Saturday 24 July 2021

Shortstack Saturday - Green Alley

Shortstack Saturday - Green Alley

(Cover by Queenchikkibug)

Rinnal the Drow of House Arkenhal leaves the Lands Below behind for the city of Behlinn, where he accidentally stumbles into the Green Alley. An alleyway infamous for its thieving residents. Yet, strangely, Behlinn's citizens keep using it as a shortcut...

Contains: Drow, Femboy, huge cock, shortstack, big breasts, big ass, femdom, orgy, blowjob, cunnilingus, rimjob, anal fingering, vaginal sex, buttjob, lipstick marks, aphrodisiac, excessive cum.

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Shortstack Saturday - Green Alley

Behlinn, known as the City of Chaos for it being built and rebuilt time and time again on the bones of the old city whenever it was sacked. Resulting in confusing streets, twisted alleyways that led nowhere and unconventional architecture inspired by many races and lands.

It also held a secret. Passage that led below the earth to trade with Dwarves. But also, something darker. The Drow, Dark Elves that had abandoned the realm of the Fae and instead worshipped creatures of Chaos and Darkness. They would copulate with these creatures, learning Dark Magicks from them and creating monstrous beings to aid them in conquering the lands far, far below Behlinn.

Eventually, one Drow woman by the name of Imra gave birth to Vondril the Gluttonous Spider, a massive eight-limbed demon that could weave webs of shadow and probe the minds of Drow. Using its strength and insight, Imra installed herself as Empress of the Lands Below and Drow society became all the more depraved under her rule.

Many could not stand what their Land had become underneath her rule and would flee upwards, towards Behlinn. One of these refugees was a young Drow man by the name of Rinnal, who found himself climbing from one of the many underground passages used by the thieves and smugglers that called the city home. Blinking his bright violet eyes rapidly while shaking his long, silvery hair out of his face he stepped into the watery light cast by the sun that had only recently finished cresting over the horizon, and made his way deeper into the city.

Sticking to the shadows, Rinnal would eventually get used to the watery sunlight. A light far brighter than anything he was used to underground in the Lands Below. What he saw was…messy. The mouth of a shadowy alleyway yawned open before him, uneven, mossy cobblestones leading inside and small, ramshackle wooden huts lining the walls and even built atop one another. The walkways made of wood and rope spread out overhead, hanging between the huts like a spider’s web, was something Rinnal could not quite see due to the sun still affecting his sensitive eyes.

Had they not been, the Drow would have seen the small figures peering down on him from the walkways, from the windows of these small buildings they called home, and perhaps would have chosen a different path. Unfortunately for him, still new to the City of Chaos, Rinnal the Drow walked right into the infamous Green Alley dressed in all the finery he had left as a son of House Arkenhal.

Once within Green Alley, in the deep shadows between the buildings that loomed over him, Rinnal’s eyes rapidly adjusted. By then, he realized that he wasn’t alone. Not because he saw anyone, ironically enough, but because sounds started to reach his long, pointed ears. The pitter-patter of feet slapping against cobblestones, the creaking of the improvised wooden walkways he now started to notice above him and, perhaps most noticeable of all, the whispers and giggles that seemed to come from all around him.

Just when it occurred to Rinnal that wandering through dark alleyways in a new city might not have been the brightest idea, he spun around ready to bolt. In doing so, the Drow came face-to-face with one of Green Alley’s occupants. Well, crotch-to-face as this figure was shorter than even he was.

‘Hi there, cutie. This is a baaad place to get lost, want me to show you the way out?’ The small figure asked, their voice feminine, as they slowly approached.

Alarm bells were going off in Rinnal’s head as he became aware of the sort of situation he currently found himself in. Though he allowed himself to relax when he saw just what had been speaking to him. A Goblin. Although rare in the Lands Below that he called home, their reputation for being weaklings and cowards were known even to him. Although this one wasn’t quite as hideous as the Goblins described to him. Then again, Imra and her Chosen would likely see anyone that wasn’t in their inner circle as being some sort of ugly creature.

