Friday 3 April 2020

[COM] The Treasure of Redrock Keep

Leon Carter goes to find the source of the attacks on Redrock Keep and finds, to his surprise, that it is a curvy Goblin witch

Commissioned by Larrylive

Contains: M/F, goblin, shortstack, big breasts, huge ass, huge cock, hotdogging, hairpulling, blowjob, vaginal sex, spanking, lipstick marks, excessive cum


The Treasure of Redrock Keep

‘Sir Carter!’

Leon started awake as the door to his room slammed open. He couldn’t have been asleep for more than two hours when a panicked squire rushed in. Well, perhaps “sleep” wasn’t the right word for what Elves like him did. But it certainly was easier to explain.

‘They’re here again already?’ Leon asked, showing little surprise at the sudden intrusion as he jumped out of the bed and began donning his armour, the squire helping as best as he could.

‘Yes, sir!’ He replied. ‘More creatures came pouring out of the Tuskwood! I dunno how there’s still more. You and the other defenders have filled the fields outside with corpses for nearly a week now!’

‘Then perhaps it is time to find the source…’ Leon muttered, more to himself than to the squire, as he pulled his long, pale hair into a ponytail.

‘Sir?’ The squire inquired, clearly confused.

‘It is no concern of yours,’ Leon replied, perhaps a little brusquely, as he covered his shining chainmail with a red tabard that showed the clenched, black gauntlet of Redrock Keep. ‘We must hurry to the walls!’

The squire nodded his head so rapidly Leon feared his helmet would fly off, and rushed out of the Elf’s room almost as quickly as he had entered it while Leon stayed behind to gather his bow and his longsword. Once his trusty arms were upon his person, Leon followed the squire’s example and hurried towards the walls where all manner of ugliness was no doubt awaiting him.

‘Perhaps tonight I should gather some supplies and find the source of Redrock’s troubles myself,’ Leon grumbled. ‘I would like to get at least some rest this week…’

* * * *

Deep in the Tuskwood, a ghostly blue light was burning behind the eye sockets of a gargantuan boar skull. Inside, a witch by the name of Mina Fauxspell had made herself a comfortable little hut. This witch, was also responsible for the troubles that had befallen Redrock Keep.

‘I do not understand,’ Mina whispered to herself. ‘According to the stars Redrock Keep’s greatest treasure should reveal itself to me at the end of the first week of spring, after the children of the wood of tusks declare war on the men borne of crimson stone…’

‘But so far, nothing!’ Mina complained. ‘And I have certainly done everything in my power to make this little prophecy come true.’

That…was certainly no lie. Mina had charmed, bribed, blackmailed and simply bewitched all manner of nasty creatures that had called the Tuskwood home to convince them to assault Redrock Keep. But so far, they hadn’t returned with any treasure. If they returned at all, that was…

‘Perhaps I should simply head over there myself! There’s not much time left before-’

‘Before what?’ A strange, masculine voice interrupted.

Mina couldn’t help but release a surprised little gasp as she found a stranger standing in one of the eye sockets of the skull she called home. It was tall Elven figure, a lot less lithe than others of his kind he was blessed with broad shoulders and a wide muscular chest, as well as thick, strong arms that were currently holding a longbow with a nocked arrow pointed in the witch’s direction.

‘I must say, you were not what I was expecting to find at the centre of all this.’ He finally said when Mina didn’t seem to want to answer his question. The wind making his white hair dance behind him in a heroic fashion while a pair of pale, almost luminous, green eyes set in a sharp, handsome face looked Mina up and down.

‘And what, exactly, did you expect?’ Mina asked as she struck a pose.

‘A horrible old crone with sickly green skin who dresses in all black and cackles over a bubbling cauldron, to be honest.’ The Elf answered off-handedly.

‘Well, I am green. But I happen to think I look quite healthy, thank you very much.’ Mina mused as she crossed her slender arms underneath her quite hefty chest, the two massive green globes threatening to spill out of her black dress. ‘And I suppose you were correct about dressing in black as well.’

‘I meant more that you are a Goblin,’ The Elf mused. ‘I never thought your kind was smart enough to actually use any kind of magic.’

A flash of annoyance appeared in Mina’s bright, electric blue eyes and while one hand tugged at one of her large, ringlet like pigtails the other drifted towards a pitch black wand strapped to her right thigh. Before the Elf had a chance to react, Mina drew it and pointed it at him while a curse in Goblinoid passed her plush, blue-painted lips. The arrowhead that was pointed at her rusted rapidly and disintegrated into nothingness, the same happened to the chainmail the Redrock soldier was wearing underneath his red tabard.

