Wednesday 6 December 2023

[COM] Helnasca Blish - Business & Pleasure

This story is set in the same universe as my Nex Starshine, Jack-of-all-Trades story.

This story is about the adventures of Helnasca Blish, with the first chapter being all about her getting a meeting with Manorro Reef. One of Nex Starshine's first employers. In fact, she seems to want to involve the Ahin in some more business with the Jack-of-all-Trades. But not without getting some fun out of it herself.

Contains: M/F, monster boy, robot girl, huge cock, breast expansion, huge breasts, titfuck, facial, excessive cum, rough sex, stomach bulge, size difference, creampie. Commissioned by Lex of Excel

Helnasca Blish - Business & Pleasure

‘Found you~.’ A playful voice mused from the seemingly empty helm of the small grey and purple sloop drifting in the void of the Raina system. 

Small blue screens lit up the dark helm, revealing an empty pilot’s seat, which showed various screenshots and lines of text. One screen showed a six-legged creature, like some wicked cross between a great big wolf and an overgrown lizard. Another showed the planet of Raina 2, the surface of the planet covered in bright red cracks. Currently the turbulent planet still showed its dark scars, but it was still very much there. Between these two screens was the profile of one Manorro Reef, an Ahin “businessman” and a self-proclaimed collector of exotic alien species.

The blue screens flashed, and the images on the screens had been replaced. Two of them showed security footage that had been swiped, with great effort, from Manorro’s Carchar station. His office and private domicile, currently orbiting the moon of Raina 2. Said security footage showed a small, blue-skinned woman with bright white hair who just barely reached the four feet mark due to her high heels. During her first visit, she wore a suit that was so light pink that it looked almost white. For her second visit, she was far less professionally dressed in a short skirt and a tiny top that left her waist bare.

The third screen now showed a, rather cheap, flyer with the words NEX STARSHINE, JACK-OF-ALL-TRADES! written in blocky pink letters. The words surrounding the picture of a blue-skinned Xyli posing seductively with her raygun pressed to her plump black lips, dressed in the same suit as the woman from the first bit of security footage scrubbed from Carchar station. An amused, almost electronic, chuckle echoed through the ship accompanied by the hum of the engine.

‘I’ve triple checked all the information I got, now it’s time to get to work.’ The voice came again as all three holographic images turned to lines of code.

As this unseen person worked, the engines of the ship had fully warmed. Circular thrusters burned with a golden light while the various, blade-like wings built around said thrusters extended backwards to help steer. Quickly, smoothly, the ship made its way over to Carchar station. Credentials and security for the ship were spoofed during the flight over, thankfully keeping station security from aiming any of its weapons at the ship. Yet, it did not take long before the sloop was spotted and they were hailed.

‘This is station Carchar, please identify.’ A smooth, female voice crackled over her ship’s speakers as soon as the hailing was accepted. Briefly, the lines of code on the blue screens were replaced as they recorded and played back the voice. The screens changed again, this time showing pictures of a statuesque Sirian woman with dark red skin and beautiful, but severe facial features. Identifying the speaker as Carmine Cerise, Manorro Reef’s “secretary”. Though in actuality she was probably closer to a business partner and confidant.

‘This is Zera Gibrani of Oae Research, I have come to collect this financial quarter’s samples from Mister Reef.’ Came the voice again, responding to Carmine Cerise’s request for identification.

‘Apologies, Miss Gibrani, but the last financial quarter has only ended one standard Galactic Month ago. Are you not a little early?’ Carmine asked, sounding a little suspicious.

‘I must admit, R&D has wasted the batch we received…something I stated in my correspondence with Mister Reef not too long ago,’ The voice came again, pretending to sound terse as one of the blue screens quickly had a message written up and sent. Time and date spoofed to make it look as if it was sent some weeks ago. ‘I prefer not to get into it again.’

‘One moment, please.’ Carmine replied, and communications stalled for several moments.

