Saturday 20 February 2021

Shortstack Saturday - Riza Uvalli

 Shortstack Saturday - Riza Uvalli

(Cover by Queenchikkibug)

Winner of the Valentine's Day Story Poll on my Patreon.

Riza Uvalli runs a store in the Minotaur city of Asterion and helps out a Minotaur with one of her "Love Potions" to help him find a mate. Only it turns out to be a bit too effective...

Contains: M/F, Goblin, shortstack, monster girl, Minotaur, monster boy, size difference, huge cock, huge breasts, big ass, aphrodisiac, throatfuck, vaginal sex, excessive cum, rough sex.

You can find my other Shortstack Saturday stories by clicking HERE.

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Shortstack Saturday - Riza Uvalli

The labyrinthine city of Asterion was bustling with a sort of excited energy as they were preparing for the festival of love and fertility to honour the city’s founder, Pasiphaë. It was perhaps better known as “The Festival of the White Bull”, thus the twisting streets of the city were decorated with white horns and pink hearts that were said to resemble the hindquarters of Pasiphaë herself.

Most of Asterion’s inhabitants were Minotaurs; massive, barrel-chested humanoids with monstrous bull heads and powerful legs ending in cloven hooves. All of them appeared to be male, however. So naturally all of Asterion’s other citizens were females of a variety of different races. Many which had bovine features themselves, such as horns or a tail.

One woman that lacked these features, although the size of certain “assets” certainly made people think she had some Minotaur blood in her, was Riza Uvalli. Riza Uvalli was the owner of Uvalli Occultism, a store specializing in alchemy, talismans and other things magical tucked away in one of the corners of Asterion. Usually days were pretty quiet around here, but during “The Festival of the White Bull” younger Minotaurs would often come by to see if she had anything that could help them find a mate during the festival.

This year was no different as the bell above her door rang and a young Minotaur walked in. Although the only way Riza could tell that he was younger was because he didn’t have a great big beard like some of his elders, only wild, rusty red hair that fell to his broad shoulders. Otherwise, the Minotaur was still as massive and muscular as the rest of his kin.

‘Hello, is anybody in?’ He asked in a deep voice that Riza felt more than heard.

‘Yes, down here…’ Riza replied in an exasperated fashion.

The Minotaur’s floppy ears twitched in surprise and he slowly lowered his head to see the diminutive figure of a Goblin dressed in robes that were meant to evoke a mysterious feeling, but with the modifications made to it for Riza’s figure it looked more lewd than anything. Lewd, and perhaps a little silly. Black robes with arcane symbols crudely sewn into them with purple thread covered her small body…about to her ankles as a pair of breasts that would make one of Asterion’s female residents jealous bulged out from her chest in an obscene fashion, looking even larger on the Goblin’s small form. Making her robes just kind of tent out in an awkward fashion while revealing the knee-length heeled boots Riza wore in an attempt to make herself look taller.

Meanwhile the hood she had pulled over her face had holes cut into them for her large, bat-like ears while a black veil with stylized purple eyes emblazoned on them hid her actual eyes, leaving only her aquiline nose and plump, purple painted lips on display. Silvery white braids framed her heart-shaped, sharp featured face and might have left her looking older and wiser if it wasn’t for all the smooth, flawless green skin on display.

‘So, young man,’ Riza spoke up, breaking the silence. ‘I sense that you are here because you require aid finding a mate for the upcoming festival.’

The Minotaur’s eyes widened at Riza’s display of her “powers” and immediately took a step towards her while opening his mouth again: ‘Yes, how did you know? My name is Keranos, I am unproven as a warrior but I still wish to gain the affection of-’

Keranos shut his mouth as Riza held up a perfectly manicured hand with black painted fingernails, then crooked her fingers at him as she began walking deeper into the shop. Indicating that he should follow her. The Minotaur did so, at least until Riza walked straight into the doorframe and landed on her large, nicely rounded rump as a result.

‘Stupid veil…’ The Goblin whined as she rubbed her nose before climbing back to her feet.