The Goblin before him had sleek, inky black hair that would probably fall beyond her large, bat-like ears if it wasn’t for the wild, spiky quality to it that was in no way natural. Her eyes were large, yellow and almond shaped that had a mischievous quality to them only amplified by the reflective sheen visible in the dim light of the alleyway and the dark make-up around them. Her nose was a bit large and aquiline, with a silver stud in her left nostril, and beneath it her plush lips were pursed and set in an impish grin. They were decorated with black lipstick, matching the make-up around her eyes and the dark attire she was dressed in.

Rinnal felt himself growing distracted by said attire, a dark brown bustier studded with silver that emphasized a chest that already looked quite large for a woman of her stature while revealing a flat belly whose only blemish was her belly button, and making her waist look quite slim indeed. A pair of scandalously short black trousers appeared to be stretched to their very limits trying to contain her broad-baby bearing hips, and showed practically the entirety of her shapely green legs. The only other thing she wore were the ankle-height boots, one with thin heels that didn’t look very pragmatic on these cobblestone roads but did successfully add a couple of inches to her otherwise diminutive height.

‘Step back, Goblin,’ Rinnal barked with a sneer. ‘I don’t want to use this!’ As he reached towards the decorative rapier hanging from his side.

‘Use what, exactly?’ The Goblin replied, her tone amused, just as Rinnal felt himself grabbing at nothing but air.

‘Alright Felsa! I got his sword!’ A bubbly voice called from behind Rinnal.

As the Drow spun around he noticed another Goblin, her hair a deep honey blonde and pulled in a pair of pigtails holding his rapier above her head and smiling broadly enough to show her pointed white teeth. That weapon was granted to him by the head of house Arkenhal. It had some sentimental value for sure, but he had been planning to sell it off for quite a sum and live comfortably somewhere topside.

‘Give that back you little-’

As he reached toward the blonde Goblin, a third small figure suddenly tackled him to the ground. Knocking the air out of his lungs before he even had the chance to threaten her. 

On top of him was yet another Goblin, fiery red hair peeking out from underneath a brighter red kerchief while bright, almost venomous, green eyes glared at Rinnal beneath arched red eyebrows. Her nose was small and slightly upturned, while one of her sharp teeth peeked out past her bottom lip. Her shoulders were a little broader than that of her companions and the muscles of her arm slightly better defined, but Rinnal merely scoffed at her and grabbed her waist as if she was some sort of unruly pet.

‘What, so you’re supposed to be the muscle of the group? Even without my blade I can-’ Rinnal had to stop mid-sentence as the redhead began to futz around with his silver belt buckle. ‘Hey! What are you doing! Knock that off!’

But before he knew it, his belt was off and the redhead squirmed out of his grip. He hated to admit it as he watched her scurry away, but her soft and muscular form moving back and forth on top of him felt quite nice. Especially after the long time he had spent trying to leave the Lands Below behind and find a new home here in Behlinn. Those had been quite a few long weeks without the touch of a woman…

As he was reminiscing about this, Rinnal suddenly felt a weight settling onto his legs as someone was attempting to pry his boots off. Glancing away from the jiggling buttocks of the redhead that had just stolen his belt, he instead found himself staring at a new pair of asscheeks. These partially enveloped his left thigh as a Goblin with a long black braid was pulling at his left boot.

‘Knock that off, will you! That is genuine Drake hide!’ Rinnal roared as he tried to kick the Goblin off of him, but he was unsuccessful in actually lifting the leg she was currently resting on.

‘Sssh…’ The familiar voice of the first Goblin, Felsa, whispered in Rinnal’s ear as she knelt down next to him. ‘Don’t worry about any of that, it’s just stuff.’ She added, while playfully nipping him one of his long ears before she playfully kissed him on the cheek and began moving down towards his neck.

‘It’s not…It’s not just…’ Rinnal began, but then the places where Felsa kissed him began to tingle pleasantly and thinking became a challenge as the small pangs of lust he felt earlier now really began to flare up.

