Sunday 8 January 2023

The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 16: Firona

The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 16: Firona

With the High Priestess of Nera being unsuccessful in breaking Rickard's curse, he and his companions go to meet Enchanter Firona to see if they can tell them more about it.

But will it be that easy?

Contains: M/F, M/FF, size difference, huge cock, big balls, transformation, throatfuck, hair pulling, thigh fuck, huge breasts, rimjob, excessive cum, sex toys(?)

You can find the other The 18 Inch Curse chapters HERE.


The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 16: Firona

(Firona the Elven Enchantress, by bunkwizard)

The directions the High Priestess had given them led the group to the other side of the district, towards large gates lit by pink lanterns. Reminiscent of the ones they had previously entered through. Supposedly, Firona’s abode would be situated just outside of the gates. Not inside the Rosebush, as if that would somehow send the wrong message. It wasn’t as if it was a well known fact that the majority of her customers would come to her for enchantments or potions to enjoy themselves in one of the most renowned pleasure districts in the known world…

 Firona, it appeared, wanted to keep up at least a thin veneer of respectability.

It didn’t matter much to Rickard whether she was situated outside of the Rosebush or within. In the end, he’d likely end up dropping his trousers again regardless. An idea that started to sound increasingly appealing, he had to admit. Though never out loud, of course. Kess would never let him hear the end of it.

Still, he couldn’t help but shift uncomfortably on the bench of the wagon as they made their way through the pleasure district. Despite all the hard work the High Priestess of Nera, Kess and Ciara had done to drain him, Rickard’s lemon-sized testicles were already churning with new loads thanks to all the scantily clad prostitutes walking by or shouting invitations at his party. Even his trousers, tailored by Goblins, started to feel tight. What didn’t help was that Ciara was seated right next to him, her garments now white and semi-sheer so that Rickard would get an eyeful of her thick, motherly body whenever he turned his head towards her.

Once they left the Rosebush Rickard couldn’t help but sigh in relief, although his cursed member was still as hard as ever, what with Ciara sitting right next to him and Kess riding close by on her horse. Wearing as little clothes as she always did and presenting her bronzed, muscular form proudly. He tried to adjust his shaft subtly, but when one has eighteen inches to work with, subtle isn’t exactly a thing. Something which Rickard once again realised when he noticed Kess smiling smugly down at him from the back of her stallion and Ciara just happened to glance away as he moved the thick slab of meat.

‘Guess you really are blessed by this Nera Goddess,’ crooned Kess as she glanced none too subtle at Rickard’s bulging trouser leg, all while theatrically arching one of her golden brows. ‘After all the work us three ladies did too!’

‘Could you quiet down? It’s not like we’re in the Rosebush any longer.’ Rickard murmured as he glanced about.

‘Oh, don’t you worry about it!’ Kess replied, not bothering to lower her voice at all. ‘I’m sure folks that walk these roads have heard all sorts of tales. Like how you went off like a geyser when that lady jammed her tongue up your ass, I really must remember that if it’ll get you in the mood.’ She smirked evilly as passersby glanced up at her.

‘Fine, at least that might finally keep you quiet.’ Rickard snapped as he felt his face growing hot.

Kess only gave a hearty laugh as she slapped one of her thick, muscular thighs. Not embarrassed at all by all the attention their little group was receiving. In fact, she only seemed to laugh louder when she noticed the redness creeping up Rickard’s cheeks while Ciara attempted to make herself as small as possible on the bench next to the young man.

Firona’s abode came into view after what felt like an eternity to Rickard. It was a domed building made of the smooth white stone the Iros Isles were known for, one that Nera’s High Priestess had affectionately described as “looking like a woman’s tit”, which had fortunately made it easy to spot. Upon seeing it, Rickard was only too glad for his chance to get off the streets. A sentiment that Ciara apparently shared as she kept her hands clasped in her lap while making sure her arms at least covered her nipples. Being accepted by Nera evidently hadn’t immediately cured her of her shyness. Something Rickard didn’t quite mind, as the disconnect of seeing Ciara still so motherly and shy dressed in such lewd attire made his already erect member twitch quite forcefully.

With a shake of his head Rickard tried to rid himself of any lewd thoughts concerning the priestess, focusing instead on following Kess’ lead and parking the wagon at the side of the road. Near an expensive-looking carriage where a pair of hard-looking men were giving him and Ciara the stink-eye. Knowing that Kess was nearby, he didn’t pay them any mind. Taking his time in getting down from the wagon and tying the mule to the post. Not that he could move all that quickly anyway, considering how his “problem” hadn’t flagged all that much. Eliciting another chuckle from Kess that made the men guarding the carriage narrow their eyes even further.

It wasn’t until the trio approached the door, one made from the same green, glass-like substance from which The Drunken Dragon was built, that one of the men finally piped up.

