Sunday 29 May 2022

[COM] Dalliance at the Demonic Gala

Rei and lover Opal attend a Gala thrown in honour of Opal and her family in the Demonic Realms. Bored, the both of them decide to sneak away to a secluded corner in the gardens to enjoy each other's company a little more...thoroughly.

This story was commissioned by traglad2

Contains: dragon girl, demon girl, futanari, futanari on female, size difference, big cock, big balls, cock worship, huge breasts, titfuck, long tongue, blowjob, fingering, hidden sex, excessive cum,

 Dalliance at the Demonic Gala

‘…no, it was no trouble to come all this way at all, Sir Shansiel! Where else could one enjoy such a splendid view of the Demonic Realms?’ Rei heard Opal assure the umpteenth demonic noble that had dragged her away tonight.

It really was as Opal said, no trouble. Despite the frightening name, the Demonic Realms were quite a beautiful place to visit and the gala that Shansiel had organised for Opal’s mother Beryl, the current Demon Lord, certainly beat roughing it in the wilds hunting monsters like Opal usually did or stuck for days on end in a lab like Rei herself. All of that said, Rei couldn’t help but feel slightly annoyed at getting her date stolen away.

Hearing the soft click-clack of Opal’s clawed, chitinous feet Rei glanced over her shoulder to see that her date had managed to get away from the latest demonic sycophant and she couldn’t help but feel a pleasant, hot tingle in the pit of her stomach. Opal was tall at six feet, especially when compared to Rei herself who was about a handful of inches under five feet herself. Not only that, but the woman looked powerful, with taut, lean muscles and bone coloured chitin covering her arms and legs like armour, with a thinner layer of protection just as blood red as her hair peeking out at the joints of her fingers and the like.

‘Sorry about that, should we continue our dance?’ Opal asked warmly, full lips tugging up in that easy smile of hers as she laid a comforting hand on Rei’s shoulders, spreading her wings around the both of them to give them some privacy.

But unlike the bat-like wings of most of the demons here, the soft red membrane of Opal’s wings were more reminiscent of a moth. This, together with the chitin covering her arms and legs, proved that Opal wasn’t fully of demon blood. Despite the pitch black horns that curved forward from the sides of her head, and the thick, plated red tail with spaded tip. Rei’s eyes obviously weren’t focused on any of these details, even if everyone else in attendance was observing and measuring Opal to see if she’d be a worthy successor to the throne of the Demonic Realms after Beryl in the event that Opal’s sister perished.

No, Rei’s eyes fell first on Opal’s chest. The salmon coloured button-up shirt she wore beneath her white blazer had several buttons undone to beat the heat within the ballroom, showcasing some tantalising bronzed cleavage. Being of the dragon brood, Rei couldn’t help but puff out some blue flames in excitement. But the true prize was the impressive bulge running down Opal’s left trouser leg. Even flaccid, her member was large. Again, Rei blew out flames, so obviously that Opal couldn’t help but notice and realise what the short dragon woman wanted.

At that, Opal’s soft smile grew more wolfish as she squeezed in close to Rei, moving her hand from Rei’s shoulder to the shorter woman’s wide, meaty behind. Rei obediently raised the thick, prosthetic tail. The soft whirring noises no doubt making it obvious that something was going on behind the curtains of Opal’s wings, but neither woman cared. In fact, Opal brazenly grabbed a handful of one of Rei’s buttcheeks and dropped her wings as she walked towards one of the exits of the ballroom.

‘Let’s go to the gardens,’ she murmured loud enough that the guests of her mother and Shansiel turned their attention towards the pair. ‘The moon is quite beautiful this time of night.’ She added, as she pawed at Rei’s rear forcefully enough to show off some of the purple grey meat as it spilled from her black dress.

Rei simply nodded, sighing hotly as Opal groped her before all these people. Although her attention was solely focused on the tall redhead, wrapping her tail around her wrist and forearm to keep her hand in place. Making it painfully obvious to everyone in attendance that they likely weren’t just going outside to enjoy the moonlight. But even that seemed to be something the nobles of the Demonic Realms seemed to note as a positive for Opal.

