Wednesday 20 October 2021

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 10: A Job From Blue Mother

Blue Mother, art and character belong to Darttheold 

I have been struggling for months, but it is finally here! This chapter is over 10.000 words long, so I haven't done everything I wanted. But rather than continuing to struggle with that, I decided it was wiser to split this story into two chapters.

Nex Starshine receives an offer she can't refuse from the notorious Blue Mother (as seen on the cover) and must travel to the abandoned Zona colony of Tropi-09 to get...impregnated by a tentacle monster?

Contains: F/F, tentacles, multiboob, futanari, shortstack, impregnation, excessive cum, spanking, titfuck, fingering, fisting, tailfuck, cunnilingus, rimming, impregnation, big breasts, huge breasts.

You can read other Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades chapters HERE

Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades - Job 10: A Job From Blue Mother

When Nex awoke to the sound of a faint humming she did not find herself in her comfortable, oversized bed in the room she rented in the Crimson Dome. In fact, she wasn’t even sure if she was still on Floating Eden! But what was perhaps the most important was the fact that she was currently blindfolded and handcuffed to a chair. Upon coming to this realization Nex tried to remain calm, but her antennae instinctively jerked up and gave away her feelings of fear and surprise.

‘Ah, it appears our guest has come to!’ A husky, unfamiliar female voice stated from somewhere in front of her. ‘Alzeran, please be so kind as to remove Miss Starshine’s blindfold.’

Alzeran? Nex’s ears perked up at the name. Why does that name sound familiar…? Nex wondered to herself, but got distracted by the click-clacking of heels approaching while that incessant humming sound grew gradually louder as well.

Something pressed against her chest, and subsequently sank about an inch or so into the soft flesh of one of the Xyli’s huge blue titglobes. As this unseen person began removing Nex’s blindfold, she couldn’t stop her plump, black lips from tugging up into a smile. Because even though she might not have been able to see it, by the Matron, the Xyli knew when a cock was poking against her chest. Such experiences were one of the benefits(?) of being shorter than almost everyone else. 

Part of her wanted to tease the hard shaft that was currently leaking its warm, sticky precum all over one of her boobs. But she decided it was wiser to fight her instincts for now. Considering her current predicament and everything.

When the blindfold was removed, Nex remembered exactly where she had heard the name “Alzeran” before. As she was the one standing bent over her after having removed the cloth covering Nex’s eyes. All while her member continued to poke and prod at the Xyli’s huge blue chest.

Alzeran Belzi, was a purple-skinned Netarli that Nex Starshine had seen last when one of her friends in the business had pawned Alzeran’s bounty off to the credit-hungry Xyli. Said bounty had been placed because the former Netarli commando had stolen experimental biological armour that enhanced her strength, speed and reflexes while also acting as additional limbs. The only reason Nex had been able to capture her was because the side-effects of the suit had managed to make the Netarli woman somehow even hornier than she was.

The two of them had bade each other a fond farewell when Nex dropped her off at the space station that the secretive Oae Research called home, though the ones that had put the bounty forward didn’t seem to pleased with the fact that Nex had been the one that brought Alzeran in instead of Nathan Evars who they had initially sent the bounty towards.

Remembering just how she had caught Alzeran reminded Nex of that humming sound she had been hearing ever since she woke up. Glancing down at the shaft still poking into her chest, she noticed a thick ring fastened around the base of Alzeran’s shaft. It vibrated softly, seemingly keeping the Netarli on the edge of orgasm without allowing her to actually orgasm. But as she got a good look at the contraption fastened around the taller woman’s member, Nex couldn’t help but wonder; Did it get bigger?

More important, perhaps, was the fact that this former commando, mercenary and finally gang leader was currently dressed in the parody of a French Maid uniform. Something Nex only knew about because some of her human flings had dressed her up in one before. But why Alzeran wore it, Nex didn’t know. Nor was it, perhaps, something that she should be concerned with considering her current situation.

‘Thank you, Alzeran. I believe the blindfold is well and truly off now.’ The strange, husky female voice tinged slightly with exasperation suddenly stated to cut through the awkward silence. 

‘Yes, mistress.’ Alzeran replied through clenched teeth, but whether due to anger, frustration or a mixture of both, Nex did not know. The tall, strong Netarli reluctantly stopped rubbing her shaft against the Xyli’s huge, soft tits and stepped away.

In doing so, she revealed a woman with skin that was a paler shade of blue than Nex’s. Her hair was a silvery-white, and pulled back in a tight ponytail. Like Alzeran, this woman had no visible nose although the skin was visibly raised where one would be and dusted lightly with silvery flecks. More were visible underneath almond-shaped, slightly slanted, eyes blessed with ruby red irises and pitch black pupils. For a moment, Nex wondered if she was dealing with another Netarli, but then her gaze began to drift lower. Taking in the thin, sharp cheekbones of the woman which, along with her sleek jawline and slightly pointed chin, made this stranger look like a queenly figure. No, perhaps empress was a better descriptor?

Nex quickly lost her chain of thought as her eyes drifted down the taller woman’s graceful, swan-like neck. Past her slim, shapely shoulders and stopping short when her gaze fell upon the stranger’s chest. All four of her massive breasts were easily the size of a pumpkin, possibly even larger than Nex’s impressive rack, and were dusted with the same strange silver freckles visible on the woman’s face. A Lathvirian, then. Nex thought to herself as she made no effort to hide the fact that she was eyeing the way those heavy, blue globes hung suspended in a fancy white dress. One pair resting atop the other, which in turn was currently resting on a fancy black desk that appeared to have been carved from black marble.

‘If you’re quite finished staring…’ The woman spoke up, her tone bemused.

‘Not quite.’ Nex replied, more confident than she felt.

Plush, silver-painted lips tugged up in an amused little smile at the Xyli’s small act of defiance. Yet, Nex did not miss the way in which the fine white cloth of the Lathvirian’s dress was pushed outwards to show the bumps of her thick, obviously hard, nipples. Whether this was because she appreciated the attention, because she was getting an eyeful of Nex’s body in turn or because of the chill in the room the Jack-of-all-Trades didn’t know.

…although it did make her acutely aware of the fact that she was only dressed in her semi-sheer white nightgown herself. Hiding nearly nothing of her own very impressive blue chest. Or much else, for that matter. Now, of course, the garment was stained with Alzeran’s precum and one of her thick, dark blue nipples had slipped out due to the way the Netarli had been prodding at her tit with her monstercock.

