Wednesday 12 February 2020

Road to the Rod - Chapter 3: Darrest - Part 2

Road to the Rod - Chapter 3: Darrest - Part 2
(Cover by Bunkwizard)

After she was put asleep by Ursula, Mystra finds herself deeper in the catacombs of Darrest's church and discovers what happened to the women of the town. And what is in store for her...

Contains: F/F, Goblin, shortstack, monster girl, huge breasts, lactation, tentacles

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Road to the Rod - Chapter 3: Darrest - Part 2

When Mystra awoke, she felt…sticky. More so than she usually did after spending a night with several well hung, horny man. Opening her eyes took far more effort than it should. Mystra couldn’t remember the last time she had been this exhausted. When she finally managed to force them open, however, Mystra felt wide awake. A bright, green glow surrounded her as she found herself encased in a luminescent blackish green slime.

The strange gunk was wrapped around the back of her head, a part of her swan-like neck and feminine, graceful shoulders. Her arms were completely encased in the wet, strangely warm, slime. Heavy, green breasts each bigger than a honeydew melon were completely on display and hid her slim waist from view. Her broad breeding hips and thick, shapely green thighs were also free of slime, but everything from the knees down was once again completely encased in the strange, glowing green wall.

But from the shadow cast by her enormous tits, a faint gold light came. A sigh of relief passed the Goblin Priestess’ plump, black-painted lips. Hyasint’s mark of protection was still there, despite Ursula’s spell knocking her out. Her sense of relief was short lived, however. As she wasn’t the only one attached to this wall, and the green glow came from other sources as well…

Women of all ages were encased in the wall in the same manner as she was. The only difference being her and them were their bellies. All heavy, gravid and glowing green. Another thing that stood out was how busty they were. The chests of the women surrounding Mystra were all as big as hers, or bigger, and leaking breast milk. Resembling Ursula’s situation in some way. Also like Ursula, green-black tentacles would occasionally peek from their aroused, dripping slit. Unlike her, however, they didn’t seem to be in control of the appendages.

Tentacles would tease engorged, sensitive clits or tweak stiff, lactating nipples. Some slid inside their “mothers” asshole or mouth, before retreating back into the wombs that hosted them. Because of that, a chorus of moans resounded through the space Mystra was held captive in and she wondered how she hadn’t awakened before with all the noise around her.

As she was glancing around, a shadow fell over Mystra. When she turned her head to see who had approached her, she wasn’t surprised when she found Ursula looking down on her. The blonde priestess of Hoten was still dressed in her tattered habit, now more stained with the milk that dribbled from her enormous pale jugs than before. Hopefully this meant that less time had passed than Mystra initially thought.

‘My, you awakened sooner than I expected,’ Ursula mused pleasantly, once again wearing the mask of a calm, saintly woman. ‘But perhaps it will be more entertaining to educate a heretic such as yourself when you are conscious.’ She continued in the same tone of voice, though Mystra did not miss the coldness in her eyes.

‘Better women than you have tried and failed!’ Mystra retorted with a confident smirk, shifting her body as best as she could to hide the glowing, golden symbol of Hyasint on her flat stomach.

Ursula’s expression didn’t change, there was still that soft smile on her face. But whatever creature was in her womb stirred violently enough for Mystra to see its tentacles bulging and moving even though her stomach was still covered by the tattered habit. Once the thrashing of the creature ceased, Ursula extended her hand towards the Goblin and stroked her thigh. Slowly moving it towards her plump labia. Mystra, meanwhile, barely reacted. In fact, as the blonde’s slim, dexterous finger slipped inside her cunt she yawned.

‘Yeah, this does nothing for me…’ Mystra muttered, bored. ‘You’re going to need something bigger for a Goblin like me.’

‘That can be arranged.’ Ursala responded, mysteriously.

Immediately, Mystra realized she might have made a mistake…

Ursula pulled her fingers from the Goblin’s muff, which were slick and shining despite Mystra’s words, and she straightened her body. As she lifted the hemline of her already too-small habit, Ursala’s warm smile turned slightly more wicked. Five tentacles poured from the blonde’s cunt, all darker and thicker than the ones that came from the bodies of the women around Mystra. The blonde’s expression had changed again, this time into one of ecstasy as her folds stretched around the fat appendages. 

