Thursday 3 January 2019

The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 12: Leaving Dollokin

After spending a long time in Dollokin, Rickard gets called in to meet the head of the Dollokin Merchant's Guild. Fortunately for him, she has a plan to get him to Iros Isles together with his companions.

Contains: M/F, dwarf, shortstack, huge cock, big balls, blowjob, titfuck, big ass, excessive cum.

You can find the other chapters HERE


The 18 Inch Curse - Chapter 12: Leaving Dollokin

Rickard wasn’t sure how much time had passed since they had gotten the blueprints needed to create Golems from Benzal’s workshop. Because despite the artificial light in Dollokin, days still had a tendency to bleed together for him. After getting used to the idea of having the full weight of a mountain above him, Rickard actually kind of started to enjoy his time in the dwarven city. Of course, it helped that he, together with Kess, Ciara and the Dollokin Hunter Guild were seen as heroes after recovering those blueprints. Staying at the local inn for free was just one of the perks.

Still, Rickard was once again stuck on “what would happen next”.

There were the far reaching consequences for the Dollokin dwarves. Like, what would they do now that they could construct Golems again? Adding to that were the man-sized Golems they had fought in Benzal’s workshop, ones that had clearly been constructed to fight. Should the Dollokin dwarves ever wish to wage war on other dwarven clans, or even the world above, they would have a clear advantage.

But mostly, he had been wondering what he would do next. Even if the other roads were cleared of debris and fixed so he and his group could pass through to the other side of the mountain…what would they find there? Most of the money they had made after Kess had “found” treasure belonging to the Hoten priesthood and sold it had been used to purchase a donkey pulled wagon, and a horse for Kess. The rest had been used on provisions and rooms at Greystone’s Inn. So if there was a port town, he had doubts that they had the coin to book passage on a ship.

‘What are you thinking about?’ A familiar voice asked from Rickard’s left, and in his half-awake state the young man finally became aware of a warm weight pressed into his left side.

Lying next to him was Brynn. Ever since the day they had travelled to Benzal’s workshop together the dwarf woman had been obsessed with Rickard’s cursed cock. Even now as she had her large, shapely chest pushed into the young man’s side one of her hands was grasping his fat, heavy shaft. Despite the fact that she had shared his bed every now and again the last few days, the dwarf had never managed to fit more than a few inches of his monstrous shaft in her pussy.

‘Just thinking about what to do next.’ Rickard murmured lazily, doing his best to ignore the pleasant sensation that came from his crotch as Brynn continued to rub it.

‘Hm…’ Brynn mused thoughtfully as she continued to tease Rickard’s fat, monstrous slab of cockmeat. ‘Oria did mention that she wished to speak to you about an “opportunity” a few days ago.’

Rickard recalled a richly dressed gnome with golden pins keeping her pale blonde hair together in a business-like bun. A sizeable bust for such a small woman was pushed upwards and a golden necklace with a sapphire amulet disappeared in her cleavage. That mental image together with Brynn’s teasing hands caused his shaft to slowly swell up.

‘Why didn’t you inform me sooner?’ Rickard asked.

‘Because I’d have less time to play with you, of course!’ Brynn replied, eying the way in which the huge, vein-ridged pole continued to rise in her grip. ‘I know you should probably go and see her. But don’t you think she can wait a little longer?’ Brynn asked, batting her eyelashes at the young man.

‘Sure, it’s not like I can put my pants on properly when I’m like this, anyway.’ Rickard replied while nodding at his erection.

‘You know,’ Brynn began as she crawled on top of Rickard and faced towards his towering monstercock. ‘It wouldn’t hurt if you were a bit more honest with yourself.’

‘Whatever are you talking about?’ Rickard replied drily, his eyes glued on the dwarf’s thick, bulging glutes. Her small, strong hands holding onto the human’s huge cock as she got comfortable.

Brynn glanced over one of her broad shoulders just to roll her big blue eyes at Rickard before slowly moving her hands from the middle of the young man’s eighteen inch cock towards the angry purple tip. As her hands got closer a fat wad of precum had slid from the widened piss slit, eventually running down the monstrous, veiny pole to coat Brynn’s nimble fingers. The dwarf seemed pleased with the lubrication as her hands quickly reached the tip of Rickard’s shaft. She teased the sensitive crown for a moment, gathering more prejizz in her hands, and then quickly slid her hands all the way down to the base of Rickard’s shaft.

