Thursday 6 May 2021

[COM] Shopping in Silverscale

After the events that transpired in "The Treasure of Redrock Keep" Leon is forced to take Mina Fauxspell on what he expects to be a boring shopping trip...

Commissioned by Larrylive

Contains: M/F, Goblin, Elf, shortstack, size difference, big cock, huge breasts, huge ass, throatfuck, hairpulling, spanking, buttjob, doggystyle, semi-voyeurism, excessive cum,


Shopping in Silverscale

It had been some time since Leon Carter braved the Tuskwood and slew the vile creature that had been spawning all the horrors that had come out of it to assault Redrock Keep, after which he was sent out on a secret mission that only those high up in the chain of command knew about…

Well, that was the story that Leon’s superior officers had spun, at least. The truth was a little…odder.

The Elven Soldier of Redrock Keep had not succeeded in slaying “the vile creature” that had been responsible for Redrock’s recent troubles. No, she was alive and well and in his custody. Nor would Leon call Mina Fauxspell vile, not even in the unflattering brown cloak that the Goblin witch had donned for their little excursion. Large, bright blue ringlet escaped from the shadowy hood to end up resting on a pair of outthrust green breasts that would’ve already looked huge on an Elven woman and thus looked absolutely massive on the small frame of a Goblin.

‘Enjoying the sight, Soldier-boy?’ Mina teased just as Leon not-too-subtly cocked his head to get a better look at the impressive swell of her hips and hugely rounded bottom.

‘Well, there is nothing else to do here,’ Leon grumbled as he noticed the white stains on the hemline of Mina’s little dress. ‘Aside from waiting for you to finally pick out some clothes.’ The Elf sighed.

‘Be nice! I cleaned up my mess like those stuffy old men in the fortress asked and this is the reward I want,’ Mina tutted, as if scolding a small child and not an experienced soldier easily twice her size. ‘Besides, you did promise you would pay for a new one.’ Mina added, pursing those plush, blue-painted lips into an impressive pout as she lifted the hemline to give Leon a better look at the cumstains he’d marked her dress with. As well as more of her thick, shapely green thighs.

It was true that Mina had called back the literal army of monsters and other nasty things she had raised in the Tuskwood all for the nebulous “Treasure of Redrock Keep,” all at the request of Leon. At which point his commanding officers had decided it was better to have Mina Fauxspell as an ally, rather than an enemy. So he had been selected to act as a liaison between her and Redrock Keep. It hadn’t been a bad deal, to be honest, even if Leon missed the action. There was certainly none to be found at Aloro’s, Silverscale’s most famous clothing store.

‘No, if I remember correctly you ordered I’d pay for it but I never actually agreed to anything.’ Leon replied. ‘Besides, can’t you just “magic” things away?’ He asked, curious.

‘I cannot, believe me I tried.’ Mina responded with a tired sigh. ‘I fear your seed is simply far too strong.’ She added, while running a teasing hand over the front of Leon’s trousers.

Leon jumped in surprise, then cleared his throat awkwardly when he realized that everyone in the store was staring at him. He was not surprised, Silverscale was a city first founded by Elven settlers and built around the shed scales of a Silver Dragon. Even today it was still known for its wealth, military power and old, old nobility. Nobility to which Aloro’s selection of clothing was catered, having fabrics both plain and enchanted by magic from all over the world that could be found in a store that looked more luxurious than the foyers of some mansions. Obviously a Goblin in a stained dress and an unflattering cloak with a rough soldier standing next to her would stand out. Well, Leon was “rough” by Elven standards, at least.

If Mina was bothered by the stares of the other patrons at all, however, she did not let it show. Instead, she calmly draped any article of clothing that caught her interest over her arm as she slowly made her way through the store. Looking at it all, Leon doubted that any of it would fit her as the women that normally came to Aloro’s were taller than her and weren’t quite as blessed with a figure like Mina’s. But as talking would only make this whole ordeal take longer, Leon wisely kept his mouth shut. Besides, he had not missed the wand strapped to Mina’s thigh when she pulled up her dress. Meaning that the Goblin likely had a magical solution for it all.

