Tuesday 22 December 2020

[COM] Pactbreaker

Hilde decides to pillage the abandoned Temple of the Bovine Goddess Rania, only to discover that it is less abandoned than it initially seemed...

Commissioned by Sabata101

Contains: futanari, Minotaur, cow girl, huge cock, huge breasts, throatfuck, excessive cum, vaginal sex, impregnation, lactation.



‘Gods above, I thought this temple was long abandoned!’ Hilde hissed through clenched teeth.

To whom the red headed princess was speaking, she did not know. All the mercenaries she had hired to raid the labyrinthine temple dedicated to Rania, the Goddess of bovines, male virility and female fertility, had either gotten lost or had been taken out by that thing that had been following them. A collection of whispered swear words passed Hilde’s lips at the memory, but she abruptly fell quiet and pushed herself up flat against a nearby wall when she heard the sound of bare feet slapping against the stone floor.

Hilde held her breath and tried to think quiet thoughts, but it was no use as a hand suddenly slammed down on the wall several inches above her. Turning her head as dust and specks of mortar landed in her hair she looked straight at a tanned midsection, ruthlessly stripped of any fat to showcase powerful abdominal muscles. They were partially obscured by the heavy, tanned globes of an enormous set of breasts that Hilde took in more clearly as she slowly glanced upwards and noticed how thick, dark nipples pierced with golden scarab beetles capped the massive globes, a single beauty mark just above the right nipple was the only blemish on the woman’s otherwise clear skin. If you could indeed describe it as a “blemish”.

One of my mercenaries? Hilde briefly wondered, trying to rationalize the appearance of this strange naked woman.

But as she slowly pulled her eyes away from the strange woman’s chest, not missing her powerful arms decorated with golden bracelets around both her wrists and biceps she finally dared to look her in the eye. The woman looking down at her was gorgeous, her facial features had what could be best described as a “motherly” quality to it, yet there were no actual signs of her age. Bright, venomous green eyes were done up with a smoky red eyeshadow and gold eyeliner. Underneath a thin, graceful nose were a pair of full, bee-stung lips that were currently tugged up into an amused little smile. Hair as black as night, yet strangely turning a bloody red at the tips, framed it all and completed her beauty.

‘Gods!’ Hilde then gasped as she noticed a pair of large, bovine horns coming from the sides of the woman’s head. When she saw the bovine tail swinging back and forth, and more importantly the huge, semi-erect bullcock hanging between her legs, words failed her completely.

‘Yes?’ She replied, bemused, and stepped forwards.

Hilde scrabbled backwards as all her instincts screamed at her to flee, but she was too slow. One of the horned woman’s hands snapped in her direction and wrapped around Hilde’s throat, lifting her up so they were at eye-level as if she weighed nothing. And Hilde was by no means a small or skinny woman.

‘I see the foolish Queen has decided to finally break the pact so she could plunder my temple,’ The horned woman whispered very quietly and very angrily. ‘Sending her own daughter, no less? I hope you are both prepared for the consequences.’

‘Y-Your…temple?’ Hilde managed to croak out despite the horned woman’s hand clasped around her throat.

‘Rania,’ the horned woman introduced herself flatly. ‘A pleasure.’

‘Bu-But…you’re not…not real.’ Hilde gasped, her face starting to turn red.

‘Oh…I will show you just how real I am, young lady.’ Rania snarled as she simply dropped the redhead.

Hilde fell on her ass and the form Rania loomed over her before she slapped her semi-erect bullcock against her forehead, hard enough that Hilde feared the metal circlet she wore, both to keep her hair out of her eyes and to denote her status as a princess, would break. Rania continued humiliating Hilde like this, slapping her dick against her forehead, her softly rounded cheeks and her full lips. It didn’t stop until the Bovine Goddess’ member was fully erect and drooling precum.

‘You better watch those teeth of yours,’ Rania growled dangerously. ‘Or my children will visit such horrors upon your lands and your family that your descendants will still live in fear of me a milenia from now.’

