Friday 25 February 2022

[COM] Drex Earns His Stay

A sequel to this comic 

Commissioned by Drenton 

Contains: M/F, M/FF, monster boy, monster girl, blowjob, throatfuck, long tongue, fingering, cunnilingus, invisible play, titfuck, excessive cum, rough sex, ghost abilities with sex acts.

Drex Earns His Stay

Deep in the woods stands a manor, forgotten by humanity and with no civilization around for miles. A large structure at three stories tall, its white walls pristine and its many windows clean and unbroken. Seemingly untouched by time and nature. How was such a structure being maintained? During the day, you would never see anyone. But at night…

…at night things were different.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the residents of the manor awoke. One of these residents was what at first appeared to be a piece of statuary, a gargoyle to be exact. Said gargoyle’s height and broad, muscular build were such that it took up nearly all the space that the queen-sized bed had. He had eschewed blankets, instead draping his own large bat-like wings over his body like some sort of mantle. And this gargoyle was most definitely a he.

Because with the sun down some invisible force was tugging aside the only garment this gargoyle wore. A thick, leather loincloth that had been obscuring a masculine endowment as thick as a grown man’s wrist. One far larger than your usual specimen, even in its flaccid state. As if to get a better look at it, the same force that moved the loincloth pulled the impressive member up in the air. Thus exposing a pair of testicles that were each nearly the size of an apple.

Girlish giggles filled the lavish bedroom for a moment, and were then quickly followed by wet smacking sounds. Green and grey lipstick marks appeared along the gargoyle’s shaft and balls. Glowing faintly, before they would disappear without a trace. But as the creature’s shaft started to swell and grow, it was clear that whatever was going on was having its intended effect. More giggles filled the room at the sight of the pole rising to full hardness, before they were abruptly cut-off and replaced by loud, wet choking sounds.

The gargoyle’s dick was now as hard as proverbial stone and bobbed and twitched seemingly unbidden in the air. Strands of a clear, green glowing goo would occasionally collect at the base of the shaft, before disappearing much like the previous lipstick marks had when they first appeared. Something similar happened to his sack as one large testicle was now very obviously pronounced as something tightened around it. Here, grey glowing strands would occasionally dribble down to the mattress below. But did not leave any stains as they too would vanish.

Finally, after all these events, the gargoyle seemed to awaken. There was a faint sound of grinding stone when he first moved his body and sat up, showing how large he truly was. The bed’s frame creaked dangerously, but the creature did not appear to be concerned. The piece of furniture had managed to hold his weight so far, after all.

‘I suppose I should not be surprised that you are here so early.’ He stated, his voice deep and gravelly and ever so slightly strained.

Whoever he was talking to, did not respond. But they did not hide that they were here either. In fact, the wet choking sounds grew louder as the gargoyle’s monstercock bobbed up and down faster and faster. More green slime coated his shaft in the process, appearing quicker than it could vanish. Not to be outdone, the being teasing the gargoyle’s balls started to work harder too. Alternating between each huge nut, peppering it with enough kisses that each testicle briefly shone with a brilliant grey light.

‘Sara, Spectra. I know it is the two of you,’ The gargoyle groaned, his voice now shaking. ‘Present yourselves to me!’

But his order was ignored. Perhaps not so strange as his family was a guest in this manor. Unsurprisingly, he also became aware of lustful groans and moans belonging to familiar voices drifting through the halls. Hearing those sounds seemed to be the trigger for the gargoyle to let his own lust be heard as he groaned loudly. Pearlescent beads of cowper fluid appeared at the tip of his shaft, but disappeared just as quickly. As if licked off by some kind of invisible tongue.

In fact, that was exactly what it was. Because just as the gargoyle’s beefy nuts started to clench, resulting in a soft, wet popping noise coming from between his thighs, the slimy green tongue that had wrapped itself around his member appeared. The owner of said tongue was Spectra, a ghostly woman made up of glowing green slime that was currently floating a couple of inches above him. Her hair was an exaggerated pixie cut swept to the right and her ears were long and elf-like, with hoop earrings that were constantly taking shape before they returned to slime and dripped onto slim, feminine shoulders.

However, with her sudden appearance, the gargoyle was focusing more on the big, bimbo lips that were hanging open seductively so that her long, long tongue could escape. Said tongue had wrapped itself tightly around the gargoyle’s member, preventing him from orgasming. Instead, Spectra narrowed her glowing white eyes and began lowering her body. As she did, her plump dicksucking lips parted further and were stretched around the gargoyle’s pole as she seemed intent on swallowing it.