Which was a fortunate thing, as the two ladies didn’t bother stopping as they entered the gardens. A beautiful place of rose bushes, high hedges cut into impressive shapes and a wide variety of demonic flora neither of them recognized or cared about. Others were here, seated on benches to enjoy their drinks and quiet conversations while the pair walked past to find a shady corner where they could properly enjoy each other's company.

They found it behind a hedge clipped to resemble a dragon, but the only dragon Opal was interested in right now was Rei. Now that she had let go of the dragon woman’s rear, Opal stood with her back against the wall and Rei immediately pounced on her. Even though she was more than a foot shorter than Opal, Rei’s breasts were enormous. Each globe was easily larger than her head, they were heavy and soft…but didn’t sag as much as those of other humanoids. Likely because the armoured scales on her torso, slightly lighter in tone than the rest of her skin, kept everything in place like some kind of corset.

Now that they were alone, Rei immediately used the giant orbs as some kind of weapon as she pushed herself up against Opal. Her soft breasts squeezing against the taller woman’s legs, stomach and, most importantly, against her rapidly hardening cock. Rei breathed hotly, letting her long blue tongue lol out of her mouth as she pushed her small body up and down, up and down. Opal hissed as her trousers turned uncomfortably tight, and she was certain that there were going to be some stains she would have to explain.

But Rei did not let up, continuing to tease Opal as she tried to keep her voice down. It was clear however that this teasing was also having an effect on Rei. Looking down, Opal noticed how the bumps of her thick, pale blue nipples were threatening to poke a hole through the dragon woman’s dress. And when she didn’t see them, she could feel them dragging over her chitinous legs or her sensitive shaft. Along with the blue crystal resembling an upside down arrowhead implanted on Rei’s sternum, slightly above her impressive chest.

Focusing on details like that were all Opal could do as to not cream her trousers after all the boredom of today’s gala, but Rei did not let up. Instead stepping back, still breathing heavily with her long blue tongue wiggling lewdly in the air. Then, with her prosthetic arms whirring and clicking, she quickly reached back and her dress fell open. Allowing her breasts to fall into the open, shining slightly in the moonlight from the beads of sweat and droplets of Opal’s precum gathered there.

‘Your turn.’ She stated simply, gazing expectantly at the monstrous bulge that threatened to tear Opal’s trousers apart.

‘I thought you’d never ask.’ The demonic woman answered smugly as she removed her belt and pulled her member out into the open.

It was a brutal looking thing, for sure. While Opal didn’t look weak in the least, what with her impressive height, lean musculature and armoured limbs. Her prick still looked somewhat out of place on her body. Nearly as long as her forearm and possibly twice thick it was covered with fat, pulsing veins to supply it with blood and soft, pliable ridges to dig and pull into the sensitive folds of a cunt. Below it hung a pair of testicles as big as fists, the leathery sack pulled taut around it as the two orbs were busy churning out a steady stream of pearlescent precum.

‘Poor thing.’ Rei stated dryly as she glanced at the exposed monstercock, but her bright blue eyes had been shining hungrily as soon as it appeared. Making it clear that the short dragon woman needed this just as much as Opal.

‘Why don’t you see if you can make it feel better?’ Opal growled hungrily, dick twitching at the sight of Rei’s own obvious arousal.

Rei did not need to be told twice, grabbing the beefy shaft in both cybernetic hands to lift it and observe it closely. Opal gasped at the touch of cool metal against her hot cock, and a lance of precum flew from her distended cumslit to disappear into the night. Rei smirked cockily at the response and her long, dextrous blue tongue snaked past her lips again. Seeking out precum and sweat between the ridges of the monstrous, meaty pole to clean as it throbbed forcefully between her fingers.

‘So big…’ Rei crooned. ‘It must have been torture for you to be stuffed in those trousers.’ She murmured, speaking more to Opal’s dick than to the woman herself.

‘Yeah, it was.’ Opal groaned hotly, thankful to have the wall behind her to lean against. ‘So why don’t you stuff it somewhere more comfortable?’

‘Hm…’ Rei mused, as if contemplating the idea. Darting her tongue out to lap at the demonic woman’s swollen testicles. Opal could only gasp at that as another rope of precum disappeared into the night.