Brynn managed to slide her hands even lower, however. Instead of holding on to the base of the young man’s monstercock she cupped his bulging sack. Though her small hands couldn’t hope to grasp the huge gonads, they were still nearly the size of a pair of oranges after his encounter with Violet the succubus, and easily spilled from Brynn’s grip. Not that she let that stop her. Rickard groaned as Brynn’s eager fingers massaged his leathery sack, causing more precum to leak from his cocktip.

‘I suppose we shouldn’t keep Oria waiting for too long, should we?’ Brynn teased while sticking out her tongue and slowly licking her way up the mammoth member, before sucking the fat, pre-leaking crown into her mouth.

‘I think that ship has sailed, considering how you only told me about this meeting a few minutes ago.’ Rickard replied drily. Not that he complained as Brynn ignored him and continued to suck on his cockhead, her cheeks bulging and drool running from the corners of her mouth.

Brynn knew better than to deepthroat the monster between Rickard’s legs. Instead, she kept one hand on the young man’s balls and gently massaged one of the large testicles. With her free hand, she pushed the massive pole close to her body and rubbed her soft chest against a portion of the slick, throbbing monstercock. Rickard simply laid back and watched the Brynn’s fat, bulging buttocks jiggle as she slid her small, muscular form up and down. All the while drool and precum continued to leak from her mouth, lubricating the huge, veiny shaft with it. Because of this she managed to move her body even faster!

The combination of Brynn’s warm, wet mouth sucking on his cockhead, her hand massaging his balls and her chest rubbing against his huge, erect cock while her buttcheeks jiggled before his eyes soon became too much to bear for Rickard. The fact that he had just woken up certainly didn’t help in fighting back against the approaching orgasm. He felt his swollen balls throb against his thighs and Brynn’s hand. He opened his mouth to warn the dwarf, but it was too late. He couldn’t see her face, but he imagined Brynn’s big blue eyes widening as thick jets of white semen with the consistency of molasses shot from his cumslit.

From his current position he could hear the dwarf gag combined with the wet sound of jizz spilling from Brynn’s nostrils and the corners of her mouth. He saw the dwarf’s small, muscular form trembling as she tried to swallow as much as she could of Rickard’s prodigious load. Tried, and failed. Rivulets of thick, white spooge were running down the young man’s monstercock and still managed to cover Brynn’s chest and the hand steadying his huge, cum-spewing dick. It looked as if Byrnn had just received one impressive facial, despite the fact that Rickard had just shot most of his cum down the dwarf’s throat.

With a loud popping sound Brynn pulled her lips off of Rickard’s cockhead. Even as she turned her head long, sticky threads of cum connected her full lips to the young man’s massive cock. Certain that she had the human’s attention, the dwarf swallowed hard so Rickard would see the large bulge travel down her throat. Then she hopped off the bed they shared with a mischievous grin, causing the ropes of jizz attaching her face to his pole to finally snap. She then collected her clothing and she threw open the door.

‘Innkeeper! A bath, please!’ She yelled downstairs.

And with that, she left the room. Mischievous grin still plastered on her face along with Rickard’s load of jizz.

The door opened again a few moments later and Ciara stepped in wearing her black priestess garb. Despite having seen Rickard naked before, and even sharing his bed on a few occasions, she still blushed and turned away when she noticed Rickard sitting in bed and his half-erect, cumslick prick on display.

‘I-I came to see what Brynn was yelling about. But I see she succeeded in waking you up.’ She said awkwardly.

‘She certainly did that…’ Rickard replied with a wry smile as he got out of bed and quickly pulled on a pair of trousers. ‘She also informed me that Oria wanted to speak to us about an opportunity, so I think I will do just that today!’ He then said very quickly as he finished putting on his clothes and pushed past the blushing priestess.

