Saturday 31 August 2019

Shortstack Saturday - Ursula von Grünberg

Shortstack Saturday - Ursula von Grünberg
(Cover by Queenchikkibug)

Ursula von Grünberg purchases the services of Eigaka's Elf Prince for a day. Although disappointed she could not buy him as a slave, she quickly forgets about and enjoys herself. Requested by SomethingProfile.

Contains: Goblin, Elf, femmeboy, huge cock, shortstack, huge breasts, titfuck, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, excessive cum, cum inflation, stomach bulge.

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Ursula von Grünberg

Black smoke belched forth from the smokestacks topping the many foundries of Turesh, enough to blot out the sun. The ringing of metal echoed through the streets as metal was being pounded into shape, accompanied by dozens of loud voices shouting at one another in rough, harsh sounding tongues. Turesh or, as it was more commonly known, The City Of Monsters, never slept. It was always working. Always preparing for the next war.

Walking over its ill-maintained roads so early in the morning was a person of short stature. Bulky dark grey robes hid both their body and their face, but as the figure slipped on the cobblestones a feminine shriek came from the dark hood, revealing the figure to be a woman. 

‘Disgusting…’ Ursula growled with a wrinkled nose as she stumbled and  pulled her boot from the puddle of sludge that had made her slip. ‘When I return home, I should order my subjects to perform maintenance on these damned roads!’ She grumbled as she tried to wipe the filth from her boot, but quickly realized that her efforts were futile.

On any other day, Ursula would not have traveled in such a fashion. On foot, through the messy streets of Turesh? Unthinkable! Sadly, the orcs she had hired to carry her around in her palanquin had been conscripted for Turesh’s next war and her goblin subjects, clever as they were, weren’t nearly tall or strong enough to carry the vehicle. But when Durgrush had sent a messenger to inform her what he had caught during his last raid, Ursula simply had to go and meet the slaver.

‘Urgh…Finally!’ Ursula shouted to nobody in particular when she arrived at Durgrush’s ramshackle mansion and knocked on the thick wooden door.

‘Ah, my Lady von Grünberg,’ Durgrush rumbled in his low, bass voice as he opened the door to himself. ‘Truly, it is a pleasure to see you again.’ He said as he bowed deeply.

‘Dugrush, the pleasure is all mine.’ Came Ursula’s replied, as she curtsied neatly. ‘You look ridiculous, by the way.’ She added as she stepped inside.

The big orc looked like a twisted parody of a human nobleman dressed in his pressed white button down shirt with a dark waistcoat, a pair of suspenders holding up a pair of fancy looking trousers. He also seemed to have found some small, gold-rimmed spectacles somewhere and wore a pair of shiny black boots to complete his outfit. Every garment on his person looked about ready to tear into pieces.

‘Merely trying to emulate you, Lady von Grünberg.’ He replied, sarcastically, as Ursula threw back the hood that had been covering her head to reveal the face of a goblin woman framed by locks of luxurious black hair.

‘Humpfh! I was the Matriarch of the Grünberg Tribe before I added my strenght to Turesh, you are but a slaver, Durgrush. Far removed from nobility…’ Ursula lectured the orc while she crossed her arms underneath her chest.

‘And yet,’ Durgrush said with a grin that showed off his tusks. ‘You require my services.’

‘Yes, yes,’ Ursula muttered, waving a slim, graceful green hand at the orc in annoyance. As if it would make the words disappear. ‘Just show me what you promised me.

‘My pleasure.’ Durgrush replied, as he led the goblin up a set of stairs.

‘Here we are,’ Durgrush said as they stopped before a door that was outfitted with several locks. ‘Are you alright, Lady von Grünberg?’ He added with a sly smile as he watched the Goblin noblewoman hunched over with her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath.

‘I am merely…not used…to a home…designed for…tall folk…’ Ursula managed to say between gasps for air.

‘Perhaps my lady should come here without a palanquin more often,’ Durgrush joked. ‘Some exercise would do your body good.’

Ursula shot him an impressive glare, but if the orc saw it he ignored it. Instead, he took a ring of keys from his belt and began unlocking the several locks on the door before them. After a few seconds, the door creaked open and Durgrush signaled for Ursula to go inside. The Goblin was still glaring at the orc as she stepped inside, her attention quickly shifted to the room’s sole occupant, however.

