Thursday 28 February 2019

The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 13: Setting Sail

After finally leaving Dollokin, Rickard and his companions set out to Saltline Bay to find the ship sent by "The Blue Moon Merchant Company"...only to find out that this merchant company hasn't been seen in the city for quite some time. Fortunately, they manage to cut a deal to gain passage on another ship...

Contains: M/F, huge cock, huge ass, blowjob, throatfuck, anal sex, excessive cum

You can read the other 18 Inch Curse chapters HERE

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The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 13: Setting Sail

Their trip from Dollokin to Saltline Bay was much like their trip from Greystone to Dollokin. Bad, overgrown roads that clearly hadn’t been taken care of in years. So, once again, Kess had to get off of her horse to cut down the plant life that blocked their way. Which meant Rickard got to enjoy watching her large, firm behind tense before every swing. So it wasn’t all bad. Although Rickard was certain that the Dwarven smith that had crafted Kess’s new battle-axe wouldn’t be happy to learn that she used it like a simple lumberjack’s axe.

‘I think I took care of the worst of it!’ Kess called out, tanned skin covered in a thin layer of sweat, before jumping back into her saddle.

‘Alright then, let’s go! Saltline Bay away!’ Rickard shouted as clicked his tongue to get the donkey moving… 

...unfortunately Saltline Bay didn’t turn out to be the rich, bustling trading port everyone had been hoping for. As they got closer it became obvious that most of the buildings seemed to be in disrepair, or were simply abandoned completely. There did seem to be people working on the docks, but the further away you got from the docks the more men and women seemed to have turned to begging or whoring themselves.

Rickard, Kess and Ciara didn’t seem impressed by what they saw, but Brynn looked at the massive stretched out deep blue body of water behind the city with large eyes and an opened mouth. It probably was the first time that the Dwarven woman had seen the ocean, and Rickard couldn’t help but smile as he saw her reaction. But as they entered the city, the sense of wonder quickly faded from Brynn’s eyes and was replaced with an expression similar to that of the rest of her companions.

‘Excuse me, sir. Do you happen to know if there was a ship sent by “The Blue Moon Merchant Company”?’ Ciara asked, leaning out of the wagon, as they passed a man sitting in the doorway of a dilapidated building.

The man glanced up from the bottle he was clutching, looking like he wished to say nasty. But seeing the innocent priestess leaning out of the wagon, staring at him with those big brown eyes, made him change his mind. Or maybe it was the tall, muscular barbarian woman sitting on a huge, angry black stallion wielding a Dwarven-made axe that did it.

‘You wanna know about ships? Check the bloody docks…’ He muttered, and quickly returned his attention back to his bottle.

‘Thank you so much!’ Ciara called out, as they moved further into Saltline Bay.

As they got closer to the docks, more people appeared on the streets. Clearly, this was where the money was. Unfortunately, there was no hint of “The Blue Moon Merchant Company”. Rickard didn’t see any flags or sails bearing the blue crescent moon between the dark sea and black sky. When asking passing sailors, all they heard is that “The Blue Moon Merchant Company” hadn’t been seen in Saltline Bay in a long, longtime.

‘Great, now what do we do?’ Rickard grumbled, slumping on the wagon’s bench.

‘We might have to look for someone else to help us transfer our goods.’ Bryn piped from next to Rickard.

‘You’re completely right! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that! Please, do point me to the captain that will allow us passage on their ship completely free of charge.’ Rickard replied sarcastically.

‘Now, now, Rickard. There is no need to be snippy…’ Ciara said, interrupting the young man and the Dwarf.

‘I know, I’m sorry…’ Rickard grumbled. ‘I just…don’t like being out here.’ He added softly, glancing at the hard faced men and women that wandered about near the docks, clearly sizing them up. Only the presence of Kess and Brynn seemed to make them think twice about robbing them.

‘Excuse me, but I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation.’ A voice suddenly piped up from an alleyway, and only then did Rickard notice that a shirtless, dark skinned man with a red kerchief tied around head was standing there.

‘Rickard’s sarcasm does have a tendency of carrying, yeah.’ Kess replied with a friendly smile, though Rickard didn’t miss the way in which her muscles tensed or how her fingers were mere inches away from the handle of her battleaxe. Which meant that this stranger must’ve noticed it too.