The gargoyle groaned in frustration as he was denied his first orgasm of the day. He grasped the blankets below him with enough force for his knuckles to pop, but Spectra did not seem hurried in the least. Breasts, each easily larger than the gargoyle’s head, were dragged over one of the gargoyle’s powerful legs. Then pressed down on them hard enough to make it obvious just how soft they were. A couple of strings of cum spurted from the gargoyle’s cockhead, which was visible now as nothing more than a shade in Spectra’s body, but the ghost girl only tightened her tongue around the monstrous pole more in response.

Another ghost girl took form next to Spectra. Her body was a grey-ish white and long hair that looked a pale purple in the low light. Her hair framed a pretty face, more obviously human than Spectra, with full lips that were not as exaggerated and a small, sharp nose. Her pupils were a bright orange in a field of black and probably the scariest thing about her, as she looked somewhat uncomfortable and shy with what Spectra was doing.

‘Come on, Spectra. Don’t tease Drex like this, he just woke up!’ The second ghost girl, likely Sara, asked quietly while she fidgeted awkwardly.

Spectra either didn’t hear Sara’s request or didn’t care, as she simply kept pushing. Soon the shadow of Drex’s member was visible in her bulging throat then, when her nose came closer to the gargoyle’s muscular stomach, it was practically somewhere between her tits! All Sara could do was watch a very smug Spectra at work while Drex became increasingly frustrated. Annoyed, the more reserved ghost girl placed her hands on her hips and huffed.

‘Fine, then! I’ll do it myself!’

With those words Sara dove into the floorboards before emerging from the mattress moments later. Her face perhaps an inch removed from Spectra’s huge, impressive boobs. Sara wasted no time in peppering the glowing green globes with kisses, and even giving one of Spectra’s nipples a little bite. Spectra’s response was immediate as she gasped and moaned in response, causing her tongue to loosen. A couple of ropes of semen managed to escape Drex’s cumslit as a response, but Spectra quickly recovered her composure.

Spectra glared at Sara through her own body, but the more reserved ghost girl did not give in. Instead, she continued to tease the gooey ghost girl’s sensitive tits. When that didn’t work, she instead pushed her face inside Spectra’s chest and began to work her tongue all over Drex’s shaft and Spectra’s own tongue in an attempt to pry the long muscle off. Sadly, all it seemed to do was get Drex more frustrated as both ghost girls watched his balls clench again. But Sara’s work was not all in vain, as this also meant the gargoyle’s monstercock would swell up even further.

Spectra’s glowing eyes, which had been narrowed in a nasty manner until now, suddenly widened. Clearly she had not foreseen what a frustrated gargoyle could do, or how much semen one could pump out. Because this time, she could not wrap her tongue around Drex’s monstercock tightly enough. Fat gouts of hot gargoyle cum were blasted straight down Spectra’s throat, causing her body to take on a more…murky appearance due to all the seed that was filling her. Sara had quickly pulled her head out of her companion’s chest, but had still received an inadvertent facial.

So backed up was Drex after all of Spectra’s teasing that the slimy ghost girl began to leak. Not only did the gargoyle’s semen simply dribble down to other parts of her body, seeing as the halves were somewhat separate, but cum even began to leak from her stiff nipples as if it were breastmilk. Sara saw an opportunity and decided to take it, as she clamped her lips on one of the sensitive nubs and drank heartily from all the seed that Drex was shooting into her companion.

When Drex’s impressive cumshot finally came to an end, the foot of his mattress was stained with large amounts of jizz. Despite all the hard work that Sara and Spectra put into absorbing the sticky white goo. Spectra had it especially difficult, her body was still somewhat opaque and the globe of slime that floated between the upper half of her body and the lower half had swollen to resemble a stomach the size of a woman nine months pregnant. But, ever insatiable, the globe was already starting to shrink as Spectra slowly turned towards Sara.

‘What do you mean: “Don’t tease Drex”?’ Spectra asked the other ghost girl, her tone low, seductive and somewhat annoyed. ‘I told him when he first entered our dwelling, if he and his family want to stay here they have to continue to satisfy us. I was just taking what was mine by right!’ Spectra grumbled while she crossed her arms underneath her chest and glared at the more shy ghost girl.

