Saturday 9 February 2019

Shortstack Saturday - Sefi Silvergrip

Sefi Silvergrip
(Cover by Queenchikkibug)

Urz the Orc warns his party that he feels a breeding frenzy coming on and asks his companions to chain him up and leave him for a day so it can pass. Sefi is far too impatient for that, and thinks she knows of a way to hopefully make it pass faster...

Contains: Orc, Elf, Dwarf, shortstack, M/F, MM/F, titfuck, buttjob, huge cock, huge breasts, excessive cum.

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Sefi Silvergrip

‘Urz, be a good lad and stay still.’ Sefi said from the foot of the Orc’s bed as she unbuckled her armour. The process was somewhat slow due the clumsy metal fingers of her left hand, but it wasn’t as if Urz was going anywhere.

‘I must admit, it is quite a feat that he can still struggle. I enhanced the strength of those chains myself.’ Galaron mused from a nearby table, enjoying a good book and a cup of tea. Unperturbed about the fact that he shared the room with a naked Orc chained to his bed and a Dwarf stripping out of her armour.

‘He did warn ye that he’d see any other males as potential rivals when the breedin’ frenzy comes upon him.’ Sefi replied in a conversational tone as Urz rattled his chains and the bed he laid upon creaked. ‘Even one as girly as ye are.’ The dwarf teased, just as her armour hit the floor of their inn room with a loud clatter.

Galaron didn’t rise to the bait. He was at least a century older than the silver-haired dwarf and he couldn’t even begin to calculate how much older he was than Urz. Instead, he licked his finger and turned the page of his book. Scanning the page with narrow, bright green eyes while taking a long sip of tea. Meanwhile, Sefi continued to strip which caused a cacophony of noise to resound through the room as her armour hit the floor.

‘Could you keep it down?’ Galaron grumbled.

‘Well, ye could help a woman out!’ Sefi snapped back. ‘This Mythril arm I got can hold a blade, but it ain’t all that dexterous.’

‘I fear that I need to focus all my attention on keeping my spells up,’ the Elf replied. ‘So I am terribly sorry, but I just can not help.’

‘Yer reading a bloody book!’ 

‘It is a spell book. Mentally reciting the lines keeps the magic strong.’

‘I ken see it’s a romance novel from here!’

‘Don’t be preposterous…’ Galaron muttered, but moved his hand none too subtle to hide the book’s cover from Sefi’s sight.

‘Ah…I get it, yer just too scared ta touch a real woman!’ Sefi teased as she finally managed to take off her last bit of armour.

Galaron was about to say how Sefi paled in comparison to an Elven maiden, but his reply died on his lips when the Dwarf nonchalantly pulled her tunic over her head. Broad shoulders and a muscular back lined with scars greeted the Elf, before the pale lines were hidden behind Sefi’s mane of silver hair. Although Galaron hadn’t been looking at the scars…

No, despite the Dwarf’s broad back he could see the sides of her breasts while she was facing away from him. How her armour could contain those huge, heavy globes he didn’t know. He could feel his member stirring in his white and gold robes and mentally chastised himself. By the Gods, he was a student of the Arcane! He had no time to be concerned by the pleasures of the flesh!

Instead, he eyed Sefi’s armour while he ran down a mental checklist of spells he knew to wonder if they had somehow been used to hide the actual size of her chest. All while ignoring the sensation of his cock brushing against the soft fabric of his robes, and hoping that Sefi wouldn’t turn around to see the state she had put him in.

Fortunately for Galaron, the Dwarf’s focus had shifted to the other man in the room. Urz, who had voluntarily chained himself to the bed. He had suggested that Sefi and Galaron leave him on the bed for a day or so, after which he should be fine. But Sefi shared that she had other plans. They had places to be, after all. So as soon as Urz’s chains had been fastened and supplied by Galaron’s magic, she removed the pelt he had worn around his waist to keep him decent. He had protested, but Sefi would have none of. Claiming if she could just “drain him” this would be over all the sooner.

‘Looks that was easier said than done, eh?’ Sefi piped up. More to herself than Urz, it wasn’t as if the Orc was listening to her anymore.

