Saturday 8 February 2020

Road to the Rod - Chapter 2: Darrest - Part 1

Road to the Rod - Chapter 2: Darrest - Part 1

On her way to Drakentand to find the Rod of Rixia, Mystra stops by the town of Darrest in the hopes of finding some food. Only to find that it hides a secret...

Contains: Goblin, shortstack, cockgrowth, orgy, excessive cum, huge breasts, tentacles

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Road to the Rod - Chapter 2: Darrest - Part 1

‘Hello, and welcome to Darrest!’

Mystra didn’t know what surprised her more. The fact that she had been caught sneaking into the small town on the road to Drakentand, or the fact that the man that had spotted her greeted her so warmly.  The Goblin quickly recovered from her shock, however, and gave the stranger the best puppy dog eyes she could manage.

‘Please, sir! Don’t report me to the guard! I only wish to take a little bit of food and then I’ll be on my way.’ Mystra babbled pathetically, keeping her eyes down and making her large bat-like ears droop downward.

‘Nonsense!’ The man replied warmly, waving away Mystra’s “concerns”. ‘We’re all children of Hoten in Darrest! Big or small, men or women, pale or green. So says Saint Ursula.’

Saint? Mystra thought, followed by: Hoten? As she remembered the priestess, Ciara, that had joined Rickard on his journey. I’m in town with people as uptight as herMystra thought with a roll of her eyes. Yet, strangely, the man that had caught her didn’t seem at all concerned about the fact that her huge green tits threatened to spill out of her purple priestess robes. Perhaps not all of Hoten’s followers were as uptight?

‘Do you perhaps have a shed I can sleep in?’ Mystra asked, while she continued to give the stranger the puppy dog eyes. ‘I won’t take up much space.’ She added quickly, gesturing at her small frame.

‘Nonsense! You can sleep inside! The missus has been stuck in the temple for the past few days, aiding Saint Ursula with her rituals. It would be nice to have some company again. So come along, follow me!’ He replied, extending a large, calloused hand down towards the Goblin.

Mystra took it, of course, placing her small, green hand in his big tanned one. She didn’t even know the man’s name as he took her to his home, not that something like that was exactly new to the priestess of Hyasint. As she followed the stranger, they encountered others out and about despite the hour. Yet, strangely, neither of them got any strange looks. Instead, they all waved at the Goblin and greeted her and the man leading her amicably.

Despite how friendly everyone was, something about the town still put Mystra on edge. First of all, people in small towns weren’t usually up this late unless they were guards. Which Mystra saw none of. Second of all, all the people she saw were male. Very obviously male. All of them, including the mysterious stranger that led her through the town, had an impressive, tube-like bulge running down one of the legs of their trousers.

‘Kinda creepy,’ Mystra muttered to herself in Goblinoid. ‘But I think I can grow to love this place.’ She added, glancing at the bulging crotches that were near her eye-level.

‘Here we are!’ The stranger finally called out, making Mystra jump as she was still distracted by ogling the townspeople.

They had arrived at a small house made of stone and wood near the centre of town. When the man that had led her here opened the door, he and Mystra were greeted by two young men that looked surprisingly similiar to the stranger that had been guiding her. Like him, and the other men of Darrest, they were also blessed with large cocks. Mystra swallowed audibly as she was surrounded by such treats, but if any of the men had heard her they ignored it.

‘Pa, who’s this?’ One of the young man, his hair was dark and his chin covered with a fuzzy little beard.

‘Come now, Samuel, be polite!’ The stranger told the younger man with a bright smile, though Mystra noticed it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

‘He has a point, father.’ The older of the two young men interjected. Unlike his younger brother he had a full, well-groomed beard and broad shoulders. ‘It’s almost time to go to church.’

Going to church to worship a God of the Sun? At night? Mystra thought to herself, but she wisely kept her mouth shut.

‘I am sure she has no interest in going to church with a bunch of strangers this time of the night, no?’ He asked, turning to Mystra.

‘Oh no, you’re absolutely right, sir,’ Mystra replied. ‘I don’t follow a boring old god like Hoten, anyway. All my prayers go to my lady Hyasint.’