‘Oh! Something’s poking me!’ The Goblin with the braid commented as she briefly stopped tugging on the Drow’s boot and instead looked over her shoulder to see how a fat bulge began to travel down the left leg of Rinnal’s tights and poked against her expansive green backside.

‘Hm…looks like we caught another good one.’ Felsa purred as she unbuttoned the purple, gold-trimmed doublet that Rinnal was wearing to expose the flawless ebony skin and his trim, slender torso beneath.

At this point, Rinnal became aware of more small green hands pawing at him. Another figure settled on his right leg, to try and pry his other boot off. While others ripped off the golden buttons adorning his doublet and scampered off into the darkness. Some joined Felsa, however. Such as the blonde Goblin with pigtails, whose plump lips were now covered with a coating of dark pink lipstick. She grabbed Rinnal’s head in both hands and forcefully made out with him, exploring his mouth with her small but dexterous tongue.

‘Gosh, he’s so pretty!’ She chirped as she broke the kiss, strands of saliva hanging between her mouth and his. ‘Are all Elves this cute?’ The blonde asked as she helped Felsa in pulling open Rinnal’s doublet.

‘Humpf, I think he looks like a girl,’ An unfamiliar voice replied, but through his haze of lust Rinnal realized it was the red haired Goblin speaking who appeared to be the one who was struggling with his right boot. ‘Now Orcs, that’s where it’s at.’ She claimed as she glanced over her shoulder at the androgynous Drow with a smug grin.

Suddenly there was a violent tearing sound as Rinnal’s tights burst open, the Goblins surrounding the Drow squealed in surprise as his long shaft flopped out into the open while spraying clear precum all over the impressive behind of the Goblin with the long black braid, barely missing the skirt she wore. It rested against the Goblin’s ass for a couple of moments while the green woman looked at it in shock, before the blonde Goblin with pigtails abandoned taking off Rinnal’s doublet and instead crawled on top of him and towards his member.

‘Look, Evra! Even his dick is pretty!’ The blonde Goblin giggled as she held the large piece of meat up to her face with one small hand, showing how despite its monstrous size it was sleek without any imperfections or bulbous veins.

The redhead simply rolled her eyes and yanked of Rinnal’s right boot before stomping off, while her fellow Goblins giggled as if they had won some argument. Once she was out of sight, they resumed trying to rob and sexually assault the poor Drow. Rinnal was barely aware of what was transpiring at the moment, though. His only thoughts were on the fact that someone was touching his dick, and how he desperately wished to spill his seed.

‘Oh, it’s throbbing so much. Poor little Elf!’ The blonde Goblin teased as she peeled back Rinnal’s foreskin and planted a wet, sloppy kiss on his now exposed, sensitive cockhead.

This final kiss, laced with whatever aphrodisiac was in the Goblin’s lipstick, was enough to send Rinnal over the edge as thick spurts of lumpy white cum jetted from his cumslit. The Goblin sitting on his left leg, still struggling with pulling his boot off while simultaneously keeping an eye on the action going on behind her, cried in surprise as her back and her huge assglobes clad in a short leather skirt were suddenly coated in hot, sticky jizz. Leaving both said skirt and the tight tunic she wore horribly stained.

‘Argh! That was my favourite skirt, Isah! Couldn’t you have warned me?!’ The Goblin with the braid cried out.

‘I could have.’ The blonde Goblin, called Isa, replied smugly. Not saying anything more.

The Goblin with the braid finally pulled off Rinnal’s only remaining boot and left with a huff, giving Rinnal the opportunity to climb to his feet as his mind finally started to clear as the post-orgasmic haze started to clear. Isah gave a surprised little squeak as she slid off of the Drow’s body, and Rinnal wandered deeper into the alley as quickly as his bare feet could carry him. Unfortunately, he didn’t get far before two small, but muscular, green arms wrapped around his bare, slender waist.

‘Now where do you think you’re going?’ The voice of Evra, the muscular redhead, asked him from behind. Her hot breath teasing Rinnal’s balls and even his sensitive asshole through the thin fabric of his ripped tights.

‘I don’t want any further trouble, I just wish to leave!’ Rinnal blurted out, his previous authoritative voice now high and whiny.