Urz was lying on a twin size bed that was specially made for his kind, at least according to the innkeeper, but the piece of furniture still looked too small for him. The white mattress was barely visible underneath his tall, wide form and if it wasn’t for the chains keeping his arms and legs tied around the bedpost the long, muscular limbs would likely reach to the wooden floor.

‘I think that weasely little bastard scammed us!’ Sefi grumbled to herself as she thought about the Gnomish Innkeeper. But there was no time to worry about that now.

With a grunt Sefi kicked off her boots and climbed onto the bed. The Dwarf kept her trousers on, but the material clung tightly to her broad, baby bearing hips and a pair of large, but firm, asscheeks. Which was a detail Galaron just happened to catch from the corner of his eye as he continued to try and divide his attention between his novel and Sefi’s armour. He wasn’t looking because she was wiggling it to and fro so enticingly while she crawled closer to Urz’s crotch. Don’t be absurd!

Urz’s eyes were locked onto Sefi’s pale, heavy breasts as they squeezed and brushed against his thick, hairy legs as she crawled closer and closer. He only made some sounds of pleasure, his voice muffled by the metal bar that had been placed in his mouth to gag him. They would have used a leather strap or piece of wood to keep him quiet, but when his mind was still clear he had advised against it. In his current state he would have just bitten through it and would’ve caused such a ruckus that the city watch would no doubt get involved.

Sure enough, as Sefi looked up at the Orc’s face he looked as if he was in one of his battlefield rages. His normally kind brown eyes now looked red, his sharp teeth were bared and looked like they had managed to put some dents into his metal gag while his tusks were nearly entirely visible and went halfway up his cheeks. His black hair didn’t look as wild as while he was fighting, still kept together in his warrior’s topknot, but that was the only thing about Urz that still looked civil. His muscles were bulging as he strained against his chains and beads of sweat ran down his muscular form, making his green skin shine.

The only thing that made it clear that this was different from one of Urz’s battle rages was the enormous meaty pole that Sefi was crawling towards. Like everything concerning Urz, it was big. It was as long as the Dwarf’s mythril prosthetic, from a little below the elbow to her clenched fist…and probably just as thick. No wonder Orcs looked like they were stuck in a berserker’s rage during their breeding frenzies. Taking a monstercock like Urz’s was probably as dangerous as any fight, if not more so, for a female Orc.

‘No worries, ya big oaf,’ Sefi teased as she hefted her nearly cantaloupe sized breasts upwards. ‘I’ve got something ta help ye relax!’ She added playfully, trying not to get intimidated by the the intense desire in Urz’s eyes. Usually he was the calm and sensible one, despite being a lot younger than his travelling companions, at least until the fighting started. Now though? Not so much.

Strangely enough, Sefi didn’t mind much. She did feel her face grow warm and her normally pale cheeks had no doubt grown rosy. Her heart threatened to leap out of her chest as well with how hard it was beating but she pretended that she wasn’t affected by the Orc’s clear desire for her. Instead, she finally remembered to lower her breasts over Urz’s massive green member.

‘Hot!’ Sefi yelped as Urz’s shaft slowly sank into her cleavage. ‘No wonder yer sweating like an Elf working in a Dwarven forge!’ She added, hissing softly as the Orc’s hot, veiny shaft throbbed against her soft, heavy breasts.

Galaron coughed at the mention of Elves, fearing that he had been caught as he watched Sefi work from where he sat. His eyes having been fixated on the pale, silver haired Dwarf’s rump as she crawled over his companion’s large body, though they quickly snapped back to his novel when he thought Sefi had noticed this. When that didn’t seem to be the case he quickly returned his gaze to the scene on the bed.

‘Something wrong, Galaron?’ Sefi asked in response to the Elf’s coughing, while struggling to squeeze her tits around the Orc’s fat, monstrous pole.

‘Everything is fine! Just a, eh, interesting development in my book.’ Galaron lied.

‘Ye could always join us, if ye want…’ Sefi teased, shaking her rear as if she knew the Elf had been watching.

‘Don’t be ridiculous!’ Galaron murmured as he awkwardly adjusted his tenting robes.

Sefi’s broad shoulders moved up and down, although from his position it was hard for Galaron to see if the Dwarf was shrugging or pulling her breasts up and down over Urz’s member. Whichever it was, Sefi’s attention seemed to be on Urz. Because of that, Galaron continued to “adjust” his robes as he watched the Dwarf. His novel now forgotten.