‘Hold on now,’ He drawled, hand inching closer to the handle of the club hanging from his side. ‘Can’t let you in here.’

‘And why is that?’ Rickard asked, slouching awkwardly to hide his erection and thus appearing even less intimidating than he already did. ‘I believe this store belongs to Enchanter Firona and you, sir, don’t appear very…Enchanter-y.’

‘Boss is in there.’ The other guard grunted, more heavy-set than his companion.

‘I’m sure there is a waiting room.’ Rickard replied with an exaggerated shrug as he turned back towards the door.

As soon as he did, he heard the scuffle of boots on cobblestone and noticed Kess interpose herself between him and Ciara and the approaching men as her long shadow fell over him. Glancing over his shoulder he noticed the fierce, wolfish grin on the barbarian woman’s face and the way she eagerly reached for the handle of her axe. Rickard felt he should say something, before the situation escalated. Because once Kess’ axe sprang free, he was certain he wouldn’t be able to stop her.

His loose tongue usually had a habit of making things worse, however. Considering how his disrespecting of the wishes of these professional thugs was how they now found themselves on the verge of a fight. Thankfully, faith had something other than a bloody street fight in mind as the green door suddenly swung open and knocked Rickard on his ass. A chubby man in rich-looking clothes came rushing out, both hands clasped delicately around a glass vial in which Rickard noticed a small purple bead.

‘Let us hurry towards the Rosebush, I can not wait to try this out!’ He ordered, seemingly in such a rush that he was completely unaware of the mood that hung over everyone. Though not in such a hurry that he couldn’t take a moment to spare a glance at Kess’ muscular backside or the curvaceous form of Ciara.

‘Boss, they-’ One of the guards began, but their boss ignored him and just rushed towards the carriage and dragged one of its doors open.

‘Never mind all of that! Enchanter Firona promised me this bead would give me the vigour of a young man again, but that its power would only last for an hour. So get me to the Rosebush this instant!’ He ordered before he slipped into the carriage and slammed the door shut, indicating that the argument was over.

The pair stood there awkwardly for a few moments, before a banging on the doors from inside the carriage indicated that they should hurry up. The guard that had spoken first scowled and spat on the floor. ‘You got lucky.’ He growled, as he helped his fellow guardsman get the carriage ready.

Rickard, for once, wisely kept his mouth shut as he climbed back to his feet. Kess, meanwhile, looked disappointed and lowered the hand that had been inches away from the handle of her battle-axe. ‘One of these I get to test you out.’ She whispered to the weapon in a way that sent a shiver down Rickard’s spine.

‘I believe that was quite enough excitement for one day,’ Ciara exclaimed cheerfully as they all watched the carriage thunder towards the Rosebush. ‘Perhaps we should make our way inside now?’

‘You mean you didn’t have your fill of…excitement back in Nera’s Temple?’ Rickard teased with a cocked eyebrow, causing Kess to grin while the priestess herself looked down at her feet with a flushed face.

Kess’ grin vanished when Rickard laid his hand on the door handle, however. ‘If we’re entering the den of some witch or warlock I fear that our excitement is far from over.’ She muttered darkly.

Once again, Kess’ words sent a shiver down Rickard’s spine. Mostly because he realised she was likely right. Still, he opened the door without hesitation and was greeted by the tinkling of crystal windchimes as they set foot in a small, dark hallway. There appeared to be no windows and a pair of heavy purple drapes blocked the way ahead. But movement could be heard coming from behind them.

‘I believe Mister Warson was my last scheduled appointment, so who might you be?’ A clear, feminine voice asked in a tone that demanded an answer.

‘The High Priestess of Nera sent us.’ Rickard answered immediately, something about the woman’s tone reminded him of his tutors in his youth whom he feared disappointing.

‘...I fear I do not take walk-ins, please leave.’ The woman said after contemplating Rickard’s words for a few moments, and the young man just about spun around to do exactly as he was told if Kess hadn’t stopped him.

‘What if we told you we held the secret of permanently enlarging the cocks of your dear customers, witch?’ Kess asked, not bothering to hide the venom she felt for magic.

A tense silence followed, before the drapes parted by themselves with the sound of windchimes. The light that poured into the small, dim hallway was nearly blinding as a large, domed room was revealed. Bookcases stretched across the walls, placed at such angles that by all rights they should’ve either collapsed or lost all their books long ago. The floor consisted of gleaming white tiles, partially obscured by large, expensive-looking rugs of gold and black and purple. As well as the many tables and display cases holding various valuable gemstones and crystals. All of it surrounded a pillar in the centre of the room, holding a small plateau that housed an impressive bed bathed in the sunlight that came from the enormous window that dominated the ceiling. 