‘Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, I believe introductions are in order.’ The Lathvirian said after allowing Nex another moment or so to ogle at her. ‘You may call me Blue Mother.’

Nex’s antennae twitched in fear for the second time today while her head snapped up to meet the Lathvirian’s eyes upon hearing that name. The taller blue woman was smiling again, though this time there appeared to be a malicious edge to it.

‘It appears you know who I am? Good, that makes things easier.’ Blue Mother stated matter-of-factly as swept a slender, perfectly manicured hand over her desk.

It was then that Nex realized that the desk wasn’t made of marble, instead the specks of colour she had noticed were star systems. Ones that were likely under Blue Mother’s control. The Lathvirian was one of the richest women of the galaxy, and one of its most powerful crime bosses. So powerful, in fact, that even someone like Nex had heard whispers about her. 

Before she could recall what little info she had on Blue Mother, one of the most realistic holograms she had ever seen appeared between her and the Lathvirian. It displayed a lush, forested green world. No structures were visible upon the hologram, leaving Nex uncertain if the planet was even inhabited. What did catch her eye, however, was a dark green, almost black, growth that seemed to be spreading over the western half of the planet like some sort of tumour.

‘Uh…“exterminator” does fall under the banner of what I do as a “Jack-of-all-Trades” but that? That’s a little above my paygrade.’ Nex reluctantly admitted as she nervously glanced from the hologram to Blue Mother.

‘No, no, Miss Starshine. I do not wish for you to exterminate it, I expect you to breed with it.’ Blue Mother revealed, leaving Nex more confused than she was before.

‘While breeding with an entire planet is certainly on my bucket list I don’t think I can?’ The Xyli replied with a raised eyebrow and a confused cock of her head.

‘How amusing, but that is not what I meant.’ Blue Mother replied drily, still with that infuriating smile on her plump, silver lips, and swept a hand over her desk again.

Nex didn’t know how she interfaced with whatever system was in that desk, she couldn’t see a touchscreen or anything of that sort. Although it appeared as if those tiny silver freckles of hers lit up as the Lathvirian scrolled through several screens, though it could’ve just been a trick of the light… Nex abruptly quit her musings when Blue Mother pulled up a diagram. It appeared to be a screenshot taken from an old document. 

Nex couldn’t read any of the writing, but illustrations showed what looked like a black seed or an egg that had attached itself to a meteor. Another showed the meteor crashing into a planet, followed by a fleshy tree that was such a deep green that it appeared nearly black growing from the impact crater. A few orange eyes with slit, cat-like pupils opening across its length. Yet another illustration showed this strange tree mating with a female, using its fleshy branches like sexual organs. Said female then gave birth to a creature made up of tentacles with a singular orange eye, which walked on crustacean-like legs and appeared to be acting as a kind of drone for the tree that originally spawned it. Defending the strange creature and collecting more women for it.

‘So, I’m supposed to give birth to one of those…things?’ Nex asked in confusion. ‘Look, I got away from Xyl and its colonies because I wasn’t interested in acting as a baby factory to propagate the race. Can’t you just fly down there and swoop up one of the ladies that are already knocked up? You’d probably be doing them a favour.’

‘I am not one in the business of doing “favours”, Miss Starshine.’ Blue Mother responded matter-of-factly. ‘I want the spawn of a Nohric, even if it is just a drone. The effect it has on the women it breeds with…it's like they worship it like a God.’ Her matter-of-fact tone replaced by one of awe and hunger. ‘I do not know if it is because of the “sap” their tentacles are coated in, the seed they expel or the drone growing inside of a woman that causes it. But I know I want that power.’ Blue Mother explained, her usual calm had returned and her tone was stern as she stared the Xyli down.

‘Again, why me? Why not kidnap some poor sod that’s still planetside. You had no problems getting me from Floating Eden, so grabbing someone from over there must be easy.’ Nex replied, nodding towards the hologram.

‘Our mutual acquaintance here has informed me that you had quite the resistance to the aphrodisiac included in the experimental technology she...borrowed. Aside from that, there is the fact that the Xyli are known to breed with almost everything. Which means that impregnation will be all but assured and you might keep your faculties where others most assuredly will not.’

Nex glared at Alzeran, as if her natural resistance to aphrodisiacs and other things of that nature was the fault of the Netarli, and the purple-skinned woman quickly looked away. The tentacles that made up her hair seemed to shiver, whether to show fear at what Nex knew to be misplaced anger or guilt she didn’t know.

‘Should you be successful in your task we will keep you here under observation, as comfortable as possible of course, and your reward for completing your mission in full will be…substantial.’ Blue Mother almost purred as she showed Nex a number that had many zeroes. ‘And just in case you need any more convincing? Well, completing this job for me is the only way you are going to get out of here…’ The Lathvirian added, her voice now low and threatening.

‘Well, if you put it that way…’ Nex began sarcastically.

‘Excellent! Miss Belzi, could you please prepare Miss Starshine for take-off?’ Blue Mother exclaimed happily, not even giving Nex a chance to finish as she clapped her hands together and shut off all the holographic images above her desk.

With that, Alzeran pulled out what appeared to be a gun but where the barrel should be was instead a large hypo needle. Nex briefly wondered where she had been hiding it as the French Maid outfit didn’t appear to have any pockets… But that thought, along with any others going through her head, was quickly erased from her mind as the needle was jammed into her neck and the trigger was pulled.

* * * *


Nex awoke with a start in response to the announcement, the voice obviously robotic but unfamiliar.

Glancing around, she found that she was not only uncuffed, but also clad in her usual gear. Aside from her trusty Raygun, Starstunner, in the holster on her hip and the hated helmet placed next to her there was also a new addition to her accessories. A sleek, dark blue bracer with a touch screen and several small dials and buttons. It looked top of the line, but sadly it clashed horribly with the design of her very pale pink suit. So it had to go. Just as she was about to remove it, however, the thing crackled to life and the face of Blue Mother appeared on the screen.

‘Judging from your vitals, it appears you have come to. Good. I do apologize for micromanaging like this, but all my other agents did not return. So you are stuck with a slightly modified Oae Brightness Bracer™ for the foreseeable future. I advise you not to try and remove it.’ Blue Mother stated, her voice crisp and clear as if she was standing right before her.