‘Not until we are done with you.’ Evra responded plainly, before Rinnal could feel something dig into his tights followed by a tearing sound as he realized the Goblin had tore a hole into the garment with her teeth.

He had only a moment to realize what had happened before he was overcome by an odd, wet sensation teasing the rim of his ass. While he was too shocked to move, this nimble, wet thing, pushed its way into his anus. The Drow released an ungentlemanly moan in response as his cum-dripping shaft, still hanging out of his destroyed tights, began to rise.

‘Bah, I can’t believe an Elf as pretty as you with an ass as girly as this never got it ate.’ Evra growled nastily. ‘And if you ever tell Isah I thought you were pretty, you’re in for a world of hurt!’ She added, smacking one of the Drow’s full asscheeks for emphasis before digging her tongue back into his ass.

Other Goblins started to approach him again, walking at a slow, leisurely pace as if knowing that he’d never get away from the alleyway they called home that easily. Rinnal mewled pathetically as Evra teased strand after fat, goopy strand of precum from his balls with her skilled tongue while the other Goblins went through the pockets of his destroyed tights and gave his long, dripping cock the occasional experimental tug. But never enough to send him over the edge. He even felt someone sucking on his earlobe and finally taking his doublet off as he realized someone was standing on Evra’s shoulders, but he felt that he was powerless to resist and let them take it without comment.

As he was struggling with this strange sensation that overcame him, Rinnal didn’t resist the greedy little hands groping for his remaining valuables. Nor did he run away as Evra released her hold on his waist, and instead grabbed onto his buttcheeks to squeeze and spread them. His lack of resistance appeared to tease out the Goblins that had little interest in robbing them, as a Goblin with her dark hair kept in a long, luxurious ponytail approached the Drow while applying a bright violet lipstick to her full, bee-stung lips.

‘You like it? It matches your eyes!’ She giggled vapidly before placing a kiss on his cockhead, at almost the exact same spot that Isah had. Only she stuffed the Drow’s cockhead in her mouth just in time when he began to blow his load.

Thick strands of off-white seed would quickly blast from her nostrils and the corners of her mouth as the ponytailed Goblin desperately tried to swallow both his cum and his shaft. But she quickly started to gag and sputter as she reached the halfway point, where she remained as she hungrily gulped down the rest of his load. Making her throat bulge in an interesting fashion. When Rinnal stopped shooting, she pulled her head back.

‘Oh man...only half way?’ She croaked, observing the thick line of violet lipstick right in the middle of the Drow’s ebony shaft.

‘Let me see if I can do better!’ Isah giggled as she pushed the ponytailed Goblin aside with her hips and stared hungrily at Rinnal’s shaft which was being kept erect thanks to Evra’s skilled tongue.

The ponytailed Goblin glared at Isah, but found herself ignored as the blonde was already in the process of swallowing the Drow’s dick. But instead of complaining or retreating in one of the shadowy corners where she had made her home, the ponytailed Goblin squeezed in next to Isah with an impish little grin and further tore Rinnal’s tights to expose his testicles. Which she then immediately began to kiss and suck.

‘Ungh!’ Rinnal moaned as he extended shaking hands towards Isah. ‘Don’t think a son of House Arkenhal will go down without a fight!’ He called out in an attempt to sound imposing, but his trembling, whiny voice lessened the impact quite a bit.

Yet Isah’s bright, mischievous eyes did widen in shock as his slender hands wrapped around her honey blonde pigtails and began to pull her towards him. Like her compatriot, who was currently sucking on the Drow’s right nut, Isah began to cough and gag as she reached the halfway point. But Rinnal didn’t care, he pulled and pulled until Isah had unwillingly pushed the Goblin to her right and about three quarters of his cock had disappeared down Isah’s gullet. Her throat was bulging obscenely and saliva and tears of effort had turned her pretty face into a mess! A sight which, along with the effects of the lipstick all of these Goblins seemed to have as well as Evra’s skilled tongue teasing his asshole, was enough to send Rinnal into another orgasm.

