her chest to paw at her sensitive little clit. Satisfied with this result, Daniel finally began to move. He dragged his hips up slowly…then slammed them down violently! This made Jackie’s arms fall limply by her side as yet another orgasm rocked her short, curvy form. But Daniel did not care, his lower body turned less corporeal for ease of movement but Jackie could still feel him. Boy could she feel him.

To Jackie, the cabin was nothing but a cacophony of lights and noise. Her brain, for some reason, could not make out any details as her pussy squirted and twitched around Daniel’s shaft as he continued to pound it down her trembling pink tunnel without a care. Intent on reaching his orgasm. Yet, even though he had complained about how “pent-up” he was after all this time, the ghostly young man was clearly set on taking his time. Leaving Jackie to speak in tongues while a puddle of girlcum grew steadily larger beneath her.

Rosie was in much the same state as her thanks to Ursula’s lengthy, dexterous tongue and her nimble fingers. The only ones who appeared to be taking things a little slower were Victoria and Joseph. The massive man had just inserted one of his thick fingers into the pale young woman’s twat, the darkened lips of her pussy splaying open dramatically at the invasion. For all her prior fear, Victoria seemed to be reacting to the stimulation as rivulets of wetness ran down the insides of her thighs and she started to look slightly flushed.

Satisfied, Joseph slowly added another finger. Using his free hand to rub at the skinny young woman’s sensitive clit. For the first time since she stopped screaming, Victoria made a sound. A soft moan passed her lips as her poor pussy was stretched even further and, emboldened, Joseph saw that as a sign to move his fingers a little faster. Although it did not rise above the sounds the other couples were making, the wet sucking sounds of Joseph’s thick fingers sliding in and out of Victoria’s twat gradually grew louder and louder. Then, suddenly, stopped as the pale young woman grunted and arched her back as she squirted powerfully to announce her orgasm.

‘You have to teach me how you do that someday.’ The voice of Ursula said from somewhere above as Jackie started to become aware of where she was once more.

Just as her eyes refocused and she saw more than just colours and blurred figures, Daniel’s neck returned to its original length. As it did, the entirety of his tongue seemed to roll back into his mouth as if he was some kind of cartoon character. The sensation of which almost immediately caused Jackie’s vision to blur again as her eyes threatened to roll back. Then, with a roar that would likely scare off any would-be pranksters still remaining near the cabin, Daniel’s prick started to swell up.

Jackie could only gasp at the liquid heat that was shooting into her womb, rapidly causing her already plush stomach to swell as Daniel’s hellishly hot seed was blasting inside her. The already ghostly Daniel started to look even less solid to her eyes as he appeared to have a truly titanic orgasm. Quickly his ectoplasm-like jizz poured past the girthy, barely corporeal seal of his member to coat Jackie’s impressive rear and the insides of her thick thighs. Some of it even started to slide down to her lower back, but most ended up joining the mess that was already on the floor below.

With Daniel growing decidedly more see-through he apparently had trouble keeping Jackie aloft, however, as her lower body was suddenly dropped to the floor. Landing wetly in the mess that she herself had created, with Daniel’s help. Jackie opened her mouth to complain, but found that she didn’t have the strength to do so. Though seeing what Victoria and Joseph were up to certainly helped as well.

If Daniel’s member could be described as a “monstercock”, Joseph’s member was potentially a step above that. A titanic slab of meat with a crown easily bigger than a grown man’s clenched fist that was currently dripping great fat globs of precum…right over Victoria’s plump, aroused muff. The pale girl was leaning back against the giant ghost, splayed thighs gripped in his huge hands, as she looked down at the monster between Joseph’s legs with a strange mixture of awe, fear and lust. Slowly, gently Victoria was lowered towards the mountainous pole and her labia was splayed apart roughly, not quite ready for the massive intrusion as thick strands of lube sprayed over the huge tip of it.

Jackie felt stuck between wanting to warn Joseph about his member never being able to fit and wanting to enjoy the afterglow of the several orgasms that had rampaged through her body, which caused her to hesitate. In the end it didn’t seem to matter, however, as Joseph seemed to have the same control over his incorporeal form as Daniel. Victoria’s eyes bulged almost comically as she looked at the massive, tube-like bulge pushing her skinny waist outwards and Jackie was certain she looked much the same as she witnessed it.

Loud, wet squelches echoed through the cabin for the next few minutes as Joseph slowly and gently lowered Victoria on her shaft. Stuffing her body with an amount of cock that should be impossible, but was made possible due to his ghostly powers. Once he reached the halfway point, Victoria threw her head back and shrieked. Tongue lolling out of her mouth as she, once again, had a powerful squirting orgasm. Joseph let her ride it out patiently, holding onto her trembling legs and being careful she wouldn’t hurt herself. Then, after the skinny girl had caught her breath, he continued to lower her down onto his shaft.