‘Well, I think it’s about time for me to try these things on.’

Mina’s words snapped Leon out of his thoughts and he realized he had followed the Goblin to the fitting rooms in the back of the store. With some struggling the short green witch managed to turn the door handle and slipped inside, but not before turning towards Leon with a cheeky little smile on her face.

‘No peeking, now!’ She teased.

‘I wouldn’t dare.’ Leon replied as flatly as he could manage, though the stirring he felt in his loins made it clear that at least some part of him hoped to see the Goblin in all her naked glory again. Fortunately, all the stares he felt burning into the back of his head helped him ignore said part.

* * * *

Quite some time had passed, but Mina had not emerged from her fitting room. Leon couldn’t even hear her, and aside from the soft murmuring of other patrons and the faint harp music that seemed to come from nowhere, Aloro’s was quiet. Certainly quiet enough that Leon’s sharp senses should have picked up on everything going on inside the fitting room. Leon considered opening the door to see if she was fine, what if some snooty noble had done something to her for daring to set foot in a store like Aloro’s? But just as Leon started to wonder if someone could have even snuck past him, the door to the fitting room opened.

‘Oh, my lord! I’m afraid I’ve made quite a mess in here! Perhaps some punishment is in order! Mina called out theatrically as she stepped out in a black dress with white trim that Leon recognized as the uniform of high society housemaids.

Obviously, Mina’s version of the uniform was a little more…daring.

The skirts barely fell to her knees, revealing thick, shapely legs poured into fishnet stockings that dug slightly into her the limbs to show how soft and squishy her skin was. Her feet were glad in black heels that added a few inches to her diminutive height, but more importantly caused Mina to stick out her impressive rear. A ruffled white half apron was wrapped around her midsection, of course partially obscured by her massive chest which made the buttons that kept her uniform closed strain to keep the huge globes contained. Her bright blue hair had been pulled back into a business-like bun and was covered by a ruffled white headpiece that matched her apron.

All in all, the outfit made her look a bit more mature…although the teasing smile on her face made it obvious that she was anything but. As Leon looked her over again he wondered where she had procured the heels from. And had she always been holding a feather duster?

‘No?’ Mina asked with a cock of her head and a raised eyebrow. ‘I do admit, it’s a bit of a cliché.’ The Goblin Witch said with a nod as she glanced down at her outfit.

‘I…didn’t say anything?’ Leon replied.

But it was too late, Mina had already slipped back into the fitting room. Glancing over his shoulder, Leon noticed how some of Aloro’s male patrons were making a point of focusing on anything but the fitting room Mina had just disappeared into. Leon wondered if they had gathered an audience, but before he could fully commit to that train of thought he heard the door to the fitting room open again.

‘How about this?’ Mina asked as soon as Leon’s attention was on her, and he heard a crashing sound behind him in response.

Glancing over his shoulder, it appeared as if an older man had walked straight into a wooden mannequin dressed in the latest fashion and had crashed to the floor along with it. But Leon couldn’t be bothered by that now as he eyed Mina with his mouth hanging wide open.

Mina was wearing something Leon had only seen the concubines of desertfolk nobles wear. Her top consisted of semi-sheer blue fabric that matched the colour of her hair, it was tied around her slender, swan-like neck and crossed over chest in such a fashion that it squeezed the heavy green globes together and only covered her dark green areolas and thick nipples. And if you looked closely, you could even see those.

Around her midriff was a thin golden chain with several golden discs hanging from it which made noise as she moved, along with the golden bracelets that hung from her slender wrists and the anklets that were wrapped around graceful ankles. Said anklets also made the trousers she wore, made from the same material as her top, billow gracefully. Each slight movement the Goblin made created a noise and made her heavy chest and curvy behind shake, or perhaps she had done it on purpose?

The impish little smile behind the semi-sheer blue veil she was wearing certainly seemed to indicate that it was the latter.

‘Well, this one seems to be a big success!’ Mina crowed, while shooting a none too subtle glance at Leon’s crotch. ‘But let me try on the others too!’