‘Or what? It’ll explode?’ Nex exclaimed with a baffled sigh. In response, Blue Mother’s plush lips merely tugged up into a knowing little smile. ‘Well, if you wanted to help me out I could’ve just given you my holophone number. No reason to strap this ugly thing to me!’ The Xyli added rapidly, a slightly panicked edge to her voice now.

‘Your holophone is ancient, Miss Starshine, and can not transfer the amount of information I need as quickly as I want for this mission. Besides, if we are talking aesthetics I very much doubt many people will describe that clunky old thing as “pretty” or “beautiful” or even “cool”. Blue Mother retorted calmly.

‘Hey! It has its charms!’ Nex fired back, cheeks flushed purple in embarrassment.


They were interrupted by the ship’s automated messaging system. Once again, the robotic voice was unfamiliar and for the first time Nex realized she wasn’t on her ship. Perhaps her surroundings should’ve given it away, it felt more as if she was in the back of a luxurious limousine mixed with a hotel suite than being stuck on a spaceship. It was certainly far too luxurious to be mistaken for her ship, The Silver Shafter.

‘Wait, who’s ship is this? Who’s flying it?’ Nex asked Blue Mother.

‘You will find out in due time,’ Blue Mother simply responded. ‘Now if you excuse me, I have other matters to attend to while you are in warp space. As advanced as the Bracer is compared to your holophone, I could not use it to communicate with you in warp space even if I wanted to.’ With that, she hung up. Not even giving Nex a chance to reply.

The walls around her were a steely grey intersected with black panels the size of old, non-holographic television screens. Wiping a hand across one of them revealed a sea of stars in a sky that was dyed in brilliant hues of yellows and reds and oranges. In the distance, Nex could see a metallic, eight fingered hand floating. Titanic in size, that much was obvious even from this distance, and such a brilliant blue that it practically shone like a beacon. Between its fingers it clutched what appeared to be a glass orb, but Nex couldn’t make out any details.


‘Infinite Zero.’ Nex muttered to herself as she glanced at the giant, floating hand one last time before she strapped herself in. ‘Blue Mother’s base. So it really was her.’

‘Oh my, did you truly still carry doubts?’ The familiar voice of Blue Mother asked from the Bracer, and not for the first time today Nex’s antennae jerked up in fear and surprise.


The final countdown for the jump into warp space had begun, and the Bracer around Nex’s arm had fallen silent again. Hopefully Blue Mother had truly left her alone this time, as the Xyli’s heart had threatened to burst out of her chest after that last little surprise of hers.


Nex got one last glance at the floating robotic hand that was Infinite Zero from where she was seated, before the strange ship she found herself jerked violently and she was instead staring at the swirling colours of warp space. At least until the view screen darkened once more…

* * * *

While in warp space, Nex had some time to observe her surroundings. Her “bed” looked to be a pod used for cryogenic sleep, though it appeared to have been made for someone that was easily twice her size. With warp travel becoming commonplace, these pods had become rarer and rarer. Usually only used when trying to transport prisoners or bounties safely, and on rare occasions those with rare diseases that could not be treated within their own systems. Only this one was far more luxurious than any of those would normally be.

‘Guess I’ll be spending my return trip in there, huh?’ Nex mused aloud. Though, judging from the pod’s size, it had likely been intended for one of the agents Blue Mother had sent before her.

Aside from the bare, bleak grey walls, Nex's first impression of being stuck on a ship that was a cross between a hotel suite and the back of a luxury car certainly seemed to be on point. There was a small mini-fridge built into the floor next to the luxury seating she had strapped herself into moments before, a small wardrobe partially built into the wall next to the pod and even a separate bathroom area. The only thing missing was a sense of freedom.

‘Hey! Anyone out there?’ Nex yelled as she banged on the seam of the circular, metal door that cut her off from the rest of the ship. When that didn’t work, the Xyli changed tactics. ‘Hellooo? Are there any cute pilots in there that want to spice up a boring trip through warp space with little old me?’ Nex cooed as she began unclasping her suit and allowed her impressive chest to spill out.

Someone had clearly stripped her of her nightie before sticking her into her suit, but the Jack-of-all-Trades didn’t care. She was far too busy trying to present her huge blue jugs to any surveillance system she assumed was there while the heavy, soft globes threatened to spill out of her small hands. But seeing as the doors didn’t hiss open, even as she turned around awkwardly in an attempt to be captured by any cameras that might be in the room, Nex assumed that whoever was piloting wasn’t interested. Or, and this seemed increasingly likely, there weren’t any cameras after all.

‘Huh, that usually works.’ Nex pouted as she squeezed her tits back into her suit. ‘But there must be some way to get into contact with the pilot of this ship!’

But no matter how much she looked, Nex couldn’t find any sort of intercom or computer to get into contact with the pilot or whoever else might be on board. She even fiddled around with the Oae Brightness Bracer™, but she appeared to have been locked out of most of its features. So, afraid to set off any explosives Blue Mother might have planted into the fancy piece of tech, Nex quickly abandoned that course of action. Instead, she read up on the mission statement that popped up pretty much as soon as she started up the Bracer.

Tropi-09 was the name of the planet she was heading to, it was to be a Zon colony as it had an Earth-like atmosphere but, more importantly, a jungle spanning a large portion of the planet with towering trees in which the Zona people would feel right at home. However, they quickly discovered the Nohric infestation and abandoned colonizing the world after losing some colonists to it but before any large-scale construction could begin. Citing that exterminating the Nohric at this stage would be too costly as the planet it was on was located on the very edges of their territories. However, they would patrol the area and stop any ships from entering the planet, with force if it were necessary. Although it was obvious that that wouldn’t stop Blue Mother.

The dangers cited in the mission statement mostly emphasized the Nohric and the effects it had on people, but that…was why Nex was going there in the first place. There were also some dangerous flora and fauna mentioned, but nothing on the level of Charon 4 where she captured the Sorga for Mannoro Reef, and she had survived that place with nothing but her trusty raygun Starstunner and clunky holophone. And a great deal of luck, that too. But the less she thought about that the better she felt about that whole job and her current situation.