* * * *

Rickard had managed to be quite familiar with the city of Dollokin, even though these last few days new roads and buildings seemed to spring up like mushrooms. There were also more Golems wandering around then when Rickard and his party first set foot in the city, clearly new. Obviously, the dwarves and gnomes in the Crafting Guild were hard at work. Even now as he made his way to the Merchant’s Guild there was the clanging of hammers hitting metal, the stench of smoke and oil all while dwarves and gnomes from the Crafter’s Guild rushed back and forth while carrying handfuls of tools. Making repairs to whatever they could find and possibly aiding in the construction of new Golems.

When Rickard finally managed to push himself through the constant stream of bodies, he found himself before the Guildhall of the Merchant’s Guild. It was obvious at first glance that it was a lot more fanciful than the Guildhall of the Hunter’s Guild. It wasn’t as grand or beautiful as the building where Rickard, Kess and Ciara had met with the entire council, but there were still some carvings that decorated the outside. More obviously, it wasn’t as blocky and squat as the Guildhall of the Hunter’s Guild and it was probably intended to be used by other races aside from dwarves and gnomes.

The inside was fancy, but not over the top. A bare marble floor, polished enough for Rickard to see his reflection, greeted him along with a dwarven woman in a dark red dress with gold scales embroidered on the left side of her chest. She sat behind a stone desk and looked up from some paperwork when the young man stepped inside. On the walls to her left and right hung old banners with images on it that Rickard didn’t recognize. Trading partners, perhaps?

‘Sir, can I help you?’ The dwarven woman asked as Rickard observed his surroundings.

‘Oh, right. I was informed Lady Oria was looking for me?’

She stared at Rickard with narrowed eyes for a few seconds, but they quickly widened as she seemed to recognize him. With a nod she got up from behind the desk and approached him.

‘Please follow me, sir. I will show you to her office.’ She said, and nodded towards one of the hallways before leading the way.

Rickard obviously did as was asked of him and followed her. They entered the hallway, ascended a staircase to their left, after which they turned right and walked to the end of another hallway. At the end of said hallway was a set of impressive double doors. On which the dwarven woman who had let him here quickly knocked.

‘Come in!’ A voice said from the other side.

The dwarven woman opened the door a few inches and said: ‘Rickard is here to see you, ma’am.’

‘Please send him in.’ Came the response.

The dwarven woman opened the door a little wider and nodded in the human’s direction. Rickard stepped into the office and the door was closed behind him. It was…smaller than he had expected. Of course, everything had obviously been built to accommodate the occupants size. And said occupant was currently sizing him up with a stare.

Oria was just as Rickard remembered her. Pale blonde hair in a bun which was held in place with golden pins, a sharp, angular face that still somehow managed to be cute. And a pair of breasts that were rather large for a gnome. This time she had exchanged her blue dress for one of white and gold. Like her blue one, this dress showed off quite a deal of cleavage. Although said cleavage was unfortunately not decorated with any necklace this time.

‘I am glad you decided to take me up on my offer to meet, sir. I almost feared you would leave without discussing this business opportunity with me.’ Oria said as she got up from her chair and approached to shake Rickard’s hand.

‘I’m afraid I only heard about it today. Brynn had, eh, “neglected” to tell me until about an hour ago.’ Rickard explained as he bent down awkwardly to shake the small woman’s hand. ‘And what is this business opportunity you wished to discuss?’

‘I see, perhaps it was unwise of me to send someone of the Hunter’s Guild to inform you instead of a member of my own Guild. I simply thought you would be more open to meeting me if someone you knew asked for it.’ Oria mused. ‘In any case, follow me so we might discuss my plans.’

With that, the gnome led Rickard to the corner of her office were he found a table surrounded by chairs of several sizes. Oria told him to take a seat, which he did, while she collected some papers from a nearby cabinet. Obviously, she had been prepared for this discussion. Everything was laid out on the table and Oria took a seat next to Rickard while holding up a parchment decorated with a faded crest.

‘Are you familiar with “The Blue Moon Merchant Company”?’ She asked, pointing towards the crest that showed a pale blue crescent moon perched between a black sky and a dark blue sea.

The next few moments Oria explained how, in the past, “The Blue Moon Merchant Company” was responsible for shipping and selling the goods of Dollokin to the Iros Isles. The Dollokin Dwarves received a percentage of the sales in return. It was apparently a fairly good deal too. Not a lot of people could boast about selling genuine dwarven steel or whisky, after all. Their headquarters were also located on the Iros Isles and Oria claimed she had already sent them a message. At this point, Rickard stopped her.