In the meantime, the blue screens continued to show lines of code. Occasionally interrupted by the Oae Research logo as someone, or something, was obviously accessing their database to add information on this “Zera Gibrani”. A Lathvirian woman with dark blue skin and black hair, dressed in a black and white suit that fit tightly around the two sets of breasts the race was known for. A few moments after she was added to every Oae Research system, Carmine Cerise returned.

‘My apologies, it appears as if this deal has slipped Mister Reef’s mind and thus he has forgotten to inform me,’ The Sirian could not keep from showing her annoyance with her boss in her voice. ‘You are free to dock in bay number 3, I shall send someone to escort you to his location, Miss Gibrani.’

‘My thanks,’ the voice responded, sounding smug. ‘I will be there in but a moment.’

Carmine Cerise ceased communications and the ship quickly made its way to the opening doors of docking bay 3. While the ship went through its landing procedures, something resembling a pod one might use to go into cryosleep hissed open and Zera Gibrani stepped out. Fixing her hair and clothes and she made her way to the small, hangar bay doors. Which seemed to hiss open without so much as a press of a button as she approached to reveal docking bay 3 of Carchar station, and a Lavi that seemed to be waiting for her.

This Lavi was dressed in a tight-fitting suit, similar to hers with feathered hair that fell to his shoulders. Normally it was difficult to tell the gender of a Lavi at a glance, they all had androgynous facial features, broad hips and a slight swell to the chest. Even the males. But it was impossible to miss the tube-like bulge that ran down this one’s left trouser leg.

‘Good day, Miss Gibrani,’ The young man said nervously. ‘I am to escort you to the bathhouse.’

‘The bathhouse?’ “Zera” replied, confused.

‘I know it is unusual,’ The Lavi quickly replied, sounding apologetic. ‘But as an Ahin, Mister Manorro must-’

‘It is no problem, I can do with some freshening up myself. 'Lead the way.’

‘...are you sure you wouldn’t rather be shown to a waiting room? I could provide entertainment.’ The Lavi asked.

“Zera” smiled in response, but shook her head. She had a much bigger price in mind. ‘Lead the way’, she repeated.

This clearly wasn’t going how the Lavi had expected it to, but he did as he was told. Soon, the two of them were out of the docking bay and walked through a wide, tall hallway. It was a crisp, clean white and brightly lit, the left hand wall decorated with screens acting as windows to show the planet of Reina 2 while their footsteps were dampened by the plush, luxurious red carpet laid in the otherwise white hallway. After a couple of turns, two large doors were pushed open by the Lavi and they stepped into a hallway made up with faux-wood panelling and several paintings and pictures of exotic, alien sea creatures and several Ahin bathing.

‘This door should lead to Mister Reef’s personal dressing room and through there the bathhouse, I can see if he is-’

‘Thank you, I can take it from here.’ “Zera” mused as she pushed her way past the Lavi and made her way into the dressing room before she could be stopped, locking the door behind her. There was a banging on the door, but obviously it was ignored.

‘So this is what he likes, huh?’ “Zera” mused as a holographic blue screen, similar to the ones back on the ship, appeared before her.

It once again showed the picture of Carmine Cerise, next to it appeared another holographic blue screen with various sliders with words next to them such as “BUST”, “HIPS”, “THIGHS” and more. As the sliders appeared, there was a slight crackle in the air as “Zera’s” skin turned from blue to a rich, dark brown at the same time as her hair turned from pitch black to a gorgeous, silvery white. Her clothes changed too, from a black and white business suit to a skintight purple pilot’s suit with metal boots and gauntlets that shone as if they were made of gold while the secondary set of breasts from her disguise completely disappeared.

Gone was the Lathvirian Zera Gibrani, in her place stood a dark skinned, silver haired woman. Human at a glance, but if one looked closer it was easy to notice the tapered, pointed ears studded with black piercings that resembled those of a Lavi. Meanwhile her eyes were the same shade of blue as those holographic screens of hers, both the sclera and the irises. Beneath each eye she had two pitch black beauty marks, but with lines coming towards them from her eyes that blended in with her mascara. If indeed she was wearing mascara.