Perhaps most worrying were the ex-colonists of Tropi-09 who remained after those higher-up had pulled out of colonizing the planet. They apparently captured anyone unfortunate enough to crashland onto the planet or foolish enough to try and find why the Zon authorities didn’t want anyone visiting it. They would then be brought to the Nohric, which was likely being worshipped as a God at this point in time, whereupon they would forcefully be turned into one of its followers. Whether they wanted to or not. Those that had been sent to Tropi-09 by Blue Mother before Nex had likely bolstered their ranks and, as a result, Nex would be assisted on her mission by androids. As they would be unaffected by the Nohric’s pheromones, its sap and, being androids, could not be impregnated.

‘Androids, huh?’ Nex mused as she looked up from the Bracer. ‘Guess that explains why they didn’t fall for my charms!’ She told herself smugly while her antennae wiggled happily.

Said androids would be able to track her due to the Brightness Bracer™ and, together with Blue Mother, would even know if the Nohric or its drones would be successful in inseminating the Xyli due to the nanomachines that would have been injected into her bloodstream before she started her journey.

‘Wait…what?!’ Nex exclaimed, before she pressed a palm against the side of her neck. ‘So, not just a drug to put me to sleep, huh?’ She whispered.

The Xyli wondered what the nanomachines could mean for her future, would they only be useful for this mission and then be expelled from her body due to being recognized as a foreign invader? Or would Blue Mother always have this hold on her? But as she scanned the rest of the mission statement, she found no mention of it. Apparently she would be extracted if insemination was confirmed and she would spend the return trip in cryosleep so that Blue Mother and her people could gather as much data as possible when it came to carrying a Nohric drone.

‘Fuck.’ Was all Nex could say as she finished reading the document.

Although the payment she would receive if her mission was successful would be crazy, even more than what she got from the last job she did for Mannoro Reef, all those strings attached to the credits would definitely restrict her freedom. Nex simply sighed and spent the rest of the trip through Warp Space checking and double checking her equipment and rereading the mission statement, even as the words eventually started to jumble together and stopped making sense.

* * * *

Nex strapped herself in when the announcement that they were leaving Warp Space came, and stayed that way until the ship made planet fall. When the doors opened and gave Nex the chance to finally explore the rest of the ship she did so, only to be left feeling disappointed when all she saw was a hangar bay area that was smaller than her room with a sealed door across from her. The left wall of the hangar bay slid open and a platform extended to the ground, revealing that they had landed just outside a heavily forested area.

Seeing no other choice, Nex prepared to leave the ship. She briefly considered leaving her helmet behind as the air was safe to breathe and she came here to screw with an alien life form, so why bother with the extra protection? But seeing as Blue Mother had found it important she returned to her room to grab it, though she had no plans of actually wearing the damn thing. Not right away, anyway. When she finally left the ship, Nex realized that the door located across from her room would likely lead into the cockpit as the “ship” she had traveled in was less a ship and more like an extraordinarily large shuttle.

‘So I guess I’ll just go?!’ Nex shouted at the cockpit, annoyed that the pilots couldn’t even be bothered to speak with her. Androids or not.

‘That would be for the best, I have taken the liberty to show the locations of my previous agents on the map.’ Nex let out an undignified yelp as the voice of Blue Mother once again came from the Bracer strapped to her arm.

‘Will you stop doing that!’ Nex hissed in frustration. But if Blue Mother was still listening, she didn’t bother to reply to the little blue space babe.

Instead a realistic hologram depicting Tropi-09 appeared above the Bracer, showing several dots across the planet. One bright pink dot, close to a large grey one. The pink one had to be Nex herself, meaning the large grey one was likely the ship or her android escorts. All the other dots were bright white and unmoving, so it was more than likely an approximation of where Blue Mother’s previous agents had disappeared as they probably weren’t blessed with nanomachines and an Oae Brightness Bracer™ like Nex was.

‘Carrying your helmet underneath one arm while you have the other up in the air looks exhausting,’ Blue Mother’s voice mused from the Bracer, and this time Nex only growled in annoyance. ‘My people have gone through the effort of synchronizing the Oae Brightness Bracer™ with your helmet so you could use its HUD, why don’t you simply put it on?’

‘Fine, if it’ll shut you up.’ Nex grumbled as she put it on.

‘I heard that.’ Blue Mother’s voice then said into her ear, and the Xyli had to resist tearing her helmet off in surprise.

As always, her vision grew dim and faintly pink tinged as she put the helmet on. For a moment, at least. There was a soft clicking sound as her collar made contact with the helmet, followed by the hiss of air being vented as her suit was sealed. As soon as that was successful, her field of vision not only brightened but also broadened due to the numerous imperceptible cameras built into her helmet. Her HUD appeared a moment later, showcasing the state of her suit, the amount of energy that was left in the shield generators in her wrists as well as a detailed mini-map of Tropi-09.

‘There, isn’t that better?’ Blue Mother’s voice whispered in her ear.

Once again, all Nex could really do was growl and grumble in annoyance. Why this leader of a galaxy-spanning criminal organisation took such delight in teasing her, Nex did not know. But she should probably watch her mouth more carefully from now on. That said, the Xyli wasn’t about to give her the satisfaction of agreeing with Blue Mother that she was right. Even if she could draw Starstunner more easily now…

* * * *

Loathe as she was to admit, the Oae Brightness Bracer™ combined with the HUD of her helmet helped out immensely as she set foot into Tropi-09’s jungle and each immense tree quickly started to resemble the other. Without them, Nex more than likely would’ve ended up horribly lost within minutes. But even though she was making her way over to the first white dot in record time, she refused to admit this fact out loud. Just in case Blue Mother was listening in on her again.

When she finally arrived at the approximate location where an agent had disappeared, Nex held her breath and found…nothing.

‘Well, of course. It’s been days, weeks…months?’ Nex questioned, stretching out her last word as if waiting for Blue Mother to respond. ‘Why would I expect to find any signs right away?’

Despite her enjoyment of conversing with Nex previously, Blue Mother did not respond this time. Leaving Nex to talk to herself. The Xyli merely sighed in frustration as she moved on towards the next bright white dot indicating the last known location of one of Blue Mother’s agents. Every once in a while she would shoot a wary glance upwards, expecting a Zona in one of the trees as she was aware of the race’s love of high places. But the foliage grew too thick to see through after a couple of dozen feet, so the Jack-of-all-Trades had no idea if she was being watched or not.