‘Yes, but-’ Sara began, but was interrupted when Drex leaned forwards and grabbed her head.

With the rest of her body still stuck in the bed and the floor below Sara had nowhere to go when Drex dragged his body forwards until his feet were planted on the wooden floor, and his prick was halfway down Sara’s throat. Of course, if Sara really wanted to escape she could have just turned incorporeal again. But when it came to Drex, she was more than willing to have the big gargoyle have his way with her tight little throat.

‘See, Drex understands.’ Spectra stated from nearby. Sara could not see her, what with Drex’s large form surrounding her, but she sounded smug. ‘So it’s settled, then! We’ll continue draining Drex.’

Sara wasn’t in a position to respond and Drex seemed far more concerned with burying the rest of his member down Sara’s throat, so neither of them protested Spectra. Obviously, the green ghost girl saw this as them agreeing with her, and she wasn’t wrong. So moments later Sara suddenly saw a familiar long, green dripping tongue enter her limited range of vision. It came from below the bed and immediately wrapped itself around Drex’s nutsack to give his testicles the kind of tongue-bath that only Spectra could give.

Drex’s response was immediate. He half-jumped, half-scooted forwards, resulting in him brutally ramming the remainder of his monstercock down Sara’s throat. If she had still been human, that would have been quite uncomfortable. Now, though, spikes of lust rampaged through her form in response to getting her gullet so absolutely stuffed. Sounds like a short rainfall came from underneath the bed as Sara squirted ectoplasmic orgasmic juices all over the floor while her eyes rolled up to show only the black sclera. Sara became faintly aware of Spectra giggling, before she heard an obscene, wet slurping sound that caused Drex to jump again.

The jump caused Drex to very quickly drag his member from Sara’s tight, clenching throat, before ramming it home again. The same rainfall noise came from beneath the bed, lasting a bit longer this time. Once more, Spectra would giggle and use her tongue to spur Drex on in fucking Sara’s throat. Again and again Spectra would do this, so many times in fact that Sara was glad her orgasmic juices tended to fade away quickly. Otherwise the ceiling might have sprung a leak!

‘Spectra, please cease this. I do not wish to cause Sara any unnecessary harm!’ Drex rumbled, his voice both annoyed and apologetic.

‘What harm can you cause her? She’s dead!’ Spectra replied, her voice perfectly clear despite how far she had stuck out her tongue. ‘In fact, you are doing quite the opposite of causing her harm! You should look under your bed sometime, the floor’s never been so clean after all that gushing she’s been doing!’

If Sara still had a functioning body she would be blushing something fierce. But she didn’t refute Spectra’s statement either.

‘Really? If that is the case, then I should work my hardest to please her and earn my stay here.’ Drex mused as he placed one foot on the floor and one on the mattress next to Sara’s head. 

In doing so he had partially dragged his member from Sara’s throat. Ectoplasm was leaking from the wrist-thick pole, as Sara looked up at Drex with an eager expression. Upon seeing this, any doubts he still carried seemed to vanish as his body language turned more confident. He spread his wings with a roar, showing off his broad, scarred chest and grabbed Sara’s head with both of his clawed hands. Then, with a nod, he slammed his entire length down her gullet again.

The bed creaked dangerously as Drex forced his body down, and if he were of rational mind he probably wouldn’t have continued this course of action. But he was not, and spurred on by Spectra’s tongue massaging his testicles, and Sara looking up at him adoringly even as her face practically phased into his stomach, he roughly dragged his hips back before slamming his entire body down with the same amount of force. Again and again, until the mattress’ stuffing was torn out thanks to his clawed feet. Again and again, even as springs started to poke through the already ruined mattress.

During all of this, Sara continued to soak the floor with her ectoplasmic juices. Much to the delight of Spectra, who was giggling the whole time. But how could she not? The small orange lights that made up her companion’s pupils had turned into hearts at Drex's treatment of her! Even as the big gargoyle had grabbed her luxurious purple hair as if they were the reins to a horse!

‘Oh, you submissive little slut!’ Spectra hissed nastily, and Sara’s puffy little slit released another squirting orgasm as if to prove the gooey green ghost girl was right in her assessment.

Sara wasn’t the only one that appeared to be pleased at hearing that comment, as Drex suddenly slammed his entire cock down Sara’s gullet with a primal roar. The force of it was so explosive that the legs of the queen-sized bed finally gave out with a loud crash. Drex nearly lost his balance, but was saved by Spectra who shot out from underneath the bed and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. It kept him in place and his mammoth prick seemed to swell even further as he became aware of the pleasant softness of her massive mammaries squeezing against his broad back.