In the left bottom corner of her face, a little beneath her plush, purple lips, she had another similar beauty mark with another line that seemed to go straight down just past her sharp jawline. Clearly, she was neither human nor Lavi. As she began to move the sliders, it was uncertain if she was even organic at all as the various black dots and stripes suddenly lit up.

The woman glanced down in satisfaction as her hips began to broaden and her breasts began to swell. Briefly, the skintight material of her suit made a sound as it seemed to struggle to contain the growing assets, straining as the strange woman’s breasts rapidly swelled to the size of a grown man’s head…and then kept growing. But it quickly adapted as the fiddling with the holographic sliders continued. The white-haired woman grew taller, her waist tightened and her hips broadened until she had the powerful, hourglass figure of Carmine Cerise.

‘How does a ‘ganic get a bombshell body like this, anyway?’ She mused to herself, glancing down to her new body as she ran a hand down her massive breasts. They were heavy.

‘You do not look like your pictures, Miss Gibrani.’ A heavy, gravelly voice that was felt as much as heard suddenly stated. The sentence punctuated by a door slamming shut.

Manorro Reef had arrived. The Ahin was around eight feet tall and bulging with muscle, his skin was a sandy brown in colour and currently covered in moisture as he stood in the dressing room completely naked. It was hard to read his shark-like facial features as he observed the stranger, but judging from the way in which his massive cock was starting to push itself out of the beefy sheath hanging between his legs her presence wasn’t completely unwelcome.

‘That’s because I fibbed, there is no Zera Gibrani,’ The dark-skinned woman said with a smug smile. ‘You can call me Helnasca, and I would like to have a conversation with you.’

Manorro took an angry step forward, but Helnasca merely cocked a pale eyebrow at the display. Looking more annoyed than intimidated as the Ahin towered over her. A deep rumble rose from his throat and he opened his mouth to speak, but Helnasca merely raised a hand to stop him.

‘Before you start your threats, just remember that I circumvented your security like that,’ She began, snapping her fingers. ‘Know all about your business with Oae Research, even accessing their database to make myself a fake identity, and quite literally caught you with your pants down. I’m sure if I tell Oae Research about that, your partnership may be in trouble. And that will just be the start. Understand?’

‘...what do you want?’ The Ahin grumbled after a few moments of chewing on his words.

‘Sit down first, I don’t need you looming over me like this,’ Helnasca replied. ‘Or poking me.’ She added, while glancing down at the monstrous pole that was still swelling but already large enough to poke her in the stomach.

‘Fine,’ Manorro snapped, but sat down as instructed despite his obvious anger. ‘Now get on with your threats, I have a meeting in half an hour.’ He grumbled while gesturing in her direction with a large hand, clearly trying to give the appearance that he was still in control.

‘Sounds like someone has a bit of a short fuse,’ Helnasca mused with a smile, before glancing at the Ahin’s growing member with a snort. ‘I’ll get to the point then, yes?’

Once again, various blue screens popped into view. Showing the familiar screens of Nex Starshine arriving at Carchar station and her holographic flyer, but also screenshots and pictures of the Xyli seemingly on a date with Carmine Cerise? There were more, Nex arriving at Aphrodite Industries’ facility on The Garden, old security footage of her wandering through the empty streets of Colony Hasinta, Nex Starshine relaxing at the Starlight Resort and much, much more. But the Ahin took it all in with a dispassionate stare. Or maybe he was curious or concerned, it was hard to read his shark-like face.

‘Now, I want you to get into contact with your sweet little friend here, understand?’ Helnasca mused with a small smile as the screens disappeared with a blink of her blue eyes.

‘And why would I do that?’ Manorro asked, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

‘Because,’ Helnasca began as she dropped to her knees before the Ahin. ‘I quite literally got you by the balls, yes?’ She mused, while cradling his massive sack in her hands. 