With an euphoric yelp, the Drow released Isah’s hair. Causing the smaller woman to stumble backwards and land on her ass just as cum exploded from Rinnal’s cocktip. It landed in her carefully groomed blonde hair, on her spit and tears covered face as well as on her shapely chest only covered by a thin strip of cloth. After his third orgasm in rapid succession, Rinnal began to collapse to his knees. The impact thankfully softened somewhat due to Evra’s quick thinking.

‘Hey Felsa, we got one here who thinks he’s in charge!’ The ponytailed Goblin called out as she glanced from the stunned Isah to the exhausted Drow.

‘I know, don’t worry. I’ve got just the sort of thing to help with that.’ The Goblin that had first greeted Rinnan replied as she approached carrying a bottle with a swirling blue and gold liquid, her heels clacking against the cobblestones while her breasts threatened to spill out of the bustier she was wearing as they jiggled violently with every step.

Once she was close enough she placed a single heeled boot against the Drow’s slender, but well-defined, chest and pushed him down while sending Evra away with a quick jerk of her head. Rinnal did not resist as he tried to catch his breath, allowing Felsa to calmly uncork the bottle she was holding and swallow a mouthful of the liquid inside it. With cheeks bulging she crawled on top of the Drow and pushed her lips against his, forcing him to swallow the colourful liquid with a forceful kiss.

‘If you think you’re tired now, just wait until we’ve all had a turn.’ She hissed nastily and, as if on cue, dozens of eyes lit up in the shadows around them. ‘If you don’t want to pass out before then, I suggest you drink this.’ She growled as she pushed the fat mound of her pussy, visible even through her shorts, against his lips and emptied the remaining contents of the bottle onto her stomach. Making it dribble down, soaking her shorts and entering Rinnal’s mouth who greedily swallowed it.

With a pleased grunt Felsa tossed the now empty bottle over her shoulder, causing it to shatter somewhere, and grabbed her shorts with both hands before tearing the garment apart to free her pussy. Grabbing Rinnal’s previously carefully maintained silver hair with one hand she forced his face closer to her box as she ground her plump labia against his lips and hissed nastily.

‘Be sure to drink it all,’ She warned as clear lubrication began to pour from her slit. Then, while looking over her shoulder, she ordered: ‘Girls, get to work!’

Isah seemed eager to climb onto Rinnal’s shaft despite, or maybe because of, the rough way he had handled her. But just like the way she had pushed the ponytailed Goblin aside, Evra now did the same to her. Pulling off her own shorts in the process and tearing off the simple vest she wore to cover her chest. Smirking down at the rings of violet and pink lipstick coating the Drow’s dick she turned to the two Goblins who had left those marks and pushed the crown against her dripping, darkened green muff.

‘I bet you I’ll get farther than both of those before he blows again.’ She stated with a confident smirk that left both Isah and the ponytailed Goblin fuming.

As the small redhead sat down on the Drow’s monstrous cock, making it split her muscular pussy open with an obscene, wet squelching sound, the two Goblins she had just insulted crawled between Rinnal’s spread legs with mischievous glimmers in their eyes. As Evra’s fit, flat stomach, which was ruthlessly stripped of excess fat, was showing the telltale bulge of Rinnal’s massive dick pushing forwards, the two other Goblins began to tease the Drow’s sack and anus.

Rinnal moaned pathetically into Felsa’s dripping cunt as his senses were assaulted both by the potion she had fed him, Evra’s pussy clamping down on his meaty pole like a silken vice and the two Goblin’s rimming his ass or sucking on his nuts. All while they left behind more of those blasted lipstick marks that turned his brain to mush.

‘Ungh! You little cunts!’ Evra swore as the oral ministrations of Isah and her friend were causing Rinnal to basically piss precum into her poor womb, all while his dick throbbed with enough force to make her small, muscular form tremble on top of him.

‘All is fair in thieving and fucking!’ Isah’s muffled voice called before her voice devolved into muffled moans and grunts as she resumed teasing the effeminate Drow.