This uncertainty combined with the uncomfortable humidity of the jungle making her suit stick to her body and the claustrophobic feeling of the helmet stuck around her head rapidly made anxiety set in for the little Xyli. Combined with the fact that both the second and third known locations of Blue Mother’s agents gave her no extra information very quickly began to frustrate the short Jack-of-all-Trades.

‘Aaah! Will you just…come out already!’ Nex finally screamed in frustration as the jungle grew dimmer and dimmer with Tropi-09’s sun setting.

‘I suppose that is one way of accomplishing your mission.’ The voice of Blue Mother mused drily in Nex’s ear.

‘Will you sh- Eep!’

Nex was saved from saying something she might regret to one of the galaxy’s most powerful crime bosses as she tripped over something in the underbrush and ended up face planting onto the jungle floor. Nex groaned in frustration and started to seriously lament her fate as she heard something stirring and rising behind her. With an annoyed sigh the Xyli slowly pushed herself up to glance over her shoulder, whereupon her field of view was bathed in an angry orange light as she stared right into the singular eye of a Nohric Drone.

Its six huge, crustacean-like legs seemed to creak in the sudden silence that had fallen over the jungle as it spread out its deep, dark green tentacles to appear even larger. Lying on the floor as she was, Nex deemed this to be a completely unnecessary action. Because even if she was standing, she’d likely be barely any taller than one of the drone’s legs.

‘So…unromantic as it may sound, do I just open up my suit and let it go to town on me or?’ Nex whispered, but once again Blue Mother seemed to have stepped out. Or had at least decided to watch the Xyli squirm in silence.

Although she liked a bunch of tentacles as much as the next girl, the whole situation Nex had found herself in was a bit unnerving to say the least. So she quickly jumped to her feet and, while a small voice in the back of her head said that she had to make all of this look “convincing”, the small Xyli took off running. Who she had to make it convincing for, she did not know. But the high, whistling shriek that came from the monster that seemed to visibly lack any kind of organ to produce a sound like that certainly helped in making her look scared. Because she was.

Unfortunately, due to being only around four feet tall, and that with the help of the raised heels of her boots, it didn’t last long before the monster caught up to Nex. The Nohric Drone’s legs barely sunk into the underbrush as it rapidly scuttled after Nex, even going so far as showing off its superior agility by bouncing between the giant trees surrounding them to end up ahead of the desperate Jack-of-all-Trades. Now having lost her cool completely, Nex drew Starstunner and aimed it right at the Drone.

‘Now, now, Miss Starshine,’ Blue Mother’s voice came suddenly, sounding quite bored with the Xyli’s current predicament. ‘I did not send you to Tropi-09 to kill one of those creatures, now did I?’

But Nex tuned her out, too focused on the sound of her own heartbeat and of course the Nohric Drone perched before her. Ready to pounce.

Nex decided she wouldn’t give it the chance to, firing three rapid bursts of plasma into its large body. Severing several of its tentacles. Obviously, the Nohric Drone wasn’t pleased by this and let its displeasure be known with another high pitched whistling shriek as it rushed towards Nex. Whipping tentacles as thick as her arm towards her in the process. The Xyli ducked out of the way, but couldn’t avoid the attack completely. Bright blue sparks flew everywhere as Nex’s shield was struck, causing colourful spots to dance in her field of vision.

‘Shields at 50% power after just one hit like that?!’ Nex grumbled as she shook her arms while eyeing the shield generators around her wrists in frustration. ‘Piece of junk!’

‘Oh, here it comes round again.’ Blue Mother notified Nex, still sounding supremely bored with the whole situation.

Nex screamed in frustration, fear, anger and in the hopes to perhaps deafen Blue Mother as she wildly fired her trusty raygun at the Drone rushing towards her again. Most of her shots unfortunately missed, and her shields had to absorb another powerful blow. Nearly draining her generators completely. Just when she feared her shields would give out completely, spears landed between Nex and the Drone.

It appeared as if they would do far less harm than any of the bolts of plasma that shot from Nex’s raygun, yet it caused the Nohric Drone to stop completely in its tracks as its singular eye rapidly glanced around. The spears seemed to be slathered with something as the wood gave off a dull green glow, each tipped with what appeared to be a section of a Drone’s crustacean-like leg.

‘Now that it seems you remember what happens to disobedient children who toy with the property of The Father I suggest you leave!’ A low, feminine voice boisterously proclaimed from somewhere above Nex.

Nex didn’t know if this creature could understand the newcomer, but it sure scuttled off somewhere in a hurry. Looking around for the owner of the voice, Nex saw nothing as the shadows had stretched out further and further in the waning light making it practically impossible to see anyone that might be hiding in the dense canopy above. She did, however, hear something land in the underbrush close to her. Quickly tapping a button on the side of her helmet her visor lit up, acting like a flashlight, and revealed the nearly seven foot tall form of a Zona.

His skin was grey and covered with the deep green, swirling birthmarks that all Zona appeared to have. They accentuated his broad shoulders as well as his prehensile tail and powerful looking arms and legs, sculpted by Matron knows how many years or decades of climbing. But as this was clearly a man, it could not be the owner of the voice that had saved Nex. She was about to ask the man a question, but something in his piercing, faintly luminous, green eyes gave her pause.

‘Come now, Asek. Help her up and let me speak to this prospective Daughter.’ The same low, feminine voice that had driven off the Drone called out as a vine was lowered towards the Zona named Asek.

‘Yes, First Daughter.’ Rumbled Asek, sounding almost dreamily as he accepted the vine.

Then, with surprising speed, Asek wrapped the vine around Nex’s waist. So caught off guard was the Xyli that she didn’t even get a shot off at him with Starstunner. When she finally realized that might be an option, she felt a tug around her waist and was pulled up with such speed that her ray gun slipped from her grasp and disappeared in the vast jungle of Tropi-09 somewhere beneath her.

‘Perhaps for the best,’ Blue Mother’s voice stated drily. ‘You might forget all about your mission again and start shooting.’

‘I didn’t forget! This was all a part of my master plan to meet with the locals so they could lead me to the Nohric and not just some Drone!’ Nex hissed, but there was still the hint of obvious panic in her voice.

‘Uh-huh,’ Blue Mother replied, unconvinced. ‘Get this job done and I’ll make sure to retrieve your precious ray gun for you once this is all over.’