‘Now, now, insulting a lady is no way to win her heart,’ Mina mused, her annoyance hidden beneath a bright smile that showed her pearly white teeth. ‘I suppose you should be punished!’ The Goblin hissed as she waved her wand again.

The Elf pulled his longsword from his side and charged her, but found that only the handle remained and that the blade was long gone. Not only that, but before he could close the distance he tripped over a root. He cursed his clumsiness, but as he pushed himself up and felt roots wrapping around his wrists and ankles which yanked him down onto his back he found that it hadn’t been clumsiness at all. Once again, it was the witch’s magic at work.

‘You can control plants too?’ He asked, dumbfounded.

‘And more,’ Mina tittered. ‘Not so bad for a dumb Goblin, is it?’ She asked, blue eyes shining with a dangerous light as she stood over her. The Elf was almost twice her height, but the three foot tall Goblin looked suddenly quite intimidating…

…Although the Elf felt something else too as he watched those heavy jugs sway within the confines of the tiny black garment she wore, or the swell of her almost ridiculous backside which he could just make out even when she facing him. Which was something Mina hadn’t overlooked as she noticed something swell within the soldier’s white tights.

‘Well now, what’s this?’ Mina mused as she used one boot-clad foot to flip up the tabard the Elven soldier was wearing.

In doing so, she revealed the outline of a long, fat cock. Mina’s bright blue eyes widened at the sight and she lost concentration on her spell, giving the Soldier a chance to slip from his bonds. With a growl he grabbed one of the Goblin’s long, ringlet-like ponytails and used it to pull himself up. Mina cried out in pain and pointed her wand at the Elf in a panic. The sight of it caused the Soldier to let go off her hair and stumble back, but Mina’s spell was already in effect as his clothes disintegrated.

‘My, aren’t you quite the price?’ Mina cooed as she drank in the sight of the Elf’s sculpted, muscular body. ‘Still, pulling on a lady’s hair like that? You deserve to be punished!’ She added with a wicked little smile.

Still on his feet, the Soldier slowly began to back up towards the “window” he had came in through, only to bump into a chair. Immediately the roots that had tied him down before returned, dragging him down onto the piece of furniture as they wrapped around his ankles and wrists. The Goblin witch simply watched it all with an amused expression on her face as she slowly sauntered towards him, hips swaying theatrically and huge jugs jiggling slightly as she walked.

‘You better not stain this, Soldier-boy!’ Mina warned him as she climbed onto his lap, pressing her huge, soft green tits against his broad chest while she trapped his monstercock between her asscheeks.

Unfortunately, due to her current position that was nearly impossible for the Elf. His member stuck out from between the giant globes of Mina’s heart-shaped rear a little, causing his cockhead to push up against the fabric of her little black dress somewhat. And in his current position, well it did not take long before he started drooling thick, pearly strands of precum. Mina furrowed her brow when she felt the hot, sticky liquid spread over her green cheeks and she leaned back to make sure the Elf could see her disappointment.

‘What did I just say?’ She complained as she pushed her wand, that was still firmly clasped in her right hand, against his crotch.

The Soldier suddenly groaned and the flow of precum stopped. Mina showed him her wicked smile once again and continued to move her small body back and forth on his lap, her asscheeks still wrapped around his huge pole. Although he had stopped leaking precum, the Elf’s member felt thicker between the halves of her meaty rear and was throbbing quite powerfully. Mina also swore she could hear the cum sloshing around in his fat nuts, but she simply continued to tease him. Perhaps for a bit too long…

Mina heard a dangerous creaking sound and watched the Soldier’s muscles bulge as he tore the roots binding his wrists apart. Surprised, the Goblin fumbled with her wand and ended up dropping it. Before she had a chance to use a simple spell to make it float back into her hand, the Elf’s large, calloused hand landed on her rear with a loud smacking sound. Mina opened her mouth to scream in surprise, but instead found the Soldier’s tongue invading it. She didn’t know if the Elf had gone mad with lust, or if he was simply afraid she would verbalize a spell, but she couldn’t resist returning the kiss.

‘Shall we head somewhere a little more comfortable?’ She asked, as soon as the kiss was broken. ‘You know, to continue your punishment? This position is not comfortable.’ She quickly added, while rubbing her still stinging asscheek.

‘Not until you undo this curse on me!’ The Elf growled in a hoarse voice as he grabbed Mina by the pigtails and used them to start lifting her up.

‘Alright, alright! Just calm down! Let’s think about this rationally!’ Mina babbled before her words blended together to form a hiss of pain as her small, but stacked, body was lifted higher and higher.

Clearly, her visitor was in no mood to think rationally as he released her pigtails just as soon as his shaft was lined up with the plump, dripping lips of her muff. A shriek of both surprise and delight escaped the Goblin’s throat as every last inch of the Elf’s monstercock disappeared very suddenly in her soaked, sensitive cunt. Once again her small black dress rode up again, this time due to the slight bulge that was pushing out her stomach due to the large invader stretching her snatch.