Wrapped around the pillar was a staircase made of the same green glass as the front door, from which a woman descended. An Elven woman, judging from the long, tapering ears that peeked from the sides of her head. The click-clack-click of her black, stiletto heels echoed through the vast space as she crossed tiled floors to approach the newcomers and Rickard became suddenly aware of just how tall she was. Now, Rickard was by no means a giant, standing at around only five foot and four inches. But Kess stood easily a foot taller than him and this Elven woman seemed to loom over even her.

Yes, she was wearing those black stiletto heels, but even without those she was blessed with pale, pretty and very shapely legs that seemed to go on forever and were clad in expensive looking black stockings, fastened with bands of gold a couple of inches above her knees. But even where the stockings ended, those pale legs seemed to continue a while before Rickard could finally rest his eyes on her equally shapely hips. Not as broad and motherly as Ciara’s, certainly, or as powerful as Kess’, but proportionately they fit her frame very well. Then, his eyes fell on an expensive looking black thong that matched her stockings. Fastened yet again with more gold, and small enough to give him a glance of a smooth, plump labia.

Once again, Rickard’s monstrous, cursed prick gave him trouble as he very quickly realised that Enchanter, or should he say “Enchantress”, Firona didn’t dress as he imagined a sorcerer would. A part of him wondered if he should be respectful to someone that could turn him into a toad, but that part was very quickly silenced as his eyes followed the bands of that thong that were slung oh so high over her hips that he was quickly left to appreciate her impressive, waspish waist and flat stomach instead.

…then, almost as quickly, Rickard was left to wonder how such a slender waist could support Firona’s chest! Even wrestled into the black and gold bustier, one so skimpy that it exposed her navel as well as showing enough cleavage to lose a Goblin in, it was clear that the Elf’s breasts were huge. Even next to Kess and Ciara, whose breasts he had once compared to prize winning pumpkins, those of the Elf seemed far larger. Granted, she had none of Ciara’s pleasant thickness or Kess’ powerful muscles. So perhaps her slender, graceful frame simply made her chest only appear that much bigger? Although he didn’t know the answer, Rickard was certainly left with fantasies of inspecting the chests of all three women as close as possible.

He was quickly pulled from those daydreams when Enchantress Firona loudly cleared her throat and tore his eyes away from the Elf’s impressive cleavage with some reluctance to look her in the eye. Though he had to take a step back to do so as her enormous chest, and the sheer difference in height between them, made doing so quite a challenge otherwise. However, once he was successful, he felt that the initial assessment from when he heard her voice, of Firona reminding him of some kind of strict tutor, was perhaps not far off.

She was older than him, that much was obvious even if he could not spot a single line on her perfect, pale oval face. It was framed by long, pitch black hair that seemed almost purple when the light hit it a certain way, and he didn’t spot so much as a hint of a grey from where he stood. However, there was no denying the wisdom or the intellect gained from a long life lived shining in those purple, narrow almond-shaped eyes of hers. Nor was it hard to miss her annoyance as Firona observed him, much as he had her, from below those thin, arched black brows. Her straight, thin nose wrinkled at what she saw, clearly having expected more after hearing Kess’ words than this motley crew.

‘Well then, where is that secret that could aid my…witchcraft that you spoke of?’ Enchantress Firona asked disdainfully, as she turned her attention from Rickard to Kess. Plump, beestung lips that reminded Rickard of Mystra formed the words, although Firona’s were painted a deep purple instead of black. 

Either because she wasn’t used to people taller than her, or perhaps because of her discomfort with magic, Kess shrank back slightly as the Elf’s eyes fell on her and she quickly pointed back towards Rickard. Or, to be more specific, to the fat, tube-like bulge that was running down his trouser leg. A series of emotions briefly flashed across Firona’s face, before she resumed her previous serene expression and took a deep breath. Something that immediately brought Rickard’s attention back to her chest.

‘If you are hiding a piece of fruit in there, or something similar, I have to warn you that this “joke” did not end well for those that played it on me previously,’ Firona warned in a low and icy tone. ‘Now, drop your trousers.’

‘I knew it…’ Grumbled Rickard to nobody in particular, although he was only too eager to obey the Enchantress’ command.

Moving with the energy of someone who had done this dozens of times already, and was thoroughly sick of constantly having to prove himself, Rickard kicked off his boots and threw off his tunic without much fanfare. Firona’s expression only darkened in response to seeing Rickard’s none-too-impressive physique and seemed more than ready to tell him to “get on with it”. Fortunately for her, Rickard was way ahead of her as he awkwardly began to pull his trousers down. His pace had slowed down considerably, seeing as he had to pull the garment down over his unwieldy erection, but Firona had grown more interested despite her initial scepticism.

‘Rickard, I know you like to show off. But I’d rather not be here any longer than we need to be.’ The blonde barbarian stated half-jokingly, enjoying Firona’s widening eyes as she watched inch after wrist-thick inch of monstercock appear.