Only when Opal’s cock was shining with a mixture of spit and precum did the dragon woman do what Opal clearly wanted from her. After letting go of the throbbing shaft of her date, Rei hefted her massive, heavy tits with some effort and pushed them around Opal’s monstercock. Squeezing them tightly enough to coax yet another bolt of precum out of Opal’s churning testicles, only this time it splattered against Rei’s chin and ended up staining the delicate black and blue choker wrapped around her neck.

‘These are quite heavy,’ Rei whispered hotly as she nodded down at her breasts, causing the strings of precum that hung from her neck to break and splatter onto the globes. ‘Please put those hands of yours to work.’

Gladly!’ Opal grunted, slightly louder, and eagerly sank her fingers into the soft, abundant titflesh of the smaller woman while she slowly dragged her hips backwards.

Rei hissed as the thick, throbbing prick escaped partially from her expansive cleavage. The heat of the meaty pole affected even her. The sides of her massive chest got coated in sticky precum as it continued to leak from Opal’s cocktip, lubcricating the canyon of titflesh quite effectively. With half of her member now out of the dragon woman’s soft, warm cleavage and into the cold night air, Opal couldn’t help but groan in discomfort and rapidly shoved her hips forwards again. Squeezing Rei’s tits tightly in the process.

The sound of a meaty impact resounded throughout the garden as Rei’s tits were flattened against Opal’s chitinous thighs, the limbs nearly disappearing as the redhead had shoved her hips forwards as far as she could. She groaned softly as she held onto the sides of the dragon woman’s tits as if her life depended on it, and her monstrous prick swelled up while her cumslit distended. But before she could release another streamer of precum, Rei opened her mouth wide and brought her face close to the angry cockhead.

Opal moaned, loudly enough that she feared the other visitors in the garden had heard her, when Rei wrapped her lips around the sensitive crown of her cock. Just in time for the rope of precum that blasted from her shaft to end up shooting straight down her throat. Opal pulled her hips back, partially out of surprise but mostly because she wanted to continue experiencing this pleasure. Rei’s long blue tongue, meanwhile, eagerly followed after the redhead’s leaking cock. Snaking between her own, sticky tits to both continue teasing Opal’s prick and lap up some of the pearlescent, salty goo that the demon woman had left behind.

Just as quickly as Opal had drawn her hips back, she pushed them back forwards again. Causing another meaty slapping sound to resound through the gardens, accompanied by a soft gagging sound as Rei’s mouth was filled with the demonic woman’s monstercock. The dragon woman looked up at Opal then with shining blue eyes as she assisted her in holding up the massive globes of her chest, and the tall redhead quickly got the hint.

A soft, but steady; *slap*, *slap*, *slap* resounded through the gardens now as Rei’s huge chest was flattened against Opal’s chitinous thighs rather forcefully with every thrust. Accompanying this was a new, moist sound. The cause of it being the mixture of excessive saliva and precum that squirted from the corners of Rei’s mouth whenever Opal jammed her cock in there. The mixture would spill over the dragon woman’s dress or Opal’s suit, but both women were well past worrying about any sorts of stains now. Especially Opal, who had relinquished her grip on Rei’s chest and was instead holding onto the draconic horns that sprouted from the top of Rei’s head as if her life depended on it.

It was obvious to Rei what was coming, even Opal’s member was throbbing with such force that she had trouble keeping her shining, slippery tits pushed around it. Clearly the pent-up demon woman was on the edge of an explosive orgasm. But, to Rei’s surprise when it did finally happen Opal announced it with a sharp, eager hiss through clenched teeth. Instead of the triumphant roar she had been expecting.

What she had expected was the vast amount of semen that Opal could pump out. But, like any other time she had had “relieved” Opal like this, trying to swallow it all was an entirely different matter. Rei’s throat bulged out obscenely with every mouthful of thick spunk that she swallowed, filling her stomach far more than any of the food provided at the gala ever could’ve hoped. Sadly, despite how quickly and how often she would swallow she simply could not beat Opal’s virility.

