Wednesday 30 November 2022

Intern Goes on Break

A follow-up to this comic done by Potion Shop: 

It stars his character, an Oni intern simply named Intern, discovering an intruder shortly after the events of the comic who she decides to use to blow off some steam while she takes a break.

Special thanks to Potion Shop for letting me write about his character, help out with editing AND providing an amazing cover!


Intern Goes on Break

(cover by Potion Shop)

‘Hey Intern, where do you think you’re going!’ The voice of Mestrilla called out after the giant, orange-skinned woman as she rushed out of her boss’ bedroom. Clutching the tattered remains of her top over her expansive chest.


‘I’m going on break.’ She responded icily.


There was a sound of bed springs creaking, followed by the sound of bare feet slapping against wood as something rapidly approached Intern and grabbed her long tail tipped with black fur to stop her. Unfortunately, all that happened was that Intern’s pursuer inadvertently ended up getting slapped in the face with the appendage as it was swaying back and forth in annoyance while the giant woman was busy storming off.


‘How dare you!’ Accused the voice of Mestrilla from behind. ‘ Assaulting your boss and going off to play hooky for what has to be the tenth time today? I should have your pay docked!’ The Imp squawked as she desperately tried, and failed, to stop the powerful Oni in her tracks, only to end up being dragged along.


‘You barely pay me anyway.’ Intern replied matter-of-factly, not even bothering to spare her boss a look. Let alone stop. ‘Besides, how would you even know how many breaks I took? Weren’t you supposed to be sick?’


‘You see, the thing about that is- Oompf!’


Suddenly it had become a lot easier for Intern to continue storming off as the sound of her boss’ lecture got cut off by a loud crash. Followed by the loud, excited screams of her co-worker.


‘YOU’RE ALIVE! ALIVE!’ Vix shrieked as she straddled Mestrilla and shook her. ‘YOU WERE RIGHT, SEEING INTERN’S HUGE BAZONGAS REALLY DID FIX YOU RIGHT UP!’ The small blue goblin babbled, strands of fabric stuck between her teeth and underneath her fingernails.


Intern could only grunt in annoyance as she once again tried, and failed, to fix her destroyed shirt, but was otherwise grateful for Vix’s arrival considering how it would probably cost Mestrilla more than a little time to calm her down.


With her boss no longer hanging off of her tail, it only took Intern moments to get back to the store area. She stepped behind the counter, a place she tended to avoid like the plague even when she wasn’t on break, in the hopes of finding a spare shirt. What she found instead was a figure awkwardly hunched over a register made for people nearly half their size stuffing its contents into a pouch. When Intern’s shadow fell over them, however, the Intruder very quickly stopped. Slowly turning towards the woman.


What they saw was a nine foot tall Oni with orange skin that seemed to sizzle softly in the quiet air. Broad shouldered with defined muscles showing on thick arms and legs, along with a stomach ruthlessly stripped off of any excessive fat to show powerful abdominal muscles made Intern appear as quite the intimidating figure. The fact that a pair of tits the size of pumpkins were hanging free, their dark orange nipples pierced with black iron bars, seemed to help that notion more than hinder it.


The Oni glared down balefully at the Invader, most of her face hidden by her long, wild black mane except for one eye, appearing as a blood red drop in a pool of azure and a row of sharp, straight white fangs as she opened her mouth. Whatever illusions this burglar had about what Intern was going to do next were quickly broken, however, when she scratched one of the long, dark horns that peeked past her messy hair with a sigh.


‘Alright, you’ll do.’ Intern muttered, as she had observed the Intruder like they had observed her.


‘ what?’ The Intruder squeaked nervously.


He appeared to be a Drow of some sort, with a purple skin tone that reminded Intern of Mestrilla’s. This, along with the fact that he was five foot nothing and had the same lithe build as most of his kind, made him the perfect victim to blow off some steam. He was dressed in tight, dark leathers and had his hood turned up to (unsuccessfully) hide his long ears and his pale hair. As if he was stealing from some kind of fortress, instead of a crummy Potion Shop.


‘Don’t worry about it.’ Intern finally answered with an annoyed grumble as she stuffed the Drow underneath one arm, causing whatever coins that he was still holding to fall from his slack hands and clatter onto the floor.


‘I’m sorry!’ He quickly babbled. ‘You can have the money back, just don’t hurt me!’ He continued while holding out his coin pouch.