Acting as if nothing had happened, Riza resumed leading Keranos deeper into her store. In a few moments, the sound of bubbling could be heard accompanied by a sweet smell as Riza and Keranos stepped into the Goblin’s laboratory. In the centre of which was an iron cauldron being heated over a roaring fire, a small stepping stool before it.

Riza collected a glass bottle from a nearby table and awkwardly made her way up the stepping stool, making sure to be careful as she was still wearing the veil across her eyes and had some difficulty keeping her balance with her heeled boots. Thankfully, she was successful in filling the potion bottle with the swirling pink liquid that was happily bubbling away in the cauldron.

After awkwardly making her way down, Riza approached Keranos and handed the bottle to him while giving him instructions: ‘Now, if you give this to the woman of your choosing she will be head over heels for you after a single sip! I doubt she’d be able to keep her hands off of you, so make sure to give it to her somewhere pr-’

Riza stopped in the middle of her explanation as she heard the sounds of a bottle being uncorked and her head snapped up towards Keranos. There, to her horror, she witnessed the young Minotaur swallowing the last few drops of the potion. The Goblin could do nothing but swallow audibly as Keranos looked down at her with a confused expression on his face.

‘ weren’t supposed to drink it yourself.’ Riza said meekly.

‘Why, what’s going to happen?’ Keranos asked, now starting to panic.

But Riza wasn’t given any time to explain as Keranos suddenly keeled over, grabbing at his chest. The Goblin was nimble enough to dance out of the way as the young Minotaur’s huge form came crashing down, but she knew she wasn’t out of the woods yet as she glanced forlornly at the door leading out of her laboratory. Just as she tried to squeeze past Keranos’ massive body, however, the young bull released a bellow that caused all of Riza’s alchemical equipment to shake while he clawed at the wooden boards below him. His eyes looked mad as he raised his head to look at the Goblin and his fur was matted and drenched with sweat.

‘Perhaps I made this batch just a tad too strong…’ Riza wondered aloud as she brought a finger to her plush bottom lip.

Seeing as she was distracted, Keranos could easily grab onto her robes. He tried to use it for purchase as he pulled himself to his hooves, but misread both his own strength and that of the Goblin’s robes as he tore them open with frightening ease. Yet, as he watched Riza’s mountainous tits spilling out in the open to cover her plush stomach, each globe capped with delectable, dark green nipples, the young Minotaur decided that he didn’t need any aid in getting up after all.

Riza, who had fallen on the floor due to Keranos suddenly grabbing her robes before they tore almost immediately as a result, was rubbing her rear with one hand while trying to cover her chest with the other. Obviously, she completely and utterly failed in doing the latter. Keranos helped her back to her feet, however. Unfortunately, he did so by grabbing the long, silvery-white braids that peeked out of her hood and drooped over her chest in one large hand and pulling her face against his crotch.

Like all Minotaurs, but especially the warriors, Keranos had a sort of skirt of leather, metal-studded strips hanging from his waist. But behind it, Riza could hear the sounds of cloth straining with each heartbeat as the Minotaur’s loincloth was no doubt struggling to contain Keranos’ member. With a frustrated, animalistic bellow the young Minotaur kept rubbing Riza’s face against the leather skirt he wore. Clearly eager for some kind of stimulation, but unable to receive it due to his clothing being in the way.

‘Just a moment, you foolish young bull!’ Riza grumbled as she began removing the leather skirt Keranos wore around his waist before he decided to become any more violent with her.

With her head being held in place due to the Minotaur’s grip on her braids, the process was awkward and arduous. Fortunately, Riza did eventually succeed in removing the leather skirt Keranos was wearing. Only to get her face mashed against the bulging loincloth instead. The scent of an aroused animal penetrated her nostrils and stains had appeared on the cloth as cowper fluid had started to no doubt leak from Keranos’ cumslit.

‘Want me to remove that for you as well, you impatient young bull?’ Riza grumbled as she felt something sticky run down her cheek as enough of Keranos’ precum had accumulated to leak through his loincloth.