Soon, the thick, demonic seed spilled from the corners of Rei’s mouth. Sending it running down her chin whereupon it splattered, loudly, on her huge, outthrust tits. A feverish moan passed her lips, causing her to spill even more great mouthfuls of spunk in response to the sensation of Opal’s seed running down her chest. But it didn’t only coat her chest, but also splattered onto Opal’s pulsing prick. Which she had just cleaned so dutifully. Additionally, she could feel the hot and sticky liquid run over her sensitive nipples and slide into her deep cleavage. There was so much of it spilling out of her mouth that some of it even ran down her stomach and towards her plump, absolutely soaked, cunt…

As soon as one of the thick globs made contact with her darkened labia, Rei felt the insides of her thighs get absolutely soaked as her juices gushed out in an explosive orgasm. Opal’s dick, still firmly lodged in her mouth, muffled her orgasmic scream. But it did result in Rei spilling even more of the redhead’s semen. The demonic woman didn’t seem to mind the mess, though. In fact, she looked proud as the spreading puddle of Rei’s juices ended up reaching her chitinous feet.

‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ She purred, releasing one of Rei’s horns. ‘I guess I’ve been neglecting you for a little too long.’

With those words, she slipped a hand beneath Rei’s absolutely soaked dress and stuffed two fingers in her hot, dripping twat. The dragon woman had trouble swallowing what little remained of Opal’s prodigious load after her orgasmic scream as she struggled not to release another muffled moan or squeal. Especially challenging as Opal knew all her weak spots, and thus knew exactly how to make her scream. Which was something that the taller woman only seemed far too eager for as those dexterous fingers of hers teased Rei’s pale blue folds.

‘S-slow down!’ Rei snarled after she finally pulled her face back from Opal’s cockhead, causing a large bridge of spunk to form between her lips and the monstercock. ‘You know I’m still sensitive!’ She added with a hiss, as she tried to focus to keep her cybernetic legs steady.

‘But I like it when you lose control.’ Opal said matter-of-factly, an impish grin on her face as her fingers continued to explore Rei’s honeypot.

Rei could do nothing but show her fangs in annoyance, but with her flushed face and trembling legs it did not look intimidating in the least. The *schlick-shlick-shlick* of Opal’s fingers working their way in and out of Rei’s cunt resounded through the quiet night as the dragon woman moaned softly, while she gripped onto Opal’s hips to steady herself. Or at least to drag the taller woman down with her if she did fall. But her small act of defiance did nothing to wipe that infuriating impish grin from the redhead’s face. She simply continued to look down on Rei, her prick swelling up again between the shorter woman’s huge tits in response to all the stimuli.

As Rei said, she was still quite sensitive. Due to this she, unsurprisingly, reached her climax rather quickly. Biting her lower lip, a climax tore through the dragon woman’s short, but very curvy, body like a storm. The puddle of girlcum beneath her grew larger as her juices streamed down her legs. Then, finally, the faint blue traces of light running along her cybernetic limbs seemed to flicker and dim as Rei fell to her knees before Opal. In the process, the demon woman’s monstercock slipped from Rei’s cummy cleavage, swung in the air and then landed on top of the kneeling woman’s head with a heavy, meaty thud.

‘Oh dear,’ Opal said drily. ‘Looks like you got me all worked up again. What are you going to do about this?’

Rei gave a sigh that was an equal mix of contentment, and frustration with her partner, as she lowered her torso to the ground and raised her hindquarters. Her thick, cybernetic dragon tail whirring as she raised it up to give Opal unobstructed access. The redhead whistled as she walked around Rei, enjoying the view of her presenting herself to her like that. Her chest flattened against the ground, her face flushed…ready to be taken.

So, obviously, Opal would oblige her. With a fierce grin, the demonic woman kneeled behind Rei’s prone form and tugged aside the once luxurious, and now thoroughly stained, dress of Rei. Revealing the dragon woman’s completely soaked, twitching slit. Opal decided not to waste any time as she pushed the tip of her monstrous erection against Rei’s cunt, and her folds eagerly parted. Practically begging Opal to shove the meaty pole inside. Fortunately for Rei, there was no need to actually beg. Because as much as Opal might love to tease her, she needed this as much as Rei.

An obscene, wet sucking sound echoed through the gardens as Opal sawed her cock into Rei’s hot, eager depths. This was followed by a loud, shaky moan that was quickly silenced as Rei slapped both of her hands in front of her mouth. Opal merely gave a low, throaty chuckle, but if her flushed face was anything to go by she enjoyed this just as much as Rei did. These sounds were very rapidly followed by the meaty slapping sounds of Opal’s powerful stomach hitting Rei’s meaty rear as she bottomed out in the smaller woman, as well as sharper smacks as the redhead began to spank the draconic woman’s ass.