‘Come on, don’t just sit there,’ The Elf growled in his hoarse voice. ‘Move…move!’ He roared, slapping his hands down roughly on the Goblin’s meaty asscheeks, making the green orbs jiggle with every spank.

Mina couldn’t help but do as was asked of her, raising her hips in surprise in response to the sudden spanking and lowering them again as soon as one of the Elf’s hands impacted on her rump. But, it seemed that the Soldier quickly grew bored of her erratic pace and instead of spanking her sank his fingers into the meaty halves of her rear to drag Mina’s small, curvy body up and down. But no matter how rough and desperate he got with the witch’s body, he still couldn’t orgasm.

‘Just…just give me a second to get my wand, and I will get you what you want, Soldier-boy…’ Mina stammered between gasps for air.

‘Fine,’ the Elf grumbled as he stopped using the witch as a toy. For the moment, at least. ‘But you better not be lying, Goblin.’

‘It’s not…It’s not “Goblin” or “witch”, you know…’ Mina complained as she called the wand back to her hand. ‘It’s Mina, alright?’ She grumbled.

‘Leon,’ The Elf said by way of introduction. ‘Leon Cart-.’ The rest of his introduction was cut short as Mina jabbed her wand against his crotch again and she felt his shaft swell even bigger inside of her.

A roar echoed through the woods as Leon was finally allowed to orgasm, causing all the creatures that called the area around Mina’s home to flee. Fat, hot white ropes of jizz were pumped deep into Mina’s pussy, making her stomach bulge even as a large amount of it ended up pouring down the insides of her thighs. The Goblin sharply clicked her tongue seeing as there wouldn’t be any doubt that her black dress would end up horribly stained after all this.

‘You’ll be paying for a new one, Soldier-boy!’ Mina grumbled as she waved her wand in the air.

There was a brief, but bright, blue flash and Leon ended up with spots dancing before his eyes. After blinking a few times, he was rewarded with the sight of the now completely naked Mina. Her large, heavy breasts were resting on her belly, which was still bulging somewhat due to his massive creampie, while the lips of her soaked green cunt were stretched around his impressive girth. His fingers were still dug into her meaty rear, the Elf realized, and he kind of wanted to get a better look at it…

‘Well? Are you just going to sit there all day, or are you going to-’

Leon stood up before Mina could finish, wrapping one muscular arm around her curvy body while he carried the rest of her weight with his monstercock. Mina couldn’t help but gasp in both admiration and lust in response while he crossed the room to approach the small, Goblin-sized bed tucked away in the corner of the Witch’s little hut. Once he stood over it, the Elf extracted his huge prick with a loud, wet sucking sound. Causing Mina to leak semen all over the mattress.

Stop making a mess!’ Mina snarled, but despite her protests her hot, clear juices dripped down along with Leon’s spunk.

If Leon noticed, however, he didn’t call her out on it. Instead, he simply dropped her. Mina’s shriek bounced off of the walls as she landed, softly, onto her bed. Her huge rear was pointed in the Elf’s direction, and he immediately responded by shoving his monstercock between the soft green globes again. Using his hands to push them around the fat, throbbing pole and make the experience just a bit more pleasurable.

‘Geez…’ Mina said after a few minutes of Leon hotdogging her butt. ‘If I knew that all it took was a bit of ass to distract the Soldiers of Redrock Keep I wouldn’t have sent all those monsters…’

Leon rose to the bait, of course, swearing and giving one of her asscheeks a sharp swat. Mina couldn’t help but glance over her shoulder and give him one of her toothy, impish smiles. The Elf’s expression darkened in response and Mina felt immediate regret for her actions as Leon grabbed her pigtails much in the same way that one would grab the reins of a horse, before roughly slamming his hips forwards and impaling the Goblin’s muff on his entire length.

‘Guargh!’ Mina groaned pathetically as what little cum remained in her soaked quim was forced out by the sudden thrust. ‘Be a little more gentle, will you?’ She complained.

‘No,’ Leon growled, his response accompanied with such a savage thrust that it would have launched Mina forward if he wasn’t holding her by the hair. ‘See this as penitence for all the damage you have caused!’ He added with another powerful pump of his hips.

‘F-fiiine!’ Mina groaned sarcastically. ‘I’m sooo sorry! Now will you please go easy on me?’ She added in the exact same tone of voice.

‘No.’ The Elf answered sternly, and roughly shoved his hips forwards.

‘Geez, then at least let me help you to make things a bit easier for both of us.’ Mina grumbled as she dropped her wand and reached back to spread her asscheeks, her small, delicate fingers disappearing almost completely in the soft green flesh.