‘Some interesting goods you’re carrying there,’ The man mused, he didn’t appear to be intimidated by Kess. Or was simply very good at pretending he wasn’t. ‘There might be a few captains interested in trading some of those in return for passage on their ship.’

‘And I suppose you’re one of those captains?’ Rickard asked drily.

‘Oh no, but I might know someone who’s interested.’ He responded with a toothy grin. ‘Look for the captain of The Flying Viper in “The Salty Swig” tavern, they might be able to help out.’

‘Sure, that sounds trustworthy,’ Rickard grumbled as the man retreated further into the alleyway. ‘I just love taking advice from mysterious strangers that just disappear into shady alleyways.’

‘But we’re going, right?’ Kess asked as Rickard ranted at the air.

‘Yeah…’ Rickard replied, defeated.

* * * *

“The Salty Swig” tavern was about what Rickard had expected. It was dark, even during the day, poorly maintained, and had the smell of stale beer, vomit and piss hanging about. Overall, it was a depressing place. Well, at least one table seemed to be having fun. A group of men were sitting around what had to be the cleanest table in the tavern, a young woman at its head. 

When Rickard, Kess and Ciara stepped in, several heads turned to look at them. They had left Brynn to watch over the wagon. Although the Dwarf didn’t look quite as intimidating as Kess, Rickard was certain that even the poor and desperate would think twice about going after their wagon when they saw the large, heavy crossbow she was wielding or the shortsword on her hips.

One of the people that turned their head was the man that had told them to visit “The Salty Swig”, and he lifted his cup in greeting. Grinning triumphantly at the scowling Rickard. Then he turned towards the woman at the head of the table. She had the same dark complexion as the man and seemed to be in charge, probably the captain that he had spoken off. Although she certainly wasn’t dressed like any other ship captains that Rickard had seen.

Like the rest of the men at the table, she was dressed lightly. A simple, sleeveless vest cover her modest, but shapely chest. Leaving bare a very trim waist and flat stomach. She had thrown one leg onto the table, revealing that her feet were bare and that her trousers were rather short, cut off just below the knees, and very tight. The only thing identifying her as the captain was her tricorn hat, which currently placed next to her on the table, and a saber attached to a belt that was hanging from the back of her chair.

This left her head bare, and bare it was. Her head had been shaved completely smooth. It made her small, slightly pointed ears stand out even more and made it obvious that, together with her bright yellow eyes, she wasn’t quite human. The dark skin and yellow eyes made Rickard think she was Unzali, they were known for worshipping some sort of serpent god?

Rickard was shaken from his thoughts when the captain finally spoke up.

‘Berko,’ She spoke, turning her head to the dark-skinned men that had first spoken to Rickard. ‘Are these the people you spoke off?’ She asked lazily.

‘Yes, captain.’ The man, called Berko, replied. ‘It appears they might’ve missed their ship.’

‘What a shame…’ The captain cooed.

‘Alright, enough of this song and dance.’ Rickard muttered. ‘Your man here obviously already told you everything. We need you and we got something you want, so let’s make a deal already.’

‘Well, you’re no fun…’ The captain muttered with a roll of her eyes.

‘I know, right?’ Kess asked with a friendly grin. Now it was Rickard’s turn to roll his eyes.

‘However, I don’t mind a man that can cut to the chase.’ The captain purred as she got up slowly, putting the tricorn hat onto her head. And only now did Rickard notice how her left hand had been replaced by some contraption made of brass, a thumb and three fingers that resembled the talon of some great bird.

If she was bothered by Rickard staring at the prosthetic, she didn’t show it. Instead, she walked over towards Rickard and his group. Moving like one of those Unzali jungle cats Rickard had read about, which made the young man’s eyes shift from her hand to her hips. He hadn’t noticed at first, what with her sitting down, but the captain possessed a pair of broad, shapely hips that appeared even larger due to her slim, fit frame.

‘Now, why don’t you show me the goods, hm?’ The captain asked with a sly smile, suddenly lowering her head until her face was uncomfortably close to Rickard’s. Her smile showed a row of perfectly straight, white teeth. And Rickard couldn’t help but notice that her canines were a little longer, and sharper, than usual…

* * * *

After leaving “The Salty Swig” the group managed to keep Brynn from shooting the captain of “The Flying Viper” as they approached her and the wagon she was seated atop. The Unzali woman looked over the Dwarven goods stored in the group’s wagon with those bright, unsettling golden eyes of hers and after a brief discussion with Brynn they settled on a deal. Two casks of Dwarven ale and a pouch of perfectly cut and polished gemstones.