‘Don’t want your money,’ Intern grumbled, even as she stuffed the pouch into one of the pockets of her shorts. ‘Just need your help with something for a bit.’ She added, as she shoved open the Potion Shop’s side entrance and stepped into one of the city’s many dark alleyways.


After lazily looking left and right to make sure the coast was clear, she roughly put the Drow down and none-too-gently shoved him against the wall by way of pushing her expansive chest into his face. She hissed softly, his smooth, deep purple skin felt cool against hers and his panicked breaths tickled nicely. Sadly, aside from blowing cold air into her cleavage the Intruder didn’t really do anything. Leaning back, Intern showed him her most withering glare.


‘My break only lasts so long. Get to work.’ The Oni growled before she resumed smothering the Drow, not giving him a chance to respond.


Fortunately the short Intruder finally got the hint, or perhaps he simply tried to escape. Either way, dexterous hands finally sank into the enormous orange globes of her chest and began to squeeze and pull while teeth gently scraped over her sensitive nipples. Intern sighed in contentment and allowed her own hands to explore her partner’s body, instead of merely using them to keep him in place. The sheer weight of her tits turned out to be enough to do just that.


Running her hands over his torso she found that he was skinny, like basically everyone of his kind was, but there was some lean musculature there. Not that Intern cared overmuch, her thoughts were on one thing and one thing only and it wasn’t hard to find. Because the Drow Intruder had been eagerly slobbering over her heavy orange mammaries, his tight trousers were bulging out in such an obvious way that the Oni’s searching hands quickly wrapped around what was causing it. Resulting in a muffled moan to escape from the tall orange woman’s cleavage.


‘Who came up with this fucking thing,’ Intern grumbled as she struggled to free the Drow’s member from its confines. ‘Nobody needs this many belts.’ She continued to complain, even as she successfully pulled the smaller man’s trousers down and took a half step back to stand at her partner’s side to see what he was working with.


The Drow took a grateful breath of air now that the Oni’s orange orbs were no longer smothering him. Instead, one of the huge globes was resting on one of his skinny shoulders while its stiff nipple attempted to poke him in the ear through his hood. The other was squeezed against his arm as Intern curiously looked down. Both of her tits were shining, though, and had long strands of clear saliva dangling from them.


‘Not bad.’ The Oni grumbled with a nod of respect as she felt the Drow’s rod throb between her fingers.


It was a smooth length of purple meat, curved slightly and slender much like the rest of the Drow’s body. A partially covered crown, shining due to a thick coating of precum that was now staining Intern’s hand, managed to peek out the top of the Oni’s closed fist. Quite large for such a short Drow, and perhaps a little uncomfortable for any partners he may have had before. But just right for a woman like the Potion Shop’s Intern.


‘Hm,’ The Oni grunted as she glanced from the Intruder’s leaking cock to her own spit-shined cleavage. ‘I think I know what you’d like to do next.’ Intern mused with a nod to herself as she dropped to her haunches in front of the shorter man.


‘Actually- Hey!’ The Drow screamed in surprise as the taller woman suddenly grasped his bare buttcheeks and stood back up. Pulling him along without effort.


‘You should hold onto something.’ Intern stated drily, a statement the Drow immediately complied with as he grabbed onto her horns. ‘Clever. Just don’t mess up my hair.’ She grumbled with a barely noticeable smirk.


The powerful Oni woman had lifted her partner high enough that the entirety of his length had disappeared in her hot, slick cleavage. Despite having an impressive cock for a Drow, Intern’s chest was so huge that not even the tip of it peeked out past the mountainous globes. Not only that, they were squeezed comfortably against the Intruder’s stomach and chest and even legs as well, but not for long as the Drow yelped when the tall orange woman suddenly dropped him.


‘Not so loud!’ She snapped in annoyance as she roughly hefted the smaller man back up again. ‘Vix’s might’ve fried her brain with Pixie Dust, but I swear that little terror has the senses of a wolf!’


Punctuating her sentence was the sound of a meaty slap when the Drow’s legs made contact with the underside of Intern’s impressive chest. The smaller Intruder looked ready to ask her a hundred questions about who Vix was and why she didn’t want to be found. But instead of bothering to hear him out, the Oni simply dropped him again.


