Monday 3 January 2022

[COM] Pepper Meets a Mimic

To secure some funds for their upcoming wedding, Pepper and her fiancé Orman explore a local dungeon. During their exploration, Pepper finds a treasure chest...

Contains: M/F, Elf, Goblin, shortstack, tentacles, cunnilingus, huge ass, spanking, ass worship, hotdogging, anal sex, vaginal sex, excessive cum

Commissioned by The Raj

Other Pepper Goldchime stories:

Pepper Hits the Jackpot
Pepper's New Pet
Pepper's Double Score
Day of a Dozen Elves
Backbreaking Work for the Backbreakers' Autographs
Screwed to Sleep
Jiji's Druid Connection
Pepper Meets Her Match
Demands of Goblin Royalty
Birthday Engagement
Pepper's Punishment
Pepper Wants Breakfast


Pepper Meets a Mimic

‘Ugh…We’ve been walking for hours!’

Pepper’s voice broke Orman’s concentration and the Wood Elf turned to look at her from his squatting position. Like this, he and the Goblin wearing her heeled boots were nearly the same height. Meaning that Orman got the perfect look at the annoyed expression on Pepper’s face as she had stuck out her pink-painted lips in an impressive pout and had her forehead scrunched up in an adorable fashion while she glared at the Wood Elf with those silvery grey eyes of hers.

‘I know it’s not ideal, but “The Maze of Mad King Orin” is one of the few dungeons near Robin Valley that I know of that still hides the kind of wealth we need for the venue we picked out and the honeymoon we’ve planned.’ Orman replied as he stood up and slapped the dust off of his trousers, the light of the seemingly ever burning torches in the narrow hallway the two had found themselves reflecting off of his engagement ring.

‘Now, there’s no signs of any traps that I can see so let’s move on.’

With that, Orman scratched a little symbol on the wall in chalk so he and Pepper could find his way back and led the way. Behind him he could hear his fiance exhale in frustration before he heard the clicking of heels to indicate that she had followed. For a few minutes, nothing was said as they wandered through the hallway before they arrived at another split in the road. Orman held up a hand, to signal that Pepper should stop, and lowered himself to the ground again to look for any signs of traps or people having passed through here before.

‘It’s just…it’s so dull!’ Pepper complained. ‘When you hear “Maze of the Mad King” you kind of expect more than just…hallways. I expected magic, monsters, demons…something!’

Orman knew for a fact that the further down the maze went, the crazier everything got. But he wisely decided to keep his mouth shut. He loved his fiance and her thirst for adventure, but truthfully he just wanted to find the rumoured treasures said to be hidden in the unmapped areas of the upper levels and then get back home to plan his wedding and his future with Pepper. He didn’t need the extra stress of fighting a horde of demons right now. 

‘...way to the right seems to be trapped.’ Orman muttered to himself, tuning out Pepper’s ranting to focus on the improperly aligned tiles set in the floor.

‘Then obviously that is where that Mad King or whatever doesn’t want us to go,’ Pepper mused. ‘So let’s go right!’

Just as Orman was about to say that he agreed with her, and to give him some time to disable the trap’s mechanisms, he heard the clacking of Pepper’s heels pass him by. His brain screamed at him to warn Pepper, to pull her away. But that scream very quickly grew fainter and fainter as his fiance’s thick green thighs along with the barest hints of her bubbly asscheeks came into view.

Sure enough, a view like that ended up distracting Orman long enough for Pepper to step on one of the misaligned tiles. The barest *click* resounded through the maze as the ceiling just ahead of Pepper sloped down at an angle, revealing four large mechanical crossbows that immediately loosened a bolt. They were fast, but Pepper was faster.

Hanging in holsters from a black, gold-studded designer belt were a pair of top of the line pistols loaded with elemental crystals. Pepper’s hands were a blur as she drew them and pulled their triggers in one smooth movement. What followed was a deafening cacophony, accompanied by bright pink flashes that filled the hallway as the Goblin gunslinger shot all four bolts out of the sky and destroyed the mechanical crossbows for good measure. Orman looked at her, mouth agape, as he had gotten up from the floor partway to throw himself on top of her. Only to realise that it had been unnecessary.