A flash of anger crossed the features of the three men and Mystra worried her words would get her kicked out of the house, or worse. But just as soon as the expression of anger appeared, it disappeared again. Almost so fast that Mystra thought she had imagined it. The father of the two young men merely chuckled heartily as he placed a big hand on her head and ruffled her inky black hair as if she was a precocious child.

‘You see boys, the lady has no interest in our ways. Why don’t you show her to your sister’s room, Samuel?’ The father told his youngest son.

‘Fine…’ Samuel grunted. ‘Follow me, please.’ The young man muttered as he led Mystra up the stairs, leaving his still smiling father behind.

Mystra was led to a small, cozy bedroom…and started coughing as soon as the door was opened. Clearly, Samuel’s sister hadn’t been sleeping here for awhile and nobody else had bothered to dust the place. A part of Mystra wondered if maybe she had passed away. But considering how she had been on edge ever since she was led through the town the Goblin worried there was something else going on.

‘Here you go.’ Samuel said stiffly. ‘Go to sleep and don’t come to the church if you know what’s good for you.’ With that, the young man slammed the door shut.

‘Well, if you say something like that I just have to go, don’t I?’ Mystra whispered to herself as she heard Samuel descending the staircase…

* * * *

Mystra waited for maybe half an hour after the stranger and his sons left the house. Once she was certain there was nobody outside anymore she opened the window and carefully climbed down. The rest of the house seemed to be in relatively poor shape, just like the room she had been staying in. Ivy climbed along the walls and the garden below her was overgrown, giving the Goblin something to hold on to as well as a potentially soft landing should she fall. Thankfully, Mystra didn’t need the latter as her boot-clad feet touched soft earth.

‘Now, where’s that church they’ve all been prattling on about?’ Mystra asked herself as she glanced around.

Fortunately, finding it wasn’t exactly a difficult task. The church was the largest building in Darrest and one of the few made completely out of stone. A circular stained glass window sat above a set of double doors as well, depicting a golden sun. The symbol of Hoten. At first, Mystra kept to the shadows as she approached the building. But found that the town that had been bustling when she arrived so late, was now completely empty.

‘Well, that was a waste of time…’ Mystra grumbled to herself as she quickly rushed towards the church.

Despite how adamant Samuel had been about Mystra staying away from the church at night, the doors weren’t locked. With a smirk, the Goblin slowly opened them and peeked inside. Only, nobody was in there. Candles were burning and there were some coats that had been discarded that hung over the pews, so people definitely had been here. Seeing as Mystra also didn’t hear anyone while “sneaking” through town, they also couldn’t have returned to their homes. Which meant they still had to be in the building somewhere.

‘Well, well, well. Where did they all go?’  Mystra mused as she slipped inside and started to snoop around.

It took the Goblin no time at all to find a door leading down below, to the catacombs, where she was greeted by a soft green light that came from the depths. A voice in the back of her head yelled at her to get out and leave this town behind. But curiosity won out over common sense as Mystra slowly started to descend the staircase. The priestess didn’t know what she had expected to find down there, but it certainly wasn’t the scene she stumbled upon.

‘Honestly,’ she whispered to herself. ‘I expected something a lot more…gruesome.’

Instead she saw men of various ages surround a priestess clad in the white and blue garb of Hoten. It was difficult for Mystra to determine her age, mainly because she was more focused on all that cockmeat surrounding the woman, but the Goblin guessed she was somewhere in her thirties. Sweaty blonde locks peeked out from underneath the coif she wore and stuck to her face while a mouth, blessed with full, plush pink lips, was opened wide to receive the occasional streamer of precum that shot forth from one of the dicks surrounding her. A small beauty mark decorating the right corner of her mouth. Small round glasses were perched on a sharp, small nose and seemed to make the nasty, hungry look in the priestess’ bright blue eyes even more obvious.

‘My, this is not quite how I remember a priestess of Hoten acting,’ Mystra mused to herself with an amused little smile. ‘And is that even allowed?’ She added as she pulled her eyes away from the woman’s face, and the men’s monstrous dicks, with some effort.