‘You didn’t scream this time,’ The Oni grunted as she glanced up at the Drow’s face, which was currently scrunched up in pleasure. ‘Good job. That means I can move a little faster now.’


The reply Intern received was a strangled moan as the grip on her horns tightened, followed by a warmth spreading in her cleavage as the rough titfucking she was subjecting the Drow to seemed to succeed in milking a rope of precum from his prick. Allowing a brief self-satisfied grin to spread across her face, the Oni did as she had promised and picked up the pace. Using the small Intruder as if he were no more than a doll. Dropping him, then pulling him up, dropping him, then pulling him up. Faster and faster without breaking so much as a sweat, while the forehead of her partner was positively shining with it.


‘Hey!’ Intern snapped after a few minutes. ‘What did I say about my break only lasting so long?! You better not be holding out on me!’


But judging from the amount of precum that had pooled up in her cleavage, as well as the expression on her partner’s face, the Drow definitely seemed to try and enjoy this situation for as long as he could. Unfortunately for him, the Oni’s angry outburst seemed to snap him out of his focus. Intern only had a moment to register how the throbbing between her tits had grown more insistent, or how the Drow’s expression had turned even more ridiculous, before a lance of hot jizz battered against her chin.


After that first shot, the Drow seemed unable to stop. The pool of precum that had formed in the Oni’s cleavage rapidly grew larger, and more cloudy, as rope after fat rope of cum was milked from his nuts. Soon all the excessive seed spilled over the tall woman’s massive jugs, making them shine even more. Intern could even feel fat, sticky globs of the stuff run down her stomach, sliding between her abdominal muscles. In response to the mess, Intern unceremoniously dropped the Drow on his ass and stepped back in disgust.


This movement sent down a small deluge of the Intruder’s seed, although Intern had succeeded in shaking off only a small portion of the Drow’s excessive load. Fat strands of syrupy jizz hung suspended between the Oni’s huge orange globes, dangling heavy but showing no signs of breaking. More of it hung from her chin, or decorated her cheeks. Some of it was even hanging from her horns! Intern looked at the state she was in with annoyance, although her expression briefly turned to surprise when she noticed the intruder’s member was still sticking up.


‘Gods and Devils…All this mess and you’re still hard?’ Intern grumbled with a quizzical tilt of her head. ‘Must’ve snuck a potion or two before you went for the register, huh?’


‘’s just been a while.’ The Drow answered sheepishly as the Oni finally tore off the remains of her shirt and used them as a rag to clean up as best she could.


‘Good for me, I guess.’ Intern sighed as she tossed aside the cum-soaked rag that had been her shirt. before unbuttoning a pair of short shorts that barely fit over broad, powerful hips and expansive backside. The crotch of the garment had darkened considerably since the start of her break.


‘We’re…we’re not done yet?’ The Drow squeaked nervously rubbing his backside, though his member showed no signs of flagging despite his nervous words.


‘I look done to you?’ Intern growled dangerously as her shorts hit the floor with a heavy thud and the tell tale jingle of coins that she had squirreled away.


As Intern stomped over to the small Drow it was very clear that she was, in fact, not done . Clear girlcum dripped from Intern’s aroused muff, barely visible amongst the wild, matted black bush that nearly reached to her abs. Fat drops of cum from the Intruder’s previous load were tangled among the hair, and more of the clear lubricant was sticking to the insides of the Oni’s powerful thighs. Not only that, but the scent of her arousal was overpowering. Even though Intern’s perpetual expression of mild annoyance had barely changed.


‘Should we…should we really do this here , though?’ The Drow stammered as he tried to scrabble backwards, only to find the Potion Shop’s wall against his back. ‘Didn’t you just say your colleague has extraordinary senses?’


‘Stop.’ Intern grumbled as she suddenly grabbed the Drow’s ankles, quick as a flash. ‘Talking!’ She roared as she dragged the smaller man off the ground, leaving him hanging upside down.


Breathing heavily, she pushed her hot, positively drooling, quim against the Drow’s throbbing cockhead. The small Intruder desperately tried to maintain some kind of balance as he was stuck half on his back and half in some kind of involuntary handstand position. But if the Oni noticed his discomfort, she didn’t care. Instead, she squeezed his ankles with more force as she roughly pounded her muscular body down.