‘Why. Did. You. Do. That.’ He asked tersely as Pepper blew on the smoking barrels of her guns and stowed them with a twirl.

‘Because I was booored!’ Pepper cried out in annoyance. ‘This was supposed to be our last big adventure before we’re stuck doing adult things such as planning our wedding, sending invitations and blablabla! I thought I’d get action and adventure! Instead I got you brushing walls and floor tiles like the most precise of maids!’

‘Look, I just think we should take things easy until-’

You can take it easy! I am going to enjoy this!’ Pepper snapped, cutting Orman off as she stomped off ahead of him. Hands on her hips and a fierce grin on her face.

Orman thought about arguing, but seeing the way in which his fiance’s hips swayed and her asscheeks jiggled gave him second thoughts. Perhaps it was not such a bad idea for her to take the lead after all?

* * * *

‘Oh thank all the Gods living and dead!’ Orman groaned as he noticed the sparkle of coin in the distance.

While he had attempted to carefully find any unclaimed treasure on this floor of the maze, Pepper would purposefully trigger every trap in their way. Over the course of the last few hours he had to; dodge blades that fell from the ceiling, spikes that rose from the floor and darts that shot from the walls. All while Pepper seemed to be having the time of her life. Sadly, every room in which Mad King Orin had supposedly squirrelled away a part of his vast fortune had turned up empty…

All except for this one as Orman and Pepper found themselves in a small, circular room. Piles of silver and gold coins were pushed against the right wall. To the left was a table on which jewellery and gemstones were laid out. All of it covered with a faint layer of dust. All except for a treasure chest standing on a raised dais on the opposite side of the room. To Orman it was clear that it was trapped in some way. Unfortunately for him, Pepper was still riding high on adrenaline and either didn’t notice or didn’t care.

‘Holy crap, this thing is bigger than me!’ Pepper giggled as she ascended the steps before the dais.

‘Pepper…’ Orman began, as the Goblin reached out for the lid.

But he was too late as she grasped it firmly and, after a moment of straining, raised the lid. Removing one hand from the chest she glanced over her shoulder at the Wood Elf and flashed him a smug little smile while flexing her arm to show a small, well defined bicep.

‘Looks like I got more than just two epic guns!’ The Goblin proclaimed with that infuriating smile still on her plush pink lips. ‘Now let’s see what insidEEEEEEEEEEE!!!’

Pepper’s last word was drawn-out into a high-pitched shriek as several tongue-like tendrils rose out of the chest and lashed themselves around the Goblin’s arms, neck and waist. They then attempted to drag Pepper into the chest, but only succeeded in getting her upper body inside. As the lid simply could not close over her massive, heart-shaped ass with its protruding, bubbly cheeks.

‘...I’m sorry, Pepper. I didn’t quite catch that.’ Orman said drily as he held a hand behind one of his long, pointed ears.

Muffled screams came from inside the chest that had now revealed itself to be a Mimic while Pepper angrily kicked her legs in the air. Its tongue-like tendrils peeked out of the lid and grasped Pepper’s skirt, after which they began to tear the garment apart. Pepper’s screams grew louder and her kicking grew frantic as more of her, now heavily jiggling, bottom was being exposed. Orman simply watched the spectacle for a few minutes, enjoying the sight of his favourite part of his fiance’s anatomy being exposed and coated with a strange, clear liquid. But then he started wandering towards the treasure chest with a sigh.

‘I suppose I shouldn’t let my fiance get eaten by a Mimic this close to the wedding.’ He mused drily, and the screaming from inside of the treasure chest started to take on an angry tone in response.

Orman wisely said no more, instead pulling out a short blade that was hanging from his waist. Just in time too, as the tentacles that had been destroying Pepper’s clothes turned their attention on him as soon as he got close enough. With practised ease he cut at the appendages as they attempted to slam into him, severing the tendrils and causing the Mimic to release a strange hissing sound as any tongue-like tentacles remaining outside of the chest quickly retreated. But Pepper was still not any closer to getting out. Which was just what Orman wanted.

‘Alright, I’m here. You can stop kicking. I SAID YOU CAN STOP KICKING!’ Orman shouted, but as the Mimic had seemingly redoubled its effort to drag Pepper inside it was clear that the Goblin didn’t hear him.