Nex felt more relief at hearing those words than she cared to admit, but before she could express her gratitude or come up with a snarky comeback she found herself hanging suspended before the Zona woman that must’ve been responsible for driving off the Nohric Drone. Her build was a mix between motherly and amazonian with the same broad shoulders, muscular limbs and powerful tail as the Zona she had sent down. Yet her chest was quite sizable, even for her nearly eight foot tall frame, each being about the size of Nex’s head and resting just above a soft stomach with a layer of fat even all the climbing a Zona did could not get rid off.

The reason Nex could see this so clearly was because the woman had not bothered to wear a top. Neither had the Zona that had tied her up, now that Nex thought about it. All this “First Daughter” wore was a loincloth, which looked to have been an actual garment at some point, that hid her sex but did a piss poor job of covering her broad, motherly hips and thick, muscular hips. Her birthmarks were a deep red and looked jagged and angry as they accentuated her muscles and curves, but also her sharp, fierce facial features.

The Zona woman reminded Nex of some kind of fierce barbarian queen, the wild black spines that grew from the top of her head and nearly fell to her lower back certainly helped with that assessment. As did those green, wild looking eyes that shone even brighter than those of the Zona male Nex had met. Although her encounter with the Drone had shaken her, Nex tried to remain calm as the much larger First Daughter stretched her arm towards her and retrieved her with ease. Calmly untying the Xyli while standing on a branch very high up with only the light of the Jack-of-all-Trades’ visor to guide her.

‘Uh…take me to your leader?’ Nex tried to joke as she was enveloped by this powerfully built woman once freed from the vines.

‘My, aren’t you an adorable one?’ The First Daughter mused with a predatory smile. ‘I am sure The Father will be all too pleased to make your acquaintance once we get that suit off of you.’ She reassured Nex, saying the word “suit” with such disdain that the Jack-of-all-Trades feared she would be stripped of her clothes right then and there.

‘Yay…’ Nex weakly replied in response, the whole ordeal of being kidnapped by Blue Mother and chased by a Nohric Drone having taken quite the toll on her as she felt her body slump forwards in the arms of the Zona woman in exhaustion.

‘Oh my! Looks like you had quite the ordeal, young lady,’ The First Daughter cooed reassuringly. ‘Do not worry, just rest. We will make sure to get you to The Father.’

The last thing Nex saw before blackness took her were several more pairs of glowing green eyes slowly coming closer…

* * * *

When next Nex awoke, it was to a chorus of moans and obscene, wet sucking sounds that someone, or likely several “someones”, were being thoroughly penetrated. She felt her body resting on someone’s shoulder and they were moving, her captor’s hand planted firmly on her backside. A position the Xyli had found herself in many times before, only this time she had serious doubts that she was about to be tossed onto a huge, soft bed for a wild night of passionate, messy lovemaking.

‘Father! I apologize for interrupting your pleasure, but I have brought you another visitor from the skies!’ Nex recognized the woman speaking as the Zona that had captured her. The so-called First Daughter.

Nex rolled her eyes dramatically in response to the words. Sadly, nobody could see it behind her shut eyelids. You’re a former colonist, there’s no reason for these theatrics! The Jack-of-all-Trades thought to herself. Her train of thought was quickly interrupted, however, as The First Daughter spoke up again as if responding to someone. Although she could hear nothing but the constant moans of pleasure.

‘Understood, Father. We will prepare her for you.’

With that, Nex was gently lowered to the ground whereupon hands immediately started to paw at her arms, her legs and her chest. But as much as they tried, they could not get the Xyli’s suit open as its magnetic strips remained firmly in place. That said, the hands wandering all over Nex, exploring every inch of her body in the hopes of finding some switch or button, did bring a familiar heat to the pit of the Jack-of-all-Trades’ stomach; and she could not resist letting a moan slip past her lips.

‘Ah, it seems that our guest is awake!’ The First Daughter exclaimed eagerly. ‘Why do you not assist us and embrace The Father’s loving embrace?’

‘Eat me!’ Was Nex’s response as she opened her eyes and stuck out her tongue behind the visor of her helmet.

She probably didn’t look quite as defiant as she hoped as Nex’s eyes immediately widened in response to what she saw. Seeing the Nohric on a holoscreen was one thing, actually facing it in person was another. Before her, Matron all around her, was a living tree of black, writhing flesh. Its enormous slitted eye bathed her and the Zona that had brought her in an orange glow, reminding Nex of a searchlight, and the source of the moans and other obscene noises came from the dozens of women partially embedded into it as huge tentacles penetrated each and every one of them.

‘Perhaps once Father is done with you.’ The older Zona woman said in response to Jack-of-all-Trades’ small act of defiance as she wiggled her own tongue at her in a seductive manner.

As if on cue, the Zona that had been busy groping Nex stepped away as if they were of one body and mind. The Xyli thought about fleeing for perhaps a moment before she remembered what she came here for. Though even if she had acted on those instincts it wouldn’t have made much of a difference, as those huge, dark tentacles that made up the Nohric’s faux branches seemed to reach for her from every single direction.

‘Enjoy yourself, little one!’ The First Daughter crooned with a little wave as Nex was lifted from the platform they had laid her on. ‘Soon you will be part of the family.’

‘Yeah, we’ll see about that!’ Nex muttered more to herself than to The First Daughter. ‘And you! Help better be coming!’ She growled in the hopes that Blue Mother was still listening in.

As she spoke, sparks of energy came from her shield but did not appear to affect the so-called Father in any way as it pulled the small Xyli higher and higher. Keeping an eye on her HUD, Nex saw the power of her shield rapidly depleting. Before power ran out completely the Jack-of-all-Trades swore she heard the comms built into her helmet crackle to life, sadly she heard nothing as the HUD went dark as soon as the Nohric began to rip her suit apart.

Now no longer supplied by energy, the magnetic strips keeping her suit closed were no match for the powerful tentacles of the Nohric. One by one they snapped open, allowing these thick black tentacles oozing with their strange, glowing green sap to slip into the Jack-of-all-Trades’ protective gear. Whatever fears still plagued Nex’s mind about the whole situation began to fade as soon as the Nohric’s sap was slathered all over her smooth blue skin.

Nex felt her mind slowly going blank. Thoughts about escaping and leaving this whole job behind came slower to the surface, before being replaced by just how uncomfortable her suit was. Her thick, deep blue nipples were as hard as they had ever been and managed to show visible bumps even through the thick, protective material of her suit. Meanwhile she was feeling so hot that Nex feared steam would rise from her collar, while her exposed blue skin was practically shining from the amount of perspiration.