‘C’mon, what are you worried about? It’s not as if they don’t already know what’s going on here!’ Opal taunted. Yet, despite her words, her voice was kept low.

Rei could only respond by moaning in her hands as Opal’s demonic cock sawed in and out of her soaked, clenching muff. Its ridges digging into her sensitive folds, and the fat crown leaking precum into her hot depths. Her only small act of revenge was wrapping her cybernetic tail around Opal’s waist, to keep the taller woman from escaping. Although all she really succeeded in was making Opal’s thrusts shorter…and faster.

This resulted in girlcum being forced out of Rei’s quim with practically every thrust, making it rain down on Opal to stain the front of her suit. Not only that, but even with both of her hands thrown in front of her mouth Rei’s moans had grown loud enough to likely be audible enough to everyone in the gardens. Yet, Opal’s smile hadn’t left her lips yet. Instead, she continued to spank the shivering, climaxing dragon girl while she worked her hips back and forth as if her life depended on it. Determined to get the both of them off before a guest or guard came by to see what all the ruckus was.

‘My, my, Rei,’ Opal panted as she spanked the shorter woman one last time before grabbing her by the horns. ‘All that noise…it almost seems as if you want us to be caught.’

The draconic woman made a muffled sound of protest, but her cunny suddenly clamped down hard around Opal’s hammering prick. Apparently there was something about this whole situation that excited the curvy Magitech Engineer more than she cared to admit. But her body was certainly being honest. This gave Opal a wicked idea, she just had to exhaust Rei a little to enact it. Strengthening her grip on Rei’s horns, Opal pushed herself up from her knees, despite the cybernetic tail around her waist, and planted her feet at Rei’s sides. Making it so that she loomed over the smaller woman like some predator. Then, she went to work.

Using all her strength, all her weight, Opal thrusted her entire body down. Dragged herself back up as fast as she could…and then repeated the process. She did this over, and over, and over again. A little faster each time, until Rei’s muffled moans had risen in pitch so much that she could no longer hear them. Even then, Opal didn’t slow down. It wasn’t until her suit was sticking to her body and her bloody red hair was wet with sweat that it finally happened. 

The faint blue lights on Rei’s cybernetics flickered again as all the strength went out of her small, curvy body. Rei twitched and writhed on the ground and her long blue tongue lolled past her lips now that her slack hands had fallen away from her mouth. Obviously, an orgasm had just hit her like a lightning bolt and Opal was eager to join her. Her churning, throbbing balls were certainly eager to be emptied again. But she fought back against that desire, no matter how difficult it was. Opal had other plans for her and Rei…

Letting go of Rei’s horns, Opal instead wrapped her strong arms around the shorter woman’s waist and, with a grunt of exertion, pulled her up with her as she rose to her full height. Rei gave a little moan of protest at being manhandled in this fashion as she was still coming down from her climax, but didn’t otherwise baulk at the treatment. Now that she had the warm, soft body of Rei in her arms Opal could continue with the second phase of her plan. So, with her dick still firmly planted inside of the draconic woman, Opal started to awkwardly walk closer to the centre of the gardens.

‘What…what are you doing?’ Rei murmured, comfortable in Opal’s arms but finally realising that they were moving. 

‘You’ve been so loud, I just thought you liked the idea of almost getting caught. So I’m getting us a little closer.’ Opal said innocently, although the smile on her face told Rei that this was all just to tease her.

‘You are doing what?!’ Rei hissed sharply as she threw her head back to glare up at Opal. Although she could not stop her pussy from clamping down hard on Opal’s dick, despite her indignant response.

‘It’s now what you wanted?’ Opal mused with a suddenly innocent expression. ‘In that case, you should think of being a little more quiet.’ She added as she nodded forwards.

Glancing ahead, Rei realised they were a few feet away from where they had entered the gardens. The area with the benches and the rose bushes where other couples were enjoying each other's company, the area lit with torches and braziers. Rei glared up at Opal once again and opened her mouth to protest, or perhaps to beg her to return to their little isolated corner. She didn’t know what she was going to say, and it didn’t end up mattering as Opal suddenly jerked her body upwards and she had to stifle a moan.