Her eyes took in a graceful, swan-like neck and slim, feminine shoulders only to pause when she saw the priestess’ chest. In a word, they were humongous. A little smaller than a pair of pumpkins and looked about ready to rip through her habit. The heavy jugs were resting on a large, swollen stomach that looked as if she was ready to give birth. With the size of her chest and stomach, the blonde’s habit was riding up to reveal shapely legs encased in white socks that went up to about her thick thighs between which a plump, swollen labia with a tuft of blonde hair above it was hiding.

‘What…the…fuck…’ Mystra cursed as she noticed a slick, greenish black tentacle force itself out of the priestess’ twat, it looked about as thick as Mystra’s wrist and was dripping with a pale green, nearly white, slime.

Judging from the priestess’ moans, the experience was quite a pleasurable. Seeing it was enough for Mystra to want to bolt, however. Unfortunately for her, she made the decision a bit too late as she watched another tentacle be pushed from the blonde’s slit, followed by another one and then another one. Before Mystra could ascend even one of the steps, the tentacles shot towards her and wrapped themselves around her ankles and wrists. With a yelp, Mystra landed on her meaty, round rear and was pulled towards the orgy.

‘My, my,’ A calm, soothing voice called out as Mystra’s bumped into the large, soft body of the blonde priestess. ‘It appears that we have a guest!’

Only now that she was surrounded by the men did Mystra realize where the light that she had seen from the top of the stairs had come from. Everyone’s eyes, except for those of the priestess, were burning with a bright green light. More came from deeper into the catacombs, but from her current position it was hard to get a good look. She no longer felt the tentacles around her arms and legs, but she could feel something wriggling underneath the surface of the blonde’s stomach as she was pushed against her.

‘A-apologies, Saint Ursula! She was told to stay indoors.’ Mystra heard the stranger that had brought her into town say.

‘Nonsense, Douglas! Hoten welcomes all creatures that stand in his light.’

‘But it’s dark, though,’ Mystra countered, voice muffled as her face was but a few inches removed from Ursula’s chest. ‘And we’re underground.’

‘...What do you boys say to introducing our guest to our ways?’ The blonde asked, warmly. Though judging from the way her grip on Mystra tightened, the Goblin’s words did annoy her.

The men surrounding her all voiced their agreement at once and as Ursula released her, Mystra felt several strong hands pawing at her thighs, her asscheeks and her full, heavy breasts as they lifted her up and laid her down on a nearby stone slab. All of them hungrily jerking their cocks as one of the townspeople stepped between her opened legs. Ursula watched it all transpire with her arms crossed underneath her massive bust, a satisfied smirk on her plump, soft lips. Mystra simply returned the smirk as she began to chant softly in Goblinoid. This seemed to give the men pause, which gave Mystra just enough time to finish said chant.

A golden glow enveloped the curvy Goblin’s body and when it disappeared a golden mark had appeared on Mystra’s body, just below her bellybutton. It was the outline of a hyacinth, sparkling gold in the faint, ghostly green light. Everyone gathered around Mystra patted their bodies in confusion, but when they found nothing wrong all men turned as one towards Ursula whose face was an unreadable mask.

‘It appears the powers of her heathen God have no power in a house of Hoten,’ Ursula told them in a smug tone of voice. ‘Now, do with her as you wish!’ The so called Saint ordered.

That’s what you think… Mystra thought to herself, the smug smile still on her face as a monstrous, precum dripping pole splayed her plump labia apart.

As the first drop of precum hit her wet, sensitive folds, Mystra felt a tingle pass through her body. It was probably some kind of powerful aphrodisiac, but with Hyasint’s mark of protection on her it barely had any effect. Still, she should probably play things up a bit as to not get into more trouble than she was already. With an exaggerated moan, the Goblin opened her legs a little wider and tried to dig her heels into the man’s buttocks. Only to find that she was too short to reach. She grumbled a bit at that, but her partner got the hint and roughly pushed his hips forwards.

A wet impact resounded through the catacombs as Mystra managed to take the large cock all the way to the hilt, it was followed by the sound of her yelling in pleasure. Only to be abruptly silenced when someone roughly pulled her head towards them so they could shove their monstrous member into her mouth. The men around her grew bolder now, shoving their pricks into her small, dainty hands and forcing the Goblin to jerk them off while their companions ruthlessly continued to fuck her face and pussy.