Let’s hope Hyasint’s protection can stand up to this! Mystra thought, and it was the last thought that went through her head before it went blank.

The self-proclaimed Saint mercilessly drove her tentacles into the Goblin’s asshole and cunt, which were thankfully still slick and accepting after her orgy with the townsfolk. The other two tentacles wrapped around Mystra’s huge, heavy green tits and began to slide and squeeze up and down as if attempting to milk her. The final one slipped into her cavernous cleavage and forced itself into her open mouth. As the slime that coated the tentacles touched Mystra’s skin, anal tunnel, tongue and sensitive folds, Hyasint’s protection fortunately kicked in.

The familiar tingling sensation passed over her again, only it seemed far more intense than when Hyasint protected her from one of the townspeople’s orgasms. The Goblin thrashed and writhed, but as soon as she managed to pull as much as an inch of her body out of the wall the slime sucked her back in and she only succeeded in tiring herself out. But as effective as the strange slime coating the tentacles was, even with the protection she received from Hyasint, it appeared to be something akin to a double edged sword for Ursula.

Ursula’s wicked smile had turned into a grimace of discomfort, her previous blue eyes had started to glow green like those of the townsfolk while her stomach began to bulge and writhe as more tentacles forced themselves out of her body. Some forced themselves into Mystra’s stuffed anal tunnel and slit alongside the tentacles already there, and found that the orifices were just as accepting as those of Ursula. Meanwhile, the other appendages began to torment the body of their “mother” by sliding into her asshole or squeezing her huge melons, which caused her milk to spray everywhere.

‘No!’ Ursula screamed. ‘The child of Hoten won’t be defeated by the servant of a heathen God!’ She screeched, though she sounded uncertain as her eyes went from glowing green back to blue and then back to green again.

Mystra was too out of it to really absorb what the blonde was saying. Her stomach was now bulging and writhing nearly as much as Ursula’s, while orgasms continued to tear through her body. Clear juices sprayed from her climaxing cunt, coating the thick black tentacles that poured from Ursala’s crotch. In response to the Goblin’s orgasmic juices hitting the appendages, the blonde priestess shrieked as if she had been burned. The green light in her eyes briefly turned the gold and the thrusting tentacles seemed to slow…only to fire ropes of hot, viscous seed into the bodies of both Mystra and Ursula.

The strange ejaculate was forced from Mystra’s body immediately thanks to Hyasint’s protection, but Ursula’s glowing golden eyes immediately turned green again. She moaned as the creature’s jizz sloshed around in her bowels and brought her thick, pink nipples to her lips and drank from them hungrily. The tentacles seemed to grow even thicker, bringing moans from both women as the fat appendages started to speed up again. The enlarged state of the tentacles only set off Mystra’s Goblin instincts which combined with Hyasint’s protection only caused her to spray more girlcum everywhere.

In turn, this seemed to cause Ursula more pain even if no marks appeared on her body. As she was about to collapse, the tentacles that were pleasuring her body instead dug into the ground to support the Saint. Her eyes quickly began to glow gold again, but this time the tentacles didn’t slow down. Instead they sped up, hoping to exhaust the Goblin before she could do more damage to it. Unfortunately for this “child of Hoten”, Mystra had far more stamina than your average village girl.

As copious amounts of girl cum continued to flow from her stretched, tentacle-stuffed snatch the black appendages slowly began to pull back from the small, curvy green woman. Whatever was inside of Ursula clearly wanted to get as far away from Mystra as possible, and with the blonde being in no state to move it did the only thing it could do. It began to crawl out of the self-proclaimed Saint.

Mystra shivered and gasped for breath now that was finally given the chance to recover from the tidal wave of orgasms that had washed over her. The occasional squirt of girlcum would still occasionally fly from her abused slit thanks to the strange ejaculate that was still clinging to her body, but she was aware enough to see a mass of tentacles push itself out Ursula’s drenched muff. In the process, the barely conscious blonde would moan and tremble in pleasure, especially as tentacles sought out her clitoris and nipples to tease in an attempt to expedite the process. Then, finally, with one big, screaming orgasm the creature was forced out of her womb.