‘My, there sure seem to be a lot more people here than before, huh?’ Opal asked in a conversational tone, before dropping Rei down on her shaft again.

Another stifled moan, this time accompanied by the soft *drip-drip-drip* of Rei’s orgasmic juices raining down on the ground. Once again, her body had betrayed her. And, once again, there was no hiding it from Opal. The taller woman lifted her up again, and dropped her, lifted her up again, and dropped her. On and on it went, and the sound of Rei’s pussy juices running down grew increasingly incessant.

Rei could feel her heart thudding in her chest, even if they were still in the shadows they wouldn’t exactly be difficult to spot if someone would glance in their direction. Yet despite her fear, she could not stop her poor pussy from fluttering and leaking girl cum as Opal continued to fuck her at a slow, but steady pace. Even her glares seemed to have lost what little power they had, as she now looked up at Opal with flushed cheeks and eyes that were more needy than disapproving and angry. A fact that only seemed to arouse the redhead further as her pace slowly started to increase.

With the increased pace of Opal, the obscene, wet sucking sound of her monstercock sliding in and out of Rei’s desperately clenching muff had grown loud enough that, should there be a pause in conversation, everyone gathered before them would no doubt hear it. Rei’s response was to bury her head in her hands, in the hopes that she wouldn’t be recognized if anyone glanced in their direction. While Opal merely continued to lift her up and down in a rapid fashion. Either so confident that they would not be found out, or simply too horny to think straight.

The latter seemed more likely, with Opal having already been on the edge of climax before she decided to enact this little plan to tease Rei. So there she was, treating the small draconic woman as nothing but a toy to get rid of her arousal, glaring down at her in determination as she practically jerked herself off using Rei. Shooting lance after hot lance of precum straight into her womb while groaning softly, and Rei could do nothing but enjoy the ride as she moaned softly into her hands and continued to leak her copious amounts of girlcum. Even if they could get away without being seen, it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out what had happened in the gardens as they left behind an obvious mess both here and behind the dragon-shaped hedge.

Of course, neither woman was in much of a state of mind to care about that. Especially Opal who felt her balls tighten and her cock expand. A deep, dark grunt seemed to come from the pit of the redhead’s stomach as she finally felt the orgasm she had been struggling to contain leave her churning testicles. Fat, hot ropes of semen blasted from Opal’s cumslit, battering against the back of Rei’s womb and slowly making her stomach swell up larger and larger. Despite the fact that she had already orgasmed once before, Opal’s second load wasn’t any smaller by any stretch of the imagination as even the seal of her girthy cock couldn’t stop the excessive amounts of semen from escaping Rei’s twat.

The sound akin to rainfall that came from their position grew louder as the fat globules of spunk ran down Rei’s thighs and splattered onto the ground, joining the puddle of juices that was there already. Loud enough that Opal, who had regained her senses as she was coming down from her orgasm, decided it was time to bolt. So she ran, rather awkwardly, with Rei still lodged firmly onto her cock back into the shadows. Just in time too, as she swore that she could see some of the guests glancing towards the spot they had just been from the corner of her eyes.

‘Now…what?’ Groaned Rei, her womb filled to bursting and her twitching cunt leaving a trail of her own orgasmic juices and Opal’s excessive cum.

‘This isn’t my first time at Sir Shansiel’s estate, I think I know of a way to sneak back into the gala through a servant’s entrance,’ Opal reassured Rei, her cheeks flushed and that impish grin back on her face. ‘We will just have to find a way to get cleaned up first.’ She added sheepishly, as she glanced at the state the both of them had been in.

* * * *

It took some time, as well as some significant amount of coin to have Shansiel’s servants give them access to the baths and clean their clothes…and buy their silence. But eventually Opal and Rei returned to the gala proper, where they shared a lovely dance before Opal was, once again, whisked away to engage in pleasantries with the nobles. It appeared as if they hadn’t actually gotten spotted during their little dalliance, even if the knowing looks they received from the demonic nobles made it obvious that they knew the pair had done something in their absence.

Rei feared that rumours could start from this. Rumours that could get Opal or her family into trouble. But Opal was quick to reassure heri that, should things get out of hand, they could always count on her mother to quash any rumours or attempts of blackmail and other things of the sort. Beryl was, after all, the Demon Lord…


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