Seemingly reading her thoughts, the Nohric’s tentacles began to wrap around the Xyli’s blue boobs. With how sensitive the massive blue globes were at the moment, the sensation of it all caused Nex’s cunt to clench with so much force that it squelched audibly. A pleased sigh passed Nex’s plush black lips as her breasts were finally, finally, freed from her stuffy suit. Even with her helmet on, both of the sweat-slick blue orbs were larger than her head, and the Nohric seemed quite taken with them.

The tentacles groping Nex’s chest began circling around the huge globes, moving up and down her chest in a milking motion but always stopping just above her thick, sensitive nipples. As they moved, they left behind a snail-like trail of their strange green sap. It seemed to sizzle on the Xyli’s hot, sweat-shined chest as the tentacles spread it around with each up and downward movement. More of those audible squelches seemed to echo through the jungle as a very obvious damp spot had formed between the short and stacked alien’s thick thighs.

Yet, despite how desperate Nex obviously was to be penetrated, either due to the Nohric’s strange sap, her Xyli instincts or both, the Nohric dubbed The Father was not done toying with her yet. Due to her suit being pulled open, her helmet would now come off easily. As shown when The Father pulled it off and let it drop derisively, before grabbing the Xyli’s long, outstretched tongue with one of its tentacles. As its sap made contact with the dexterous muscle, Nex squealed as best as she could with her tongue gripped like that. Another squelch, even louder than all the ones before it, came from between Nex’s legs as she squirted with such force that her juices started to dribble out of her suit.

It was hard to read the expression of an alien, tree-like creature with a singular eye. Especially with the way in which Nex’s vision was blurry and unfocused due to the pleasure currently rocking her small form. But, for some reason, she felt as if it was enjoying itself by teasing her like this. How and why, Nex didn’t know. But a part of her wanted to continue pleasing it, wanted to make it happy and proud. The strangeness of it all didn’t quite hit her yet, and the small voice telling her it was, in fact, strange fell silent as the tentacle currently wrestling with her tongue quit doing so and instead forced itself into down the Jack-of-all-Trades’ gullet.

The crotch of Nex’s suit became damper and damper each time the sap-covered tentacle hammered down her throat and the others squeezed themselves around her chest. The Nohric seemed to believe it was time as its singular eye focused on the soaked, practically see-through, crotch of the Xyli’s suit as more tentacles closed in and began to push against the plump, visible lips of her cunt and pawed at her wide, ballooning asscheeks. Now in position, they began to start exerting force.

Fear briefly cut through the haze of lust that was hanging over Nex’s mind as she felt those slick, sap coated tentacles splaying her suit-clad labia wide open. Before it pushed inwards. She felt the sturdy, multi-layered fabric brush against her folds as a tentacle as thick as her arm stubbornly continued to push forwards. Nex’s eyes widened as her suit started to tear. But before panic could overtake her, the tentacle currently slamming its way down her throat sprayed its slimy seed straight into her stomach.

So, when the crotch of the Xyli’s suit finally tore completely and the tentacle hammered into her womb, fabric still very much attached to its tip, Nex was too busy climaxing to be concerned about it.

As a result of her suit opening even further, more tentacles slithered inside to spread the strange sap they secreted all over the body of the Jack-of-all-Trades who was already shining with it. Any lingering sensations of discomfort or dread were rapidly replaced with more and more pleasure. So much, in fact, that the tentacle currently stretching her cunny had trouble moving as the organ’s folds were clamping down on it with great force.

Regardless of this fact, the Nohric appeared to be taking great pleasure out of driving Nex absolutely wild as it did not slow down in its ministrations at all. In fact, it set out to find any additional weaknesses in the Xyli’s suit and began to tear it apart. First, it made sure that the Jack-of-all-Trades’ anus could be easily accessed, so it wormed its way into her bowels in record time.

But that wasn’t all, the Nohric seemed dead set on making Nex resemble the rest of its “followers”, so it did not take long before the small blue space babe was dressed in what could best be described as rags. Of her original suit only her boots remained, as well as the gloves attached to her circular, wrist-mounted shield generator. Sadly, the Oae Brightness Bracer™ also remained.

Or wait, wasn’t that a good thing? Nex couldn’t remember, her vision was swimming and there didn’t seem to be so much as a moment when her stomach wasn’t being pushed upwards in an obscene fashion by the tentacles that were violating her holes. Others were swarming over her chest, joining the ones that attempted to “milk” the huge blue jugs by pushing their way down from underneath her armpits or from circling around her waist and slithering upwards as if to titfuck the massive globes. Her meaty behind was also slapped with enough force to leave pale purple marks, while other tentacles swarmed over her labia or flattened her very sensitive and very erect clit.

Whether the last of those were intentional, or if the Nohric was looking to squeeze a few more tentacles into her sodden box, Nex didn’t know. Then again, the things she did know could be counted on one hand as she knew she had to please the Nohric, breed with the Nohric and then leave the Nohric.

But why would she want to leave again?

She wasn’t given the time to ponder as the tentacles penetrating her suddenly swelled up! And then her mind went blank. Someone was screaming, but it sounded muffled for some reason. Was it her?

When Nex came to, she found herself staring at the writhing mass of tentacles currently assaulting her chest as well as the large blue dome of her stomach. It wasn’t that big before, was it? And why could she look down like this?

That was when she realized that her throat was no longer being violated by a tentacle, and she could feel something sticky and warm drip down the back of her legs. When the tentacle that had been pounding her pussy escaped the tight, gripping tunnel with an obscene, wet sucking sound she realized what had happened. And why she suddenly felt so empty. Yet, a part of her for some reason knew this wouldn’t last long.

When the tentacle moved away from between her legs, pale pink fabric clinging to its tip for some reason, it was quickly replaced by more of its brethren. This happened again, and again, and again. Until slowly but surely, the night that was only lit up by the burning orange eye of The Father began to brighten. When the entire forest was bathed in the orange glow of the morning sun, and not just this strange clearing Nex found herself in, the Nohric came one last time before it appeared to be satisfied and lowered Nex to the wooden platform where she had awakened all those hours ago.