It turned out that Riza would have to do no such thing as a loud tearing sound resounded through her laboratory as Keranos’ monstrous bullcock came swinging out in the open amidst a rain of torn cloth. The sudden appearance of the long, fat log of cockmeat nearly knocked the Goblin on her ass again, and would have if Keranos’ grip on Riza’s hair hadn’t loosened at that exact moment allowing her to duck. Unfortunately, there was no way of escaping as the Minotaur’s large hand quickly tightened around Riza’s braids again. Leaving her looking up at a vascular bullcock longer and thicker than one of her arms as it cast a shadow over her short, curvy green form.

‘Did you really need one of my potions for help with the ladies?’ Riza asked, sounding both confused and impressed, as her eyes widened underneath the veil at the sight of Keranos’ monstercock.

Keranos showed his blunted teeth in what wasn’t quite a smile to Riza’s eyes. He then used his free hand to align his leaking cocktip with the Goblin’s plump, purple lips and then began to drag her towards him, thus forcing his massive member into her mouth. This immediately made her eyes water and her jaw creak, leaving Riza to pound her fists against the Minotaur’s muscular thighs. Unsurprisingly the impacts of her tiny green fists barely registered and Keranos continued pushing forwards, causing the Goblin to cough and gag as she spat a mixture of her own saliva and the Minotaur’s precum over his impressive length. Thankfully lubricating the thick pole at least somewhat as it made her throat stretch and bulge in an obscene manner.

Fortunately, Riza had lived in Asterion for many years now and Keranos was far from her first Minotaur partner. That didn’t mean that the sensation of his massive bullcock being shoved seemingly straight into her stomach was any less uncomfortable, but at least she knew how to handle males like him. Seeing as punching at Keranos’ muscular legs had no effect, Riza instead ran her hands up them. Focusing her efforts on the fat, hot orbs hanging in their leathery sack between said legs and gently began to massage them. Her small hands could barely encompass the fat, pulsing nuts, but judging from the increase in cowper fluid spurting into her stomach it was clearly having an effect.

Unfortunately for Riza, it seemed to excite Keranos just a tad too much as he hurriedly rammed his hips forwards. If the young bull hadn’t been holding onto her hair, Riza likely would’ve been pushed back several feet by the action. Instead, she released an obscene gag as spit and precum sprayed from the corners of her mouth to land in Keranos’ already matted fur. The only thing Riza could once again smell was a wild, horny beast. Keranos kept her like that for a while, making it difficult for the Goblin to breathe and making her seriously contemplate just squeezing his balls in a less pleasurable fashion. But after a moment, one that felt like an eternity, the young bull began pumping his hips.

After a few thrusts he appeared to have found his rhythm and bellows of pleasure echoed through Riza’s laboratory as her throat was being used as nothing more than a toy. The same mixture of precum and saliva continued spraying past her lips, staining either Keranos’ fur or landing on her huge, outthrust tits that jiggled violently whenever the Minotaur bottomed out in her throat. By this point, her veil was no doubt stuck to her face due to the tears of effort that had been streaming down her face and messing up her mascara. But Riza was hardly in a position to worry about that. All she could do was relax her bulging throat as best as she could, while teasing the young bull’s veiny shaft with her tongue and gently caressing his sack as it tried to escape her grip with each of his thrusts.

Her efforts finally paid off when Keranos’ rhythmic thrusting came to an end and he let out another one of those bellows that made the room shake. When Riza could feel his balls tensing up in her hands, she knew what was about to come but couldn’t do anything about it. Less than a second later fat gouts of hot bullcum were shot straight into her stomach. Which was filled practically immediately, resulting in strands of semen being coughed up by the Goblin or spraying from her nostrils. Which all made an even bigger mess of her face and chest in the process.

Fortunately, during Keranos’ explosive orgasms his thick fingers finally slackened enough around Riza’s twin braids to allow her to pull away from him. The flat, cum-spraying head of the Minotaur’s cock left Riza’s plush, purple lips with a soft popping sound. More semen showered her face before the alchemist immediately dropped to her hands and knees, where she began to cough up much of Keranos’ load. A few more ropes of the young bull’s seed ended up soaking the back of her robes, but Riza was unbothered by it all.