‘Come on, fill her up!’ Spectra hissed nastilly into Drex’s ear as she unwrapped her tongue from his nutsack. ‘Or are you already empty after filling up little old me?’

Drex, of course, was already showing that that was very much not the case. Because as soon as Spectra’s tongue released his tentacles, Drex’s primal roar seemed to swell in intensity and Spectra could hear the seed spraying from his distended cumslit. Even muffled as the sounds were by Sara’s ghostly gullet, and her eager moans as she tried to drink it all down. But judging from the stain appearing on the mattress where Sara’s head was, and how it was growing, it became clear that Sara wasn’t quite successful in drinking it all down.

When Drex came to his senses he very quickly scrambled backwards, forgetting that Sara didn’t exactly need to breathe. In doing so, the last few ropes of cum from his explosive orgasm ended up painting the ghost girl’s face even whiter as she looked up at the gargoyle in adoration. Her burning, heart-shaped pupils now obvious even to Drex as excessive cum dripped from her open mouth, making it look as if the monstrous man had just creampied her throat. Which, in a way, he had.

Sara continued to stare up at Drex in a daze for a good minute before she realized what she was doing and shut her mouth. The semen painting her face was abruptly absorbed into her ghostly form as she buried her face in her hands and sank through the floor in embarrassment. Leaving a confused Drex sitting on the stained, broken bed while Spectra cackled behind him.

‘Oh my, you really made her let loose, Drex. I can’t remember the last time I saw her so embarrassed!’ Spectra revealed after she stopped giggling. ‘But don’t worry, she’ll be back. Until then, let’s have some fun!’

Drex was about to respond, but instead gasped for air as he suddenly felt cold and gooey. And then, strangely, warm and gooey as his flagging, cum-dripping member was enveloped by something soft. Glancing down, Drex was greeted by the strange sight of Spectra having phased her head and upper body through his stomach and chest. The feeling was strange, but not altogether unpleasant. Or perhaps he was merely distracted by the fact that his cock was currently trapped between Spectra’s massive chest, the green orbs were superbly soft and perfectly slick.

As if reading the gargoyle’s mind, Spectra grabbed her breasts. Lifting them from Drex’s muscular thighs and wrapping them tightly around his semi-erect shaft instead. He couldn’t help but moan, her gooey body was softer than that of any woman he had ever been with and it made any lubrication for titfucks completely unnecessary. Something Spectra expertly showed as she was rapidly moving the glowing green orbs up and down. Loosely and playfully at first, but as Drex’s member began to rise up again her tits squeezed around it more tightly. And it nearly disappeared between the huge, gooey green mounds.

‘Now, while I’m going to give you the kind of titfuck you could’ve only dreamed of in the past, why don’t you put your mouth to work?’ Spectra asked with a smug little grin.

‘Put to work how?’ Drex asked in his low, rumbling voice.

He felt that strange gooey feeling again as the plump lips of Spectra’s pussy suddenly entered his field of view. Her upper body was resting on his thighs, the orb keeping her body halves somewhat together was causing this strange, but pleasant, gooey warmth through his body as it was drifting somewhat near his clavicle and her lower body was currently hanging suspended in front of his face. A pose that seemed a contortionist’s nightmare, but was easy as pie for a ghostly woman who could split her body in two.

Drex smiled a fierce smile in response and reached out to grab Spectra’s big, bubbly asscheeks. The thick gooey globes of her rear couldn’t be completely contained, even by his large hands. He squeezed the halves of her bubble butt roughly as he used them as leverage to drag her cunt closer to his mouth. Then, without hesitation, he buried his tongue deep into the ghost girl’s tight twat. Spectra shuddered and the slime that made up her body seemed to flow and drip a bit more rapidly, as if she had trouble maintaining her curvy form, but she did not let up in sliding her huge tits along Drex’s growing pole.

Squeezing her tits tighter around the gargoyle’s shaft she moved them up and down, first one, then the other. Sliding the undersides of her massive, soft gooey jugs over Drex’s sensitive cocktip whenever one of the globes reached it before rapidly dropping it down again. Unsurprisingly, this treatment rapidly had Drex’s shaft completely erect and drooling pearly precum. It also showed that, despite the impressive size of Spectra’s chest, her cleavage couldn’t completely swallow the gargoyle’s monstrous length. Fortunately, Spectra had a solution.