Hilde opened her mouth. Was it in shock? To ask a question? Perhaps to insult the Goddess? Even she didn’t know. Not that it mattered in the end as Rania simply shoved her hips forwards, brutally ramming her monstrous cock past Hilde’s lips and down her throat. Hilde’s jaw creaked as her mouth was forced open wide and tears of effort appeared in her pale blue eyes.

‘I suppose the Queen should count herself lucky that she gave birth to such a pretty daughter,’ Rania groaned conversationally as she grabbed a fistful of Hilde’s fiery red hair and held her head in place as she forced her hips forwards. ‘Otherwise I would have sent my lovely sons outside as soon as they finished slaughtering your friends.’

Hilde shot a withering glare up at Rania, the effect somewhat lessened by the tears of effort streaming down her cheeks and the drool escaping from the corners of her mouth. Rania simply flashed her an arrogant smirk as she drank in the warrior princess’ appearance. 

Hilde had an athletic build, slim and powerful but her muscles weren’t as defined as Rania’s. Her armour, meanwhile, looked more ceremonial than pragmatic. A breastplate that only actually covered a chest that seemed large enough to fit in the palms of the Goddess’ hands. A gorget that was more like a choker than anything and what was perhaps supposed to a codpiece but looked more like metal panties. Her greaves and vambraces appeared to be the only things that could offer any real protection.

‘I hope you quickly relax that throat of yours,’ Rania suddenly snarled while she struggled to shove more of her prick down Hilde’s gullet. ‘Or I might just change my mind and send my children out regardless!’

Some of the defiance went out of Hilde when she heard those words and she did her best to relax, something which Rania immediately capitalized on with another brutal shove of her hips. Spit flew from the corners of Hilde’s mouth accompanied by a loud, wet gag. The Bovine Goddess briefly stopped in her tracks to glare down at Hilde, and it was a far more terrifying glare than anything the redhead had produced herself.

‘You better keep your food down while sucking my dick, young lady. Or else.’ Was all the Bovine Goddess said with a yank on Hilde’s red hair.

Hilde made a sound she hoped was apologetic, which was difficult due to her voice being all muffled as a result of having a mouth stuffed full of fat bullcock. Fortunately, Rania seemed to understand as she replied with a curt nod and resumed pushing her hips forwards. With each shove, more spit would fly from the corners of her mouth and Hilde would gag loudly and obscenely and her eyes would turn redder and redder as they widened and continued to stream tears down her cheeks.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard Hilde tried the Goddess’ prick was longer than one of her arms and probably just as thick. The gorget wasn’t making things any easier, but the warrior woman feared taking it off. Still, taking as much divine bullcock that she had, which was nearly half, was already a superhuman feat as many people would no doubt claim. But Rania only looked down at the redhead whose face was shining with spit and tears with disappointment and contempt.

‘I suppose these are the limits of a human body.’ She sighed, seeing how half of her bullcock was making the princess’ throat bulge outwards obscenely while the other half was still exposed to the cool air. ‘Should you stay conscious until I empty my balls into your stomach then I may be interested in renewing the pact with your mother. Under my terms, of course.’

Hilde looked up at her with unfocused, teary eyes and Rania wasn’t even certain if she had been fully conscious when she offered the redhead the deal. Nor did she really care as she began to work her muscular hips back and forth. Hilde’s obscene gags echoed through the quiet, labyrinthine halls of the temple as Rania began to fuck her throat, accompanied by a wet splattering sound whenever her saliva mixed with the Bovine Goddess’ precum sprayed from the corners of her mouth and hit the floor below.

This continued for several minutes, in which Rania would often pull on Hilde’s hair or slap her across the face to keep the redhead from passing out whenever her eyes threatened to roll up into the back of her head. But then, finally, the Bovine Goddess’ testicles tensed up and she made a noise that was between the bellow of a cow and an orgasmic scream as fat, hot ropes of semen were shot straight into Hilde’s stomach. Obviously, the warrior princess was not prepared for this and most of the cum that was shot down her throat was immediately spat out again.