The Ahin groaned in response as his beefy member gave a little twitch, slapping against Helnasca’s huge breasts. All she could do in response was chuckle as her eyes flashed and her suit slipped open, freeing enormous brown breasts from their confines. This elicited another groan from Manorro as slowly more of his member was pushed from its sheath. It was massive, nearly as long as one of Helnasca’s own arms and as fat as one of the Ahin’s thick wrists. The crown of it was flat, making his member resemble that of a horse, but all along its length were little bumps that would no doubt tease and pull pleasantly at the sensitive folds of any pussy the beast would conquer.

‘Oh my, what’s this?’ Helnasca mused as she rubbed her face and tits against the rising monstercock, hands still softly squeezing the Ahin’s large testicles. ‘How about a deal, then? I’ll wrap these puppies that you seem to like so much around “little” Manorro, and you tell me all about your friend here?’

‘What is there to say?’ Manorro groaned. ‘You have her flyer, I’m certain you’re perfectly capable of getting into contact with her yourself.’

‘But what if I need someone else to get into contact with her?’ Helnasca replied, finally relinquishing her hold of the Ahin’s large sack to instead heft up her massive, heavy tits. ‘You understand what I’m getting at?’

Manorro seemed to think about what to say next, or perhaps he was simply transfixed by the way in which Helnasca’s fingers disappeared into her abundant titflesh as she wrapped the huge brown globes around his monstrous shaft. Helnasca for her part didn’t seem to mind that she didn’t get an immediate response, cooing and giggling as the nubs dotting the Ahin’s shaft tickled her as she rubbed her boobs up and down. There was a grunt from Manorro as his balls tensed up, and a large outpouring of cowper fluid was squeezed from his distended cumslit. Staining Helnasca’s massive tits and making them shine in an alluring fashion as she used the silvery liquid to lubricate the valley between her breasts.

‘I would need details on what kind of trouble she’d be sent into.’ Manorro said after several seconds of Helnasca rubbing her tits up and down along his meaty pole, while lovingly rubbing her cheek against the flat crown.

‘Nothing much, she just has to capture a little runaway experiment. One where several crime syndicates have poured a lot of credits into.’ Helnesca explained conversationally as she continued to heft her heavy tits all the way to the crown of Manorro’s dick, before dropping them down all the way to the base.

‘That sounds quite serious,’ Manorro said darkly, keeping up his facade of professionalism even as Helnasca’s face had grown damp and sticky due to the precum he kept squirting. ‘Any names I should be aware of?’

‘Oh, they’re all perfectly shadowy and nebulous, you understand?’ Helnasca continued, picking up pace now that Manorro’s cock was drooling so much precum that the stuff was slowly sliding into her suit. ‘I do know one name, though.’

‘Which is?’ The Ahin growled, voice sounding strained as he held onto the bench as if his life depended on it.

‘Blue Mother.’ Helnasca stated matter-of-factly.

‘What?!’ Manorro roared, before he fell silent with a grunt.

Helnasca’s blue eyes widened, before she was forced to squeeze them shut as rope after hot, finger-thick rope of Ahin spunk landed on her face. Glueing her eyes shut, glazing her cheeks or even ending up in her mouth. But that was just the first volley, more of Manorro’s load ended up spraying over her chest or would slide between them. A lot of it definitely ended up inside Helnasca’s suit as well, sliding down her taut stomach to end up between her thick thighs.

Once his climax finally came to an end, Manorro angrily tried to stand up. Clearly struggling as his shaft was still twitching happily between Helnasca’s tits. When those blue screens appeared again however, and Helnasca looked quite displeased as she let go of her massive chest, the Ahin briefly halted his efforts. Watching as those titanic brown globes splayed apart, revealing the thick strands of his cum suspended between them, before glancing upwards to watch as Helnasca did her best to clean up the facial he’d given her.