‘Well, you try-’ Rickard began as he struggled to free the pillar of pre-drooling dickmeat from its tight confines, only to be interrupted when Kess appeared behind him with surprising speed.

‘Don’t mind if I do!’ Kess chirped gleefully as she grabbed the waistband of Rickard’s trousers and forcefully yanked them down.

A meaty *THWACK* rang through the space as Rickard’s cockhead slammed against his chest due to the sudden, forceful removal of his trousers. Then, slowly but surely the sheer weight of the meaty pole brought it down low again until it stood nearly horizontal and was dripping fat, clear strands of precum onto Firona’s nice, clean floor. Rickard rubbed at the reddening sore spot on his chest that the impact of his cockhead had left behind, but before he could admonish Kess she pulled him in close and wrapped a hand around his shaft.

‘Well, what do you think? Does it look “real” enough, for you?’ Kess asked smugly, showing off how her fingers barely managed to enclose the entirety of Rickard’s girth while the muscles in her arm bulged as she hefted the monstrous shaft so Firona could get a better look.

‘And just why are you feeling so proud of all this?’ Rickard wondered aloud, a bemused expression on his face. Though this particular comment only resulted in him getting shut up by Kess shoving one of her huge jugs in his face.

‘While you certainly have a most impressive specimen of manhood there, young man,’ Firona cut in, interrupting Kess’ roughhousing. ‘How exactly is it supposed to help me enlarge the members of others like your blonde companion seems to think?

‘It is a curse,’ Ciara quickly explained, being the responsible one as always. ‘The High Priestess of Nera’s Temple back in the Rosebush even confirmed it, but it wasn’t within her power to dispel it. She pointed us in your direction, thinking you might…know more.’ The priestess got quieter and quieter under Firona’s gaze, before she fell completely silent.

‘A curse?’ Firona began, incredulous. Only to be interrupted by Rickard.

‘Yes, yes. “Why would anyone consider this a curse?” I've heard it all before. But most women I’ve met before these two wouldn’t exactly be pleased by having a monster like this split them in half.’ He grumbled, voice muffled due to Kess’ impressive chest.

‘I suppose that makes sense,’ Firona said with a nod of her head, as if conceding to a point. ‘With that said, I do wonder why you still wish to be rid of it when you have two beautiful women such as these to take care of you. But I suppose I should try to do as you ask, especially if in doing so I could potentially find a way to replicate your condition.’

With that, she turned swiftly on her heel and approached one of the myriad display cases placed around the room. Pulling out a cushioned stool from underneath, before opening said case. From it, she produced something that was more akin to a heavily decorated shortsword with a crystalline blade than a wand, but after waving it three crystal orbs did respond by floating over to the Enchantress. The last item she pulled from the display case were a pair of small reading glasses, its rims made of a delicate gold and its lenses the same shade of purple as all of Firona’s other crystal implements. She pinched the glasses onto the bridge of her nose and lifted the cushioned stool beneath one arm before returning to her guests, orbs floating soundlessly behind her.

‘Sit,’ she ordered Rickard, shoving the stool into his hands.

With the glasses the look of “unamused tutor” was all but complete, if one ignored Firona’s attire at least, so Rickard did not argue and after shooing Kess away quickly did as he was told. Firona knelt in front of the seated young man to get at eye-level with his impressive member, only to wrinkle her nose in disgust as she found herself kneeling in a puddle of Rickard’s thick, sticky precum. Horribly staining her expensive black stockings.

From behind Rickard, Kess, the one whose skilled hands and soft breasts were responsible for the size of the puddle of precum in Firona’s brief absence, flashed the Elf a triumphant little smile. Sadly, she was ignored as the Enchantress simply brought her face closer to Rickard’s shaft, her hot breath coaxing yet another clear rope from the young man’s ever-churning balls.

‘Now then, let us see what sort of curse you’re working with…’ Firona mused as she raised her combination of blade and wand.

At the sight of that getting closer to his member, Rickard briefly stopped leaking precum onto Firona’s lap while he could feel Kess tense behind him as Ciara quickly shuffled closer. Fortunately, all the Elven Enchantress did with it was draw patterns into the air, which caused one of the orbs floating behind her to instead move beneath Rickard’s shaft in an attempt to keep the heavy slab of meat level. Though all the teasing Kess had done made sure his erection wouldn’t flag anytime soon anyway. Still, he couldn’t complain as the orb buzzed pleasantly against his member.

Another wave of Firona’s strange wand caused first the remaining orbs to flash, and then the lenses of her glasses. There was a little gasp of surprise, before Firona slowly reached out with a delicate hand. Brushing elegant, perfectly manicured fingers over the thick, throbbing veins that supplied Rickard’s beastly dick with blood as if she was tracing patterns over the monstrous appendage that only she could see. Rickard’s precum was flowing more copious now than it had done before at the strange, but gentle, touch. Fortunately for him, Firona no longer seemed to care about her legs being stained by his clear juices.