Her breastplate, stomach, knees and the floor she was sitting on got splattered with the sticky white ejaculate as it simply kept spraying from the corners of her mouth and sometimes even her nostrils. Once Rania’s orgasm came to an end, she clicked her tongue in annoyance and began dragging her softening bullcock from the redhead’s throat. Resulting in more of her cum being coughed up by Hilde while Rania simply looked at her with a disappointed expression on her face.

‘You cannot suck a bullcock worth a damn, nor can you swallow one of my loads. I think I should leave you to keep some of my children company while I go out and discuss this broken pact with your mother. Perhaps they can turn you into a cocksleeve that is worth a damn…’ Rania complained as she dragged Hilde deeper into her temple, where no mortal had set foot before, by her fiery red hair…

* * * *

They woke Hilde up like they woke her up every morning, by slapping something heavy, fleshy and pulsing down on her face. Like every morning, her body betrayed her as soon as the bestial musk hit her nostrils and made her poor pussy clench with a mighty need. As her eyes snapped open, all was still dark due to the bullcock draped over her face. But that would soon change.

‘Time for breakfast, Pactbreaker. Open up.’ The deep voice of Asim, one of Rania’s older sons, rumbled as he lifted his heavy shaft off of Hilde’s face.

Hilde dutifully turned her head towards the musclebound Minotaur and opened her mouth. Asim mercilessly rammed his member down the redhead’s gullet. He was perhaps the most “blessed” when it came to the size of his member, right after his mother, yet Hilde didn’t make so much as a peep as her throat was so brutally invaded. Even as the Minotaur’s hot, leathery sack was pressed up against her face and the edge of the stained chaise that had been her bed for the past few weeks her breathing was calm and steady.

‘Well, would you look at that,’ The familiar voice of Rania suddenly piped up. ‘I knew giving you to my boys would teach you how to properly treat a dick! How is she, Asim?’

‘Superior to the woman we normally take in as acolytes,’ The Minotaur responded as he slowly dragged his hips back, giving Hilde the chance to see Rania standing there holding a scroll with a familiar wax seal. ‘Though I imagine your blessing as at least some part in that.’ He added as he sheathed his entire length back inside the redhead’s throat.

‘Mmm...yes,’ Rania purred and Hilde felt soft, but strong, fingers tracing over the tattoo the Bovine Goddess had carved into her stomach. ‘Some of my finest work yet, if I say so myself!’

Hilde should be feeling curious about the scroll she had seen Rania clutching, or perhaps enraged at seeing her again. But all she could do was focus on the massive cock currently stretching her throat, think on how she could please or how much cum she could make it spray straight into her stomach. Rania’s blessing, the tattoo, had a part to play in that as the Bovine Goddess had so kindly explained when she carved it into her body two months ago.

The tattoo in question was of a bovine skull wearing a crown, outlined in red. Said skull seemed to have been placed right above her womb, its horns perfectly outlining her oviducts. With it, Hilde would never go hungry or thirsty again, all she needed to do was consume Rania’s divine essence every now and again. But as a reward, she would grow stronger and more durable than any mere mortal. What she had neglected to mention, was that said divine essence would be like ambrosia to Hilde…or that all her children had just a sliver of her divinity.

Obviously just because Rania had forgotten to mention it, didn’t mean she was unaware of it. So as Asim’s cockhead began to leak precum as he continued to plough the redhead’s throat, the Bovine Goddess didn’t miss the way in which Hilde’s throat bulged as she desperately swallowed what must have tasted like nectar to her. Copious amounts of clear girlcum started leaking from her twitching cunt moments later and it started to look like she would orgasm just from sucking the Minotaur’s dick. But before it could get that far, Rania held up a hand to Asim. Ordering him to stop.