Evra had no response to that except for an annoyed grumble. There was no denying that that was the code of the Goblins of Green Alley, after all. So she continued to push herself down on Rinnal’s fat pole. With each shove both her own lubrication and the Drow’s excessive precum was forcefully ejected from the redhead’s cunt, coating Rinnal’s shaft, belly and legs in the process and thankfully making things a bit easier for Evra.

‘You’d better…hold out…a little longer!’ Evra snarled as she forced her way down the pink lipstick mark, one eye clenched shut in concentration while one of her hands squeezed down around the base of Rinnal’s cock. Yet despite this, precum was still pouring from his cumslit.

‘C’mon! We almost have him!’ Isah called up, as both she and the ponytailed Goblin sucked one of the Drow’s testicles into their mouths. Causing their cheeks to bulge out in a comical fashion.

Evra’s jade green skin was shining with sweat now as she took a couple of deep breaths to psyche herself up whenever she tried to shove another inch up her twat. She was nearly at the base now, her brow furrowed in concentration as she nibbled on her lower lips. Just as her muscular cunt swallowed the last inch, Isah slowly inserted a finger into Rinnal’s bum to tickle his prostate. That seemed enough to finally send him over the edge a fourth time.

The Drow’s testicles tightened, causing the lipstick stained black orbs to pop out of the Goblins’ wet, warm mouths, as he shot his seed straight into Evra’s womb. The tough, red haired Goblin’s eyes lost focus as the powerful streams of hot semen entering the deepest part of her sent her into a powerful orgasm of her own. Making her small, muscular frame quake as her own orgasmic juices blended with those of Rinnal sprayed all over the poor man. She retained enough of her senses to flip off the two Goblins that crawled out from between his legs, however. Their triumphant looks fading when they realized Evra had managed to take every inch and was still proudly sitting on top of the Drow’s fuckmast even as her belly was massively expanding due to the amount of cum he was pumping inside of her.

‘Cumming before me? Now that just won’t do…’ Felsa mused while shaking her head. ‘Girls! Bring me another bottle!’ She barked, and her order was quickly followed.

This time she did away with the pleasantries and, after uncorking the bottle, basically shoved it into Rinnal’s mouth down to the neck. Forcing him to drink the entirety of its contents. As he did, his flagging erection once again began to rise and his fatigue faded at least a little. Once again, Felsa simply tossed the empty bottle over her shoulder once it was empty. But this time, instead of forcing the Drow to eat her out, she stepped onto one of the crates littlering Green Alley and pressed her hands against the wall.

‘Well? What are you waiting for?’ She asked, glancing over her shoulder at Rinnal with a cocked eyebrow.

Coughing and clutching his throat after the rough way in which he had been forced to drink the bottle’s contents, Rinnal wasted no time in climbing to his feet. Eager to get some kind of payback he was behind Felsa in two big steps and completely destroyed the already torn and stained shorts she wore, freeing those broad trademarked Goblin breeding hips and huge, jiggling buttocks. Felsa didn’t seem particularly bothered by this, though, as she was still wearing the same bored expression on her face.

Obviously annoyed by this, Rinnal scowled angrily. But with his fine features it came off more as a sad little pout. Now this did change Felsa’s expression into an amused little smirk, which of course only angered the Drow further as he roughly slapped the Goblin’s behind while roughly pushing his hips forwards. Felsa’s grinning, black-painted lips quickly turned into a slack-jawed “O” of pleasure and surprise while her yellow eyes rolled backwards. Orgasmic juices coated the insides of her thighs as nearly half of the Drow’s member disappeared inside her, setting off the orgasm she had so desired from his tongue. Felsa quickly recovered, however. And when she did, she wasn’t pleased.

‘Now here we started this whole exercise to teach you a lesson about treating a girl like that!’ Felsa snapped. ‘Clearly you’ll have to learn the hard way. Girls!’

In response to that command, Rinnal heard several Goblins smack their lips behind him. Looking over his shoulder he realized they had all applied, or in some cases reapplied, the aphrodisiac-like lipstick he had grown so intimately familiar with ever since he entered Green Alley. With wicked smiles on their plump and shining lips those Goblins began approaching him, ripping apart what remained of his tights as he felt lips and hands on the insides of his thighs, his balls, his buttocks and once again on the rim of his asshole.