Annoyed, Orman swatted at Pepper’s rump with the flat of his blade. This sent the two full, heart-shaped halves of the Goblin’s green rear jiggling and sprayed Orman and the floor with the strange, oily substance that the Mimic’s tendril had excreted to make Pepper’s ass shine the way it did. It also resulted in Pepper to release a pained yelp, followed by a wet gagging sound as the Mimic was no doubt determined to finally shut her up after all that screaming. Fortunately, it also had the intended effect of making the Goblin stop kicking her legs.

‘Pepper,’ Orman said calmly as he sheathed his blade and stepped closer, resting a hand on the bulging asscheek he had swatted. ‘I know you might not be able to respond. But I know you can hear me.’ The Wood Elf continued in the same calm tone, rubbing the Goblin’s expansive rear.

Obscene wet gagging sounds came from within the chest as Pepper tried to reply, but the tentacle that was no doubt ravaging her gullet did not allow such a thing. Orman merely nodded as if he understood her, but was fully focused on the Goblin gunslinger’s booty before he decided that it was time to continue speaking.

‘First, I really wanted to say “I told you so”, despite not even getting the chance to warn you about the fact that this chest was a Mimic,’ Orman continued casually and calmly, and the Mimic made its strange hissing sound as if to agree with him. ‘And second, I think you were right. This maze has been boring. So let’s liven things up a little!’ As if to punctuate his sentence he smacked Pepper’s ass again, though using his hand this time, before he dropped to his haunches.

What he saw, shouldn’t have surprised him. Obviously, Pepper had entered the dungeon without any kind of underwear, almost as if she had expected something like this to occur. Thus giving the Wood Elf an unobstructed view of the plump, absolutely soaked pussylips hidden between his fiance’s thick green thighs. Orman shook his head with a grin before raining a couple more smacks down on her green rear, making Pepper’s legs twitch in surprise. However, he’d quickly soothe any discomfort that may have brought by kissing his way down the Goblin’s labia and towards the stiff clitoris.

As soon as Orman wrapped his lips around the sensitive little nub a pleased, albeit muffled, moan bubbled forth from Pepper’s tentacle-stuffed throat amidst all the wet gags. Orman pulled his mouth away from Pepper’s clit to give her another spanking, before burying his tongue as far up her twat as he could. Pepper’s body immediately reacted as her juices started to run down his chin not soon after he started to tease her sensitive folds with the dexterous muscle that was his tongue. Not that he was surprised that the Goblin was more than ready to accept his cock, of course. But he didn’t want to immediately reward her after all the trouble she had caused.

Orman decided to make her squirm with his tongue for a few more minutes, absolutely soaking his face and the front of his armour with girlcum in the process, before pulling away from her clenching muff. Pepper showered his face with her orgasmic juices one last time as he slowly kissed his way up, going past her labia to kiss her taint as he spread her heavy cheeks a little more. He even went so far as to brush his tongue against the rim of her clenching asshole, before finally pulling his head away completely.

‘Truly, this is the greatest treasure in all the realms!’ Orman shouted theatrically as he squeezed Pepper’s rear again, feeling his long ears growing hot at the silliness of it at. ‘I wonder in what other ways it can be enjoyed?’ He mused as he undid his belt and allowed his long, throbbing monstercock to land in the Goblin’s asscrack.

The bubbly green orbs hugged his shaft tightly, nearly obscuring it from view, as Orman started to move. Although somewhat lubricated by the Elf’s own saliva and the fluid the Mimic had left behind, hotdogging the Goblin’s impressive rump was still somewhat difficult. At least at first. Despite Orman’s previous caution in the Maze, watching Pepper cut loose while dressed in her usual short skirt and revealing bustier had had an effect on him. So his fiance’s buttcrack was shining with his pearlescent precum in no time at all, which made pumping his hips a whole lot easier.

For several minutes the little treasury squirrelled away in the Maze was filled with the sound of Orman’s hips slapping against Pepper’s full, meaty asscheeks while obscene, wet gags and coughs came from within the chest. It was stimulating enough that Orman could feel his balls starting to clench up, but he fought against his desire to climax and instead took a step backwards. His erect, pre-covered cock felt cold now that it was no longer embraced by the halves of his fiance’s bubble butt. But it would be warm again soon enough.