‘I believe they got this handled,’ Ursula mused as she approached some of the men surrounding Mystra and jerking off on her. ‘So I need you to feed the child of Hoten.’ The blonde proclaimed as she kneeled down before one of the villagers while stroking her gravid belly.

He didn’t spare Mystra so much as a glance as he turned around and eagerly pushed his fat cockhead past the Saint’s plush lips. That stung Mystra’s pride a little, but it rapidly recovered when she heard a wet gag escape Ursula’s throat. Meanwhile, she was having her throat fucked with barely any trouble. Mystra’s plump, bee-stung and black painted lips once again formed a smug smile, or something close to it, as they were stretched around the fat shaft that was pounding away at her throat.

Mystra didn’t know if the priestess had noticed her expression, indeed how could she from her current position, but the Goblin couldn’t help but notice how a pair of pale, slender hands were placed upon the buttocks of the man Ursula was sucking off as she eagerly pulled him closer. Not to be outdone, Mystra dug the heels of her boots into the buttcheeks of the man eagerly pounding away at her cunt, seeing as she could reach now. As she did this, she tightened her grip on the two members in her hands and pumped her arms up and down as fast as she could. All while her tongue teased the fat veins that criss crossed along the thick pole that had been hammering down her throat for the past few minutes.

It didn’t take long before the men surround Mystra groaned and grunted. Semen with the consistency of oatmeal blasted from the tip of each dick that she was spoiling, dumping rope after rope in her soaked, clenching cunny as well as nearly straight into her stomach. Once again, her whole body tingled and although the strange seed of the men didn’t have its usual effect thanks to her divine protection, the tingling sensation still brought Mystra enough pleasure to release a muffled, orgasmic scream. Everyone watched as the curvy little Goblin arched her back while her clear juices along with a thick load of jizz blasted from her climaxing muff.

This little display was enough to set off the two townspeople Mystra had been jerking off, causing them to coat the Goblin’s huge, jiggling jugs with fat, hot ropes of white jizz. But nearly as quickly as strings landed, they disappeared with a slight sizzling sound. Once again, the tingling sensation passed through Mystra’s body and she continued to writhe and moan on the uncomfortable stone slab as it set off another wave of orgasms. The men looked confused and started to back off, but Mystra was having none of it.

‘Come on, weren’t you going to “introduce” me to your “ways”?’ She spat, strings of drool and cum clinging to her inky black lips. ‘So far your “ways” remind me of being back with my kind, the only difference being that the men here call it quits far sooner.’

After she said those words, the green light in the men that had just orgasmed winked out and they stumbled backwards and collapsed. Apparently, the spell she had cast on herself had some unforeseen side-effects. Their companions didn’t seem to notice, their eyes instead grew brighter as they clumped up tighter around Mystra. Clearly, she had wounded their pride. And, to make matters worse, she goaded them with a wide, impish grin.

A soft squeak passed her lips as somebody suddenly lifted her up from the stone slab. It was Samuel, one of Douglas’ sons. He didn’t say a word, not that he needed to. Both of them knew he was going to use Mystra’s body to rid himself of his frustrations. A hot, spongy cockhead that was about half the size of Mystra’s clenched fist prodded against her butthole. It looked as if it would never fit, but as Samuel’s member belched out a fat wad of precum the, now lubricated, hole slowly started to dent inwards before it stretched around the crown of the young man’s monstercock.

Once a few inches of Samuel’s dick disappeared into Mystra’s anal tunnel, his brother appeared and lined his own huge prick up with the Goblin’s accommodating, dripping cunt and pushed his hips forward. Mystra gasped as she was being filled up nicely by the two monstercocks, but before she could catch her breath one pair of hands was laid on her shoulders and another was placed on her hips and she was pushed down roughly. This time, Mystra didn’t even have a chance to gasp as her stomach bulged out obscenely due to the two huge shafts. She merely opened and closed her mouth repeatedly while clenching and unclenching her fists.

Just when Mystra thought they were about to move, no doubt in an attempt to mercilessly drive her to another orgasm, everyone paused as the man Ursula had been sucking off gurgled and crumpled to the floor as well. The self proclaimed Saint merely got to her feet and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, still smiling warmly. But Mystra didn’t miss the way in which her stomach moved and bulged as something inside of her seemed awfully happy with the treat it had received.