‘A curse alright,’ she muttered. ‘Left behind by a powerful demon at that.’

‘Demon?’ Ciara gasped. ‘So was Violet the cause after all?’ The priestess wondered aloud.

‘No, he was already like that when that Goblin Priestess and her cronies first captured him. I don’t think he leaked quite this much before that succubus in Wetwoods got her claws in him, though.’ Kess stated matter-of-factly, all while smiling as if she was recalling a fond memory.

‘You are correct, although it has interwoven itself with the original curse this part is different.’ Firona mused as she gently squeezed Rickard’s churning, lemon-sized testicles.

A strangled grunt was all the warning Firona received as a rope of precum forcefully shot out from Rickard’s cumslit. The Elven Enchantress jerked her head back just in time, saving her expensive magical glasses from being blasted with the slimy fluid, but due to her position she couldn’t stop her pale, expansive cleavage from receiving a generous glazing of the stuff. Strangely enough, instead of the frown of annoyance Rickard was expecting, Firona simply tilted her head inquisitively while pushing her glasses further up the bridge of her nose as she continued to stare at his large testicles.

‘What kind of demon was this…Violet?’ Firona asked, ignoring the clear precum that was currently sliding between her tits.

‘A succubus, ma’am, just as Kess said.’ Ciara explained while giving an annoyed-looking Kess an apologetic smile.. ‘We exercised her back in Yull, but Rickard’s…testicles still remained like that.’

‘Girl got glazed from head to toe with his seed just a few hours ago but still can’t say “balls”.’ Kess whispered from somewhere behind Rickard, sounding bemused, and he couldn’t help but grin in response.

‘Unsurprising, the original curse seems to be cannibalising whatever spell the succubus cast on Rickard to make itself more powerful. Normally a succubus casting this kind of magic would result in the male continuing to produce semen for the succubus in question, whether they like to or not. But this curse seems to be acting as some kind of…valve?’ Firona muttered, ignoring Kess’ comment as well as Ciara’s flushed face.

‘And just how do you know how demon magic works?’ Kess asked, her voice going from bemused to taking on a dangerous edge.

‘I have studied many different magics in my time,’ Firona replied in an off-handed way. ‘Inscribing parts of the magic formula that succubi and incubi use into crystals for my clients that frequent the Rosebush is how I’ve managed to make a living here for the past few decades and it has proven perfectly harmless. All that said, I’ve never seen a demonic curse like this before. It is so powerful…yet amateurish.’ The Elven Enchantress muttered to herself, seemingly unaware of Kess’ frustration with her.

‘Pardon me, Miss Firona. But what are you talking about?’ Ciara asked in the hope of changing the subject as well as calming down Kess.

‘Hm? Ah yes, I suppose it is only fair that you both know what is going on with your travelling companion,’ Firona replied with a nod before wrapping a hand around Rickard’s shaft, just below the fist-sized crown, and pointed it away from her face and over her shoulder. ‘Do try not to make a mess.’

‘What do you-’

Whatever else Rickard wished to say turned into a strangled groan as the two orbs floating behind Firona suddenly flashed with a bright purple light, while the buzzing of the orb keeping his member level responded to the flash by growing in intensity. Ropes of precum as thick as syrup immediately blasted from his pisshole to create a mess behind Firona, who couldn’t help but look annoyed. 

She was the only one concerned about the mess, however. Everyone else’s focus turned towards the jagged lines that had appeared across Rickard’s body, all glowing with such a malicious deep blue energy that they almost appeared black. Some were as thick as a pinky finger, while others were barely larger than a strand of hair. The largest concentration of these lines were centred across his crotch, with some looking more violet than blue centred around his balls.

‘What devilry is this?!’ Kess demanded, grasping Rickard’s shoulders in an effort to pull him away from Firona.

‘It is the curse,’ Firona stated simply, shrugging her shoulders. Though that took some effort due to the weight of Rickard’s cock holding one of them down. ‘I am merely showing you all what I am seeing.’ She added to put the muscular woman at ease, gesturing at both the glowing orbs behind her as well as the lenses of her glasses that now shone with the same light.

‘Can you…stop this damn thing…from vibrating?’ Rickard growled through clenched teeth as he held onto the edges of the stool he was sitting on as if his life depended on it.

‘I fear not. It is a side effect from all the different magical formulas I have stored within,’ Firona answered with a shake of her head. ‘One I always found rather pleasant myself, to be honest.’

‘What does that…even mean?’ Rickard grunted in frustration, while more ropes of his cowper fluid sailed through the air behind the Elven Enchantress.

‘See, all the magic seems to be focused around his crotch area,’ Firona explained while glancing towards Ciara, obviously changing the subject. ‘It should be dispersed more evenly around the channels that have formed on your friend’s body. The magic itself is powerful, but the formula is…sloppy to say the least.’