‘Folks always tell me they’ve never seen a Dwarf as busty as me!’ Sefi announced proudly as she continued squeezing her huge jugs around Urz’s shaft. ‘But it looks like me cleavage can nae contain all of yer cock!’

Urz’s only response were angry grunts and growls, muffled by the metal gag in his mouth, as several inches of his dick stuck out from between Sefi’s tits as she brought the huge orbs down all the way to the base of the Orc’s shaft. Copious amounts of precum had been leaking from the Orc’s cumslit for the past few minutes, lathering the pale Dwarf’s knockers up with the clear fluid and making them all slippery and shiny. Sefi, of course, hadn’t missed this.

‘Seems like it’s plenty for ye, though!’ Sefi grinned, glancing at precum running down her pale tits!

More muffled grunts from Urz in response, and one grunt that came from behind Sefi. One that wasn’t muffled. Sefi smiled impishly to herself, but didn’t look back. Not yet, anyway. First, she hefted her breasts up again. The precum that had pooled up at the top of her cleavage spilled out, lubing her huge pale breasts up with more of the pearly fluid and running down her stomach and spilling over Urz’s legs. Once the head of the Orc’s huge cock disappeared between Sefi’s jugs, she decided to look over her shoulder. Seeing exactly what she had expected.

Galaron had opened his robes completely and was eagerly stroking his cock. To Sefi’s surprise, the Elf was blessed with quite a member. It was long, possible longer than Urz’s dick, and curved upwards slightly. It wasn’t as thick as the pole currently stuffed in her cleavage, though. Nor did it bulge with veins. But it was definitely far bigger than Sefi had expected it to be.

‘Just bloody join us already!’ Sefi cursed as she released the hold on her breasts and reached back to tug her trousers down.

Galaron froze in place, his hand still on his shaft, in response to being caught by Sefi. However, his hand slowly began to move again as Sefi pulled her trousers down. Large pale buttocks, perfectly rounded and firmed up by years of swinging a sword and going on adventures, spilled from the Dwarf’s tight trousers. With a soft clapping sound Sefi’s full asscheeks hit each other, indicating that she had pulled her trousers down far enough.

‘Stop playing with yerself and stop starin’ at me ass,’ Sefi snapped. ‘Either get up here and have some fun, or bugger off!’ And with that, Sefi tightened her grip on her breasts again and continued sliding them up and down Urz’s shaft. Cursing as her globes had grown even more slippery with the Orc’s precum after having been distracted by Galaron.

‘Fine,’ Galaron grumbled as he shrugged completely out of his robes, revealing a slender, hairless body. The complete opposite of Urz with his thick muscles and hairy body. ‘But I am only doing this to keep the spells strengthened!’ The Elf grumbled as he climbed onto the bed, squeezing his long, slender shaft between Sefi’s thick, firm asscheeks.

As soon as the other man climbed on the bed, Urz’s growls grew louder and Sefi yelped as a spurt of hot, thick precum blasted from her cavernous cleavage and splattered against her chin. The muscular Orc also pushed his hips upwards, causing the chains to rattle and the bed to creak. Sefi’s slate grey eyes widened and she feared that the Orc was about to get out. Fortunately, he only succeeded in fucking her warm, soft and by this point very slippery, tits with rough and rapid thrusts.

‘Aren’t you glad I stayed now?’ Galaron asked, and Sefi could practically hear the smug smile on his face.

‘Agh, shut it!’ Sefi growled, throwing her hips back.

An ‘Oof!’ came from behind her as Sefi’s rump collided with Galaron’s crotch. The Elf had to grab onto her waist so he wouldn’t fall off the bed, pulling her back slightly in the process. More loud, muffled growls and grunts came from Urz as Sefi’s chest was pulled away from his member. Impatiently, the big Orc pushed his hips upwards again and the bed creaked louder than it did before.

‘Calm down, would ya! There’s enough Sefi ta go ‘round!’ The Dwarf barked, shooting Galaron a glare as she pressed her chest against Urz’s muscular green form before sliding forwards.