With that said, Mina disappeared into the fitting room again. Leaving Leon to try and hide his obvious erection. Fortunately, he doubted he was the only one in the room who was trying to deal with that.

‘Now, this next one might be a tad…sinful.’ Mina stated as she stepped out of the fitting room once again.

This time, the Goblin was wearing the black habit of a priestess. The only difference being that it appeared to accentuate her impressive curves, stretching tightly over her broad hips and especially her huge chest as Leon didn’t miss the obvious bumps that her nipples made against the black fabric. Leon briefly wondered whether she was wearing anything underneath the habit, a question that was quickly answered as Mina threw open the habit revealing that she, in fact, wasn’t. Unless one counted the thigh high white socks, but judging from the crashing sounds Leon heard in the background nobody else did.

‘Too much?’ Mina asked with a cheeky grin as she slowly closed her habit, and once again Leon got the feeling he wasn’t the one she was addressing as he noticed how several men were picking themselves up from his peripheral vision.

While Leon was left wondering how much longer it would take before he and Mina would be tossed out of the store, she disappeared into the fitting room again. Leon expected her to step back out within moments, wearing a new outfit to tease him, and all the other male patrons of Aloro’s, with. Yet, that did not happen. The Elf briefly wondered if he should check up on her, but then remembered how Mina had taken her time the first time she disappeared in the fitting room as well. So he tried to be patient.

‘Leon?’ Mina called out after nearly half an hour had passed. ‘Could you get in here? I can use your help.’

Although he was keenly aware of all the stares directed at the fitting room door, and him by extension, Leon didn’t hesitate in opening the door and slipping inside. He told himself it was purely to aid Mina and thus the soldiers stationed at Redrock Keep, but if he had to be honest than it was mostly just to see more of the curvy Goblin after all that teasing she’d just subjected him too.

‘Geez…took you long enough.’ Mina said as soon as the Elf stepped inside, greeting him while only wearing those white, thigh high socks.

‘I stepped in as soon as you called for me, what are you talking about?’ Leon asked as he closed the door behind him.

‘What I’m talking about,’ Mina began, as she pulled her wand from a pile of clothes and pointed it at the door. ‘Is the fact that I literally had to flash you, and you still did not get the hint that I wanted to do more than just shop for clothes.’ The Goblin Witch finished with a huff, as Leon heard the distinct *CLICK* of a door locking.

‘What!? We can’t do that here! This is one of the most prestigious stores in all of Silverscale!’ Leon hissed through clenched teeth.

‘I know…’ Mina purred as she took a step closer, flattening her huge, soft green tits against the Elf’s long, muscular legs. ‘Doesn’t that make this exciting?’ She asked, running a hand across the obvious bulge that had formed in Leon’s trousers despite his protests.

‘I could get in serious trouble with my superiors at Redrock Keep if news of this gets out!’ Leon growled sternly as Mina continued to tease his shaft through his trousers.

‘That did not sound like a no~.’ The Goblin teased in a sing-song voice as she began to unbuckle Leon’s trousers.

Despite his, admittedly weak, protests Leon did not resist when Mina began to pull his trousers down. Why would he? She had obviously seen right through him, even if she hadn’t the large erection that was currently waving back and forth before her would have made it more than clear that he was interested in the same thing as her. So Mina said nothing, she only smiled that infuriating impish smile of hers and gave the Elf’s cockhead a loud, wet kiss. Leon clenched his jaw to keep himself from moaning as a blue lipstick mark was left on his crown, shooting worried glances at the door as he coated the Goblin’s plump lips with his precum.

‘Mmm…’ Mina moaned loudly, likely on purpose, as she pulled back to observe her handiwork. ‘Oh! And do not worry about being loud, by the way. I have taken care of that!’ She stated, almost as an afterthought, while holding up her wand and shaking it with a playful little smirk.

‘Good,’ Leon growled as he grabbed the two massive, ringlet-like pigtails in which Mina kept her hair. ‘Because I have some stress to work off.’