‘It pains me to ask this, but would you be able to dispel the curse if you managed to apply it…properly?’ Ciara asked, fidgeting awkwardly as she tried to ignore the death glare Kess was shooting her.

‘An interesting theory,’ Firona responded, while curtly nodding her head. ‘What do you say, Mister Rickard?’

‘I-I say that I didn’t face Goblins, Succubi and whatever the hell that thing was in Yull to back off now,’ Rickard replied, voice strained due to the vibrations running through his dick and the way Kess’ fingers were digging into his shoulders. ‘Do it. If you’re really such an accomplished Enchantress I’m sure you can fix me up no matter what, right?’ He added with a challenging little smirk.

‘As you wish.’ Firona stated simply, not rising to the bait.

The vibrations of the orb below Rickard’s member seemed to grow even stronger and Firona brought the tip of her strange wand uncomfortably close to Rickard’s member. Using it as a conductor’s baton she directed the excess magic that was seemingly shaken loose by her vibrating crystalline orb towards the smaller “channels” of magic that were now visible on Rickard’s body. The monstrous slab of meat didn’t seem to shrink at all, however. But there was another change…

Kess noticed it first, a slight ticklish sensation washed over the back of her hands as she noticed Rickard’s hair growing rapidly. She opened her mouth to protest, but there was a sound like a twig snapping as the young man’s body rapidly seemed to be swelling in size. A bellow so deep that it had to have come from the very pit of Rickard’s stomach suddenly exploded from his throat as he rose from the stool he was seated on, both the movement and surge of strength were so unexpected that not even Kess could hold him down.

One large hand grabbed a fist full of Firona’s luxurious black hair and yanked her face close to Rickard's leaking cumslit, smearing her beautiful features with clear slime. This kind of treatment clearly was something the Elven Enchantress wasn’t used to, leaving her stunned and her concentration on the magic she was channelling broken. Realising her mistake, she very quickly tried to resume what she was doing, or perhaps undo it, only for Rickard to slap the strange wand out of her hand. Seemingly no longer fearing the sharp implement.

‘How dare-’ Firona began, only to have her jaw painfully stretched as Rickard brutally forced his mammoth member past her plush purple lips.

‘What…what’s going on!?’ Ciara babbled, finally recovering from her shock.

Rickard cackled like a maniac as he used his newly empowered muscles to force as much of his eighteen inch member down Firona’s gullet as possible, uncaring about the way in which the Elf was coughing up throat slime and pounding her fists against his thighs. Her eyes had grown as large as saucers behind the glowing lenses of her glasses, while her delicate, swan-like neck was now bulging out in a truly obscene fashion.

‘The curse.’ Kess grunted simply, glancing angrily at the dark blue channels that were still glowing along Rickard’s body. The curse hadn’t spread through his entire body yet, but he had grown bigger and his body hair was starting to grow thicker and coarser.

‘W-what do we do?’ Ciara asked, voice high and panicked.

‘Let’s try and calm him down and get him away from this third rate witch so can reverse this stupid plan of actually cursing Rickard.’ Kess grumbled as she stepped over the knocked over stool to end up standing behind Rickard.

‘How are we supposed to do that?’ Ciara whined, stomping her feet in frustration as she remembered that this had been her plan.

‘The usual way.’ Kess stated with a shrug, before dropping to her haunches behind a Rickard who was now nearly as tall as her and still growing. ‘Now, let’s see if he still likes this as much as he did back at the temple…’ 

Prying the monstrified Rickard’s asscheeks apart, Kess hesitantly decided to emulate the actions of the High Priestess of Nera back in the Rosebush. As she curiously pushed her tongue against the rim of his asshole, the effect proved to be immediate. Shocked, Rickard pressed his lower body forward. As if to get away from the odd, wet sensation. This produced an obscene, wet choking sound from Firona as several more inches of beefy cockmeat were suddenly forced down her unprepared throat. But Kess either wasn’t aware of the additional discomfort she caused the Elf, or didn’t care. So the grip on her monstrous companion’s rear remained firm.

Although Rickard seemed surprised by the blonde’s sudden rimjob, he did not appear willing to fight her off. Whether this was because he started to enjoy the sensation of the powerful woman’s tongue teasing his bowels, or because he was occupied by enjoying the busty Elf’s throat was unknown. Obviously Kess wasn’t about to let this opportunity slip as she wrapped one powerful arm around Rickard’s waist, while using her free hand to gently massage his pulsing balls.

In response to Kess’ actions, another choked, wet cough exploded forth from Firona’s throat along with several mouthfuls of saliva mixed with precum. Splattering all over the Elf’s impressive chest, as well as the several inches of monstercock that still remained outside of her throat. It also seemed to serve as a reminder for the monstrified Rickard that he really should try to feed the Enchantress the rest of his enormous, meaty pole. With a dark grunt, he gave Firona’s luxurious, dark hair another forceful yank while simultaneously sawing his hips back and forth. Uncaring about the comfort of the Elf before him, or the blonde barbarian behind him.