‘Now I know why you needed a potion…’ Riza croaked. ‘You have no idea how to treat a girl.’ She added sarcastically, trying to ignore the heat and the wetness between her thighs as she said the words.

Keranos paid her no mind, his softening cock slapping against his muscular thighs as he wandered over to the cauldron. On the way, he grabbed a wooden bowl off a nearby table in which Riza kept a collection of medicinal herbs that were now carelessly spilled on the floor. Riza, who was in the process of removing her stained, torn robes, wasn't aware of what the young Minotaur was doing until it was too late. Her head whipped in the direction of her cauldron when she heard him kick aside her stepping stool and removed her veil just in time to see him using the bowl to scoop up a great amount of the pink, bubbling potion.

Dark amber eyes widened as she watched Keranos bring the bowl to his muzzle. The rational part of her screamed at her to get away, sadly her Goblin instincts to be bred by a creature as strong as masculine as this pumped up on her finest aphrodisiacs were much louder in telling her to stay. So, that was what the Alchemist did. Sitting there nearly completely naked on her hands and knees, looking like a deer staring into the open maw of a dragon, watching as the Minotaur’s impressive bullcock rose back to full mast…

He came walking up to her still carrying that bowl, his gait rather awkward due to having more than two feet of cockmeat rising up from between his legs, and forcefully pushed the rim of the wooden bowl against her full lips. Tearing her eyes away from Keranos’ massive erection, Riza belatedly realized there was still plenty of her potion left in the bowl, but by that point the Minotaur was already force feeding it to her.

As soon as the pink liquid ended up in her stomach the folds of Riza’s pussy clenched and, before she knew it, a puddle of her own orgasmic juices had formed beneath her. Obviously, she had lost track of the last few seconds as Keranos no longer stood before her. Instead, she felt his thick, strong fingers sinking into her soft thighs as he lifted her lower body off of the floor and pushed the hot, blunted tip of his monstercock against her dripping, eager pussy. Feeling that, her Goblin instincts, now empowered by her aphrodisiac, hosed the young bull’s shaft down. Indicating to him that she was ready to be bred.

With an eager snort Keranos increased his grip on Riza’s thighs and slowly pushed his body downwards. To Riza, it felt as if electricity was coursing through her veins as soon as the young bull’s cock splayed her plump, soaked labia apart and invaded her pink depths. Very quickly Riza felt very full, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable fullness in the least. If anything it felt like every throb of Keranos’ beastly dick, every movement it made, every drop of precum it leaked brought the small green woman to orgasm. Riza was vaguely aware of a woman howling in pleasure in the distance, only to realize it was her.

A realization that was swiftly forgotten when Keranos’ huge nuts swung against her very sensitive clit, indicating that he had managed to force his monstrous pole inside of her to the hilt. Of course, by this point Riza could think of little except for how good Minotaur cock felt inside of her as she experienced another eye-rolling, tongue-lolling orgasm. Keranos powerful bellowing joined Riza’s howls as he began to plow his hips up and down. Riza’s arms had lost strength in them long ago as Keranos pulled her up and down along with him by her thighs, fortunately her massive chest cushioned any impact whenever he bottomed out inside her. It should have felt painful as her hard nipples and sensitive tits were mashed against the floorboard, but strangely enough it only added to the pleasure Riza felt.

At some point she swore she felt the young Minotaur’s thick seed pouring into her womb, distending her stomach. But by then her brain was too fried by multiple orgasms to be sure. Also, had she always been lying on her back on the table? Riza could swear she was hanging partially suspended above the floor just a few moments ago… Glancing around, her vision swimming, Riza found that she was indeed lying on her back on the table. Her chest shaking in a mesmerizing manner due to Keranos’ fast pace while her swollen stomach gradually became flatter and flatter as excess semen was forced from her soaked snatch with each powerful thrust.