‘It appears we have quite the energetic guest now, don’t we?’ She mused as she glanced at the three townspeople slumbering on the floor. Mystra wasn’t sure, but she thought she saw a hint of anger appear on the blonde’s face. ‘Perhaps I should grant the two of you one of Hoten’s boons?’ Ursula asked, and the two brothers nodded almost robotically in response.

‘Good!’ Ursula exclaimed with a delighted little smile. ‘Why don’t the rest of you boys help me undress?’ 

As soon as she asked this, the rest of the townsfolk surrounded Ursula and began to claw at her habit. The sound of cloth tearing echoed through the catacombs as the blonde’s huge, heavy pale tits were freed. They were capped with thick pink nipples that started to dribble milk all over the enormous globes and round stomach as soon as they were exposed to the cold air. At the sight of them, Samuel and his brother’s cocks twitched inside of her and she heard them swallow audibly as the blonde approached.

‘Good boys!’ Ursula mused in the same excited tone of voice as she got up on her toes and pushed Samuel’s head down towards one nipple, and his brother’s towards the others.

Mystra watched them drink eagerly, milk running down their chins. And just when she wondered what the hell was going on, she felt the two dicks inside her grow bigger. The curvy little Goblin groaned and growled as she clawed at the older brother’s chest, feeling some slight discomfort at the sudden expansion happening inside of her. This was seemingly enough to finally set the two young men off as they each spat out Ursula’s nipples and pulled Mystra up in perfect sync.

Mystra squealed in response, caught off guard by the sudden movement and the emptiness she felt. Obviously, both of the young men were quick to force her back down and were rewarded by a pleased little hiss from the Goblin. Mystra noticed the older brother nod, presumably to Samuel, and the two continued to jerk her entire body up and down. Her stiff, sensitive dark green nipples dragged over the older brother’s hairy chest as she went up, down and up again. Sending little sparks of pleasure up to her brain along with the big sparks she received from the enlarged monstercocks stretching her insides.

‘Well, Goblin? Are you ready to accept the Hoten into your heart?’ Ursula asked smugly, milk still flowing from her nipples and staining the tattered remains of her habit.

‘I’ll accept him somewhere, alright!’ Mystra groaned as her body was pulled up again.

‘How unfortunate, I see there is no reasoning with a creature as obscene as you.’ Ursula sighed sadly.

‘I’m…I’m obscene?’ Mystra giggled as she glanced at the blonde’s bared breasts. But was abruptly silenced as the brothers forced her down again.

Ursula simply shook her head and watched as Mystra was being bounced up and down as if she were nothing more than a toy, her orgasmic juices squirting from her cockstuffed twat whenever she was pushed down while she screamed in pleasure and her eyes rolled in her head. Yet, the Goblin’s confidence never wavered and she actually seemed to enjoy the two monstercocks pounding away at her holes. When the two brothers finally grunted and dumped their loads in her womb and bowels respectively, she actually looked disappointed!

Mystra felt that familiar tingling again as Hyasint protected her from whatever was in the semen of these men, and once again she squealed in pleasure. As she writhed in pleasure between the bodies of Samuel and his brother, the green light in their eyes faded just like it had with the other townsfolk and they collapsed. Falling to the stone floor of the stone catacombs, didn’t sound pleasant. But fortunately, Mystra landed softly as she was still stuck between the bodies of both brothers.

As their members slowly softened inside of her, causing their excess semen to flow from her gaping holes, Ursula stalked over to her and none-too-gently pushed the young man lying on top of Mystra off of her. The gentle mask she had worn ever since Mystra first saw her had shattered and she looked furious. Apparently this was the first time she noticed the little side-effect that Mystra’s spell had on the townsfolk, and she wasn’t happy.

‘I suppose that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.’ She snarled as she waved her hands and uttered a few words.

The last thing Mystra noticed, as her eyelids suddenly felt very heavy and started to droop, were how tentacles had pushed themselves out of the blonde priestess’ snatch once again and started to close in around her…

To be continued...

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