‘Step outside, son. The Princess and I need to have a private discussion.’

Asim released a frustrated, bull-like snort but knew better than to argue with his mother and slowly began to pull his hips back. So hungry was Hilde for his divine essence that she crawled partway after him, not caring how desperate she looked to the Bovine Goddess and her son. But when Rania placed a hand on her shoulder and firmly pushed her back onto the stained and tattered chaise, Hilde had no choice but to let the huge bullcock go with a desperate, pathetic little whine. Even with the strength she had gained from Rania’s blessing it appeared that she was still no match for the Goddess herself.

As Asim’s bulky form stepped away, Hilde got a clearer view of her surroundings and instantly wished for her view to be obstructed again. The room was large, having possibly belonged to one of Rania’s children in the past, but there was barely any light coming in and the only real piece of furniture that wasn’t completely ruined was the chaise she used as a bed. Anything else was smashed or splattered with the bodily fluids of both herself and Rania’s children after they had used her as nothing more than a toy for the past few weeks. Hilde also got her first real look at Rania since the Goddess had given her her blessing, but all the redhead could really do was show her teeth at the bovine woman in a pathetic display of defiance.

‘Well, I see you’ve been keeping my boys busy?’ Was all Rania said in response with a knowing little smirk.

To accommodate Rania’s blessing, and the increase in physical prowess it granted her, Hilde’s body had also changed. Although she certainly wasn’t lacking in curves or muscle two months ago, those things had certainly expanded. Her shoulders had grown broader and her limbs a little thicker with muscles more clearly defined. Meanwhile her chest, previously large enough to fit in the palm of Rania’s hands, was now nearly twice the size of the redhead’s own head. Although still smaller than the Goddess’ own prodigious chest, it still managed to cast a shadow of a powerful stomach decorated with that crowned cow skull.

‘Oh my, people might mistake you for being my daughter now instead of being the daughter of your honourable Queen.’ Rania mused as she squeezed one of Hilde’s heavy tits with one hand, tittering in amusement as milk squirted from her thick nipple, while she brushed the warrior woman’s red hair aside to reveal a pair of tiny bovine horns emerging from the sides of her head.

‘Which is, I suppose, fitting.’ Rania added as she tossed the scroll she had been holding towards Hilde, who eagerly broke the seal to read her mother’s message.

‘It…it can’t be.’ Hilde croaked as she finished reading the contents, the scroll falling from her numb fingers and drifting towards the dusty, filthy floor.

‘Oh, but it can be!’ Rania replied in amusement as she grabbed Hilde’s ankles and dragged her to the edge of the chaise. ‘Your mother has thrown you to the wolves, or should I say the bulls, to preserve the peace between mortals and the divine.’

Raina’s shaft seemed even larger than it had when Hilde had first seen it all those weeks ago in the dark, labyrinthine halls of the temple. As long as one of the Goddess’ muscular arms, and perhaps just as thick. Yet as she pushed the flat, brutal head of the bullcock against Hilde’s soaked, darkened pussylips they parted easily. Eager to accept the brutal invader.

‘It will be like the ways of old,’ Rania continued with a grunt as she pushed her hips forwards, watching with great interest hold Hilde’s formerly flat, fit stomach was forced upwards by her massive dicks. ‘Those that are chosen by me will service the temple and all its inhabitants for a year and a day, and in return I will protect these lands and bring prosperity!’

Rania finished her speech with another rough shove of hips and an obscene, wet squelching sound emanated from Hilde’s cunt as the woman’s massive bullcock parted the soaked folds of the redhead’s muff as it seeked out her womb. But instead of Rania’s cockhead battering painfully against Hilde’s cervix, her womb instead eagerly opened the way. Seemingly desperate to have the pole directly inside it.

‘...Except for you.’ Rania growled as she brought her face close to Hilde's as her huge balls rested against the redhead’s meaty behind. ‘You will stay here and give birth to the soldiers that will protect these lands from now on. Just like the good little cow you’ve become!’