Ciara merely stood there watching the spectacle in shocked silence, wondering what she should do. Did Kess hope for her to heal Firona when Rickard was done with her? Considering how the tall Elf woman that had looked so imposing before continued to uselessly pound her fists against Rickard’s thighs in obvious desperation, Ciara would not be surprised if she could use some once this was all over. But looking at the way in which drool and slimy precum leaked from the edges of the Elf’s mouth as Rickard brutalised her throat, and the blonde’s obvious dislike of magic ever since they arrived on the Isles would she truly care about Firona’s well-being?

The priestess was shaken from her thoughts when Rickard shoved his hips forwards with enough force to finally shake Firona’s glasses loose from the bridge of her nose, causing the glowing lines along Rickard’s body to disappear as whatever spell was cast upon them was dispelled. Glancing from Kess, to Rickard to the Pink Rose of Nera that was stretched across the chest of her new white habit. It finally became clear to Ciara what she had to do as she stepped closer to the strange threesome happening before her.

Nobody heard the priestess approach over the sound of Firona’s strangled coughs and gasps for air. Neither Kess nor the Elf saw Ciara either, what with Rickard holding the Enchantress’ head in place while the blonde barbarian’s face was between his asscheeks. Still desperately trying to milk an orgasm from him, which by her calculations should’ve happened a long time ago with the way in which his balls were throbbing against the palm of her hand. Rickard noticed Ciara, however, and even seemed pleased enough to stop tormenting Firona for a moment to observe her.

Despite taking the initiative as she figured a priestess of Nera should, Ciara’s cheeks were still flushed. Luckily for her, the semi-sheer state that her white habit had acquired did most of the work for her. Showing a body that was pleasingly thick, some would even say motherly, with heavy, soft breasts capped with dark brown nipples partially covering a soft looking belly that was supported by a pair of broad breeding hips. There was even a hint of her flushed, plumped up labia between a pair of thick thighs that were clad in white stockings.

‘Wouldn’t…wouldn’t you rather play with me instead of that skinny Elf, Rickard?’ Ciara asked after swallowing audibly, teasingly raising the hemline of her habit to give her monstrified companion an even better look at her aroused muff.

Using this brief lull in Rickard abusing her throat, Firona shakily pulled her hands away from the monstrous young man’s thighs and grasped the orb that was still floating forgotten beneath his massive member, now slick and covered with precum. She drew quick, rough patterns upon the sticky crystal’s surface before pushing it up against Rickard’s shaft again. There it began to vibrate furiously, and Rickard’s entire body stiffened.

A roar that was a mixture of elation and fury rang through Firona’s store and Kess could feel Rickard’s testicles tighten in her hand, while Firona’s formerly concentrated expression turned into one of surprise as her stomach was suddenly rapidly being filled up with streamers of Rickard’s thick cum. 

If this had been her original goal, or if the orb was meant to do more, was unknown. Though it did result in Rickard finally releasing her hair, he even took a step back to awkwardly knock the orb away from him. In doing so he knocked Kess over, while also extracting several inches of his monstercock from Firona’s taxed throat. Which caused the next few ropes of molasses-thick spunk to rush back up, causing the Elf’s cheeks to bulge out obscenely as strings of cum started to  burst forth from the corners of mouth and even her nostrils.

Rickard glared down at the Enchantress, his pupils having dilated to such a degree that the green of his irises were no longer visible. For a moment, it appeared as if he was about to take some form of revenge against the Elf. Even as his lemon-sized nuts continued to produce such vast quantities of cum that Firona’s formerly flat belly had started to balloon out a bit. But then the soft form of Ciara pressed against him, her soft breasts pushed against his side now that he was much taller than her while she rubbed her damp, clothed pussy against his leg.

‘C-come now, please don’t keep me waiting any longer,’ Ciara stammered in an attempt to sound seductive while wrapping one of her small, delicate hands around Rickard’s beastly cock and slowly began to extract it from Firona’s throat. ‘I…I can handle you better than her anyway!’ She stammered, but sounded a little more confident, just as Rickard’s fist-sized cockhead escaped Firona’s plump lips with a soft popping sound.

A feral smile broke out across Rickard’s face as he turned his focus away from Firona to Ciara, who looked a little worried about the fact that his teeth looked far sharper than they had before. But at least she had given a dazed Firona the opportunity to crawl away, even if she was coughing and burping up the occasional mouthful of jizz to make an even greater mess of already ruined clothes. Though she at least seemed to have the presence of mind to pick up her, now very sticky and cum-glazed, glasses.

‘So, uh, shall we start?’ Ciara offered sheepishly, realising she had to follow through now as she circled around to Rickard’s front. All while trying to keep Firona out of his field of vision.