‘Hey, where are you looking? We aren’t done yet!’ Daniel said as he appeared up from the floor, through her, and sat down on her stomach. Parking his own impressive member between Jackie’s jugs, which were utterly lubricated with his saliva.

‘Guess it wouldn’t be Halloween with you if you didn’t try to fuck my tits at least once, huh?’ Jackie replied with a fierce grin as she pushed her slippery tits around the large shaft, shivering slightly at the sensation of Daniel passing through her.

‘I’ve been looking forward to it all night.’ Daniel admitted as he began to move his hips back and forth.

The sound of his bare stomach hitting the huge, freckled globes whenever he managed to slide the entirety of his prick between them sounded too loud. Somehow rising above the moans from Rosie and even the obscene squelches that came from Victoria’s stretched cunny. With each forward thrust, Daniel’s cockhead would batter against Jackie’s neck and chin as well. Annoying her and smearing her with precum. Jackie knew that Jackie could stop that from happening, he was a ghost after all. But much like the first night he had done this, she also knew he wouldn’t stop it. So she decided to do what she did back then.

Lowering her head, Jackie opened her mouth wide and allowed the tip of the young man’s member to slide past her lips whenever Daniel was successful in shoving the entirety of his prick between her impressive tits. Smiling smugly in response to getting what he wanted, Daniel began to move faster. Causing spurts of hot, ghostly precum to hit the back of Jackie’s throat as she glared up at him. Determined to get back at him, she began to flick her tongue against the ghost’s sensitive cockhead. Something she doubted he would find all that terrible, but it was all she could do right now.

Nearby, Joseph had succeeded in fitting the entirety of his member in Victoria’s snatch, causing it to push her stomach out obscenely. Jackie briefly wondered if the skinny girl had lost consciousness with the way she seemed to be held aloft by that massive member. But when the giant ghost dragged her upwards again,Victoria gurgled and looked around with bleary eyes. Before moaning sharply and trembling in Joseph’s grip as the whole experience appeared to be too much for her.

Not unconscious, then. But close. Jackie thought to herself, before Daniel decided to tease her and activate her gag reflex on purpose by sliding his entire body forwards and sliding his member down her throat.

Jackie shivered as the ghost partially moved through her again, but quickly regained her fire as Daniel grabbed her fauxhawk and began to fuck her face. He, of course, flashed a bold smile in response to her glare and resumed roughly hammering his monstercock down her gullet while partially sunken into the floor. Drool and precum flew from the corners of Jackie’s mouth with every thrust and, if he was feeling impish enough, the young man would turn his dick completely corporeal just to have the redhead gag on it. After a few moments of this, Jackie could feel his member swell in her throat again and noticed Daniel look a little more see-through yet again.

‘Don’t think…I’m done with you yet!’ The ghostly young man groaned as he pulled his dick from her throat before blasting her face with his hot, ectoplasm-like cum. Practically blinding Jackie for a few moments as she struggled to wipe the sticky substance from her eyes.

She was just about finished when Daniel suddenly flipped her over, leaving her resting on her huge, soft knockers that were currently flattened against the wooden floor while her wide, meaty behind was thrust in the air. Looking over her shoulder Daniel was looking considerably less “present” than he had been at the start of this little séance, but he seemed intent on continuing his fun with her.

And that he did.

Daniel would fuck her on the floor, like a dog.

He would lie her on her back on the coffee table, the Ouija Board carelessly thrown aside, with her head hanging over the edge as he claimed her throat once again.

He would fuck her on the couch, and even make it float around the room to make it extra exciting.

But each time he would have one of his explosive orgasms, he was a little less visible to Jackie. Until, finally, sunlight peered through the cracked curtain and what remained of Daniel slowly started to fade.

‘So,’ Jackie asked, reclining in the toppled over couch that had crashed to the floor at some point during their lovemaking. ‘Does this mean I’ll see you again next Halloween.’

‘No promises,’ Daniel responded with a fierce grin. ‘It won’t be any fun if you expect me.’

‘Dick.’ Was Jackie’s response to that, but Daniel had already disappeared.

‘Hey…Hey! Can somebody get me down from here!’ Rosie wailed from the ceiling, clinging to the rafter where Ursula had seemingly left her behind.

Victoria only groaned, her stomach swollen as if she was on the verge of giving birth to triplets even as a steady stream of ectoplasm was flowing from her abused cunt. Yet, she had a dopey smile on her face despite the whole situation.

‘Happy Halloween…’ Was all Jackie murmured to herself as she slumped down onto the couch entirely, exhausted.

‘That…wasn’t the answer I was looking for, Jackie!’ Rosie yelled down. ‘Like, can somebody get me down from here!?’

But there was no response…


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