Urz calmed down as Sefi slowly moved her body upwards, trapping his leaking monstercock between his stomach and her huge breasts, but glared as she pulled her body backwards again. Closer to Galaron. At the same time, Galaron pushed the large, firm halves of Sefi’s rump around his long shaft and groaned as she started moving back and forth. Urz seemed annoyed that not all of the Dwarf’s attention was on him any longer, but that didn’t stop his huge, meaty pole from throbbing and leaking precum.

Galaron, meanwhile, seemed perfectly happy with the amount of attention he got from Sefi. He kneaded her large, firm buttocks gently and matched the Dwarf’s movements with his hips. After several minutes of Sefi dragging her body back and forth, Galaron also began to produce precum. Feeling the hot, sticky fluid land on her back or slide between her asscheeks made Sefi release a hiss of surprise…before her lips tugged up to form a relieved smile.

‘I’m glad ta have a bit of extra lubrication! Didn’t want ta be here all night!’ She mused while glancing over her shoulder at Galaron.

The Elf looked at her in confusion, but quickly got the hint when she started to move her body faster and faster. In a few seconds, Urz howled. Loud enough that the people in the next room had no doubt heard him, despite the metal gag, and hot white jizz blasted from the tip of his member. Sefi released a satisfied moan as the white, sticky gunk spilled over her huge chest and stomach, yet didn’t stop moving. Coating both her own body, and Urz’s, with the Orc’s thick semen. Urz made sounds of frustration, but his monstrous dick remained as hard as fine Dwarven steel.

‘I should’ve figured once wasn’t enough ta finish ye off!’ Sefi moaned as cum stained the sheets below her and Urz, the scent of semen assaulting her nostrils.

Urz only growled in response again, desperately trying to pump his hips as he tried to breed the Dwarf. Sadly, all Sefi would give him were her soft breasts. But considering how his attempts to break out of his chains had been minimal, it seemed to be enough for Urz. So with a grin, Sefi continued to slide her body back and forth. Coating her huge tits with even more of the Orc’s hot, sticky semen in the process.

‘Sefi!’ Galaron suddenly called out from behind her and she felt the Elf’s slender cock expand between her buttcheeks, followed quickly by two, then three and then four hot ropes of cum. It splattered onto her muscular back, before slowly running down towards her asscheeks.

‘Hope ye can keep goin’ as well!’ Sefi growled. ‘Because I’m nae gonna stop!’

She decided not to give him a chance to respond as she roughly shoved herself back, forcing a few more spurts of cum from Galaron’s lengthy dick as now only the crown of his member peeked out from between her buttcheeks. Then, just as quickly, she shoved her body forwards again. Cum sloughed off of her huge tits as they rubbed over Urz’s massive erection again, only to be coated again by ropes of precum.

And like that, Sefi continued. Back and forth, again and again. All accompanied by the sounds of male grunts and cum sliding off her small, muscular and very curvy form. Every now and then Urz or Galador would grunt louder and Sefi could feel their sticky seed rain down on her. It would cover her ass, or spray out from her cleavage to splatter against her face. On and on it went, but both of her partners seemed insatiable! Until finally, she was simply too tired to go on…

* * * *

When Urz awoke he felt…calm. His breeding frenzy seemed to have passed without incident. Or so he thought. Then he felt a weight resting on his crotch and stomach. A sticky weight. Raising his head, Urz noticed the form of Sefi. Or, at least, he thought it was her. Dried cum stuck to her huge, naked tits and more was plastered onto her face. One of her eyes was glued shut and her silver hair was matted and stuck to her face.

Urz tried to get up, but found he was still chained to the bed. All he managed to do was rattle his chains a bit, the noise of which, along with him shifting his body, didn’t wake the Dwarf at all. Some dried spunk that clung to Sefi’s large, firm behind fell onto the sheets, but that was all. Urz did notice Galaron’s foot sticking out from behind the bed, meaning that the Elf was probably lying on the floor somewhere.

Just…what happened last night? Urz wondered as he continued to struggled against his chains.

It took two more hours until Sefi and Galaron finally woke up and undid Urz’s chains. After which all of them got cleaned up. Galaron and Urz didn’t make eye contact with Sefi, or each other for that matter, for at least a few days…


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