Mina didn’t protest the rough way in which Leon treated her, in fact she gleefully opened her mouth as the Elf pulled her face closer to his crotch. Leon released a content sigh as Mina effortlessly swallowed his shaft, despite its impressive length and thickness, and watched hungrily how the small green woman’s throat bulged obscenely as he forced his member down her gullet. When he felt her dainty chin disappear between his balls, the Elf grunted softly as he unloaded a fat wad of his sticky precum into her stomach. 

His grip on Mina’s hair loosened somewhat after that, and he would have happily taken it slow from that point. But when he glanced down at the Goblin and noticed her raised eyebrow and a look in her eyes that seemed to ask: “Was that all?”. Well, Leon couldn’t help but drag his hips back with a snarl. Mina’s lips quirked up as much as they could, stretched around Leon’s thick member as they were, to form another one of her impish little smiles. Said smile quickly faded, however, when Leon really started to work his hips.

The meaty sound of Leon’s balls slapping against Mina’s chin resounded through the fitting room as he roughly hammered his member down her throat, sending up sprays of spittle mixed with precum. Each time he would bottom out in the Goblin’s gullet, he watched eagerly as her huge green asscheeks wobbled and jiggled from the impact and the sight of it  would milk more and more precum from his balls with every thrust. Mina, meanwhile, released muffled moans of pleasure as the Elf roughly took her throat, dribbling her wetness down his legs as small orgasms rocked her short, curvy green form.

Yet, as much as the Goblin was enjoying Leon’s “take charge” attitude, she had come into this fitting room looking for something more than just a rough throatfuck. With an impish gleam in her eye she felt around for her wand, which she had stuck into one of her socks, and quickly pressed the tip of it against one of Leon’s testicles and imbued it with her will. Leon, whose orgasm was already fast approaching, let out a roar that likely would’ve been heard all through Silverscale if it hadn't been for Mina’s magic, and felt his balls rapidly clench as thick, hot semen surged from his cumslit.

Mina quickly forced herself forward, swallowing every last inch of the Elf’s monstercock one last time, and relaxed her throat as best as she could as rope after thick, sticky rope of cum was shot straight in her stomach. Mina briefly worried that her spell on Leon had been too potent, as her stomach was quickly filled and she felt the Elf’s seed rising back up her gullet and spraying from the corners of her mouth and even from her nostrils. Fortunately, before too big of a mess could be made in the fitting room, Leon’s orgasm wound down and he stepped back. Releasing Mina’s hair and stumbling against the door in the process.

‘Geez, tired out already?’ Mina teased as she looked at the handsome blonde Elf trying to catch his breath. ‘I should have known my spells would be too powerful for someone like you.’ 

As if to prove her point Mina waved her wand around and all the droplets of cum clinging to her face, her body and the floor disappeared. Even her stomach, which had been slightly swollen by the excessive amount of semen Leon had dumped in there, had flattened. Then, as if bored with him, Mina turned around and focused her attention on a bench stacked with folded clothes. Making sure to stick her huge, rounded behind in the air which she “innocently” shook back and forth in an hypnotic way.

‘Tired?’ Leon snarled, feeling his flagging member rise again at the sight of the Goblin’s meaty rear. ‘I’ll show you who’s tired, you Witch!’ The Elf hissed as he stepped up to her, making sure to swat one of her rounded cheeks once he got close enough.

‘Oh!’ Mina yelped, but she quickly regained her composure and waved her wand around with a wicked grin. ‘Are you going to show...them?’

Leon briefly froze in place as a hole appeared in the wall just above Mina, showing the patrons of Aloro’s doing their shopping. One richly dressed woman was in a heated discussion with what looked to be her husband, pointing angrily at the fitting room he and Mina were in before stomping off. Leon glared at Mina in equal parts fear and fury before the Goblin Witch let out a pleased little cackle. This only angered the Elf further and he couldn’t resist giving Mina’s ass another swat, silencing her infernal cackling.

‘Oh, don’t worry they can’t actually see us,’ Mina explained as she continued to shake her ass back and forth. ‘We can only see them, so we can have fun without any issues.’

‘Ah, well…that’s good.’ Leon stammered, feeling guilty that he let his emotions get the better of them. ‘That said, however, I fear that woman might be getting an employee to check on us.’