Why they wanted the ale, Rickard didn’t know. He didn’t even know if “ale” was the right word for the stuff, it just seemed like drinking fire to him. All in all, it seemed like they got off rather light. Perhaps it was simply because the goods were so rare, and in taking them to the Iros Isles they’d have a head start on selling them off before any legitimate businesses like the Blue Moon Merchant Company got the chance. They would probably make quite a bit of money that way.

…or maybe they were simply planning to screw them while in the middle of the ocean.

‘Mortimer! Tie that down! Zachary, if you don’t clean that up right now I swear by the Scaled One that I’ll cut your nuts off!’

Rickard was shook from his thoughts by the captain of ‘The Flying Viper’ barking orders at her men as they moved to and fro across the deck to get the ship ready for departure. They had finished loading up supplies for the journey, and of course the goods for The Blue Moon Merchant Company, a few hours ago and now Rickard and the rest of his companions stood around doing nothing. 

Although he wasn’t unfamiliar with ships, Rickard had never been on one. He didn’t know about his travelling companions, though. Kess looked far more comfortable than the rest of them aboard a ship. Brynn seemed terrified by the prospect of sailing. Rickard had heard her mutter to herself several times how it was “impossible” to move over such a large body of water with some hammered together wood and cloth to catch the wind. Ciara wasn’t freaking out like the Dwarven woman was, but still seemed uncomfortable as she moved around on deck.

‘Cast off!’ The captain finally called out, and the ropes affixed to the docks were undone as the sails unfurled.

As the slender, black ship cut through the deep blue waves, Rickard figured out why Ciara had looked so uncomfortable. The priestess quickly ran towards the side of the deck and loudly threw up over the railing. Seasickness. Great. This was going to be a long trip for the poor woman.

‘Clearly she does not follow the Gods of Sea.’ A voice purred from next to Rickard, and he nearly jumped out of his skin when he found the captain standing next to him, her brass hand resting on the pommel of her saber.

The captain flashed Rickard another predatory, toothy smile in response to watching him jump in shock. Ciara was muttering angrily, either at the captain or the situation in general, and the dark skinned woman simply barked out a laugh in response to it. Then, before Rickard could react, the captain grabbed the young man’s arm and dragged him away. She moved quietly, but Rickard’s footfalls were loud and clumsy as he was pulled along.

‘Where…are…are you going?’ Ciara asked, swallowing hard between words as she tried to keep her food down.

‘We’re just going to get you something for your stomach, darling.’ The captain cooed, again flashing Rickard that smile, as she continued pulling the young man along.

‘This something in your room?’ Rickard asked curiously as they ascended a few steps, passed the helmsman and approached the door leading towards the captain’s quarters.

‘Hm? Perhaps…’ The captain mused enigmatically as she opened the door and shoved Rickard inside. Caught off guard, Rickard stumbled but managed to remain standing. In the meantime, the captain had finished slipping inside herself and locked the door behind her with a loud *CLICK*.

‘What now?’ Rickard asked, worry creeping into his voice as his pale green eyes flashed towards the saber resting against the dark-skinned woman’s broad hip.

‘Although you must be punished for cutting my shore leave so short,’ the captain purred. ‘I will not be using this to do it.’

With that, she removed her belt and the saber hanging from it in one smooth movement and threw it over towards a coat rack. It was clearly a practiced movement as the belt caught one of the wooden pegs hanging there. The tricorn hat soon followed, landing on the wooden peg next to the belt. This brought Rickard’s attention back to the captain who, once again, flashed him that predatory grin as she grabbed onto the small vest that covered her torso.

‘They might not be as large as those of your companions, but I hope they please you…’ The dark-skinned woman purred, lights dancing merrily in her bright gold eyes as she suddenly shrugged the garment off.

Rickard swallowed hard as the Unzali woman suddenly flashed her breasts at him. The shapely globes were large enough to fit in the palms of his hands and capped with small, hard nipples. Clearly pleased with his reaction the captain placed her hands on her broad hips and stuck out her chest to make them appear larger.