Lying spread-eagled on a big, opulent bed was a figure. Manacles were clasped around their slender wrists and ankles, which were connected to the bedposts. When she stepped closer, Ursula saw it was what Durgrush had promised her... An Elf! White, messy hair that fell to about their neck framed a youthful, androgynous face and contrasted beautifully with their dusky brown skin. With those big, scared looking amber eyes, small cute nose and puffy, soft lips Ursula almost thought she was looking at a girl! Until she glanced down… 

If this Elf was female, their chest was slender and completely flat. Their nipples were rather large, though, and kept erect by a pair of silver barbell piercings. Black, swirling tattoos decorated the Elf’s pectoral muscles and similar tattoos could be seen on their flat stomach and on their arms. Accentuating what little muscle the Elf had. Ursula knew by now that this was probably a male Elf, but what made her completely certain was the large tube of meat flopped over one of their shapely thighs. It was completely soft, and already nearly as long as her forearm.

‘I-I shall take him!’ Ursula squeaked, the sight of the pretty Elf’s monstrous cock made her squeeze her thick green thighs together as her pussy twitched with need. ‘Here, this was the price we agreed on, was it now?’ The Goblin rambled as she pulled a pouch of gold from her robes.

‘Not so fast, my lady,’ Durgrush rumbled in his deep voice, a predatory smile appearing on his face as he weighed the pouch in his large hand. ‘This here isn’t no regular Elf,’ He said as he made his way over to one of the dressers in the bedroom. ‘This one here,’ he said theatrically as he produced a black, jagged circlet from one of the drawers. ‘Is royalty!’ And with that, he none-too gently placed the circlet on the Elf’s head.

‘What…what does that mean?’ Ursula said.

‘Means the price has gone up,’ Durgrush said with a wicked grin. ‘This right here? Will only buy you a few hours with him at best.’ He added with a smirk as he jingled the coin pouch.

‘That is preposterous!’ Ursula shrieked, and the Elf Prince shrinked back into the large bad.

‘Lost a lot of men capturing this lad,’ Durgrush explained with a shrug. ‘Need to make the money back somehow.’

‘I-’ Ursula began.

‘Look, do you want to have some fun with the boy or not?’ Durgrush asked with a cocked eyebrow. ‘If not, bugger off. I got other interested parties.’ He added with an annoyed wave of his hand, his mask of politeness and faux-nobility now completely shattered.

‘How dare you!’ Ursula growled as she glared at Durgrush, only to shrink back when the orc met her glare with one of his own.

Ursula thought for a few moments as she looked from Durgrush to the Elf Prince lying on the bed. Then to the pouch of gold Durgrush was holding in his hand. With a sigh and a slump of her shoulders she returned her full attention to the orc.

‘Fine, you can have your money, you parasite!’ Ursula snarled. ‘Now get out of here!’

‘It would be a pleasure, my lady.’ Durgrush replied sweetly, before making his way out of the bedroom.

Ursula waited for a few moments as she listened to the orc’s heavy footfalls disappearing into the distance and began to remove her robes. The Elf Prince said something in his language that the Goblin couldn’t understand, so she simply grunted non-commitally. In fact, Ursula didn’t pay any attention to the Elf at all. At least not until she had finished removing her bulky robes, when that was done she turned towards the Prince with her hands on her broad green hips.

‘Well, what do you think?’ Ursula asked, though she doubted that he could understand her. ‘Is my body not far better than that of those skinny Elf maidens?’

Underneath her bulky robes Ursula had been wearing a small white nightie made of spider silk, or perhaps it had been made to fit a Goblin just not one as blessed as Ursula. Her breasts were nearly the size of the Elf’s head and looked absolutely enormous on the Goblin’s frame. They sagged slightly, but not nearly as much as one would expect from a pair of globes that looked so huge and heavy. Due to their sheer size, the nightie just sort of hung over her small waist, casting it and her stomach in shadow.

‘Oho?’ Ursula cooed as she watched the Elf’s huge, meaty prick. ‘So you like these, do you not?’ She questioned as she pinched her nipples through the fabric of her nightie while she hefted her huge breasts up.

The Prince muttered something in Elven and turned away from Ursula in embarrassment, his cheeks darkening. Yet, his cock continued to stir. Ursula only smiled in amusement as she tugged a stray lock of her inky black hair behind one of her large, bat-like ears. If she had more time, she would’ve liked to show off more. Instead, Ursula kicked off her filthy boots to reveal how her thick, shapely legs were encased in white stockings that went up past her knees, before she crawled into bed with the Elf.

‘So, you like my breasts, do you?’ Ursula cooed as she squeezed her heavy jugs against one of the Elf’s slender legs. ‘I suppose no males can resist a Goblin matriarch!’ She boasted proudly as she crawled closer to his crotch, keeping her chest firmly pressed against the Prince’s leg the whole time.

Only when her face was were mere inches removed from the Elf’s full, bulging sack and hardening cock did Ursula pull away from the young man’s leg. The Goblin went from crawling all over one of the Elf’s limbs to kneeling between his spread legs and hefted her huge bust high. The enormous green orbs threatened to spill out of the Goblin’s small hands, but before they could Ursula shoved them down over the Elf’s stiffening prick.