The mass of tentacles pushed itself up on insectoid legs while a single, orange eye with a slitted pupil glanced up at Mystra with a look of pure hatred before it scuttled away, clearly exhausted and in pain. It didn’t get very far before a shriek of pure terror came from Ursula’s mouth, followed by a short incantation. Before the creature could process what was happening, it burst into white flames and released a shriek of its own.

All the women stuck in the walls began to yell and scream, only it sounded more orgasmic as the tentacles inside them began to wriggle and thrash. The glowing green light that came from their wombs began to fade as creatures smaller than the one that was currently burning were forced out of them, only to pass away as soon as their bodies were fully outside. When the blinding white fire was finally extinguished, nothing of “the child of Hoten” remained while all its brethren had been expelled from the wombs they had called home.

‘What…what was that thing?’ Ursula asked Mystra, seeing that she was the only one awake.

‘That…is a very good question.’ Mystra croaked. ‘One that I will try to answer to the best of my abilities…just as soon as you get me out of this…’

* * * *

‘Is…is this the only way?’ Ursula asked, awkwardly, as she straddled the hips of one of the townspeople.

The man was tied up with what remained of Ursula’s tattered habit while the now completely naked blonde had a golden glowing mark of Hyasint on her round stomach. Clear juices ran down from desperately clenching and unclenching cunt, coating the huge shaft of the man Ursula and Mystra had captured.

‘It worked for me,’ Mystra shrugged. ‘And I don’t really have any other ideas.’

‘Wha-what if they were linked to that…that monster? Like those women were?’ Ursula asked, attempting and failing to cover her huge tits with her hands.

‘Doesn’t look like it,’ Mystra replied, taking one look at the man’s glowing green eyes. ‘Look, there’s a whole village we have to purify. If you don’t want to do it, I will.’

‘N-no…’ Ursula stammered. ‘I need to take responsibility for my actions!’

And with those words, Ursula lowered herself on the huge, throbbing cock. Immediately, a loud moan of pleasure passed the blonde’s full lips and she arched her back as an orgasm washed over her. Milk sprayed from her massive jugs as she came, coating the man beneath her with it. Apparently “the child of Hoten” had left plenty of its strange, aphrodisiac-like fluids inside of Ursula, as she refused to move. Instead she sat on the man’s monstrous prick and trembled in pleasure, seemingly having already forgotten why she had set out to do this in the first place.

‘By Hyasint’s tits, we don’t have all night!’ Mystra swore as she slapped Ursula on the ass with one hand while she began to gently massage the man’s swollen, cum-filled balls with the other.

The slap on the ass seemed to be just what Ursula needed to get her moving again, although haltingly. Girlcum continued to pour from her climaxing cunny while her body shivered  in pleasure with each of her movements. Whenever she stopped again, Mystra would use her free hand to smack one of her buttcheeks. Within a few minutes, the blonde’s rear had turned pink and Ursula’s entire body was coated with sweat.

With a display like that, it didn’t take long before the man beneath Ursula groaned and strained against his bonds. At the same time, Mystra felt his balls tighten in her grip and heard the blonde gasp as the man no doubt shot a thick load of jizz into her womb. Looking past Ursula, Mystra noticed the green glow in the man eyes fade away before he seemed to pass out.

‘Well, what do you know? It did work after all!’ Mystra mused, satisfied.

‘What worked?’ Ursula mumbled, dazed as she climbed off of the man.

‘Curing the men of the town this way?’ Mystra replied with a cock of her head, pointing at the mark of Hyasint on Ursala’s stomach and the semen dribbling down her thighs. ‘Did you have so much fun that you forgot?’ She added with an impish little smile.

‘Uh, no…of course not. What now?’ Ursula asked.

‘Now we visit every house we can find and repeat what you just did,’ Mystra answered simply. ‘And I know you want to do it by yourself to “atone” or whatever,’ the Goblin stubbornly continued before Ursula could interrupt her. ‘But I don’t think we have the time. Even with the two of us we might not be able to fix all of them by morning.’