‘Not that I’m complaining, captain,’ Rickard began, slightly worried how used he was getting to situations like these. ‘But why are you picking me out of all the men you are travelling with?’

‘Bah,’ The captain spat. ‘Where I back home, my crew would not bat an eyelash at me taking a brawny, sweaty colleague of theirs into my cabin for some fun. But you foreigners get jealous or believe they do not have to listen to my orders after I touched their cock.’ The Unzali woman explained.

‘You are not a part of my crew and since my shore leave was far too short for me to share a bed with a strong, handsome man? Well…you will have to do.’ The captain stated with a shrug and a wry smile.

‘Ouch…’ Rickard replied, hand on heart in mock pain. ‘Well, I did ask…’

‘You did,’ She agreed. ‘Now, get on the bed!’

‘Aye-aye, captain!’ Rickard said with a lazy salute as he sat down on the bed.

‘You are not a part of my crew,’ The Unzali woman said, scrunching up her nose as if she had smelled something foul. ‘Call me Monifa.’

‘Rickard.’ Rickard said by way of introduction as he took off his boots.

‘A pleasure,’ Monifa purred as she laid her hands on Rickard’s lap. ‘Oh? A real pleasure!’ She cooed as her right hand squeezed the long, meaty tube that was running down Rickard’s right pant leg.

‘Is this real?’ The captain asked as she slowly stroked the monstrous bulge.

‘Only one way to find out…’ Rickard replied as he began to tug his trousers down.

Monifa quickly decided to help him, and within moments Rickard’s trousers were around his ankles and eighteen inches of wrist-thick, veiny cockmeat were displayed to the Unzali woman’s eyes. Slowly rising underneath her surprised, but hungry, gaze.

‘By the Scaled One…’ Monifa murmured. ‘With a treat like this on board, perhaps the journey will not feel quite so long.’ She cooed, grasping the shaft with her good hand as she stroked it slowly.

The captain had trouble lifting Rickard’s massive, heavy shaft with just one hand, and Rickard desperately hoped she didn’t try to use her other one… The fingers of that brass contraption looked sharp! Yet, despite everything his cock continued to rise and he felt an all too familiar churning in his huge, weighty balls as precum began to leak from his cumslit. Staining the Unzali woman’s slender, dextrous fingers with the pearly fluid.

‘Mmm…’ Monifa moaned as she sucked her fingers clean, Rickard’s erection bobbing back and forth before her after she released it. ‘As salty as the sea itself. Yet, far more delicious! I must get a better taste.’

Rickard watched as the Unzali woman opened her mouth far wider than he thought possible, after which she forced his meaty pole down her throat. Copious amounts of precum spurted from his piss slit as his shaft was enveloped by the captain’s warm, wet mouth, and she swallowed it all gratefully as she made inch after monstrous inch disappear down her gullet. By now her throat was bulging obscenely, yet Monifa still showed no signs of stopping. It was clear that she was intent on swallowing all eighteen inches of the monstercock, so Rickard spread his legs a little further apart as her face came closer to his crotch. 

‘Gods…You actually managed…to take every last inch…’ Rickard groaned as he felt the captain’s sharp chin disappear between his huge testicles while her soft, full lips were wrapped tightly around the base of his long, thick shaft.

There weren’t many women who could deepthroat his cock, certainly not with such ease! That, combined with the smug look in the Unzali woman’s bright yellow eyes, made Rickard go a little crazy. So as his cock throbbed against Monifa’s full lips he grabbed the back of her smooth head and, while slowly rising to his feet, dragged it backwards. Drool and precum trickled down Monifa’s chin as inch after fat, veiny inch was pulled past her lips, but she didn’t seem concerned. Instead, she looked up at Rickard as if to challenge him.

It was a challenge the young man eagerly accepted.

With one brutal thrust Rickard sank every last inch of his monstrous member past the Unzali’s woman’s lips again. His balls bounced off of her chin with a soft smacking sound, but Monifa herself didn’t make any noise. Instead, she looked up at Rickard as if to ask: ‘Was that all?’