‘Wait, wait, how did you do that?’

‘The Crafter’s Guild and their new golems have managed to clear a passage leading out towards the other side of the mountain. The Council made it a priority, considering how your group risked your life to get us the blueprints.’ Oria explained.

‘Yet another thing Brynn neglected to tell me…’ Rickard grumbled.

‘We haven’t received a reply yet,’ Oria continued. ‘But the idea is that we’d sent them a sample of our goods. Just a single wagon. And if they are satisfied with it, we can write up another contract like the one we had years ago.’

‘So, I guess this is where we come in?’ Rickard asked, perking up when the gnome mentioned a wagon.

‘Indeed, you and your group will head to Saltline Bay. Your wagon loaded with dwarven goods and a representative of ours to meet with the heads of “The Blue Moon Merchant Company”.’ Oria explained.

‘Who will our representative be?’ Rickard asked.

* * * *

‘I can’t believe you’re going to be our representative…’ Rickard sighed.

‘Well, Oria felt it would be best to send someone along who you could trust.’ Brynn, the current representative of the Dollokin dwarves, replied with a cheeky smile. Hands on her broad hips.

After Rickard returned to the inn, the innkeeper passed along that his companions had been called to the palace where “The United Council of Dwarven and Gnomish People” met by the head of the Merchant’s Guild. Oria worked fast, apparently. After gathering his things and heading over there he found Kess helping several of the dwarves load goods into their wagon which was now parked before the palace. Yes, Oria worked fast indeed…

While he had been gawking at the dwarves, and mostly Kess, carrying casks and boxes towards the wagon someone cleared their throat behind him. Glancing over his shoulder he found Brynn wearing new leather armour, pitch black, decorated with metal studs and just as tight as before. Her chest was decorated with Dollokin’s crest, a red and yellow shield with a rune in the centre. It took Rickard a little longer than he cared to admit before he realized she was to be the representative traveling with them.

‘Someone we could trust? It took you days before you told me to meet with Oria!’ He snapped as their wagon jostled back and forth on the recently repaired road to the other exit of the mountain.

‘You’d think she’d learned from her mistake when she used you to invite me to a meeting with Oria…’ Rickard muttered to himself as the wagon jostled back and forth on the recently repaired road.

‘Oh, now don’t pretend like you didn’t enjoy the time we all spent together these last few days, waiting for news on what would happen next.’ Brynn teased.

‘Except you already had news!’ Rickard grumbled

‘I know I did!’ Kess called from behind them, sat on her large black stallion and completely ignoring Rickard’s reply. ‘I managed to make some new friends and get myself a new toy.’ She added, slapping the hilt of her new axe.

Although the battle-axe she had grabbed when facing one of the smaller tentacle monsters underneath Yull had served her well, Kess had apparently been due for an upgrade. The metal shone in the low, green light that came from the lanterns decorating the cavern walls and was engraved with snowflakes and runes that Rickard didn’t recognize. He knew they weren’t dwarven, at least. A memory of home, perhaps? Fresh leather decorated the handle, instead of brown or black it had been dyed yellow and matched Kess’ hair and eyes.

‘I certainly didn’t mind spending more time with the dwarves.’ Ciara shared from next to Rickard. ‘We were the first humans to meet with them in years and learning more about their culture was fascinating.’

Ciara shared happily. The embarrassment and awkwardness from this morning already a distant memory. Perhaps not so strange after the events of the last few weeks that she had spent with Rickard, who seemed to stumble from one lewd event into another.

‘Ah…now, if I manage to please the folks from this “Blue Moon Company” or whatever the Dollokin clan will do very well!’ Brynn said with a grin from Rickard’s other side. ‘There is the gate.’ She suddenly piped up, pointing towards a smaller, newer set of metal door ahead of them.

The men guarding the door saw the group coming and pulled a key that hung from their neck, much like Brynn had done when they first met her, and opened the doors. With a nod in their direction Rickard, Ciara, Kess and Brynn passed through the opened doors and into the sunlight…

To be continued…

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