Meanwhile, on the floor around the table, she noticed shattered glass vials, a variety of herbs and other ingredients she used in her potions and that same wooden bowl Keranos had used to scoop up aphrodisiac before. The fact that its position had changed, and that she could spot some dregs of the pink potion remaining within, likely meant that the young bull had used it to drink more and had probably fed some to her as well. Just as she became aware of this fact, the young Minotaur grabbed one of her huge, bouncing breasts with one hand and gave it a firm squeeze. As a result Riza released another loud scream of pleasure and felt her mind going blank again.

The next time she became aware of Keranos’ cum running down her, Riza felt herself pressed against one of her bookcases. Her feet planted in one shelf, the books within long since kicked away, while she was holding onto the edge of another with enough force to turn her knuckles white. All while the young Minotaur was happily pounding away at her cunt while using her tits as handholds. From the corner of her eye she thought she saw that wooden bowl again, but before she had a chance to focus another climax tore through her body and she felt herself blacking out…

…then she found herself on the floor again… 

…the table, sitting in Keranos’ lap as he used her as a mastubatory tool…

…hanging over the edge of her cauldron, the fire below extinguished long ago. It looked as if it had only been filled halfway with her potion, but there was no way that could be right... 

Her mind went blank again, the next time she regained some form of consciousness she was hanging out of one of the windows of her laboratory moaning loud enough that there could be no mistake as to what she was doing. Were those…stars up in heavens as she looked up? No, that couldn’t be possible. It was the afternoon when Keranos arrived, wasn’t it?

This happened again and again with Riza coming to consciousness in a new location in her laboratory in a new position each time. Until, finally, she simply…woke up.

This time, it was without Keranos looming over her or, more importantly, inside of her. Daylight was streaming in through the open shutters that neither of them obviously hadn’t bothered to close after their sexual escapades the day before. Yet, despite the fresh breeze that came in, the room absolutely reeked of sex. Riza felt incredibly sore, though in a good way, but managed to push herself to her feet despite that. Now that she was on her feet, the Goblin decided to take a good look at the state of her lab.

‘ is going to take me some time to financially recover from this.’ Riza croaked as she observed the broken equipment, her scattered ingredients and the torn and stained books that now littered her lab.

Then, with some effort, she made her way over to the cauldron from where she had been lying. Riza was thankful that she, or perhaps Keranos, had removed her boots at some point yesterday because walking was enough of a challenge without them already. Careful to avoid any shards of glass Riza stood before her cauldron and, after having retrieved her stepping stool, peered inside it.

‘All gone, huh?’ Riza muttered to herself, her voice echoing back at her from the empty cauldron. ‘I suppose I should have expected that…’ Riza added as she glanced at all the stains decorating her lab that weren’t there before.

‘Oh, you’re finally awake.’ Riza heard the familiar voice of Keranos from behind. Turning her head, she saw that he was fully dressed. Though something underneath his leather skirt twitched in such an obvious way at seeing her naked body that he clearly hadn’t found a replacement for his loincloth.

‘Incredibly sore and sticky, but yes. I am awake.’ Riza replied, unbothered by her nudity. ‘Honestly I had expected that you would have left by now.

‘Why would I leave?’ Keranos said nervously as he stepped closer.

‘Well, let’s see…’ Riza mused as she hopped off her stepping stool, making her chest jiggle in an interesting way. ‘Not only have you drunk my entire supply of love potion, you also destroyed several expensive pieces of equipment and hard to find ingredients. How are you going to pay me back for all of that?’ It was only when Riza asked this that she noticed the look in the young bull’s eyes.

‘I will do all I can in my power to repay the damage I’ve caused,’ Keranos said passionately as he got on one knee before her. ‘It doesn’t matter how long it takes! It’s just…can I make one more request of you?’

‘Sure,’ Riza replied with a sarcastic roll of her eyes. ‘What’s one more thing?’

‘Would you like to go to the Festival of the White Bull with me?’

‘Oh boy…’ Riza sighed as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. ‘Yep,’ she thought ‘This bull is smitten with me. Guess the potion had its intended effect after all…’


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