Rickard merely grinned and simply began to pump his hips, rapidly fucking the Unzali woman’s throat. It still didn’t seem to faze her, even as spit and precum continued to fly around, but Rickard didn’t really care. After all, when again would he have the chance to fuck a throat like this? So he decided that he could be as rough as he pleased. The sound of his nuts slapping against Monifa’s chin resounded through her quarters a little louder now, accompanied by his grunts as he sprayed precum right into her stomach.

However, after a few more minutes like this it became clear that Monifa was getting tired of remaining passive and letting the young man have his way with her throat. Rickard grunted as he suddenly felt the Unzali woman’s throat tighten around his throat...and then release. As a result, his thrusts slowed down and took on a slightly frantic pace. But that wasn’t all, he could also feel Monifa’s long, dextrous tongue licking the underside of his shaft and even teasing his large balls every now and again.

‘Al-alright, alright…’ Rickard moaned as he continued to weakly push his hips back and forth. ‘Y-you win, okay!?’ He grunted as he felt his nuts tensing up.

For the first time Monifa’s look of confidence seemed to disappear as she felt Rickard’s monstercock briefly swell up to an even greater size, soon followed by a deluge of hot, thick semen. The surprise on her face was only temporary, however, as she managed to swallow the young man’s huge load with surprising ease. When Rickard’s orgasm came to an end, and he sank back down onto the bed while releasing Monifa’s head, she sprang back up to her feet. Not even slightly out of breath, while Rickard himself looked like he needed a minute or two to recover.

‘That’s foreplay done,’ Monifa cooed as she slipped the fingers of her right hand down the waistband of her trousers, the front of which had grown noticeably damp. ‘Now let’s move on to the real thing!’

Slowly Monifa pulled her tight trousers down, revealing a plump, smooth labia. Her thick, shapely thighs were shining as juices ran down from her aroused cunt. The Unzali woman allowed Rickard a few moments to enjoy the view before she shoved him into the mattress and climbed on top of him, trapping his monstrous member between his tunic-clad stomach and her hot, wet pussy.

‘I thought you said foreplay was done?’ Rickard teased watching as Monifa’s labia was splayed apart on top of his girth, drooling girlcum as she began to slide back and forth over his monstrous length.

‘I believe I was…overconfident before,’ Monifa replied, grimacing as the thick, bulging veins on Rickard’s shaft teased her pussy. ‘Now I know I needed some extra lubrication for what I have planned.’

‘And what is that, exactly?’ Rickard asked, curiously.

Monifa didn’t reply immediately, instead sliding back and forth again and again. Not stopping until Rickard’s dick was shining with what was a combination of her saliva, juices and his own precum. Then she got off of him and spun around, showing off a pair of large, round asscheeks that made Rickard’s mouth water. With some effort she pried the dark, ballooning globes apart to show off her dripping snatch and tight, winking asshole. After which she finally said: ‘This!’

While keeping her buttcheeks spread Monifa slowly sat down on Rickard’s monstercock, grunting as the huge, slick shaft began stretching her anal tunnel. Thankfully, the captain could feel hot, sticky precum shooting into her bowels. Not that it didn’t make the insertion of the huge, meaty pole that much easier. Her sharp teeth dug into her plump bottom lip as she tried to force her body down further, while the fingers of her right hand teased her stiff little clit to turn the discomfort into pain.

‘Here, let me help you with that.’ Rickard mused, mouth forming into an impish smile as he saw the captain’s confidence fade.

His fingers sank into the Unzali woman’s abadunt assmeat as he grabbed hold of her meaty rump, before slowly dragging her body down. Rickard highly doubted he was stronger than Monifa, but she didn’t really resist him. Though she did cry out, before cursing and covering her mouth with her prosthetic hand. The other one was still too busy teasing her pussy, and Rickard didn’t miss the sound of her juices dripping onto the floor as he continued to slowly stretch her asshole.

‘Be gentle!’ Monifa ordered.

Rickard replied by giving her large rear a sharp swat. She cried out again as he watched the slapped asscheek jiggle.

‘I should have you keelhauled for that!’ The captain growled.

‘Then should we stop?’ Rickard asked, and he did pause in dragging the Unzali woman down.

‘Don’t you dare!’ Monifa snapped, before forcefully pushing herself down.