‘Then you’d better hurry up~!’ Mina teased in a sing-song voice as she pushed herself backwards to trap Leon’s monstercock between the huge halves of her ass.

Leon was moving before Mina had even finished speaking, both too worried about being discovered and too aroused to bother with properly inserting his member into Mina’s snatch. Instead, his monstercock was sliding into the valley between the Goblin’s mountainous asscheeks. His thrusts slowly speeding up as spurts of precum fired from the tip of his dick, thus lubricating the huge halves of Mina’s green rump. The silvery fluid would flow especially fast whenever one of Aloro’s patrons would glance in their direction and seemingly made eye contact with him.

‘I’m pleased you’re enjoying playing with my ass so much, but we could be discovered any minute now. Are you sure this is all you want to do?’ Mina asked as she glanced over her shoulder at Leon, but she didn’t stop the way in which she was shaking her rear at the Elf as he thrust his cock between her cheeks.

Leon made a noncommittal grunt as he firmly grabbed Mina’s green cheeks and pushed them a little more tightly around his shaft. When he noticed the same noblewoman that had walked off after arguing with her husband now arguing with an employee of Aloro’s, a part of his brain told him that a soldier of Redrock Keep should not be seen in a compromising position such as this one and as a result he pulled his hips back as far as he could, lined his cockhead up with Mina’s plump, dripping pussy…and roughly rammed his hips back forwards again.

Mina squealed in pleasure at the same time that an obscene wet sucking sound resounded through the fitting room as she finally got filled in the way she had been craving ever since she set foot in the store. Her orgasmic juices sprayed over both the insides of her thick thighs and the front of Leon’s muscular legs as his monstercock stretched her out oh so delightfully. The impish grin that had been plastered on the Goblin’s face basically the whole day finally faded, replaced by her mouth hanging open in a lewd “O” shape while she had trouble focusing her eyes on the crowd outside.

When the magical window Mina had created began to flicker, both Goblin and Elf briefly worried that the Witch had lost control of her spell. But a sharp swat on one of Mina’s asscheeks brought her focus back as she yelped in surprise, and then moaned in pleasure. Whenever it appeared as if Mina would lose control again, she’d receive another spanking. But from all the worried glances the other patrons of Aloro’s were shooting at the fitting room, the brief lapse in Mina’s soundproofing magic might have already revealed what was going on inside.

‘Fuck…’ Leon growled. ‘Sorry, but I might have to get a little rough!’

‘This…was you…being gentle?’ Mina hissed through clenched teeth, shooting Leon a nasty, albeit loving, look as she felt her pussy quiver in excitement.

Leon responded by grabbing the back of the Goblin’s head and firmly pushing her head down, his other arm he wrapped around her waist which he used to pick her up. Mina barely registered the feeling of her feet leaving the floor as Leon roughly rammed his entire body downward, using the Goblin’s small, curvy green body as nothing more than a mastubatory tool. Sparks flew in front of Mina’s eyes and the meaty impacts of Leon’s stomach slamming against her rear whenever he bottomed out in her seemed to grow louder and louder with each thrust, until eventually her buttocks started to sting.

‘Mina…You’d…Better…Keep…Focusing…On those spells!’ Leon roared as he noticed the noblewoman and the employee approach, each of his words punctuated by a rough thrust and an outpouring of precum.

‘Uuuhn…’ Was Mina’s only response as she clawed at the bench her upper body was lying on.

A moment later, more girlcum came pouring from her quivering cunt. Absolutely soaking Leon and restricting his movements somewhat as he struggled to hold onto a violently climaxing Mina. Although it was difficult to see from his current angle, the Goblin’s eyes had rolled up to show only the whites and the magical window finally faded. Leon wasn’t certain about the other spells, but as he felt his testicles starting to clench he realized it was too late to stop now.

‘Fuuuck…’ Leon growled as he put Mina down as gently as he could, resting his large body on her smaller form as he bit down on her shoulder to keep himself from screaming in pleasure.