Leon found that the folds of Mina’s soaked cunt were clinging to his member quite tightly, eager to milk it with each rough pump of his hips despite the Goblin’s protests. With a grin, he slammed his hips forwards again, causing Mina’s face to end up in the mattress. With her in a position like that, her face down and her huge jiggly rear in the air while she eagerly pried the meaty halves of it apart, well Leon couldn’t help but pick up the pace.

Wet sucking sounds emanating from Mina’s cunt as the Elf’s huge cock hammered in and out of it, causing strings of clear girlcum to land on the mattress that was currently muffling her orgasmic shrieks. The sounds were accompanied by Leon’s grunts and the nearly continuous meaty impacts of his hard stomach smacking against Mina’s huge, shapely green rear. 

During it all, his hand continued to tightly hold the Goblin’s hair, sending small signals of both pain and pleasure to Mina’s brain. Only when his member suddenly swelled up inside of her did Leon let go. With a deep, dark groan he dumped another load of his thick, virile cum in the witch’s soaked, spasming cunny…after which he rested his large, muscular frame on her much smaller back while he enjoyed the afterglow.

‘Hey! Come on, get off!’ Mina shouted after having turned her head with some effort. ‘You’re heavy!’ She added in annoyance as she tried to squirm out from underneath Leon, but her movements only earned her a few more spurts of jizz from the Elf.

‘Oh…I apologize.’ Leon grunted as he rolled off of the poor Goblin.

His member escaped Mina’s snatch with an obscene, wet sucking sound and the patch of semen and girlcum that had formed on the mattress immediately grew larger as a small waterfall of his jizz spilled from the witch’s pussy. Leon then tried to get up, but he was suddenly hit with a wave of exhaustion. Fighting wave after wave of monsters for nearly a week with little rest, trekking through the treacherous Tuskwood at night and then having the best sex of his life had really taken a toll on his body.

‘What’s this?’ Mina cooed as she fixed her pigtails as best as she could. ‘Has the mighty Elven warrior been brought down by a lowly Goblin?’ She teased as she crawled over towards him.

‘Of course not,’ Leon snapped, though there wasn’t much energy behind it. ‘I…simply need to rest a little. I will be recovered in no time, after which I must escort you back to Redrock Keep.’

‘Then I guess it is in my best interest to see that you don’t get any sort of rest, huh?’ Mina mused as she draped her heavy breasts over one of the Soldier’s thighs and brought her plump blue lips closer and closer to his cock.

Leon groaned as he felt those soft lips brush over his shaft as it disappeared into the Goblin’s warm, wet mouth, leaving behind a trail of her blue lipstick. He laid a hand on her head, but didn’t seem to have the strength nor the desire to push her away. As a result, Mina shoved more and more of the Elf’s monstercock down her gullet until her throat was positively bulging. And even then she didn’t stop until her nose was pushed against Leon’s powerful stomach and her delicate chin practically disappeared in the Soldier’s leathery sack.

Leon was still groaning, but seemed no closer to an orgasm. Perhaps unsurprising after everything the two of them had just done, but it still stung at Mina’s pride somewhat that the Elf had barely reacted to her deepthroating his monstercock. With a muffled grunt she began to bob her head up and down, occasionally forcing her tongue out of her cockstuffed gob to tease the Soldier’s fat testicles.

Leon finally gave Mina the response she wanted as his groans started to grow louder and precum began to flow from his distended cumslit. Pleased with this reaction, Mina picked up the pace and it did not take long before she felt the Elf’s pole swell in her throat before firing thick strings of hot cum nearly straight into her stomach. Mina’s eyes sparkled triumphantly as she glanced up at Lion, his cum-spewing dick still embedded to the hilt in her throat. Only to find him passed out.

‘Huh,’ Mina croaked after extracting the softening monstercock from her throat. ‘I achieved my goal sooner than I thought.’

With those words, she reached for her wand…

* * * *

When Leon awoke he felt a warm, soft body clinging to his side and he found Mina there. To his surprise, she was completely clean. When last he saw her her hair was in disarray, she was covered in sweat and leaking jizz from her abused cunt. He hadn’t been in any better shape, but found that his own body, as well as the bed he was lying on, didn’t have a speck of dirt on it.

‘That’s magic for you.’ He muttered to himself, ready to get up only to be stopped by Mina who was still clinging to him. ‘I suppose I can stay a little longer,’ He mused to himself. ‘After all, who knows what she might do if I leave? The rest of Redrock’s troops need a little rest after the week we just had.’

Mina smiled happily in her sleep, dreaming about what sort of treasures Redrock Keep would hold without realizing that its greatest treasure was lying right next to her…


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