Immediately, the Drow lost what little balance he had left as Intern took his length to the hilt while simultaneously flattening him beneath her. It was hot inside the Oni, hotter than any other humanoid woman he had slept with before. Hot and tight . But not uncomfortably so. 


Sadly, the smaller man had little time to enjoy the strange sensation as the tall, orange woman quickly raised her hips again. He hissed as the surprisingly cold air hit his shaft, now completely soaked with the Oni’s juices. So even when Intern roughly crashed her entire body down again, basically pounding him down in the dirt, the Drow couldn’t help but feel content when his member was swallowed up by that heat again.

Which was fortunate, because what he wanted didn’t matter much to Intern at this point. Even when the focus had been on pleasuring him during the titfuck, the Drow was little more than a toy for the nine foot tall demoness. This definitely hadn’t changed . While holding the Drow’s ankles firmly, Intern settled into a rhythm of dragging him roughly upwards while simultaneously slamming her hips down. The sound of bodies impacting echoed through the alleyway, making it more than a little obvious to anyone passing by that someone was either fucking or fighting within. Possibly a little bit of both in the case of Intern “punishing” this poor Drow.


Before long, what remained of the Intruder’s attire was soaked and shining with Intern’s juices, as they would violently spray from her desperately clenching muff anytime she forced her hips down. Her expression, which was somewhat hard for the Drow to see past her humongous, shaking tits, had also changed drastically for the first time since he’d seen her. Her mouth hung open in a silent scream of pleasure, showing just how long and how sharp those fangs of hers were. All while her long, venomous green tongue dripped drool onto both her jiggling orange jugs and her partner’s stunned face.


‘Almost…there!’ Intern gasped, her voice rising in pitch as she spoke. ‘You better…not…go soft…’ She continued as she increased her pace. ‘...even…if…all the blood…rises to your head!’


While he was feeling somewhat light-headed, the Drow doubted his member would go soft even if he wanted to. Seeing the Oni that was so in control losing herself to pleasure like this was more than a little arousing. So much so that he felt his balls tensing up and his member starting to swell. Telltale signs of an approaching orgasm.


‘Wait! Slow down!’ The Drow protested. ‘I’m about to cum!’


‘Fuck no!’ Intern barked. ‘Do it inside, I don’t care! Boss has… plenty of potions…to help with that!’


The small Intruder opened his mouth, but had the air knocked from his lungs by Intern slamming her hips down particularly forcefully and ended up losing what little control he had left. As syrup-thick semen blasted against the hot, squeezing walls of Intern’s cunt, with some particularly forceful ropes even battering against her cervix, the Oni threw her head back and roared in triumph as she too reached an orgasm.


Much of the Drow’s load was forced out as Intern’s pussy contracted powerfully and leaked even more girlcum all over the smaller man. Not that he seemed to mind, because even as his spunk was forced out to end up washing over his own crotch or staining the taller woman’s bush, her climaxing muff managed to milk a couple more strands of semen from his balls even when he thought he was done.


‘Ah…Uh…Oh.’ The Drow babbled when Intern was finally done with him and his member had gone completely limp.


‘Yeah, I had fun too.’ The Oni replied with a slight nod, before letting go of the smaller man’s ankles and rising back up to her full height as if she hadn’t just screamed her head off.


Before the both of them could truly start enjoying the afterglow, which in Intern’s case simply meant trying to squeeze herself back into her shorts with legs covered in both hers and her partner’s orgasmic juices, the side door leading back into the Potion Shop slammed open. Unsurprisingly Vix stood in the door opening, making herself look as large as possible. Something she always did when she was about to give Intern an order, and inhaled sharply and loudly.


‘INTERN! WE’VE BEEN ROBBED! BOSS NEEDS YOU TO HELP FIND THE CRIMINAL SCUM!’ The small, jittery blue goblin shrieked.


Then, without sparing so much as a glance towards the culprit lying in a Drow-shaped indent or the naked and sweaty Intern with her pockets stuffed full of coins, she slammed the door shut again. Leaving the Drow baffled and the Oni annoyed.


‘Well, guess my break’s over,’ Intern shrugged. ‘See you around.’


Before the culprit of the Potion Shop’s robbery could do so much as say goodbye, or raise his hand to wave really, Intern had already disappeared inside. Leaving the Drow without the money he had stolen, without pants and with a lot of bruises…but happy.



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