‘Before you get too excited, need I remind you that I already know all your secrets?’ Helnasca stated flatly, gesturing at all the screens floating around.

Manorro considered them for a moment, before they all showed static and disappeared one by one. Looking down again, Helnasca’s bright blue eyes were flickering and she looked…confused? The Ahin hadn’t gotten this far by letting golden opportunities slip through his fingers, so with a grunt he grabbed Helnasca beneath the arms and dragged her off her feet as he stood up. Confusion turned to concern as Manorro slipped his fingers into her suit and pulled it open the rest of the way, but despite his great strength he could not destroy the material. Though he did manage to peel it off of Helnasca’s curvy form, which was exactly what he wanted.

‘H-Hey, slow down big guy! We can talk about this, yes?’ Helnasca tried as she stood before Manorro completely nude, the Ahin clearly enraged with her as he forcefully grabbed her waist with both hands.

‘We can talk if you succeed in satisfying me,’ The Ahin grumbled as he picked her up, facing away from him. ‘And it looks as if you got your work cut out for you.’ He added, pushing the huge, flat crown of his cock against Helnasca’s muff.

‘How awful!' Helnasca called out, but it sounded more than a little disingenuous…and it was impossible to hide the soaked state of her cunt.

If Manorro noticed these things, he couldn’t be bothered to point them out. Instead shoving Helnasca down on his monstrous pole without a second thought, forceful enough that the dark-skinned babe released a strangled moan as her pink insides stretched wide around the intruder and she immediately sprayed clear girlcum all over the dressing room floor. It was then that Helnasca realised Manorro had picked her up in this way so that they were both facing one of the room’s massive mirrors, and she got a front row seat to see her stomach get pushed outwards as Manorro dropped her lower and lower.

‘You’re almost as resilient as the Jack-of-all-Trades herself,’ Manorro mused, clearly impressed despite his anger. ‘What are you?’

‘Thought we wouldn’t talk unless I satisfied you?’ Helnasca fired back.

‘Fair enough.’ Manorro grumbled, sounding annoyed, as he moved his large hands away from Helnasca’s waist to instead support her thick thighs. Before dropping her down the last few inches.

Helnasca released another strangled moan in response to that, and she didn’t miss the shark-like grin on Manorro’s face in the mirror. Before she had a chance to respond, he dragged her up again as if she weighed nothing…and then was unceremoniously dropped again. Up, and down. Up, and down. A little faster each time, while the bumps on his cock teased and pulled at her sensitive folds with each and every tiny movement. In no time, Helnasca was resting her head against the Ahin’s broad chest as she moaned pathetically, wrapping an arm around his thick neck for extra support.

Faster and faster Manorro went, using Helnasca’s body as nothing more than a sex-toy. Barely hearing her moans and squeals of pleasure, nor noticing the vast amounts of girlcum that were running down his monstercock to form a puddle on the floor beneath them. Or perhaps he didn’t care. Helnasca’s eyes lost focus and flashed blue, and the various black markings along her body followed suit. Segmented lines by her shoulders and hips grew more visible as they lit up, as did the black dots and lines on her hands and feet. Upon seeing this Manorro did pause, briefly. But with the reappearance of the blue screens he could only redouble his efforts in an attempt to rid himself of them. Then, with a shriek from Helnasca, they disappeared practically immediately as pleasure continued to rock her body.

‘C’mon, is that all you got? I almost got into your bank account there, you know?’ Helnasca taunted, barely sounding out of breath despite all her screaming. ‘Who knows what I could do with all those credits? Wouldn’t it be best for you to just hire Starshine for me?’

‘Silence!’ Manorro roared as he stepped forward to roughly press Helnasca against the mirror.