‘My, doesn’t that look tasty!’ Spectra cooed as she decided that her tongue should join Drex’s cock in her cleavage.

Now that both Spectra’s hot tongue was coiling around his shaft along with her soft, gooey jugs Drex couldn’t help but grunt into the ghost girl’s muff. His own tongue ceasing its work on Spectra’s ghostly folds as he instead simply held onto the gooey ghost girl’s asscheeks like a drowning man to driftwood. He felt his balls pump out rope after rope of silvery precum, which Spectra’s long, agile tongue would lap up pretty much immediately. But she had no intention of letting Drex rest, instead mashing her plump labia eagerly against his lips and chin.

‘L-let me help, Drex!’ The familiar voice of Sarah pipes up somewhere near him. Drex could not see her, what with his head being stuck between Spectra’s thighs, but he could feel long hair tickling his forehead and shoulders.

Sarah was in fact floating above him, upside down. Due to the fact that Drex’s large hands had already spread Spectra’s asscheeks, the other ghost girl decided to explore Spectra’s asshole with her fingers. She first sank in one finger, then two, then three. Spectra yelped in surprise, but not discomfort. And Sarah did not miss the way in which she showered Drex’s face with girlcum. So she began to pump her fingers in and out of Spectra’s anal tunnel, while teasing her own muff with her free hand.

Spectra’s titfucking was still pretty intense, but Drex at least felt like he was now in the position to properly repay her and began to properly eat her out. Sucking at her plumped up lower lips as he roughly tongued her senstive folds, occasionally nipping the gooey ghost  girl’s clit now that it was peeking out of its hood. During it all Spectra’s moans intensified, and he could feel her ectoplasmic juices coating his face and running down his cheeks and neck. They would rapidly disappear, but there was no denying that it was having an effect on Spectra who had seemed so in control just a few moments ago.

Spectra’s bright white eyes held none of their usual confidence, instead they had been opened wide and seemed to flicker every so often. Not only that, but she had completely stopped rubbing her tits up and down. Instead, she had pushed her breasts firmly around Drex’s dick while she half heartedly lapped at his cockhead. The green of her cleavage now several shades lighter due to all the precum that had accumulated there.

Obviously, Sarah had not missed this loss of control in Spectra. In fact, she had grown emboldened by it. The fingers pumping in and out of Spectra’s asshole moved faster and faster while her other hand, still slick with her own orgasmic juices, rained down blow after blow on the gooey ghost girl’s rear. Leaving behind hand-shaped indentations in the gooey green “flesh” while Spectra’s slime went everywhere.

Being on the receiving end of this two-pronged attack by Drex and Sarah eventually caused Spectra to finally just…give up. With a loud, ghostly moan that certainly would’ve scared off anyone walking through the woods today she hosed down Drex’s face with an impressive amount of her juices, enough of it that the gargoyle’s body shone even after all of it had disappeared. Spectra's lower body, and the orb that had been stuck inside Drex until now, moved to reconnect with Spectra’s upper body now that she no longer appeared to have the strength to keep them apart. But Drex’s grip on Spectra’s rear was strong, and he did not allow it to leave.

‘Apologies, Spectra,’ Drex rumbled in a low and dangerous tone. ‘But I am once again reminded by what you told me earlier, that I am only allowed to stay here if I satisfy all your needs.’

Spectra did not respond, nor did she turn incorporeal to release Drex’s hold on her lower body. Instead, she was simply curious about what the gargoyle would do next. Though judging from the heat that was coming from his monstercock, and the intimidating way in which it was pulsing, she had some idea.

Said idea was not, however, Drex mashing her soaked cunt against his own cockhead as it peeked out of her cleavage. Spectra released an unlady-like groan as her tongue shot back in her mouth in response to the strange sensation. If she still had pupils, she was fairly certain they would have crossed as her ghostly form had been twisted around in an odd way just for Drex’s pleasure. But instead of pain or discomfort, she felt…good.

‘Excellent,’ Drex stated matter of factly as ectoplasmic girlcum sprayed from Spectra’s cunt to coat both his own shaft and the ghost girl’s own tits. ‘I was uncertain if this would work.’