He briefly worried if he might’ve hurt Mina, but the Goblin’s snatch seemed to wrap around his shaft even tighter in response to feeling the Elf’s teeth sink into her shoulder. At that point, Leon’s mind went completely blank as he felt his balls tighten with such force that he was certain that he would empty every last drop of semen inside of Mina. The pounding on the door barely registered as he felt his own seed mixed with Mina’s orgasmic juices running down her legs and sticking to his.

‘...Miss! Excuse me, Miss!’ An unfamiliar voice called out.

Leon didn’t know since when they had been calling for Mina. Had it started since they began knocking on the door? Whatever it was, there was no getting out of this one. His reputation, and by extension that of Redrock Keep, would be ruined. If he were lucky he’d only get demoted due to his impressive and heroic service, but he’d likely be dishonorably discharged. Leon worried about all of these things, his mind going a million miles a minute, only to be shaken out of it by Mina clearing her throat.

‘Hey, Soldier-Boy. Not that I don’t love having you on top of me. But I should probably go and take care of this.’ The Goblin Witch croaked.

‘How? There’s no getting out of this…’ Leon sighed, but he did as requested.

The sound of Mina’s snatch reluctantly releasing the Elf’s monstercock could be heard, followed by a wet splattering sound as his excessive semen poured from her cunt like a waterfall and stained the floor below them. With a confident smirk Mina pushed herself to her feet and walked to the door, grabbing a dress from the bench before she did, and waved her wand around.

‘Please, who do you think you’re talking to.’ She scoffed as she was suddenly dressed in a familiar little black dress and opened the door, not even giving Leon the chance to try and hide. Or at least pull his trousers up.

‘Ma’am, is everything alright in here? Customers have been complaining about…noises.’ The employee of Aloro’s asked carefully, while the noblewoman Leon had seen her speaking to before was glaring angrily at Mina.

‘Oh pardon me, I just simply adore the selection you have here! I must have gotten a little excited.’ Mina lied as she covered her mouth, as if in shock.

It was only then that Leon noticed that Mina’s body was completely clean, despite everything the two of them had done. As was the fitting room, for that matter. There wasn’t even a sign of what had transpired in here. The only thing that could give it away…was him.

‘She’s lying! My husband saw someone go in with her!’ The noblewoman shrieked, and Leon felt his heart sink.

‘Is that true, ma’am? Is someone in here with you?’ The employee asked.

‘No…?’ Mina replied innocently. ‘Only this mannequin. Are they not in all fitting rooms?’

The employee looked right at Leon and released an exasperated sigh. For a moment, he wondered how Mina thought she could get away with such an obvious lie. But then the employee simply turned to face the noblewoman.

‘See? There is nothing going on here, your husband must’ve been seeing things.’ They said before turning to Mina without giving the noblewoman the chance to get a word in edgewise. ‘Mannequins are, in fact, not supposed to be in the fitting rooms. I’ll send for someone to remove it once you are done. Please take your time, ma’am, and I’m sorry for the inconvenience.’ With that the door was closed and Leon only caught snippets of the muffled conversation happening behind it.

‘Oh, Mina! That was amazing! I thought we were done for!’ Leon said almost as soon as the door was shut.

‘Compliments? From you? Is everything alright?’ Mina teased in response, but Leon didn’t miss the glimmer of pride in those big blue eyes of yours.

‘Yeah, yeah, rub it in.’ He grumbled as he attempted to return to his stern Soldier persona. ‘Oh, and you’re going to leave a big tip for the staff after everything you’ve done.’

‘Sure, they deserve it.’ Mina replied with a nonchalant shrug, before striking a pose. ‘By the way, what do you think of my dress?’ The Goblin asked as she gestured at the little black dress she had, at least partially, magicked up.

‘You’re kidding me, right? It looks almost identical to your old one.’ Leon asked, confused. ‘And I thought you said there were things you couldn’t clean with magic?!’ He added, while looking at the spotless state of the fitting room.

‘Then it’s perfect!’ Mina beamed happily as she stepped out of the fitting room.

‘Hey! Don’t ignore me! We’ll have words about this!’ Leon barked as he chased after her…


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