‘Now, I wonder if you’re ready for this?’ Orman mused as he pulled one of Pepper’s asscheeks aside to get a better look at her soaked pussy and winking asshole.

Considering her current predicament, it was unlikely that Pepper could hear him. But feeling the tip of one of Orman’s fingers push against her anus before it sank into her anal tunnel up to the first knuckle likely made what was about to come very clear. Removing his finger Orman instead wrapped a hand around his shaft and pressed it against Pepper’s labia, soaking the pole with her juices, before lining it up with her little green asshole.

Muffled sounds of protest came from within the chest as Orman pushed his hips forwards and started to apply pressure to the Goblin’s anus. Obviously, these protests were ignored as Pepper’s asshole started to dent inwards before Orman’s monstercock invaded her tight ass. A loud, albeit still muffled, squeal came from inside the chest and the Elf’s balls were showered with clear streamers of girlcum even though Orman’s member was barely inside Pepper.

‘Maybe that’ll teach you to stop being a pain in my ass during Dungeon investigations in the future.’ Orman muttered dryly, before slapping his fiance’s ass to further get his point across.

Pepper’s dangling legs twitched at the strange new stimulation with every push of Orman’s hips. Her muffled, strangled moans rose higher and higher in pitch while a steady drip-drip-drip resounded through the small treasure chamber. The cause was, of course, the long, clear strands of girlcum that fell from Pepper’s drooling quim as the Elf’s long, fat shaft ploughed deeper and deeper into her sensitive, twitching bowels. 

Orman smirked while glancing down at his fiance’s lower body and couldn’t help but feel a small pang of satisfaction at both her current situation, and just how much she seemed to be enjoying the way in which he was toying with her body. So, with another spanking, Orman decided to be just a little rougher with the slutty Goblin to vent his frustrations.

Pepper certainly didn’t seem to mind, seeing as copious amounts of girlcum continued to drool from her slit even as dark green handprints started to become visible on her quaking asscheeks due to the rough spanking she was receiving. Her anal tunnel would clench down on Orman’s invading shaft with every blow he rained down on her rump, but would then quickly relax again to allow the tall Elf to continue pounding her big slutty ass as quickly and roughly as he wanted. Unsurprisingly, this quickly caused Orman’s aching balls to start clenching again. And this time, he could hold his climax back no longer.

A bestial growl rose up from Orman’s throat as he slammed his member into Pepper’s bowels up to the hilt. His balls hit her dripping slit with an audible, and very wet, *SMACK!* before he braced himself on the lid of the chest. Muffled, panicked yelps came from inside as Pepper got more and more stuck inside the Mimic and its many tentacles, but Orman was too far gone to care as he shot rope after fat, searing rope of cum deep into Pepper’s clenching, milking ass. The chest itself seemed to shake as the Mimic seemingly grew more active. Either thanks to Pepper sinking further into its body, or because it was growing more competitive because of Orman’s orgasm. Whatever it was, Pepper’s panicked yelps rapidly grew more lustful.

Orman did not seem to notice, not at first anyway. Instead he was perfectly content leaning over the Mimic’s body to catch his breath while his fiance’s anal tunnel still had a grip on his fat, cum-leaking pole. When he did finally become aware of the creature having grown more active in assaulting Pepper, who did not seem too dissatisfied with the whole ordeal, he rose back up to his full height and made a token effort to lift the lid. All while his, now semi-erect, cock was still halfway buried up the Goblin’s ass.

‘It’s really not letting go, huh?’ Orman mused, and even he wasn’t sure if he was really speaking about the Mimic as he simultaneously attempted to extract his member from Pepper’s tight, clenching rear.

Eventually, Orman succeeded in this and his shaft left the Goblin’s ass with an obscene, wet sucking sound. Followed by small streamers of his excessive seed that flowed from Pepper’s poor, gaping butthole. The sight of which rapidly made Orman’s softening cock fill with blood again. Still, he reminded himself how it was properly unwise to let his fiance get swallowed up by a Mimic this close to their wedding. Still, he decided that if he was to free her, he might as well have some fun while doing so.