‘Then…then what do we do?’ Ursula asked, concern clear in her voice as she climbed off the man she had been riding, which resulted in the rest of his seed to spill over her thighs.

‘I don’t know, perhaps we can convince the men that we cure in that time to assist us in capturing them before those that are still infected figure out what’s going on and escape Darrest to spread whatever this is to other towns.’ Mystra grumbled, but abruptly fell silent when she heard something stir in the catacombs behind her.

‘Perhaps…perhaps we can be of some assistance?’ An feminine voice called out.

Looking over her shoulder, Mystra noticed some of the women that had been stuck in the wall with her approach. They looked exhausted, but had the same kind of hunger in their eyes as Ursula had when she first started to ride the monstrous dick of the man that was currently passed out. Ursula seemed ready to protest, but Mystra simply shrugged and approached them while saying a familiar prayer to Hyasint…

* * * *

Darrest would probably remember the next few days for a long time to come. Loud moans and grunts came from the houses at all hours of the day, the men and women of the town who walked the streets were barely dressed and couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. Even after the strange influence of “the child of Hoten” had faded, the townsfolk of Darrest would continue to suffer from a high libido for a long, long time.

Mystra stuck around for all of it, always up for milking a hung, willing man dry if she could. The genitals of the men remained as large as they were, even after everything Mystra, Ursula and the other women had done. The same counted for the breasts and hips of the women, though they would eventually stop leaking milk and their stomachs slowly began to shrank back down. All the “exercise” they got in the time that Mystra was there certainly expedited things when it came to the latter.

When everything calmed down, Ursula finally explained what had happened to her. A few months ago, she was still a priestess in the Holy City of Yull and a fellow priestess had shown her to a secret passage that led her down underneath the temple of Hoten. There she saw a creature that was several times larger than the “child of Hoten”. After that, her memory was hazy and she wasn’t in control of her body. The blonde priestess seemed ready to give up her position after telling her tale, but the townsfolk wouldn’t let her.

‘Well, this is getting a little bit too emotional for me,’ Mystra mused with a little lopsided smile as she slung a pack stuffed with food, drink and other rewards that the people of Darrest had given her. ‘But I’ll definitely be swinging by this town again. Goblins can learn a thing or two about having fun from you lot.’ She added while eyeing up the outrageous bodies everyone had been “blessed” with.

‘Are you sure there is nothing more we can do for you?’ Ursula asked, clearly glad to stir the subject away from her.

‘Maybe make a little shrine to Hyasint?’ Mystra said after a moment. ‘If it wasn’t for her protection, all of you would still be brainwashed by that thing, after all.’

‘Yes, of course,’ Ursula nodded. ‘I don’t think anyone has any problems with that?’

‘Not a one.’ Said one man.

‘Nope!’ Said another.

‘It’s not as if Hoten offered us any help,’ Samuel cut in, still as dour and serious as he had been before Mystra and Ursula lifted the “curse” on him. ‘I’d say we dedicate the whole damn church to her.’

Although his suggestion didn’t seem entirely genuine, many men and women roared in approval and some even wondered aloud how difficult it would be to change the stained glass window. Ursula protested a little, but her heart wasn’t really in it. It was clear that her fate in Hoten had been shaken by the whole ordeal.

‘Just in case you need to know, Hyasint’s priestesses wear purple,’ Mystra interrupted the crowd, opening her robes and flashing the lot of them. ‘And I happen to think that Darrest’s priestess would look very good in that colour.’ She added with a little wink towards Ursula, before smiling broadly as she noticed bulging trousers and stiff nipples amongst all the townsfolk.

With that, she set off to continue her journey towards Drakentand. The things Ursula had mentioned about Yull made the Goblin think about what would happen to Rickard once he arrived there, but she didn’t allow herself the time to worry about that. After all, Hyasint had given her a mission and she intended to complete it. Especially after all the aid her goddess had given her while stuck in the catacombs of Darrest’s church. Mystra looked over her shoulder at the town one last time, only to see how several men and women had reacted to her little display by dragging their significant others into their homes.

‘It would be interesting to visit this place again…’ She mused aloud with a delighted little smile.

To be continued…

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