She seemed to immediately regret it as she gasped for air while her left hand went towards her belly, the brass fingertips teasing the slight bump that was now there. Unable to resist, Rickard gave her meaty rump another slap. This caused Monifa to jump slightly, but she didn’t chastise him again. Instead, she began to raise and lower her hips rhythmically. Each time she brought them down, another fat, throbbing inch disappeared into her bowels and the bump that had appeared on her stomach grew a little larger.

Sweat poured down Monifa’s body as she forced her body down again and again, grunts of effort passing her full lips as Rickard’s huge cock was pushed deeper and deeper into her ass. Finally, a meaty slap resounded through the room as the captain’s fat, round ass landed on Rickard’s lap. Monifa shuddered on top of the young man and the walls of her anal tunnel started to clench and unclench rapidly around the huge shaft, milking a few more spurts of precum from it.

‘By the Scaled One!’ Monifa squealed, too late in muffling her voice as an orgasm crashed into her like a wave.

It sounded like it rained within the captain’s quarters as Monifa’s juices landed on the wooden floor, her sharp chin resting on her chest as her body continued to shudder on Rickard’s lap. Unfortunately for her, Rickard clearly wasn’t satisfied yet. The way in which his monstercock throbbed incessantly against the walls of her anal tunnel made that very clear. The captain was still busy enjoying the afterglow of her climax, however. Which meant that she didn’t move fast enough for Rickard’s liking…

With a grunt, the young man began moving his hips. His hands still on the captain’s large ass. His thrusts were short and rapid as Rickard did his best to push the Unzali woman up and down on his cock. Even though she wasn’t resisting, the young man wasn’t strong enough to lift her very high. Not that it mattered, Rickard quite enjoyed the sensation of her soft, firm asscheeks slapping against his legs and her anal tunnel clenching around his massive member.

Weak moans passed Monifa’s full lips as Rickard continued to use her asshole to get himself off. Although she didn’t resist, she couldn’t assist him either. Her legs felt far too weak for that. Fortunately for both of them, Rickard’s own orgasm was fast approaching. With a low groan the young man pushed the Unzali woman down on his lap one last time, his member swelling up as he was prepared to shoot his load in Monifa’s bowels.

‘Argh! Hot!’ Monifa hissed as lances of thick, sticky jizz suddenly splattered against the walls of her anal tunnel. The brass prosthetic cradling her stomach slowly being pushed outwards as Rickard’s cum filled her up.

Now it was Rickard’s turn to shudder and regain his breath as he came down from his orgasm. His cum seeped from Monifa’s stretched asshole, past the tight seal that his fat monstercock made. With a grunt, Monifa stumbled forwards. Some strength having returned to her legs. An obscene, wet sucking sound resounded through the captain’s quarters as Rickard’s massive shaft escaped her bowels. Monifa remained standing, gasping for breath as cum streamed down the back of her legs and formed a small puddle at her feet, while Rickard collapsed on the bed.

‘This…Is going to be a fun trip.’ Monifa mused, more to herself than to Rickard. ‘You can go now, by the way.’ She added as she glanced over her shoulder at the young man, an impish grin on her face.

‘You’re joking…’ Rickard grumbled.

‘Does it look like I am?’ Monifa asked, quirking an eyebrow as she went to unlock the door.

‘There goes my chance of sleeping in a soft bed tonight…’ Rickard complained as he pulled his trousers back on and collected his boots.

‘Perhaps you have a chance tomorrow night?’ Monifa teased as Rickard stepped outside.

‘Wait, tomorrow?’ Rickard asked, but the door slammed shut behind him. Confused he sat down on deck, in front of the captain’s quarters, after getting his boots back on he went to find his companions…only to find it suddenly very dark as he felt something soft wrap around his face. 

‘Rickard?’ Kess asked, pulling his head out from her cleavage. How the tall, muscular woman had suddenly appeared before him he didn’t know. ‘What were you doing in there?’ She asked, nodding towards the captain’s quarters.

‘Becoming the captain’s boytoy, apparently.’ He grumbled.

‘Really, I thought you were mine?’ Kess asked with a teasing grin.

‘What?’ Was all that Rickard managed before the tall, top-heavy blonde dragged him off…

This, Rickard thought. Is going to be a long journey.

By this point it seemed that everyone had long forgotten about Ciara, who was still holding onto the railing tightly enough for her knuckles to turn white. Hoping that Rickard and the captain would return soon with something to help her with her seasickness. 

To be continued… 

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