With sweat running down his face and his long black hair damp and sticking to his head due to his previous exertions, Orman stopped trying to lift the Mimic’s lid and instead wrapped his hands around Pepper’s slim waist. As much as he would have prefered to go back to groping her ass, even his hands were too small to encompass the entirety of Pepper’s bubblebutt to get a proper grip. When he was certain Pepper wouldn’t slip out of his grasp, Orman lined his monstrous member up with the Goblin’s damp, twitching slit and began pulling.

It took quite a bit of effort on Orman’s part considering how drained he was and how slick Pepper’s body was with the Mimic’s…saliva? Yet, slowly but surely, Pepper was being pulled out of the Mimic and onto the Wood Elf’s huge shaft. A loud, wet squelching sound came from between the Goblin’s thick thighs as Pepper’s cunt was more than eager to swallow Orman’s dick. Even if it was only the tip. Feeling his fiance’s warm, absolutely soaked folds hugging his sensitive cockhead briefly caused Orman to forget just why he was doing this again, and he rammed his hips forward.

As a result, he had just undone a lot of his own work to save Pepper from the Mimic’s clutches. But the Goblin didn’t seem to mind it too much, a muffled cry escaped her throat for the umpteenth time since she got stuck even as she was being forced deeper into the chest. Not only that, but her orgasmic juices absolutely soaked Orman’s beefy pole as it roughly plumbed her sensitive pink depths. Eventually Orman would find his wits again and remember that he was only doing this to have a bit of fun while saving Pepper. But it took him longer than he would have cared to admit.

Slowly but surely more of Pepper’s body was pulled from the chest. Much of her upper body was slimy and coated with the Mimic’s strange fluids, her bustier in such disarray that her modest chest was hanging out in the open. The orbs jiggled with each thrust of Orman’s hips and each pull of his arms. Her dark green nipples were painfully erect, and every so often one of the Mimic’s teasing tongues would give the sensitive nubs a little pull or lick. Whenever they did, Pepper’s folds would clamp down on Orman’s shaft as her cunt sprayed girlcum.

Of course, the Mimic would take advantage of these pauses and try to swallow Pepper back up again. Really drawing out this rescue operation. Not that anyone, not even the Mimic, really seemed to mind. Eventually, though, Orman had succeeded in pulling Pepper back far enough that only her head and arms remained inside of the creature’s body.

‘Come on! Just one more pull!’ Orman groaned, though he was uncertain if he was talking to himself or Pepper at this point.

The handsome Wood Elf had set his jaw with such force that he swore he could hear his teeth crack as he tried to save his fiance while trying desperately not to cum. Something Pepper herself wasn’t making easy as her sodden box was quite eager in its attempts to milk his shaft. With an exhausted grunt Orman gave that last pull and, finally, Pepper left the Mimic’s body completely.

Now that the weight of the bottom-heavy Goblin was no longer divided between Orman and the Mimic, the exhausted Wood Elf was caught off guard and immediately felt himself falling on his ass. With Pepper poised to land on top of him. He briefly noticed how a long, thick pink tentacle, sizable enough to make the Goblin’s throat bulge out, was forcibly extracted from Pepper’s plush lips as she fell. But then his vision went white and he could hear an orgasmic roar echo through the treasure chamber, only barely realising that it was his own voice.

His vision remained blank as he felt rope after fat, searing rope of cum blasting from his cumslit to paint the walls of Pepper’s cunt white. His roar was then soon accompanied by a more feminine, more hoarse, shriek of orgasmic bliss. It felt as if his dick was being held in a silken vice, yet the flow of semen that was shooting from his cock could not be stopped.

Orman didn’t know how long he and Pepper sat like that before their respective climaxes came to an end. But it took a while before he really noticed the damp sensation on his crotch, or that he could see the exhausted Goblin that was resting her head against his chest. Her bubblegum pink hair now several shades darker and clinging to her face due to the Mimic’s saliva. Her lips were moving and she opened clenched fists to show several gemstones, but Orman wasn’t really paying attention.

‘Pepper,’ He said, finally, and the Goblin stopped speaking. ‘You smell awful.’

That earned him a scowl and a playful shove as the Goblin hopped off of him and started to gather the treasure that Orman had forgotten all about. The Wood Elf, meanwhile, recounted everything they had been through today while wondering how she could still have so much energy before he finally picked himself up and began to help her.


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