‘Oho?’ Ursula cooed as her nightie was lifted up far enough to reveal her hard, dark green nipples. As stacked as she was, it appeared the Elf’s dick was far too large to be contained by even her cavernous as its tip made a prominent, damp, bulge as it threatened to tear right through her nightie.

‘So big and still growing?’ Ursula muttered, and she couldn’t quite keep the awe out of her voice as she watched how her nightie grew see-through as the Elf’s monstercock leaked more precum. ‘Well, I can see why Durgrush wanted more gold for you,’ the Goblin mused. ‘But do not tell him I said that.’ She added, despite the fact that the Elf didn’t seem to understand her.

Slowly, almost torturously so, Ursula began to slide her massive jugs up and down, squeezing fat, sticky ropes of precum from the Prince’s monstercock in the process. In practically no time at all, the Goblin’s nightie was so soaked with the Elf’s pearly prejizz that it was now completely see-through. With how lubricated her tits currently were giving the Elf a titfuck should be easy. Should be. Unfortunately, due to how large his pole had become, Ursula couldn’t push her body too low without the Elf’s cock threatening to tear through her nightie.

‘Forget this!’ Ursula eventually hissed as she, with some effort, pulled the Elf Prince’s monstercock from her cleavage.

The meaty shaft flopped down on the Elf’s slender, tattooed torso with a meaty *THWACK* now that it was no longer being contained by the Goblin’s cleavage. Ursula licked her plump, dark lips as she realized that the crown of that monstercock nearly reached the Elf’s own chest. She didn’t pause to admire this for long, however. Instead, Ursula began the arduous task of peeling the pre-soaked nightie off of her huge bust.

‘I hope this does not stain…’ Ursula moaned as she held the soaked garment up for inspection, although she was fairly certain that it was a lost cause as she tossed it aside.

With that, Ursula pressed her chest down on the Elf’s stomach, trapping his monstercock between her cleavage and his upper body. The Goblin then slid her body forward, squeezing another dollop of precum from the Elf’s chest in the process. But instead of moving back and forth to continue her titfuck, Ursula simply continued moving forward until only his cockhead peeked out from between her breasts.

‘Now, seems like I managed to get you all ready…’ Ursula teased as a puddle of precum had formed on the Elf’s own chest. ‘...I think now is the time to return the favour.’

With that said, she grabbed the Elf Prince’s slender shoulders and pushed herself up. Ropes of precum connecting her body to that of the Prince’s extended between the two and snapped, making a mess of both the Elf and the bed below him. Ursula ignored it, however. Instead, she sat on the young man’s chest, his huge cock prodding against her thick asscheeks, and grabbed his messy white hair.

‘Now, get to work!’ Ursula growled as she pulled his face between her thick thighs. Some muffled words of protest hit the Goblin noblewoman’s bat-like ears but she did not allow the Elf to come back up. Finally, he seemed to get the hint and Ursula felt his tongue on her drenched muff.

‘That is it, keep that up.’ Ursula sighed as the Elf cautiously licked her pussy.

Meanwhile, she could feel the heat coming off his cock as it continued to poke against her fat assglobes. Even though the Prince resisted her somewhat, his erection hadn’t waned in the least. Whether he enjoyed himself or not didn’t really matter to Ursula, she wanted to get what she paid for and his clumsy tongue-work wasn’t really doing it for her. So, with a growl she grabbed his hair a little stronger and pushed her hips forward.

‘Come on, really put that tongue to work!’ Ursula growled as she ground her cunt against the pretty Elf’s face.

In seconds, the Elf Prince’s tongue lapping at the Goblin’s cunt grew more frantic. It only paused occasionally as the Elf tried to gasp for breath or spoke in his strange tongue. Ursula didn’t understand the words, but she was certain her was begging for air. Obviously, the Goblin noblewoman didn’t give in to his demands. Not when she was so close to climaxing…

After a few minutes of this, the Elf’s muffled protests grew louder and were accompanied by the creaking of the bedposts as he tried, in vain, to free himself. Still Ursula didn’t get up, she simply continued grinding her pussy against his face. Finally, just when the Elf Prince’s struggling started to weaken, Ursula felt a hot, familiar stirring in the pit of her stomach. With a loud, primal scream unbefitting of a woman of her stature…Ursula came.

‘A-Apologies for that…’ Ursula gasped as she crawled off of the Elf’s soaked face, though he only responded by gasping for air. ‘Fortunately, I think we are both ready now.’ She added lustfully as she grabbed the Elf’s massive erection, moaning softly when she realized she couldn’t fit her hand completely around its girth.