She hissed in response to the cool glass touching her hot skin, doing her best to glance up defiantly at Manorro as he now settled for simply keeping her in place while pumping his hips. Which turned out to be quite difficult to do because of the size difference, and the fact that she had her face pressed up against the mirror. Not that it stopped her from taunting him, or trying to get into his systems before the Ahin’s monstercock would inevitably distract her. In the end, Helnasca wasn’t sure how long Manorro had kept her pressed up against the mirror. But it was long enough for the glass to have been completely fogged up when she suddenly felt an intense heat deep inside the pit of her stomach.

‘Here it comes!’ Helnesca squealed, eyes burning a bright blue.

Manorro completely froze in response, clearly expecting some kind of attack…only for Helnasca’s squeal to rise in pitch as she squirted great gouts of girlcum all over the mirror. Slowly but surely cleaning the fog from it, all while her climaxing cunt tightened around Manorro’s monstercock like a silken vice. This, in turn, seemed enough to set the Ahin off as he growled darkly and pulled her back from the mirror just as another gout of girlcum squirted from Helnasca’s pussy.

This was just enough to completely clean the mirror, allowing Helnasca to enjoy her reflection’s O-face before she both saw and felt Manorro pack her womb full of spunk. Her stomach ballooned outward a little, but due to already being packed so full of cock Helnasca’s cunt had trouble containing a lot of the Ahin’s seed. Resulting in most of his impressive load spraying back out almost immediately. Past the fat seal of Manorro’s thick pole to splatter all over the dressing room floor. Not that either of them were in a state to really care about the mess they were making.

‘You satisfied now?’ Helnasca began as Manorro tried to catch his breath.

‘You think you can mess with my business and can get away with just this?’ Manorro growled, breathing heavily. ‘Think again, you big-titted bimbo!’

‘Wait! I’m still sensi-’

But Helnasca’s protests turned into a warbled moan as Manorro roughly slammed her down on his length again, forcing his creampie from Helnasca’s quim in the process. Within moments, the Ahin had Helnasca squirting all over the mirror again. Squeezing at her own breasts and squirming into Manorro’s grip, but he mercilessly continued to toy with her body. Helnasca became vaguely aware of her internal translator picking up words grumbled in Manorro’s native tongue that translated to “bitch” or “slut”, but with her eyes rolling in her head and her tongue lolling out of her mouth she wasn’t really in the right state of mind to call him out.

‘Fucking take it all, you waste of time and money!’ Manorro roared, his cock swelling inside of Helnasca before rope after thick, sticky rope packed her womb full again.

‘Knowing how much you always have business on your mind, that really hurts!’ Helnasca pouted theatrically, much to the Ahin’s annoyance. ‘What about now, you satisfied yet?’

‘I suppose that was adequate,’ Manorro growled, still clearly frustrated as he pulled Helnasca off of his softening member. ‘Now tell me what you want, before I find other ways to stop your little attempts at subterfuge.’ He warned, as his cock left Helnasca’s stuffed quim with a soft popping sound.

‘Don’t be so serious, I was just kidding around, you know?’ Helnasca said, voice playful as she glanced up at the taller Ahin.

‘What.’ Manorro stated flatly, the both of them ignoring the steady stream of jizz pouring from Helnasca’s pussy as a result of Manorro’s multiple creampies.

‘I just wanted you to get a bit rough with me, understand?’ Helnasca explained. ‘And I hypothesised that doing it in this way,’ She added, gesturing at her naked, cum-leaking form. ‘Would make it obvious that I’m interested in the same kind of fun as that Jack-of-all-Trades.’

‘Why couldn’t you just tell me…’ Manorro groaned, frustrated. Unceremoniously dropping Helnasca to the floor as his anger and his strength left him.

‘This way, you would know I was legit!’ Helnasca answered from the floor, seemingly not too bothered by being dropped. ‘Besides, wasn’t it more fun like this?’

‘Let’s just discuss the details of this mission, do you really intend to have her recover something made by Blue Mother or her associates?’ Manorro asked, tone serious as he sat back down on the bench.

‘In a manner of speaking…’ Helnasca answered, smiling mischievously as she explained her plan to the Ahin.

To be continued?

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