To emphasize her point Rania twisted one of Hilde’s thick nipples again. It should have hurt, but all Hilde felt was please as milk squirted from the fat pink nub. She even gave a cow-like bellow as her pussy lovingly squeezed Rania’s bitch-breaker of a dick, much to the Goddess’ amusement and Hilde’s embarrassment. But the warrior woman wasn’t capable of thinking of a retort as the bovine woman suddenly began to roughly slap at her enlarged, milky tits as she worked her hips back and forth.

Whenever Hilde opened her mouth to speak, nothing but moans of pleasure and cow-like bellows would pass her lips. Her small room was filled with the sound of sharp, meaty *THWACKS* as Rania continued to rain down blows on her sensitive jugs. The nerves sending mixed signals of both pleasure and pain up to Hilde’s brain, already clouded with lust due to the way in which the Bovine Goddess was rearranging her insides with her monstrous, throbbing cock. Milk squirted from her nipples with each blow and another, softer slapping sound joined the chorus of sex noises as Rania began to fuck Hilde with faster, rougher strokes. Causing her balls to bounce off of the redhead’s rapidly pinking asscheeks.

Only when Hilde was reduced to a whimpering wreck, and her impressive rack was pink and coated with milk did Rania seem satisfied with her work. With a deep, dark grunt she forced her member in all the way to the base and lied on top of the smaller woman. Nearly smothering her with own enormous rack as her balls slowly tightened.

‘I hope you’re ready for your first calf, Princess!’ Rania hissed through clenched teeth, though she doubted the woman could hear her trapped underneath all of that mountainous boobflesh.

Yet Rania had no issues when it came to hearing the high-pitched shrieks of orgasmic pleasure as Hilde finally got the divine essence she had so mindlessly craved only a few minutes ago. Rania was fully divine, she didn’t possess just a sliver of divine power like her children. So it came as no surprise when all the semen that she was pumping inside Hilde was forced out again as the warrior woman experienced the strongest orgasm of her young life. Fiery hot semen with the consistency of oatmeal was forced out alongside Hilde's own orgasmic juices as she squirted so violently that Rania could hear it all splatter against the door behind her.

‘An eternity of this, aren’t you happy?’ Rania whispered as her orgasm ended after what seemed like an eternity.

As she stepped back, her softening bullcock leaving Hilde’s cum-packed quim with an obscene, wet sucking sound, she noticed that how, despite all the spunk that the redhead had been leaking and was leaking at this very moment, Hilde’s belly had still swollen quite a bit. With the blissed out, unfocused way the redhead was staring out into space Rania also assumed she had passed out. But as she reached the cum-splattered door and was about to leave, the warrior woman spoke up.

‘I…will…escape!’ Hilde growled, each word seeming to take exceptional effort. No doubt due to the way in which her orgasms had scrambled her brain.

‘If you continue this steady diet of Minotaur cum you’ve been on these past two months you might get strong enough to escape from me.’ Rania mused in amusement. ‘But you should put your mouth to use quickly. Because my children? Well…you’ve seen how big they get.’ She chuckled as she nodded towards the tattoo on Hilde’s stomach which was now glowing with a soft pink light, indicating that Rania had successfully gotten her pregnant.

Hilde was silent. It appeared as if she had no retort to that. Or perhaps she had actually lost consciousness this time. Rania honestly didn’t care which one it was as she stepped outside of Hilde’s improvised little cell and saw Asim waiting there.

‘You will soon have a new sibling, my child!’ Rania said cheerfully. ‘Why don’t you gather the rest of your brothers so our guest can have a proper meal when she wakes up.’

‘It will be done.’ Asim stated with a dutiful nod, and disappeared into the Temple’s labyrinthine hallways.

‘I can not wait for our family to get a little bigger!’ Rania said with a grin that was one part joyful and one part malicious.


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