The Elf, of course, only looked at her in confusion as he tried to get his breath back. He would quickly understand what Ursula meant, however, as she stood up to her full height and approached his huge erection. She then turned to face him with a smirk and attempted to align his girthy cockhead with her drenched, twitching cunt but found that she had sunken too far into the mattress to make it work properly. Only when she got up on her tippy toes did she manage to slide the tip into her wet, twitching depths.

‘It…It has been a while since I had one this big…’ Ursula confessed as she saw spots appearing in her field of vision.

The Prince could only respond with moans as he tried, in vain, to raise his hips. Luckily for him, Ursula was going to give him exactly what he wanted. While grunting in an unlady-like fashion she forced her body down further and further, taking inch after fat, veiny inch of Elf cock in the process. She watched the young Elf’s eyes widen as her stomach started to bulge out further and further, showing a perfect outline of his monstrous shaft.

‘Surprised?’ Ursula asked smugly while stroking the bulge the Elf’s shaft had created. ‘What kind of matriarch would I be if I could not even take something this big?’ She added, just as smugly. Though beads of sweat had appeared on her forehead as she continued to push her body down.

‘There!’ Ursula sighed as her big, round buttocks slapped against the Elf Prince’s legs. ‘All gone! And look, it appears as if we can still finish that titfuck!’ She mused when she noticed how the bulge his member made had pried her tits apart.

When she glanced at the Elf, she noticed how his eyes had rolled into the back of his head. His whole body trembled slightly, but it didn’t amount to much due to his wrists and ankles still being manacled to the bedposts. Clearly, this was his first experience with Goblin pussy and it was all getting to be a little too much for him.

‘I think we shall save that for another time, then.’ Ursula said with a smile as she began to pull herself up… 

Only to slam down onto the Elf’s entire length again immediately when a lance of precum slammed into the back of her womb. This time, Ursula’s eyes rolled into the back of her head and it was her turn to tremble in pleasure. The Goblin noblewoman recovered faster than the Prince did, though, and she tried pulling her body back up a second time. This time, she was somewhat more successful but still decided to slam her body down on the Elf’s monstrous shaft after she managed to pull a few inches out of her soaked, clenching cunny.

She repeated this course of action again, and again, and again. The room was filled by the meaty slapping sounds that came from her asscheeks smacking against the Prince’s legs or the jiggling of her huge tits. This was usually accompanied by screams and moans of pleasure from both herself and the Elf. No doubt Durgrush could hear her enjoying herself, but she couldn’t care less at the moment. Then, suddenly, the Elf started to scream and protest again.

‘What is it now?’ Ursula muttered, not bothering to hide her annoyance.

Her question was answered when she suddenly felt an unimaginable heat fill her pussy. Ursula’s eyes threatened to pop out of her skull as she watched her already bulging stomach swell further and further as the Elf’s thick, sticky cum filled her up. A part of Ursula, the part that played at being a noblewoman was upset that the Prince hadn’t been more clear with his warning. While another, less civilized, part of her was ecstatic about being filled with so much spunk. Clearly, of the two, that part won as Ursula squealed happily as an orgasm hit her like a thunderbolt and her vision went black… 

When she came back to her senses, Ursula had been filled with so much cream that she had a gut that practically obscured the Elf’s stomach. Ursula nearly came again just from the sight of it! Without a word, Ursula cradled her swollen belly lovingly…and began to move again. Thick, sticky jizz spilled from her packed pussy with every movement. But Ursula didn’t care, she was about to get more…

It was a long time before Durgrush came back to inform Ursula that her time was up. He had to get two other men to pry her bloated, cum-leaking form off of the Elf as she was both too full and too exhausted to move on her own. Ursula returned home and the von Grünberg house was blessed with a few extra “subjects” a few weeks later, while Durgrush had to use most of the gold Ursula had given him to clean up the room after the Goblin and his slave had their little tryst.

As for the Elf Prince? Perhaps that’s a story for another time… 



  1. Story came out great! Only thing i'd say was a bit lacking was the fact that the Elf prince was chained down the whole time, i'd say at least one scene with him doing a Mating press on Grunberg could have really tied things together. But great work overall! also kind of think the prince's situation is kinda ironic considering what Eigaka has said his story is in some streams. Cause basically his mother, the Elf queen made him have a day job as a prostitute because he was so damn horny. Still shy but horny. And the dude was charging about 6 gold for a whole day too. This boi costed less as a prostitute than he did as slave, i dunno just think it's funny.

    1. When asking Eigaka on info for the Elf Prince, he mentioned he was still working on Lore. So I didn't know any of that, which is why I left him to be passive.