It felt like an eternity passed as he stood there, frozen in place, before he suddenly, violently, came inside Felsa. Some of the Goblins kissing and licking at his thighs moved away from Rinnal to instead gobble up the excess seed that was dripping from Felsa’s pussy. But enough of them kept teasing the Drow that, together with the double dose of whatever Felsa had fed him, his member refused to go down.

‘You’d better start moving those hips and do your best to keep me happy.’ Felsa growled, her voice penetrating the post orgasmic haze that hung over Rinnal, as she cradled her gravid, cum-swollen belly.

So Rinnal did as he was told, moving his hips as if on auto-pilot. His excess semen spurting from the Goblin’s cunt with each thrust who began to grunt appreciatively, before she was full-on moaning. He didn’t know how much time had passed before he came again, but all he knew was that Felsa looked content this time. Which made him happy as well! Only for his consciousness to fade then and there…

…when he came to again he found himself on a too small bed with a bottle of something shoved into his mouth.

‘Be sure to drink plenty of liquids!’ Came the voice of Isah next to him, while the Goblin with the long black braid was sitting on top of him, his lengthy shaft trapped between her broad, jiggling green asscheeks.

‘At least this time I’m not wearing anything for you to ruin!’ She proclaimed in an annoyed tone when she noticed the Drow had come to, her meaty behind positively shining due to the amount of precum Rinnal had leaked onto it.

In response the Drow felt blackness creeping in at the edges of his vision again before his testicles churned out another potent load. He heard an angry shriek of: ‘No! Not in my hair!’ before he drifted off into unconsciousness yet again…

…the next time he came to, he found two Goblins with platinum blonde hair that looked so similar that they were likely twins, each kissing and sucking on a nipple while Felsa was bouncing up and down on his cock while teasing her clitoris. Once she realized he was lucid she climaxed with a shriek, soaking both Rinnal’s torso and the back of the Goblin twins’ heads with her girlcum. Feeling Felsa’s pussy clenching pleasantly around his shaft caused the Drow’s hips to jerk up as he had his umpteenth orgasm of the day. Though barely anything came out this time before he drifted off into unconsciousness yet again.

This occurred again and again, with the moments where he was lucid growing farther and farther apart. Eventually, it all started to come in flashes. Sometimes he was in one of the ramshackle huts the Goblins called home, other times he was out in the alleyway. The sky that had been alien to him when he had first set foot in the city had turned from its original blue, to a deep violet and finally to a pitch black with tiny pinpricks of silvery white light strewn across. Rinnal wasn’t sure what that meant, but hours had likely passed.

Then, after a while, the occasional flash of lucidity seemed to disappear completely…

*  *  *  *

When Rinnal next started awake, his entire body was sore and stained with lipstick marks of a dozen different colours and the orgasmic juices of both himself and he didn’t know how many Goblins. The Drow released a groan of pain and discomfort at the general state of his body, and then another one when he felt the light and the heat of the sun upon him.

‘Oh good, you’re alive then.’ A deep voice rumbled from across Rinnal, where he saw an Orc sitting in rubbish as naked as the day he was born and adorned with his own collection of lipstick marks. ‘I guess you’re new in town?’

‘...Yes?’ Rinnal replied awkwardly, trying and failing to hide his nudity from the Orc.

‘Shame you had to stumble into Green Alley during your first time in Behlinn, they’re sneaky little buggers, let me tell you. Even these days they still manage to get the jump on the locals. This is the third time this week they managed to rob me!’ The Orc said, clearly outraged.

‘Why don’t you just…stop using the alley?’ Rinnal asked.

‘...You know why.’ The Orc replied, his outrage already disappeared as he looked Rinnal in the eye with a knowing, slightly embarrassed, smile. 

‘...Yeah.’ The Drow admitted sheepishly, as he and the Orc started to search the rubbish in an attempt to find something to make them both look more presentable.


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