Keeping one hand on Rickard’s massive member which, unsurprisingly, was still as hard as iron despite having filled Firona’s stomach with potentially gallons of cum, Ciara directed the crown of the pulsing pole between her slick thighs. Rising up behind Rickard was Kess who raised an inquisitive eyebrow at Ciara, who could only respond with a shaky smile as Rickard’s hot cockhead was pushed against her sensitive labia. With a nod, she gently pushed Rickard forward and snuck away from the couple.

A little gasp passed Ciara’s lips as the mammoth slab of cockmeat disappeared between her thick thighs, throbbing powerfully against both them as well as her sensitive cunt. It wasn’t what she had intended, but Rickard didn’t seem to mind as he forcefully grabbed her shoulders and began to move his hips back and forth.

Ciara noticed how her habit would be pulled taut around her curves whenever the young man pushed his hips forwards, causing the backside of her habit to tent out around the hemline due to the sheer size of Rickard’s dick as it peeked out from behind her. The way her curves were constantly being put on display quickly became less of an issue, however. Mainly because her focus went to the way in which the fat veins that were supplying the monstercock with blood tugged pleasantly at her labia, or how the incessant throbbing between her thighs had quickly begun to grow on her.

She became vaguely aware of some whispered argument between Kess and Firona as she watched the blonde shoving something in the hands of the, still quite dazed, Elf and pointing at Rickard and Ciara. But she didn’t pay much heed to it, especially because Rickard suddenly lowered his head towards her chest and stuck one of her nipples in his mouth. Uncaring about the fact that there was still fabric in the way, he simply began to suck and bite the sensitive little nub while Ciara moaned and squirmed in his grasp. Only to be rewarded by getting the backs of her legs showered by a large outpouring of precum.

‘Fuck, he really just doesn’t stop, does he?’ Ciara heard Kess mutter from her left, and she couldn’t help but stiffen in surprise when she noticed both the powerful blonde and the tall Elf squatting next to her. ‘And that’s after the High Priestess of Nera drained him earlier today.’

It was uncertain whether Kess was talking to herself or Ciara or Firona, but the Elven Enchantress responded with an unlady-like burp that caused her to blow a cumbubble regardless. Fortunately Rickard was much too preoccupied with Ciara’s chest to notice the two of them, instead focusing on clenching the fabric of Ciara’s habit between his teeth and pulling his head backward to free her massive milkers with a loud tearing sound. Ciara shrieked in surprise, but otherwise didn’t seem too bothered with how rough Rickard was being as he continued to nip and kiss at her chest.

‘Come on, snap out of it already and do your magic thing!’ Kess hissed as she shook Firona’s shoulder, her hand coming away all sticky.

‘Right, of course.’ Firona croaked as she fumbled with her glasses for a minute, before finally succeeding in pinching them onto the bridge of her nose before drawing familiar patterns into the air with her reclaimed wand.

The orbs that had been listlessly drifting around the area immediately sprang into action, two appeared behind Firona gain while the third disappeared underneath Ciara’s habit who yelped in surprise…then quickly moaned in unison with Rickard as the crystal ball began to vibrate while the pair behind Firona flashed with light. Immediately, those corrupted dark blue magic channels became visible on Rickard’s body again. And the magic seemed to have spread even without Firona’s intervention, explaining the additional changes she and Ciara had noticed.

‘Try…to keep him steady.’ Firona ordered Kess, though it didn’t exactly sound imposing considering her strained voice and her dishevelled state.

‘If that’s what it takes for you to fix your fuck-up...’ Kess growled in frustration as she got up to do what was asked of her.

Once again, Kess wrapped her arms around Rickard and used one hand to caress his over-productive balls. The monsterised young man’s form briefly stiffened, as if he was getting ready to strike…but at the sensation of Kess’ pumpkin-sized tits pressing against his back he seemed to think better of it. Instead allowing the blonde to fondle him as she desired while he returned his full attention to Ciara’s chest, now shining with his saliva. All the while completely oblivious to the fact that his body started to shrink or how the excessive body hair he had suddenly gained was falling out.

As he continued to shrink, Rickard suddenly roared. Causing Firona to briefly hesitate, while Kess grabbed him tighter. Fortunately, the sensation of Ciara’s inviting pussy pressing against his shaft together with Firona’s vibrating crystal ball while being surrounded by the huge tits of both the priestess and the barbarian were enough to send him over the edge. Ciara yelped as Rickard’s cumshot was powerful enough to tear another hole through her habit while soaking the back of her legs in jizz almost simultaneously.

‘And with that,’ Firona announced as Rickard’s orgasm came to an end. ‘I should be done.’

Those were the first words Rickard heard when his awareness suddenly returned to him…before immediately passing out from the pain that wracked his body…

To be continued

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