And with those words he shifted his grip from Spectra’s buttocks to her legs and started dragging her down further. Another one of those groans passed the gooey ghost girl’s plump lips, this time accompanied by a wet squelching sound as Drex’s cock invaded her cunt. Spectra’s groan rose in pitch as the gargoyle dragged her down further and further, not stopping until her legs had partially disappeared into the ruined bed while her tits were flattened between her own rear and Drex’s powerful thighs.

‘Hm… Now what do I do?’ Drex mumbled.

In his excitement he had used Spectra’s body how he pleased, but pulling her lower body back up proved more difficult than he thought from his current sitting position and Spectra did not appear to be in the frame of mind to help. Then, he became aware of a schlicking sound from above him.

‘Sarah?’ Drex grunted as he looked up to see the other ghost girl hanging upside down, petting her pussy. ‘Some help?’

Sarah briefly hesitated in embarrassment, but nodded as she floated her way over to Spectra’s lower body and extended her hands towards her pussy. Drex grunted as he could feel Sarah’s slender fingers invading Spectra’s pussy, four digits brushing past his erect cock at each side. He briefly wondered how this would help him aside from making Spectra’s cunt even tighter. But then, Sarah simply pulled Spectra’s lower body up. In life, such an action certainly would’ve been uncomfortable. But judging from the way that Spectra’s long tongue was lolling out of her mouth when her head came into Drex’s field of vision again, that certainly wasn’t the case this time.

Then, Sarah turned incorporeal again and Spectra’s lower body slammed down. Another one of those loud, lewd unlady-like moans exploded forth from the gooey ghost girl’s lips as her tits were squeezed between her own asscheeks and Drex’s legs again while the gargoyle’s cock filled her up nicely. A pleased grunt from Drex himself joined Spectra’s moan as half of his cock was being squeezed by her pussy, while the other half was trapped snugly between her breasts.

‘Again?’ Sarah asked, her tone hopeful as she struggled not to continue fingering herself. Clearly she was enjoying this strange spectacle between Drex and Spectra, and she enjoyed being a part of it even more.

‘Again.’ Drex answered with a stern nod.

So, up Spectra’s lower body went. High enough that Drex could see her blissful face, before being unceremoniously dropped. At first, Sarah would look to Drex for confirmation before burying her fingers in Spectra’s twat to drag her up again. But that went out of the window very quickly. Up and down Spectra’s lower body went. Faster and faster, until Drex’s world was a blur of green and grey as he felt his balls churn and throb. Each time Spectra was dropped, more precum would blast from his cumslit. And each time, he thought he could finally cum. But then, Sarah’s fingers would join his member in Spectra’s twat and it simply was too tight. Eventually it got so far that he feared his cock would burst! But this did not appear to be his imagination.

‘H-huh…? My…my fingers won’t fit!’ Sarah suddenly said after God knows how much time had passed. ‘You’ve…you’ve gotten too big, Drex!’

Drex wasn’t sure if it was the awe in Sarah’s voice, or just simply the fact that he finally had the chance, but Drex orgasmed with a roar. He arched his back and clawed at the already ruined mattress below him as ropes of spunk left his engorged monstercock with such force that he launched Spectra’s lower body into the air. In hindsight it was more likely that it merely returned to its proper location, what with Spectra being as exhausted as she was, but both Drex and Sarah seemed to enjoy the former theory more. Sarah especially, as she climaxed as soon as one of those ropes splattered across her face. Without so much as even touching her cunt.

Spectra’s lower body arced through the air before it seemed to disappear into the mattress, excess cum from Drex’s impressive creampie raining down on the torn sheets and even Spectra’s own face. It would have made for an impressive facial, if it weren’t for all the semen that was still shooting from the gargoyle’s dick to further paint the gooey ghost girl’s face and breasts. When Drex was finally done Spectra’s upper body was more white than green.

‘Well,’ Spectra croaked, feeling exhausted for perhaps the first time since she assumed this incorporeal form. ‘I’d say I’m satisfied. As for the rest of your tasks for today? Why don’t you and Sarah try fixing the bed, coming by new furniture isn’t exactly easy for us.’

With that, her upper body sank through the mattress as well. Leaving a large puddle of semen to stain the covers. Drex could only stare at the spot in silence, wondering how he was going to fix all of this.

‘Don’t worry, I’m sure we can do it together!’ Sarah reassured Drex, and the bed started to float.

‘Right, thank you. Let us get to work.’ He mumbled as he hopped off the bed. Completely exhausted, despite having just woken up, but still grateful to the manor’s inhabitants.


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