The strange device clasped around one of Nex’s arms that she knew was important, but couldn’t remember why, gave off two rapid beeps. The Xyli stared at it bleary eyed, but her mind was slow and sluggish. Sadly, before she had the time to process what it all meant she was enveloped in a hug by The First Daughter who had apparently been watching her whole ordeal.

‘Congratulations!’ She squealed, hugging Nex’s tight enough to cause excess seed to spill from the smaller woman’s abused holes. ‘I have never seen another Daughter take to Father’s seed so quickly! Surely you will grace us with another Child soon!’ She babbled excitedly.

‘That…was quickly?’ Nex replied, clearly exhausted, as she returned the hug more for stability than out of any kind of affection.

‘Oh yes, your fellow Daughters up there have been there for days, if not weeks now!’ The First Daughter replied with flushed cheeks as she nodded at all the women that appeared to be embedded into the body of The Father.

‘Hurray for me, then…’ Nex responded with a bitter sigh. ‘Now is there anywhere I can clean up? Or sleep for about a week.’

‘Hmmm. Yes, you’re quite right. We must prepare you for what is to come!’ The First Daughter replied with a determined nod as she led Nex to one of the huts built into the massive trees surrounding The Father, holding her as if she was a child though there was nothing “motherly” about the way in which her hands caressed the Xyli’s form.

The next few hours passed by in a blur. What stood out the most in that time was Nex gently being washed by The First Daughter. The water she used was cold, simply rainwater her people and her had collected. But the Zona woman herself was quite warm as she gently cleaned the Nohric’s slime off of her bruised behind and abused tits, leaving the Xyli sighing and moaning as she wiggled against the stronger, larger woman’s torso.

The First Daughter even “ate” Nex, as she had promised all those hours ago. Gently pushing down on the Jack-of-all-Trades’ swollen belly as she alternated between dipping her tongue into the shorter woman’s twat and her tight ass to greedily guzzle down any excess seed that The Father might have left behind. As it touched her tongue, the First Daughter seemed even more aroused, more frantic than even Nex had been and she would quickly push her hand down with more force. Then force a finger into the Xyli’s sensitive cunny, then two…three...her entire fist!

Exhausted or not, Nex responded. Whether due to the aphrodisiac-like effects of the Nohric’s bodily fluids, her Xyli instincts or both she didn’t know. What she did know was this place might not have been as bad as she initially thought. Climaxing around the fist of a powerful Zona woman certainly helped with that reassessment.

‘Not enough!’ The First Daughter suddenly growled, voice hoarse as she dragged her fist out of Nex’s clenching cunt and sucked her fingers clean. ‘More, I need more of The Father’s blessing!’

‘What?’ Was all Nex could babble before her eyes widened as the Zona woman pushed the tip of her prehensile tail against the Xyli’s soaked, darkened labia.

‘More!’ Was the only response she got as her pussylips were splayed apart by the invading tail of the Zona.

The rest of the day passed by in a blur as The First Daughter made sure that any trace of the Father’s aphrodisiac-like fluids had left Nex’s body, mostly by violently fucking the smaller woman’s twat with her muscular prehensile tail until it was absolutely soaked with orgasmic juices and the Nohric’s slime. Of course, even then she wasn’t completely pleased and would move onto the Xyli’s anus. Teasing it with her tongue, her fingers, her fists and, of course, her tail.

When The First Daughter was certain she had collected every last drop of The Father’s “blessing”, the sun had set once more and Nex found herself staring up at a wooden ceiling while lying atop a thin blanket. Her whole body, but especially her poor bum and abused twat, ached. Yet, she felt satisfied. Still, she had this lurking suspicion that she was forgetting something.

Just then, the air before her shimmered and she reached for Starstunner. Then, a pang of sadness hit her as she remembered that she had lost it in the jungle, probably miles away from here. Only for the sensation to be replaced by a sense of relief. After all, why would she need to resort to violence here. She was among family.

‘Wait, what’s going on?’ Nex whispered as she clutched at her head. This wasn’t her family! Hell, most Xyli didn’t even know their parents or siblings. She certainly didn’t! Her thoughts didn’t make any sense at all. 

As she contemplated this, the shimmering form before her coalesced into the tall, slender form of a faceless android made up out of sturdy black plating. Nex opened her mouth to scream. In fear? To warn her so-called “family”? It didn’t matter as she muffled her own scream with her hands and glanced down in surprise as she realized she was still wearing her gloves. Her boots too, now that she thought about it.

‘Guess she just couldn’t wait to get that “Blessing”, huh?’ Nex whispered wryly to herself as she recalled her day with The First Daughter. ‘Well, that makes the next part easier. Lead the way, Tin Can.’ Nex hissed both to herself and the android as she climbed to her tired, aching feet.

The android nodded and kept low as he snuck out of the hut Nex had found herself in, with the Xyli herself close behind it. Any noise they made was muffled by the constant moaning on the wind from The Father’s other victims. Meanwhile the walkways the android and the Jack-of-all-Trades crossed did not appear to be guarded in any way. Why need guards, after all, if your captor made you believe that you were here willingly?

That part turned out to be a bit of a problem as, after descending from the tree tops, Nex froze at the perimeter of what was to be her new “home”. She didn’t want to leave, she had finally found a place she belonged with Sisters that thought just like her! Right? She started to turn around when the android noticed the Xyli wasn’t following anymore and approached her rapidly, clasping its metallic fingers firmly around one of her wrists.

‘Let me go! My duty is to serve The Father!’ Nex shouted angrily, only dimly realizing that those words weren’t her own.

In response, the android brought its head close to hers. Observing her with its eyeless face. Nex raised a fist as if to punch it, even if it would likely only result in a broken hand, when the Oae Brightness Bracer™ crackled to life causing Nex to turn her head towards it in surprise. She didn’t even hear the soft hissing sound that came from the android.

‘I was afraid this might happen,’ Came the voice of Blue Mother, despite having stayed silent for over a day. ‘Fortunately, I have prepared for this too.’

‘Prepared wha-’

Before she could finish, Nex felt something sharp jab into her neck. Glancing down in what felt like slow-motion she saw that the android’s head had bloomed like a flower, and that a thin needle sprouted from its centre. A thin needle that was currently embedded in her neck.

You know, I’m getting pretty sick and tired of being drugged and dragged off somewhere against my will.

Now that thought was very much Nex’s own as she slumped forward and was caught by the android before losing consciousness.

To be continued...

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